So I explored Hazlan a bit more with my hazlani bardess Zolisa Jadmek. I finally discovered Rumulai, it is neat. Anyways
Suggestions A tattoo parlor in either Rumulai or Nordenvall; kind of feels silly to go to Port for tattooing when it is one of the artistic forms of Hazlan.
A working bank. there is a bank in Rumulai but the door is locked. A bank and storage would be great for Hazlan
A clothing shop that has crafting dummies, so you don't have to go to Port or Krezk for making clothes.
Some rentals in either Rumulai or Nordenvall or both!
Crafting stations in Rumulai; it has an herbalist and alchemist station in the Red academy, but no tailoring, leatherworking, smithy or carpentry. It would be great if those existed in Rumulai, especially a carpentry shop that would be nice as you can build some fun things with it. Perfect for your wizard experiments or setting up props for the theater. Also an enchanting station at the red academy; one shouldn't need to go to Dementlieu for this and often red wizards can't use it. a place for evil wizards would be nice
For there to be a priest at Rumulai. the route to get there isn't exactly the safe, and also to help clean up mishaps at the academy
A theater at Nordenvall; hazlani do love theater.
A lawgiver shop that sells religious items, banners, holy symbols, etc; unless there is and I didn't find it.
Bugs In the theater at Rumulai, there are several candelabras but only the ones by the stage are activatable. Shouldn't all the candelabras be activatable?