Author Topic: Eberron  (Read 34590 times)


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« on: January 18, 2012, 02:43:59 AM »
I figure since most people don't know about Eberron and don't even have a clue where to begin I think that I should write something about it. I will mostly be copying the Campaign Setting book.

This came from Eberron Wiki
Last War

The Last War was a conflict raging between Aundair, Breland, Cyre, Thrane, and Karrnath. Its purpose was to reunite the Kingdom of Galifar after the succession conflict that occurred upon the death of King Jarot. The conflict lasted over a century and ended with the signing of the Treaty of Thronehold in 996 YK.
Backstory Edit

As King Jarot of Galifar approached old age, questions about the succession of his throne ran rampant. Although by tradition, his eldest scion, Princess Mishann of Cyre was to claim the throne, others doubted her ability to rule. Prince Thalin of Thrane felt he was far more fit to rule instead. However, on the king's deathbed in 894 YK, he gave Mishann his blessings and bade Prince Wrogar of Aundair to honor his decision.

At the funeral shortly thereafter, Mishann discussed the details of her coronation with her siblings, but they held a deaf ear to her words. Indeed, they personally threatened to send their soldiers to Thronehold to prevent any such action. Only her brother Wrogar remained allied to Cyre, since he was bound by honor. Later in the year 894 YK hostilities commenced. Alliances were formed, shifted, and were broken over the course of the war. Virtually no part of the continent was unaffected.

The Treaty of Thronehold was signed in 996 YK, two years after the Day of Mourning destroyed Cyre. The treaty effectively put an end to the conflict while at the same time recognizing twelve of the fifteen new nations that had come into existence during the Last War. Although the signatories abide by the treaty, many feel that the current peace will only give way to more warfare. Until one nation defeats the others and claims the throne of the ancient Kingdom of Galifar, many believe there will never be a true and lasting peace.

The Last War seems to be partially based on the Hundred Years' War, including in its origin as a war of succession denying a female heir, introduction of new military technology, and duration of around a hundred years; and the First World War in its new technology and inconclusive outcome.


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Re: Eberron
« Reply #1 on: January 18, 2012, 02:48:48 AM »


Khorvaire is the primary continent of the world of Eberron. Most of the published material for the Eberron campaign setting concerns Khorvaire and its residents.


Khorvaire is found in Eberron's northern hemisphere. It is bounded by the Bitter Sea to the north, the Lhazaar Sea to the east, the Barren Sea to the west and the Thunder Sea to the south.

The landscape of Khorvaire varies greatly, from wastelands and forbidding mountains in the north to deserts and jungles in the south, with everything in between.
Nations and RegionsEdit

Khorvaire is a large continent with many nations and autonomous regions. The borders of many of these areas are disputed, despite having been determined in the Treaty of Thronehold.


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Re: Eberron
« Reply #2 on: January 18, 2012, 02:51:44 AM »
Races and Cultures

Many races make Khorvaire their home. The continent's largest cities are melting pots of many different species and cultures.


Humans are actually not native to Khorvaire, having emigrated from the continent of Sarlona thousands of years ago. However, since then they have come to dominate the continent, both in numbers and power. Humans founded the Five Nations, and most of them still live in those areas. The largest human populations are in Aundair, Breland, Karrnath, the Lhazaar Principalities, and Thrane.

The Kingdom of Galifar spread across the areas now known as Aundair, Breland, Karrnath, Cyre/Mournland, and Thrane collectively known today as the Five Nations. The breakdown of the Kingdom of Galifar was in fact what started the Last War.


Dwarves are native to the Mror Holds. The largest dwarven settlements are there, but they can be found throughout the continent. Strong familial and clan ties are the core of Dwarf society. Aside from being expert craftsmen and artisians, dwarves are also the financial experts of Khorvaire, using the wealth of their mines as collateral for a successful banking system as administered by House Kundarak. The dwarves of Khorvaire have mastered the art of corporate warfare and use it far more than bloodshed to meet their goals.
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Elves are not native to Khorvaire, either. There are three distinct cultural groups of elves that can be found on Khorvaire:

    The Aerenal elves come from the island subcontinent of the same name. There are no large settlements of Aerenal elves in Khorvaire, but they can be found in nearly every major city.
    The Valenar elves, or Tairnadal, have their home in the nation of Valenar. Valenar used to be a part of Cyre, but it was conquered by elven mercenaries during the Last War.
    The members of the elven Dragonmarked Houses (Phiarlan and Thuranni) can be found throughout the continent, especially in cities that have Phiarlan or Thuranni enclaves.


Gnomes are native to Zilargo, and can be found throughout the continent. While typically friendly and charming, gnomes are also prone to engaging in deception and enjoy 'games' of intrigue. The scale of these games can be great or small, from discovering gossip about a fellow townsman to trafficking in state secrets. However, the other races tend to underestimate gnomes with their friendly ways and small stature. Above all, gnomes are an extremely social folk who work hard to keep their families and society intact. To that end, the gnomish House Sivis works in diplomacy and communications, helping to keep the greater society of Khorvaire intact. From the smallest family and circle of friends to national treaties and major corporate contracts, House Sivis members work very hard to keep the continent connected.
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Goblins, hobgoblins, and bugbears once ruled most of Khorvaire, before human settlement. Though only ruins remain of most of their empire, some are attempting to rebuild it in Darguun. Much like Valenar, Darguun was once part of Cyre, before it was captured by hobgoblin mercenaries in the Last War. Many goblinoids can also be found in the nation of Droaam. Goblins exist as an impoverished underclass in many human cities. Also, hobgoblins and bugbears employed as mercenaries by House Deneith are common in conflict across the continent.

Half-Elves (Khoravar)

Half-elves are common in Khorvaire as a distinct race, called the Khoravar. Most are descendents of elves who came to the continent with the elven Dragonmarked Houses. Many Khoravar are associated with the half-elven Houses, Medani and Lyrandar. Due to their association with House Lyrandar, Khoravar can be found nearly everywhere in Khorvaire.

Half-elves who are the children of human/elf couples are far less common, but they can be found in places with large human and elven populations.


Halflings are native to the Talenta Plains. The halflings that live there have a very traditional, nomadic, tribal lifestyle. Halflings who have migrated to large cities tend to be more cosmopolitan and human-like culturally.

Orcs and Half-Orcs

Orcs and their progeny, the half-orcs, have inhabited the western part of Khorvaire for millennia. They can be found throughout the regions there, primarily in the Shadow Marches, the Demon Wastes, and Droaam.


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Re: Eberron
« Reply #3 on: January 18, 2012, 02:53:35 AM »
The Dragonmarked Houses

Dragonmarked Houses are extended families of a single race whose members sometimes manifest dragonmarks. They often have a near-monopoly on certain kinds of businesses and are considered neutral in any affairs between the nations of Khorvaire.

The following Dragonmarked Houses exist:

    House Cannith
    House Deneith
    House Ghallanda
    House Jorasco
    House Kundarak
    House Lyrandar
    House Medani
    House Orien
    House Phiarlan
    House Sivis
    House Tharashk
    House Thuranni
    House Vadalis

There used to be an additional House - House Vol - but it was destroyed twenty-six hundred years ago. In addition, House Tarkanan is a dragonmarked house to which people with aberrant dragonmarks belong, though it is not acknowledged by the other dragonmarked houses.


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Re: Eberron
« Reply #4 on: January 19, 2012, 05:47:12 AM »
House Cannith

House Cannith is a human dragonmarked house throughout Khorvaire, although they once were strongly based on Cyre. The artificers and magewrights of House Cannith are responsible for most of the magical innovations of the past millennia. House Cannith made a profit from the Last War by selling arms and warforged soldiers. The house was based in Cyre but because of the Day of Mourning the barons of the house are struggling to take control of the house.

House Cannith uses magical research and invention to remain prosperous. Spellcasters are held in high regard. They use wizards to research magic for new ideas. Their Artificers use these ideas to create the items and their Sorcerers represent the house to the world by obtaining people and things needed by the house. House Cannith tries to obtain any magic resource that can help them create new things to sell.

House Cannith possesses the Mark of Making. This mark grants various magical benefits that allow its bearers to make various items, giving Cannith a advantage in the manufacturing arena.

House Cannith runs the Tinkers Guild and the Fabricators Guild. The Tinkers Guild specializes in maintenance of vehicles and structures, maintaining urban infrastructure, and similar crafts. The Fabricators Guild is divided into dozens of specialties, including architects, elemental binders, alchemists, and armorers who perform many of the wondrous crafts for which House Cannith is especially famous.


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Re: Eberron
« Reply #5 on: January 19, 2012, 05:49:14 AM »
House Deneith

House Deneith is a human dragonmarked house based in Khorvaire.

House Deneith has its headquarters in Karrlakton, and has deep roots in Karrnath. This makes it difficult for them to avoid trouble with the Karrnathi, as the House is loyal to the kingdom of Galifar and its ruling line.

The House was formed by a family of warlords in the area of Karrlakton where they still live today. They were the first humans to manifest dragonmarks: theirs was the fourth Dragonmark to be discovered. They were skilled warriors and warlords and with the mark they became even more powerful. House Deneith was essential in forging the current Kingdom of Karrnath.

House Deneith's seat of power is Karrlakton, across the river from the Mournland. Sentinel Tower is Deneith's ancestral estate. Sentinel Tower, an ancient structure that is older than Karrnath itself, is the seat of the Sentinel Marshals and has been expanded and improved upon many times.

House Deneith possesses the Mark of Sentinel. This mark has allowed Deneith to become a mercenary powerhouse.

The Blademarks Guild is the mercenary arm of House Deneith, offering their services to cities, nations, and wealthy individuals alike. The Defenders Guild specializes in bodyguards and offers the best in personal security. The Sentinel Marshals are the elite of House Deneith, contracted under the Kingdom of Galifar to pursue criminals across international lines, this service was reaffirmed with the Treaty of Thronehold.


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Re: Eberron
« Reply #6 on: January 19, 2012, 05:51:39 AM »
House Ghallanda

House Ghallanda is a halfling dragonmarked house found throughout Khorvaire, although their primary enclave is in Gatherhold in the Talenta Plains.

House Ghallanda bears the Mark of Hospitality. This mark grants various magical benefits that allow its bearers control over food and shelter, giving Ghallanda an advantage in all areas related to hospitality.

House Ghallanda is best known for running the Hostelers Guild, which maintains rigorous standards for inns and restaurants throughout Khorvaire. This includes both those businesses run by the house as well as independently contracted businesses who wish to earn the Ghallanda seal of excellence.


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Re: Eberron
« Reply #7 on: January 19, 2012, 05:54:25 AM »
House Jorasco

House Jorasco is a halfling dragonmarked house throughout Khorvaire, although their house enclave is located in Karrnath though the mark originated among the nomadic tribes on the Talenta Plains.

House Jorasco possesses the Mark of Healing. This mark grants various magical benefits that allow its bearers to heal and cure diseases making Jorasco a vital part of the struggles of the Last War and throughout Khorvaire in general.

The Healers Guild is the premiere service of House Jorasco. They provide both mundane and magical healing for those who can afford it at their hospitals and healing enclaves throughout Khorvaire. Members of the guild include herbalists, alchemists, physicians, as well as some clerics and adepts to the Sovereign Host and Silver Flame. Few seek healing from the church (even if they are willing to pay) and only the most devout or well respected within a religion will usually recieve healing.


The Mark of Healing first appeared among the halflings of the Talenta Plains around 3000 years ago. However, unlike their counterparts in House Ghallanda, the halflings of Jorasco have largely abandoned their nomadic tribal roots and become firmly enmeshed in the culture and society of the five nations.

The Last War

The Last War was financially good for House Jorasco and they made a fortune healing the soldiers of every nation and army and keeping armies on their feet. However, the end of the war may be even more lucrative as the halflings of Jorasco extend ongoing care to those injured or permanently disabled during the war.


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Re: Eberron
« Reply #8 on: January 19, 2012, 05:57:20 AM »
House Kundarak

House Kundarak is a dwarven dragonmarked house throughout Khorvaire, though their most preciously guarded vaults lie beneath the bedrock of Eberron itself in the Mror Holds. The dwarves of House Kundarak also manage the large island prison of Dreadhold with only one successful escape ever recorded, with the fugitives being hunted down heavily by other houses.

House Kundarak possesses the Mark of Warding. This mark grants various magical benefits that allow its bearers to protect things of great value, giving Kundarak a distinct place among the noble and elite of Khorvaire society.

House Kundarak runs the Banking Guild and the Warding Guild. While the Banking Guild specializes in loans, letters of credit, and safe-keeping services, the Warding Guild is made up of experts in mundane and magical security, including soldiers training to protect Kundarak's holdings.


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Re: Eberron
« Reply #9 on: January 19, 2012, 06:01:32 AM »
House Lyrandar

House Lyrandar is a half-elven dragonmarked house throughout Khorvaire with its enclave located on Stormhome an island city-state just north of Aundair.

As is common among other dragonmarked houses, Lyrandar is led by a baron (patriarch or matriarch). Some in the house refer to the baron as "Firstborn", believing that Lyran and Selavash, the ancient ancestors of House Lyrandar and the spiritual ancestors of the Khoravar race, speak through that individual.

Certain segments of the House of Storm are very dedicated to the Khoravar race and promoting its interests. They are likely to encourage half-elves in their pursuits even outside the house. And talented Khoravar of whatever industry or field are likely to find a welcome place amongst the folk of House Lyrandar. The House no longer excoriates members for marrying outside the Khoravar race (i.e. humans, elves, or other), but such interbreeding is likely to be discouraged.

House Lyrandar possesses the Mark of Storm. This mark grants various magical benefits that allow its bearers to control winds and waves. House Lyrandar exclusively owns and operates the airship transport business across Khorvaire while other members provide farmers with necessary rain and good weather to produce the plentiful harvests Khorvaire needs to remain virile.

The Raincallers Guild provides weather management, while the Windwrights Guild is one of the largest air and sea shipping and transit businesses in Khorvaire.


Although there are not historical records of the beginnings of the house, Lyrandar is said to have begun around 2000 years ago, six centuries after legends hold that the elves first migrated to Khorvaire from Aerenal where some mixed with humans to create the first Khoravar. Lyran and Selavash were the first of the Khoravar to develop the Mark of Storm.

Last War
Early War Years

At the beginning of the Last War, House Lyrandar was significantly weaker than they are today. Most transport, including military transport (troops and supplies), were carried over land, and Orien with their caravans and trade routes, not to mention the lightning rail, were the carrier of choice for every nation and faction.

Lyrandar, in the early years of the war, made their money primarily in the field of weather manipulation: clearing rainy and muddy regions so troops could pass, using weather to make trade routes impassable (especially if they were Orien trade routes), helping regions in need of a good growing season because of enemy food raids, and whatever else the paying client needed; though Lyrandar were always careful not to violate the neutrality demanded by the Korth Edicts.

Orien's trade routes deteriorated as the war went on, and House Lyrandar was there to take up the slack with a fleets of galleons to ship for clients via sea. They also sold ships to clients who could afford them.

House Lyrandar also provided Stormhome as a safe refuge and meeting place for spies.

End of the War

Everything changed in 990 YK when, with the aid of Zil gnomes and House Cannith, House Lyrandar produced the first elemental airships. Lyrandar, no longer limited to the seas, could carry troops and supplies across land faster than Orien could hope to do, and the House of the Kraken began to completely dominate the transport industry.

Though they would carry supplies and transport troops for client-nations, but would not use the airships in combat so as not to violate their neutrality. They would, however, sell airships to nations willing to pay for them, though because of the price of the vessels, there was never a brisk trade in airships.


Unlike some houses, such as Orien and Cannith, who suffered huge losses during the war, Lyrandar completed the war without incurring much loss. And unlike some houses, like Jorasco, Lyrandar's has not suffered much in the way of political backlash for the money they made during the war.

Instead, the nations they served largely credit them with providing weather for crops and preventing droughts, and their airships for giving the post-war economic boost necessary for the five nations to rebuild. Lyrandar's status is now arguably higher than it has ever been, and the future looks bright.

Their relations with certain other dragonmarked houses is not as rosy. Orien, their main competitor, still reeling from the devastation they suffered during the war, and particularly on the Day of Mourning, when they lost thousands of miles of lightning rail lines and the enormous transfer hub at Metrol, are increasingly angered by Lyrandar's encroachment onto what they view as their territory. House Cannith, who provided the initial design work for the airships, feels that it deserves greater compensation and wants a percentage for all airships sold. But while Lyrandar negotiates with these houses, their power and prestige continue to grow with the general populace.


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Re: Eberron
« Reply #10 on: January 19, 2012, 06:03:46 AM »
House Medani

House Medani is a half-elven dragonmarked house throughout Khorvaire however most of its activity is centered in Breland.

House Medani possesses the Mark of Detection. This mark grants various magical benefits that allow its bearers to detect threats making Medani sentries an invaluable asset to nobles and royal families across Khorvaire.

Many see House Medani as the house who truly violated the edicts of neutrality in the Last War. Many people know that the half-elves of house Medani use their connections and their dragonmarks to gather intelligence for Breland. The alliance only grew stronger as the war progressed. This relationship moved closer still as Baron Trelih became good friends with King Boranel. This caused a number of problems for House Medani when they were hired by other nations as sentries to guard against Breland attacks.


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Re: Eberron
« Reply #11 on: January 19, 2012, 06:05:45 AM »
House Orien

House Orien is a human dragonmarked house throughout Khorvaire, with it's major enclave located in Passage, Aundair.

House Orien possesses the Mark of Passage. This mark grants various magical benefits that allow its bearers to control travel and teleportation. House Orien has secured itself in the infastructure of Khorvaire with the Lightning Rail.


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Re: Eberron
« Reply #12 on: February 20, 2012, 06:35:21 AM »
House Phiarlan

House Phiarlan is an elven dragonmarked house throughout Khorvaire, although they are now based in Sharn, Breland their former base of operation in Cyre having been destroyed in the Day of Mourning. The Carnival of Shadow is the traveling circus of House Phiarlan, filled with illusion, acrobatics, and exotic creatures and entertainers from across Khorvaire.


House Phiarlan traces its roots back to when the elves were slaves to the giants. The ancestors of House Phiarlan were liaisons between different elven sects. They called themselves Phiarlan which means spirit keepers because they held the different elven sects together. The Phiarlan learned the customs of the different elven tribes as they worked there trade as liasons. They started to carry intelligence for the war and this was their first real taste of espionage.

With the Phiarlan knowledge of the tribes of elves they helped the leaders to gather their tribes and flee Xen'drik. The Phiarlan helped to keep the elves together by giving news to the different noble courts that were founded before the Undying Court. They also helped keep the nation together by uncovering rivalries and schemes. The Phiarlan were very highly respected were allowed in all the courts, primarily because to deny them meant a noble was hiding something. They use song, dances and other arts to entertain and pay back their hosts.

The elves have been trying to get their heroes back from death and many of the nobles try to do so in a variety of ways. The two paths that were put to use were the Priests of Transition and the House of Vol. The Priests of Transition studied ways to preserve the spirit beyond the death of the body. The House of Vol dabbled in blood magic and dark arts. The Way of Transition priests gained the most support and thus created the Undying Court. The Undying Court brought the lines of the nobles together. With this new change the Phiarlan became true spies and at this point the Mark of Shadow appeared.

With the Mark of Shadow appearing the Phiarlan lost the Undying Courts favor. Then the war with the House of Vol came. The House had gained the Mark of Death and with their union with Dragons the Undying Court killed all their rivals. The Phiarlan, fearing that they would be next, fled for their very lives. The ones that stayed soon spread the Mark of Shadow all over the nation.

In the new land of Khorvaire they started to amass power and form an intelligence network. They also started to create fine works of art with their many skills. They sold their new creations to the people of Khorvaire and this help them establish contacts and money. Their entertainment business also helped them gain money and information to increase their influence.
The Five Demesnes

Memory: This Demesnes deals with the written word. Phiarlan novelists, playwrights, and poets all study it. The Phiarlan back a good amount of money thanks to their books, songs and plays because they have a powerful effect on public opinion. So an individual can pay for a Phiarlan author to portray them in a good light or the person can ask them to vilify an enemy. Phiarlan are also used as speech writers and many politicians have hired them to improve their image.

The Demesne of Memory is located in the city of Fairhaven in Aundair.

Motion: As its name suggests this Demesnes has to do with the art of the body. The art form that is studied here is dance, gymnastics, wrestling, mime, contortion, massage, and many more. Phiarlans have master many different forms and styles of dance and they are know for there grace and power. Acrobats of the Carnival of Shadows train in this Demesne before starting in the Carnival. The Serpentine Table normally take some of the most gifted students of motion for their group. Phiarlan escorts study the arts of motion and shadow. These elves are used for people that need companionship or to make an impression and the Phiarlan can change there appearance through their magic to appear as anyone the client needs or wants.

The Demesne of Motion is located in the city of Korth in Karrnath.

Music: This Demesnes teaches the art of sound, song and instruments. This Demesne teaches different styles from all over Eberron. Most Phialan learn this Demesne and it is second in popularity only to the Demesne of Shadow.

The Demesne of Music is located in the city of Flamekeep in Thrane.

Shape: This Demesnes teaches the different ways of making costumes, sets, props and instruments. Aesthetic art, sculptors, painters, and potters also learn this Demesne. The Phiarlan use the worksmithing that they obtained for Aerenal to create the many things.

The first Demesne of Shape was located in the city of Metrol in Cyre, but with Cyre destroyed in the wake of the Day of Mourning the new Demesne of Shape has been established in Wroat, Breland.

Shadow: This Demesne covers the art of deception. The illusions used in the house's various art forms and plays are learned here. This also serves as the center for verbal arts of deception and coercion, feigned emotion, and role assumption.

The Demesne of Shadow is located in Sharn, Breland. With the destruction of the first Demesne of Music, it is the oldest of the Five Demesnes and is the current home of the house matriarch.

Heirloom Performances

The members of Phiarlan have held on strong to traditions. They believe that their greatest treasures of the house are the works of ancient artists. The great works that the house has can normally only be performed by a single person. These heirlooms are handed down by the person who has possesses the heirloom, giving it to another worthy individual.


House Phiarlan possesses the Mark of Shadow. The oldest living dragonmark the Mark of Shadow first appeared on Aerenal. This mark grants various magical benefits that relate to divination and illusions. The house turned these power to the arts of entertainment as well as the skills of actors, musicians, and acrobats for which the Phiarlan are legendary. During the Last War some members of the house disapproved of the houses involvement and broke away forming House Thuranni.


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Re: Eberron
« Reply #13 on: February 20, 2012, 06:37:15 AM »
House Sivis

House Sivis is a gnome dragonmarked house throughout Khorvaire though they remain strongly based out of Zilargo.

The Sivis dragonmark first appeared around 2800 years ago. The gnomes have carefully cultivated the peoples around them since that time and have remained firmly neutral in all conflicts. So, while most people are suspicious of the devious and conniving nature of gnomes, House Sivis has remained above reproach and their services are now indispensible.

House Sivis is currently governed by a High Council composed of representatives from each of the nations in which the House operates; this council is currently led by Lysse Lyrriman d'Sivis. Lady d'Sivis has led the House for nearly 90 years, since nearly the beginning of the Last War.


House Sivis possesses the Mark of Scribing. This mark grants various magical benefits related to written and verbal communication. It is through the auspices of Sivis that one can communicate with another across Khorvaire almost instantaneously. House Sivis members also act as translators for diplomats and other dignitaries.
« Last Edit: October 05, 2021, 11:23:24 PM by MAB77 »


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Re: Eberron
« Reply #14 on: February 20, 2012, 06:39:15 AM »
House Tharashk

House Tharashk is a human and half-orc dragonmarked house that has just recently begun spreading throughout Khorvaire, though it is still heavily based in The Shadow Marches.


House Tharashk possesses the Mark of Finding. This mark grants various magical benefits related to locating people and objects. House Tharashk has just recently turned this into a widespread business borrowing a page from House Sivis gnomes. Now they excel in locating precious ore veins in mines as well as Eberron dragonshards.


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Re: Eberron
« Reply #15 on: February 20, 2012, 06:41:44 AM »
House Thuranni

House Thuranni is an elven dragonmarked house throughout Khorvaire that was once part of House Phiarlan, but broke away from them during the Last War. Now they compete directly with Phiarlan, operating out of The Lhazaar Principalities with small enclaves in major cities across Khorvaire. The house first appeared in 972 YK, when a group of elves split off from House Phiarlan.

The House was originally one of many families under the House Phiarlan umbrella. Most of it history is that of House Phiarlan. But in 972 YK, when one of the lines of Phiarlan - the Paelion family - plotted to seize power from rulers of the Five Nations, and the rightful leaders of House Phiarlan. Agents of the Emerald Claw discovered the plot and told the leader of the Thuranni line. The Thuranni killed all the Paelion family in order to stop their plot.

However, the leader of the Thuranni line Elar Thuranni d'Phiarlan detached his family from the house and changed his name to Elar d'Thuranni. He formed his own house rather than give up his position as a viceroy of the oldest dragonmarked house. The people do not know if it was a trick by the Emerald Claw or the Chamber to split the house.


House Thuranni possesses the Mark of Shadow. Though still weaker as a house than Phiarlan, Thuranni is still a competent player in the game of espionage, sabotage and intrigue especially when one wants to dig up information about Phiarlan.


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Re: Eberron
« Reply #16 on: February 20, 2012, 06:43:48 AM »
House Vadalis

House Vadalis is a human dragonmarked house throughout Khorvaire though their main operation is centered in the Eldeen Reaches having migrated there almost 2,000 years ago


House Vadalis possesses the Mark of Handling. This mark grants various magical benefits related to calming and controlling animals. Vadalis has turned this into a booming trade in magebred animals. Everything from mounts, to guards to pets can be bought from Vadalis stables. In addition to its animal husbandry Vadalis stables are among the best in Khorvaire, and the house also provides lines of communication to outposts too small to feature a House Sivis enclave.


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Re: Eberron
« Reply #17 on: February 20, 2012, 06:46:36 AM »

The warforged are a race of living constructs created by House Cannith to serve as soldiers in the Last War.

With the signing of the Treaty of Thronehold they have been recognized as sentient beings and given freedom. Ever since then they try to fit in into a world that apparently has no further use for them.

They need no sleep and have to do something productive at all times or they will go insane. All Creation Forges have been destroyed since the treaty except two, one used in Sharn by Merrix d'Cannith, and the other by the The Lord of Blades in the Mournland. They were also used (Solus) in the Forge of the Mind Slayers by Tim Waggoner.

Personality:The warforged were made to fight in the Last War, and they continue to fulfill their purpose with distinction. Now that the war has ended the warforged try to adapt to the relative era of peace. The warforged have a range of personalities equal to those of other sentient beings, but most hold humans and other "breathers" with disdain. Most of (or all of) the warforged who live in the Mournland with The Lord of Blades have a deep hatred toward all living being that are not warforged, because of being created for a purpose then getting cast away once that purpose was over.


Newborn warforged come fully formed from Creation Forges at birth, with rudimentary language and instinctual knowledge of movement. Over first few months they are extremely adaptable and able to learn new skills, just like children of other races. It is during this period that the majority of warforged were trained by House Cannith in the art of warfare.
« Last Edit: February 23, 2012, 01:27:09 AM by EberronBruce »


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Re: Eberron
« Reply #18 on: February 20, 2012, 06:48:55 AM »

Shifters, also known as the weretouched, are one of the intelligent races inhabiting Eberron. With both humans and lycanthropes among their distant ancestors, shifters posses just a small portion of their forefathers' shape-shifting abilities. They cannot transform wholly into an animal but can instead shift parts of their body to become animal-like for short periods of time. In 832 YK the Church of the Silver Flame led an inquisition to wipe out all lycanthropes in Khorvaire, Shifters included. The inquisition lasts fifty years killing most lycanthropes and driving the survivors deep into the Eldeen Reaches.
Lands Edit

Shifters can be found all across Khorvaire, but also in Sarlona, where some serve the Inspired as faithful guards and soldiers; others wander the Tundra free from the control of Riedra. A number of shifters have formed communities in the Eldeen Reaches.

Shifter Traits

Each shifter trait has some associated minor behavior that most of its members exhibit. As with other aspects of shifter psychology, these are general impressions of the shifter race as a whole rather than strict rules that every individual must adhere to. Because members of other races often find shifters hard to accept or get along with, these traits have negative connotations.

Beasthide: Beasthide shifters are blunt and rude; they often speak loudly and interrupt others.

Cliffwalk: Cliffwalk shifters are often shy and introverted.

Dreamsight: Dreamsight shifters are usually calm and contemplative, especially when compared to other shifters.

Gorebrute: Gorebrute shifters are loud and aggressive. They are more likely to threaten violence than most individuals.

Longstride: Longstride shifters are aloof and prideful.

Longtooth: Longtooth shifters are savage and almost feral.

Razorclaw: Razorclaw shifters respect little other than physical power.

Swiftwing: Swiftwing shifters are twitchy and nervous.

Truedive: Truedive shifters are remote and somewhat callous.

Wildhunt: Wildhunt shifters are suspicious and untrusting.


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Re: Eberron
« Reply #19 on: February 20, 2012, 06:50:17 AM »

Changelings are a humanoid race who are distantly descended from doppelgangers. Changelings possess a natural ability to alter their physical appearance much like their monstrous progenitor race, but are somewhat limited in the forms they can take compared to a doppelganger. That being said changelings are able to alter their height by as much as a foot growing either taller or shorter, change their physical features to appear as another humanoid race and even take on the appearance of either gender (though changelings are sexually dimorphic with clear physical differences between males and females). Changelings cannot, however, change the clothing or equipment they are wearing with their natural abilities and this is often one of the few clues that two different people may in fact be the same changeling in two forms. Able to assume many different forms at will, changelings only revert to their natural form when killed or when viewed with a true seeing spell. In their natural forms changelings resemble gray skinned humans but lack some facial definition such as nostrils or lips (though they still have noses and mouths). As noted above changelings can indeed take on the appearance of either gender but in their natural forms they are clearly either male or female.

Changelings have long been persecuted by other races, seen at best as tricksters and con-artists, at worst as thieves and assassins. Many people find it hard to trust changelings, and while their talents make them natural spies and criminals, in reality a changeling is just as likely as any creature to turn to good or evil. Some changelings work hard to remove this stigma, but each time a changeling is caught robbing from a wealthy merchant or sneaking about where they are not welcome, it only perpetuates the stereotype.

Virtually all changelings take up one of three philosophical beliefs when it comes to their mutable forms and these philosophies guide many aspects of a changeling's day to day life. Passers are changelings who wish to fit in with conventional society and live life in only one form or at the least suppress their shape changing abilities to better fit in with those around them. Other changelings will often view passers with contempt and use slang words such as "pretender" or "actor" to mock them. Becomers believe that to be a changeling is to possess many different shapes and often different identities and lives altogether. A becomer takes the concept of a dual life to a whole new degree and some will successfully live as several "different people" for many years. Seekers or "reality seekers" are convinced that a great truth exists which only the changelings can discover; they suppress their shapechanging abilities even more than passers and prefer to live or socialize with other changelings. Many changelings also revere the shifting deity known as The Traveler, and identify with his ever-changing nature and neutral alignment.

Changelings do not have their own homelands and do not manifest dragonmarks. Most changelings blend seamlessly into the background of other cultures, preferring life in large cities and other urban areas. While rogue is the most popular class among changelings, they can take on any role, as befits their nature, and are as likely to be skilled wizards as deadly fighters. Changeling names are usually short and monosyllabic with no distinction between male and female names.


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Re: Eberron
« Reply #20 on: February 20, 2012, 06:53:09 AM »
Sovereign Host

The Sovereign Host is the only confirmed 'pantheon' of Eberron. They are a marked contrast to the majority of deities in the rest of the D&D campaign worlds due to the fact that they are removed, distant, and uninvolved in the affairs of Eberron. This has lead some fans to speculate that the Sovereign Host does not actually exist and the power of clerics that worship them are provided by some other force. This is unlikely due to the near universal nature of Sovereign Host worship across the world of Eberron.

Worshipers of the Sovereign Host are called Vassals and they are divided across a wide variety of churches and organizations across Eberron. There is no central hierarchy to worship of the various gods of the Sovereign Host and practices vary tremendously between sects.

The Sovereign Host is composed of nine gods but they formerly numbered thirteen before the casting out of four members of the Dark Six. The Traveler and the Shadow are not members of the Sovereign Host. The Shadow being the literal shadow of Aureon while the Traveler seems to have come from someplace else.

The Sovereign Host does not have an afterlife that promises paradise to followers. Instead, it is believed that all souls go to Dolurrh the Plane of the Dead regardless of their virtue in life. A heresy of the Sovereign Host suggests that the plane will eventually be touched by their presence and it will become a paradise that the dead can enjoy. Worshipers do not give offering to the Host for a pleasant afterlife but instead for material gain in this life.

the Sovereign Host is a great deal more tolerant of other religions than the militant followers of the Silver Flame. Worshipers of the Sovereign Host believe that all other deities are (mis)interpretations or corruptions of members of the Host or the Dark Six. In spite of this, certain militant sects like those of Dol Arrah or Dol Dorn have no problem with forced conversion.

Another heresy of the Sovereign Host depicts them as Dragons rather than people. This view is widely loathed by the average Vassal of the Host, however in Argonessen there are some evidence suggesting that the Sovereign Host were originally founded on powerful dragons at the dawn of civilization.See Faiths of Eberron and Dragons of Eberron


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Re: Eberron
« Reply #21 on: February 20, 2012, 06:56:23 AM »
Silver Flame

The Silver Flame is the quintessentially pure abstract entity of goodness and law. Closely associated with Tira Miron, the Voice of the Silver Flame, all those wishing to communicate with the flame must speak through Tira for the purity of the flame is too great for any mortal to hope to achieve. The Church of the Silver Flame follows the direction of the Silver Flame and focus primarily on eradicating supernatural forms of evil across Khorvaire and beyond.

The faith of the Silver Flame is the dominant religion of Thrane.

Also, the Silver Flame was responsible of the slaughter of werecreatures. The deity's favorite weapon is a Longbow.

If I remember I made add more details about this religion.


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Re: Eberron
« Reply #22 on: February 20, 2012, 06:57:52 AM »
Dreaming Dark

The Quor Tarai is the spirit of the age in Dal Quor, the region of dreams, and the age it has created is a nightmare. The quori are the children of the Quor Tarai, and they call their creator il-Lashtavar (the Darkness that Dreams, or the Dreaming Dark). The name of the monstrous organization that conducts the affairs of the Inspired in the world of Eberron is also called the Dreaming Dark, and it is to this group that the name Dreaming Dark usually refers.

As an organization the Dreaming Dark is primarily composed of Inspired agents and assassins that work to increase the power of the quori over the world. Their primary objectives are to thwart the activities of the kalashtar, increase the influence of Riedra, and eliminate anyone who stands in the way of their goals. The Dreaming Dark wields tremendous influence and its members are higher ranking than the ambassadors from their home nation.

Within the Dreaming Dark a group of elite Inspired agents known as The Circle of Night coordinate activities of the agents of the Dreaming Dark.

The stated goal of the Dreaming Dark is to prevent the turning of the age that would result in the destruction of the quori race. Non-coincidently the goal of their staunchest adversary the kalashtar is bringing about this new age.


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Re: Eberron
« Reply #23 on: February 20, 2012, 07:02:02 AM »
Blood Of Vol

Look not to the skies, nor the depths below, nor even the distant past or future. Seek the divine within, for the blood is the life, and in its call can be heard the promise of eternal life. One has but to listen.

The Blood of Vol is a religious cult fascinated with blood and power of the Divinity Within. At its highest level the religion is an organization under the direction of Lady Vol, the Queen of the Dead, however many of the worshippers of the Blood of Vol know nothing of the Queen of the Dead's existence.


The Roots of the Faith date back thousands of years to the age of giants in Xen'drik and when the elves fled the land they took the faith with them. It wasn't until the Mark of Death started to appear on the flesh of the bloodline of the Vol house of elves that the religion took the shape we now know.

The end of the House was Lady Vol herself, the half-dragon whose very existence, considered an abomination by both races, was enough for elves and dragons to set aside their centuries long conflict and unite under the common goal of destroying the Mark of Death 3000 years ago. It was because of this imminent destruction that young Erandis Vol was transformed into a powerful lich.

Eventually every member of the House of Vol was destroyed, save for Vol herself, who was saved by being transformed into a lich and spirited to safety. Those other great houses that had aligned themselves with House Vol were spared the same wrath and were instead banished. They kept their faith in the Divinity Within and spread it to the lands they fled to. Erandis Vol eventually reconnected with the followers and took her place as their faith's greatest champion, leading and directing their goals as well as her own.


The Blood of Vol is centered on the belief of Divinity Within, which means that the Blood of Vol does not revere any deity but the blood that courses though their own veins. Only by embracing the potential power of their blood may they avoid Dolurrh's gray wasteland and live in an afterlife crafted by the individuals own abilities, a place of eternal happiness.
Followers of the Blood of Vol Edit

Followers of the Blood of Vol are called Seekers and come from all walks of life. The Blood of Vol is expansive and maintains positions throughout Khorvaire though not as wealthy or powerful as the churches of The Sovereign Host.


The Hierarchy of the Blood of Vol is much like the Church of the Silver Flame but the members of the church knows who leads them but the followers of the Blood of Vol do not know of her at all.

Lady Vol, Queen of the Dead: Erandis d'Vol is the head of the Blood of Vol which she created after the fall of the House of Vol and her subsequent rise to lichdom. From Illmarrow Castle Erandis controls a vast network of spies and priests. The few people that know that Vol is the head of the faith know that they need to follow her order to a letter.

The Crimson Covenant is a group of thirteen individuals mostly comprised of intelligent undead and long-lived mortals each of which has a direct line of communication with Vol herself. The Covenant has kept link between Vol and the day-to-day operations of the faith for many years. Unlike most of the faith, the members of the Covenant know each other and they are protected by Vol's powerful magic.

Abectors are Seekers chosen by The Crimson Covenant to be the head of operations over a temple and sizable community of the Blood of Vol. Some of the numbers of the Crimson Covenant are themselves Abectors, though most are simply Seekers who have proven themselves worthy.

The lowest rung of the hierarchy of the Blood of Vol is the clergy. These are priests and other temple officials that follow the directions of the Abectors and most of these know nothing of the influence of Vol or her true machinations.

The Order of the Emerald Claw is the paramilitary arm of the Blood of Vol and maintains a position equal to that of the Abectors. Their connection to the Blood of Vol is only known by highest ranking members of the Order due to their public profile in Karrnath.

The Blood of Vol and Other Faiths

Much like the Silver Flame, the Blood of Vol believe that all other religions are simply distorted aspects of their own religion, seeing other faiths as misguided fools, who hopefully will come to see the error of their ways and convert.

The Silver Flame: The Blood of Vol sees the Silver Flame as fanatical zealots, from whom one can only learn how destructive faith can become when dictated by another.

The Sovereign Host: A faith one could almost begin to understand, if it was not for the reliance on "gods" that have clearly forsaken their worshipers.

The Dark Six
: Suffering from the same faults as the Sovereign Host, though at least the worshipers of the Dark Six admit to it. If nothing else, they make useful allies against the Church of the Silver Flame.

Druidic Sects
: We both venerate nature, but the druids look to the natural world beyond, while we look to the natural force within ourselves.

As of Fourth Edition's Eberron Player's Guide

While the followers of The Blood of Vol are often distrusted by members of other faiths because of rumors that they worship the dead, the members are not evil. This is widely misunderstood due to the fact that the teachings are dark and driven. While no longer evil presumed evil, the members of The Blood of Vol are unaligned and follow these exhortations:

    Believe in yourself: "As the blood is the power, and the blood flows through me, the power is mine."
    Work to improve yourself and your capabilities. A complete understanding of divinity within opens the door to immortality.
    Meet with others of The Blood of Vol to share in the power of each other's blood.

Those of The Blood of Vol are entranced by the meaning of blood, both literal and figurative, as well as heredity. To them, blood is the source of power and the divine, and only through understanding that power is within and not without or through an illusionary otherworldly power can one focus on day-to-day activities and self-improve and ultimately obtain immortality. For if one is strong enough, he may be able to master the source of life and abilities that come from within him and his blood.

(Personally I think Blood of Vol is an interesting villainous religion that can be easily incorporated in a Ravenloft setting.)


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Re: Eberron
« Reply #24 on: February 20, 2012, 07:03:45 AM »
Undying Court

The elves are not content with their long life spans and have found a way to preserve their ancestors beyond death, anchoring them to the world of the living through devotion and spiritual sacrifice. The Undying Court is seated in Shae Mordai , guiding the nation from there. Unlike other undead, The Undying Court are sustained by the devotion of their descendents and have no need for blood or life energy as other undead do. The followers of The Undying Court see the Blood of Vol as abominations for feeding off of the living. The members of The Undying Court are not gods, they are ancient, wise and powerful. Like other religious leaders, members of The Undying Court can lend powers to their followers.