Lightcarriers and Dawnbringers:
Let it be known the following persons are not allowed in the temple under any circumstance. No succor will be provided to them, no shelter, no aid. They are criminals of Vallaki, and murders of innocent defenders of the Grey City. Let it be known, the garda have warned all Morninglord follwers will be put to the rope if even one of us helps these wicked monsters. I personally witnessed them murder garda. Instead of fleeing, they turned to cut down a few more in cold blood. Many families are without there fathers, husbands, brother and sons, because of the cold-heartedness of these monsters.
All Lightcarriers are to take great caution when removing these persons. If you must use violence, remember it is the church who will suffer if they are given any kind of succor. Report to the garda if these persons were removed from the church.
Here at the names of those vile witches:
Natalie the witch, The witch Elrilad, and the fey Dante also known as Danny.
I pray they will turn themselves in or never return to Vallaki.
By Order of the Vicar of the Grey City
Nickoli Ciobotaru
(OOC : If they come to the church and they wont leave, you have permission to set them as Faction Enemy).