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Author Topic: Legacy of Ravenia  (Read 10110 times)


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Re: Legacy of Ravenia
« Reply #50 on: September 20, 2012, 07:56:59 PM »
Brothers and Sisters, Mama and Papa.

Air and Bell are like me, I can smell them, even now… Almost impossible to describe, but undeniable. They are fresh, young, scared. I will help them as best I can, tell them all, so they know the reality of what they face. I hate to snuff out their hopes so sharply, but it is their lives too now. I helped Bell gain some control, I hope. The change is still exhausting and confusing to her, but these things come in time, at least she is aware, if not yet in control.

I have been revisited by old nightmares, dark dreams. Back home, in my basement, life as it would have been if I had never… Mama and Papa living as they always had, but as I left them: charred skeletons. I always awake just as Papa forces my legs apart. I still feel his hot, blackened claws on my flesh, burning, grasping…
My mothers’ song slipping from between crooked teeth, black as soot, strings of cooked flesh working her jaw in grotesque parody of life. I find myself singing it more often these days. I can’t seem to stop it.

It must be the time I’ve spent in the Nymph… Madness seems to seep from the wood and stones of that building, I can practically taste it, Is it something they brought back with them, or has it always been there?

Hush, little baby, don't say a word.
Mama's gonna buy you a mockingbird

And if that mockingbird won't sing,
Mama's gonna buy you a diamond ring

And if that diamond ring turns brass,
Mama's gonna buy you a looking glass

And if that looking glass gets broke,
Mama's gonna buy you a billy goat

And if that billy goat won't pull,
Mama's gonna buy you a cart and bull

And if that cart and bull turn over,
Mama's gonna buy you a dog named Rover

And if that dog named Rover won't bark
Mama's gonna buy you a horse and cart

And if that horse and cart fall down,
You'll still be the sweetest little baby in town.
« Last Edit: September 20, 2012, 08:27:21 PM by Amon-Si »


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Re: Legacy of Ravenia
« Reply #51 on: September 23, 2012, 10:57:26 PM »
Air, Shy and Hidden Skin

As I suspected, Air is now my brother, we took a long flight together and I do not remember when I last had so much fun, felt so free. I worry for his woman and their child, the risk he puts them under simply by existing is terrible, but I do not think he fully understands just yet, but he is a swift learner. I can hope.

I have taken to spending time at the Nymph as I wait for Xietta and I have befriended Dancers replacement, Hidden Skin. The poor girl has had a challenging time of late and my heart goes out to her. She has weak barriers and even weaker skills of self preservation, a brightly burning spark soon to be extinguished. She attracts darkness as a flame does moths, can I help her? Will I help her? She takes my resignation for strength, she says she wants to be like me, but how can she? She doesn't even know me.

It was waiting for Hidden Skin that I ran into Violet once more. Apparently Burn is both pregnant and in trouble, assassins, he says and blames me. I informed it that it was certainly not my doing, and of course he had no proof besides his paranoia. Burn has offended whole legions of people more relentless than I. I could never raise my hand against a child, no matter their parentage. He threatened to reveal my secrets and it becomes clear now what a coward he is. Even if he does reveal my nature to people, he has no proof and when it comes to a battle of words and evidence, friends and favours, he will lose.
« Last Edit: October 13, 2012, 11:47:08 PM by Amon-Si »


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Re: Legacy of Ravenia
« Reply #52 on: September 25, 2012, 09:42:15 PM »
Blood red roses:

The more time I spend with people the more trouble I seem to attract. Orb and Hidden skin are friends, and he still has pent up anger over the half-truths I based our friendship on. I do not blame him, but if he thinks I will crawl to him so he can humiliate me as he seems to do as easily and as wilfully as breathing he will be waiting a long, long time.

Beater decided to have a… discussion with me, outlining how he resents my presence and the trust Hidden Skin puts in me. I cannot deny that he has a point; I –am- using the girl, but not as harshly as he. I have not lied to her about my purpose here and still she seems to want me close and I will give her all the support I can. As for Beater himself… He claims to want to live a simple life, a lifer without conflict, and yet still he is gone for days at a time, returning richer than when he left.

The Scarred man will soon have a dark visitor in the night. I do not doubt his commitment, perhaps he is the one who will deliver the blade and amulet to me?
« Last Edit: September 25, 2012, 09:52:31 PM by Amon-Si »


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Re: Legacy of Ravenia
« Reply #53 on: October 14, 2012, 12:04:42 AM »
Top of the world:
I stand here, a crag over the abyss. Mountain winds muss my hair and sting my eyes. I let her letter drop into the void and it is gone at once. I have retreated from the world for a time, into the cold mountains. By day I think and by night I fight. During the night there is nothing Bluetooth and claw, talons and beak, they were once stronger, now I master them with minimal effort. During the day I long for the night once more, long for the freedom of a mindless pursuit. I cannot run forever. Even now they watch me as they watch all things. Why do they watch us, test us, steal us from our homes? What is the point of testing an entire world to destruction.

I thought for a time that they would resent my knowing of them, but it seems they either don't care or don't know. M disowned me for contemplating the destruction of HIM and now I see the cruel joke that even the sleepers followers have missed; what good would it do us? Truly, would we be better off? If we did succeed would they simply bring HIM back? This game goes so far beyond our imaginations that my mind simply goes blank. The rulers of other lands have fallen, why not him? I am torn between rage and dismay, how dare they do this to us, to all those in their care. What difference can I possibly make against such beings? Am I simply a puppet to dance at their whim? Is everybody? Do any of us have any real choice?

Do we choose to be what we are, or do they make us this way?

I will find an answer.


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Re: Legacy of Ravenia
« Reply #54 on: December 04, 2012, 07:34:28 PM »
Drained. So, so tired.
I can't sleep, I know I am forgetting to eat.
There is no color in the world any more, no point, no purpose.
They look at me with pity, with disgust, they can see I am sick, but I know they cannot help.
There is no point to anything anymore. Life is a battle I cannot win, so why bother fighting?
Sister, Amethyst, Violet, Hidden Skin. They look, but do they see as I do? Do they understand?
I can see the dark powers now. I know the game they play, but I am still a piece, moved by unseen hands. I am not afraid to name them, but what good does it do? None.
It hurts to fight, hurts to resist, all my fighting never helped anyone, always another weed springs up, faster than I can burn them away. Tired.
I am done.


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Re: Legacy of Ravenia
« Reply #55 on: December 10, 2012, 07:10:57 PM »
Deep Breaths:
Reading back I see how close I came to losing myself, how easy it was to embrace the idea of powerlessness, futility. If you have no control, no power, you have no responsibility. Could anyone truly blame you if you did nothing because you could not? No. The seduction of this entropic ideal was nearly overwhelming in the face of the truth of my land, my home, my world:

The Demi-plane of dread.

From various sources: The Mandragorian, the Treatise on the Mists and, not least, the personal notes of HIM it all becomes (mostly) clear. These books reveal that this land is a disconnected, prison plane of unclear purpose. A prison? A storage facility? That remains a mystery. What –is- known is disturbing enough.

This plane was created first when Barovia, my home, was dragged into the misty nothingness. HE is proud of declaring himself the first. The first monster pulled into this realm and HE longs for a time when he might break free to wreak havoc upon other worlds, simply to prove… what?
He is the ultimate evil?
Still a capable commander?
Willing to throw away thousands of lives for his own glory?
Sadly and pathetically focused on the victories of youth?
It is a dark day when you realise the immortal-dark-lord-vampire-witch who rules your country with an iron fist is as insecure as a ten year old boy.

Other lands followed, dragged from other worlds, or created from nothing, until a large landmass was formed. Then something strange occurred. The great upheaval shifted the entire Demi-plane, merging, destroying and moving lands like giant jigsaw pieces. What caused this particular event I do not know, but it does show the ultimately unreal nature of our world.

Most of these lands are ruled by men or women every bit as evil, twisted, broken and insecure as my own… beloved… dark lord. Some hide it better than others, some may just be unlucky, but most do and are neither. The Mandragorian, or at least the fragments I have collected, describe the process of becoming one of these “Dark Lords” and I have seen the evidence to at least partially corroborate it, as previously described by myself as the “dark sickness”.

The dark sickness is not a sickness in the classic sense; it is a transformation, a metamorphisis and a joining. As a person commits dark deeds and even morally questionable deeds they stand a chance of being noticed and marked by the beings labelled “The Dark Powers”. These are the creative force behind the Demi-plane, the ones that brought all this into existence. When they notice someone through their questionable actions they must somehow be drawn to this person, and when they make contact that person undergoes a change of some kind. Sometimes the change is subtle, sometimes not. Sometimes the change is gradual, sometimes instantaneous.

The people I have spoken to who have experienced this Dark Power describe the experience as thrilling and terrifying, glorious and horrifying, painful and pleasurable, all at once. After the experience they come away… changed. The variations these changes can take appear unlimited and unique to each contact. They appear to be both blessings and curses at once, but how does this link in to our Dark Lords?

The Mandragorian states that this process of joining has an end point, that eventually the joining is so strong that the victim becomes one with the land, gaining a land of their own and joining the ranks of HIM, The Lich and The Falcon. After that they are trapped forever, beyond redemption, confined to their own little realms, at least physically, given their own people to rule and left to their own little machinations.

All of our lives here are tests, but is the dark sickness caused by passing, or by failing? Is there a cure? There is so much work to be done… It looks like I will have to hold off dying for some time to come, or at least arrange to pass this on to a group or individual who will continue my research.

It is this information, this quest that nearly broke me, nearly defeated me. No more. Despair has turned to anger, fear to determination.

I will find a cure for my sister.


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Re: Legacy of Ravenia
« Reply #56 on: December 19, 2012, 06:37:34 PM »
Big Plans:
To Do, in no particular order:
Destroy a cult containing at least one immortal,
Kill an ancient vampire, sustained by the power of a whole country,
Undo the curses/blessings of unimaginably powerful unknown beings,
Create a portal out of a massive planar prison to save an infant child,
Destroy innumerable hordes of monsters, undead and generally evil people.

The only question remaining is should I do this all before breakfast, or save something for the afternoon?
« Last Edit: January 06, 2013, 07:32:36 PM by Amon-Si »


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Re: Legacy of Ravenia
« Reply #57 on: December 20, 2012, 06:11:23 PM »

I finally had the chance to examine Violets sickness properly. We discussed how it felt for a time, he was evasive about its effects on him, but I cannot blame him, he is clearly frightened. Sensibly so.

Iron has returned and our conversation was a little amusing in hindsight, it is now he who is the naive vigilante and I who know the truth of the world. It would be more amusing if it was not sad to see how much I have changed in the last few years...


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Re: Legacy of Ravenia
« Reply #58 on: January 06, 2013, 07:28:54 PM »

One down.
Izabella, my sister in the legacy and the nest is gone; she gave her life so that an innocent child may live. I have never been so proud and so humbled in my life. I hope I too can one day pass knowing that I did something so utterly right. The portal opened as predicted upon her death and Petra stepped forth with the child, I hope they find peace beyond this realm of horrors. Her body was entrusted to me to keep her forever beyond the reach of the Champion and I have taken steps to ensure that she cannot be touched and will rest forever in the embrace of her god.

Seeing the good people gathered around her come the end I felt… jealous. A completely unworthy emotion and I sicken myself, but I will not deny that I envy my sister for the good people she gathered around her: People willing to fight and die to see her go where she needed to be. I know truly that I will die alone and unmourned, perhaps even unnoticed, but that is the life I chose at the beginning.

There is a cure for the dark sickness, I know it now. It was obvious in hindsight, one of the fundamental rules of magic. The Laws of Distortion and Reversal give me hope. This CAN be undone.


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Re: Legacy of Ravenia
« Reply #59 on: January 08, 2013, 08:43:14 PM »
Double trouble
Here we go again.
ANOTHER child to be saved, another mother dying to give it life, MORE prophecies of death, destruction and horror.
I'm tired of these infantile games you play, when will you actually take pride in yourselves and do something original?
You are meant to be all powerful for your own sakes! This reads like some trashy, dementlieuese romance novel.
I'll admit, though, the Darkon vrolok has bravery, or perhaps just arrogance. In Andrals -own- temple? Potentially -very- foolish... Not that he would bistirr himself for anything, these days. Now I may have to stand between my friends as they try to claw each others eyes out, and for what, really? The life of a child I can fight for, to avert some nonesense prophecy?
To escape, like Petra?

Surrounded on all sides by people who think they are on a sinking ship, unable to see we've been at the bottom of the ocean all this time in any case.


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Re: Legacy of Ravenia
« Reply #60 on: January 09, 2013, 05:47:36 PM »
Sometimes I feel that I am not a whole person any longer...
If I ever was.
Instead i am a broken mask, held together with spit and good wishes, just awaiting the slightest tap to let the darkness and madness behind it spill out for all to see.
I should not have told Hidden Skin what I told her, the woman is under enough pressure as it is.
The scarred man cometh, he really shouldn't.
Ravens wings in the night
Soon bright blades shall come and bite.


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Re: Legacy of Ravenia
« Reply #61 on: January 13, 2013, 07:15:34 PM »
The little war has been averted, for now.
I'm glad I bought a little time for both sides.
The land is crawling with sunkissers now, which reassures me, for some reason...
I sent the letter and I may finally get to look HIM in the eye, measure him with my mind instead of the spectre of rumour.
What do I want out of meeting him?
I want to survive it, but I want to know...
So many things.
Can even he be redeemed after all this time?
Does he want to be free of this prison?
Will he allow me to help our people in the way I wish, or is he too scared?


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Re: Legacy of Ravenia
« Reply #62 on: January 14, 2013, 05:41:35 PM »
So it's Nerull, then?
I first investigated this cult as part of my investigation of the cult of Vecna.
HE stamped them out when he annexed Gunderak and their own dark lord was removed.
However, the belief in gods can be hard to kill and the cult returned with the Gundar Rebels;
People who were too young to remember how poorly they were treated when they were their own people, but old enough to resent their current treatment.
The goals of the cult clearly coincide with those of the rebels, along with their own desired results.
The fall of the Count.
I wonder if they even suspect that their god, any god, is no more real than a shadow in a mirror?
How will they react when I tell them?
Well... that is something to look forward to, at least.


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Re: Legacy of Ravenia
« Reply #63 on: January 30, 2013, 09:29:36 PM »


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Re: Legacy of Ravenia
« Reply #64 on: January 31, 2013, 05:58:11 PM »
//warning, this post contains offenssive and/or disturbing content, do not read if you are easily disturbed/offended//

I lay awake and I dreamed.

A young girl runs through the house, tears streaking cheeks gaunt from not enough food, she arrives in a large kitchen, stew bubbling in a crock over the fire, a woman at the sink doing dishes. The kitchen is well appointed and a doorway off to one side leads down into a cellar. The door is locked and heavily chained.
"Mama! It hurts!"
The woman turns to the child and slaps her across the face. Hard.
The young girl is thrown from her feet by the force of the blow and lands on the cold stone, too shocked and hurt to emit more than a strangled whimper.
The womans voice follows the blow, cracking like a whip, her pinched lips widening in a sneer of disdain.
"Do you think you deserve any less, you stupid little bitch? Do you think there is any rest for you in this life?!"
The child whimpers on the floor.
"But, Mam-ah!"
The last word is distorted as the womans shoe drives into the little girls gut. The child emits harsh choking sounds as she struggles to breathe.
“You murdered her, idiot slattern, just as you murdered me!”
Tears stream down the little girls face, her mouth moving, unable to draw breath.
Another blow from the womans foot strikes the girl on the hip, easily flipping her over onto her back where she tries desperately to writhe away, to curl up in the face of this assault. The woman stands astride her and leans down to slap her face again, shocking the girl to stillness.
“You thought you were clever, and now someone else has paid the price for your arrogance, you selfish beast of a whore!”
The womans foot rests on the childs chest, pinning her to the floor, pressure slowly building on the defenceless childs ribcage, crushing the breath from her. The woman leans in until her face is directly over the little girl, tiny flecks of spittle flying from her mouth as she hisses, low and dangerous.
“What kind of murderer cries when she kills someone? You are pathetic, weak and lazy! There is work to be done, your penance remains unpaid and you just lie there like a strumpet waiting for her next customer. Well, guess what? No one is coming to love you, ugly child, no one will ever come. They can tell you know, they smell it on you and they run as fast and as far as they can to get away from your ugliness!”
The child gasps and writhes on the floor, her eyes rolling up in her head, her lips beginning to turn blue as she struggles for breath, the pressure is suddenly relieved as the woman turns away and returns to her dishes. The child gasps for breath and curls up on the stone floor, sobbing and retching. The woman speaks again after a few moments, not deigning to turn away from her housework.
“They can never really love you, Eliza, but they can need you like addicts need their opium. It is the best you will ever get, no matter what they say. Now stop lying there and get back to work before I send you down to your father.”
The chains about the cellar door fall away, and it creaks open, revealing a rectangle of utter blackness. A harsh, male voice calls from the pit.
“Eliza, my pretty girl… Papa needs a special hug…”
The girl child struggles to rise at that, gripped by panic, but only manages to crawl like an animal on all fours out of the kitchen.

The dream faded and I began to read the letters left for me. It’s time to get back to work.


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Re: Legacy of Ravenia
« Reply #65 on: February 11, 2013, 09:00:56 PM »
The cult has been scattered, I am not so foolish as to say destroyed as I know for a fact that Janos made sure his more important minions were scattered to the winds before the church was blown apart. Now to begin tracking them down and taking care of the loose ends, one by one by one. Janos’ true genius was in using the tools of redemption: Hope, Love, Charity, Acceptance to lure people down the path of darkness. I will use the same tools to bring them back.

The plague is slowly slipping from my system thanks to the cure Amethyst provided. It is still pretty bad in the mornings, but I seem to improve as the day goes on. When alone I allow my soul to come to the fore, repairing any damage the exertions of the day may have caused. The combination of the arresting medication and my own enhanced healing seem to be aiding my recovery. I begin to chafe at this confinement, but fortunately I have company…

I had a visit from Golden, poor girl. She is so conflicted, scared and lonely. I can tell she is really trying her hardest to overcome her curse and she asked me if I know of a cure. I told her what I know and how I think she will manage to cure herself. Her hatred for non-humans is her curse and so to be cured she must help them, learn to care for them, to see them as people again. It is a hard, slow path to take, but nothing of value is ever easy. She may fail, but even in simply making the attempt she will be making the world a better place. Perhaps in her quest for redemption she might even find an answer to her loneliness.

I have a new… friend? Possibly. The Shadow Singer. He has told me a lot of things I needed to know to move on with my purpose. His intentions seem noble at the moment, seeking to save the girl he loves from the shadows of this world. His information may prove invaluable, and I hope that I may be able to help save him along with his love.

Garnet… Garnet… I... Well… I’m glad he is alive and I’m happy to be with him. He has always been kind and sweet to me. Perhaps I always knew he loved me, deep down, but to hear him say so warms me somehow. Despite all I know of the nature of sentient beings I still find myself so easily flummoxed when in this situation. Am I capable of love? Love between a man and a woman? Did what my father did to me break something vital? I cannot say. I do not wish to hurt him, but his devotion is as confusing and frightening as it is something I have wanted desperately for so long. I suppose the true question that worries me is… Am I worthy of being loved, after all the things I have done? All the lives I have ended? All the second chances I’ve stolen? I will have to be honest with him, tell him all of this, even if it turns him away from me. He deserves the truth.

Inari. I will find you, sister.


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Re: Legacy of Ravenia
« Reply #66 on: February 11, 2013, 10:05:30 PM »
My wrist is going to fall off.


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Re: Legacy of Ravenia
« Reply #67 on: February 21, 2013, 08:33:06 PM »
What to say?
What to think?
Am I being rewarded, or punished?
Could I tell the difference?
Ronins Revenge lies on my desk and I feel him watching me.
I took him from Rhian… Hopefully she will forgive me one day, if only I can forgive myself. Now the real work of freeing my sister can begin. I do wonder, though, if she would have been less… polite had she known where I was going and what would come from it.
He needs a new name, and I think… O Sora lui dragoste quite appropriate. After all, nothing cuts deeper than a Sisters’ Love. Now I just have to consider how to best use her, she still contains a tiny fragment of Inaris soul and there is nothing more suited for sympathetic magic than that.

I’ve shown Garnet my soul form and he didn’t turn away, which is a relief. I would hate to think that he could only love me for what I appear to be, he may be... unhappy when he hears about Rhian, but perhaps he will grant me the forgiveness I do not deserve.


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Re: Legacy of Ravenia
« Reply #68 on: February 24, 2013, 07:10:04 AM »
People tell me that Inari is dead. They are wrong, limited.
Inari is finally FREE. She lives on in me, in Disciple, in Golden, in all of us.
I sent her home to see her father and Tengu is gone forever.
For that last moment when I restored her soul and sent her onward she was the woman I first met, the woman I came to call my sister.
People must think I use the term too often, perhaps they do not understand. Perhaps I do not fully understand either.

So here is to Inari:
Stalwart Companion.
Cookie Dispensary.
Fresh Berry Providore.
Daddy's Little Girl.
Lost Soul.
Mistress of the Katana.
Spirit of Vengance.

I will miss you, thank you for all you have taught me.
I will see you on the other side, sister, and don't think I cannot storm the gates of any hell they have dared to foist upon you.
I will come for you, and hell has no fury to match a sisters love.
I will not forget you.


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Re: Legacy of Ravenia
« Reply #69 on: February 27, 2013, 01:00:11 AM »
Black Rose and I have made up... at least a little.
It wasn't a real apology, but it's better than I expected.
He blamed me for the second blade, even though Amethyst was the one who chose to make it, apparently an action done to protect someone becomes that persons responsibility even if that person would throw an absolute fit if they knew it was happening.
As for Amethyst, I know that she was protecting herself, mostly. She should know well enough by now that my secrets are not worth one innocent life to me, that I would rather die than let someone suffer in my place.
Sometimes i wonder if they've been listening all these years?
Hush, Jade, you're just bitter because I don't hide behind you any more.

At least I helped my half sister, that is something that I will always remember fondly.


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Re: Legacy of Ravenia
« Reply #70 on: March 04, 2013, 03:56:34 PM »
I have arrived in the port once again and ran into Snake. He is a rat now.
To call me furious would be a waste of the chance to use the word Livid. I gave him a chance to turn his life around and he has spat it in my face, becoming a sly, hiding monster, killing to live. His time will come very shortly.
I wrote a letter to Angel. I do hope she replies soon... If not it will tell me all I need to know about the chance I granted her and this new Rat King.
History is a funny thing, always repeating. I've already destroyed a rat Prince, when I was young and inexperienced. Now I may have to add a king and perhaps a queen to this tally. I smell them and they make me angry, angry somewhere in my soul, a boundless fury I have only seen flashes of previously. These people, these creatures have abused my generosity, spurned the chances they were given, and, worst of all...

They caused me to fight with my Fiance.


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Re: Legacy of Ravenia
« Reply #71 on: March 05, 2013, 03:17:21 AM »

The meeting went worse than I had hoped...
I sat there, heart beating wildly in my chest as I sat still and calm, enfolded in Jades wings.
As soon as he told me he had given my name to the count, I knew this charade was over.
Angelikas betrayal hurt more than I expected, and now they force my hand.
If you wish it to be to the death, then so be it. Goodbye, little sister.


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Re: Legacy of Ravenia
« Reply #72 on: March 09, 2013, 09:00:51 PM »
Finally managed to help Violet with his problems, he should get better now.
Finally a victory for him, he needed it. Hooray!
Cost me a lot of energy, but it was well worth it.
I can't wait to see Garnet tonight and talk a bit more about the dream I had (Tee hee)