Chapter XIII. Part XI. "Ladies' Resting"
"You are the healer of my sorrow, I love you, I will be yours forever"
Yesterday is something you asked me to put on a side,
On the sheets and layers of memory, I will rest my head,
Using my wits to look at the future, tomorrow's tide,
A thin cover of ashes, on a not yet extinguished fire laid.
Rotten roots will never have its plant bloom,
Entangled dead leaves are not anything which will seed,
Time is what we choose, not a daily doom,
Heavenly words from the lover's mouth can still breed.
Entered in my own world, you who are free like the sky,
Healing tonic for my almost corrupted soul,
Entered in my own world, a breath of life which can't die:
Art and beauty, mingled in you, my only goal.
Living on the edge, a step from the fall, one from safety,
Extended feelings, stretched, teased, ancient pain,
Ripping away what it was, for what is now in gaiety,
On old roads mud is caused but also washed by the rain.
Feel what I feel, fly with me, in a path of hope,
Men and elves, so different, so far in attitude and age,
Youth, eternal one, it's something you can cope,
Summer breeze, and we are its lovers on life's stage.
On the edge of my own life I will follow,
Ready for you, at any time, readiness is all,
Ready for you, in happiness, no sorrow,
On the edge of my own life I will not fall.
Where have you been all this time, where were you?
It seems my experiences are nothing, the is just the now:
Letting myself dragged in feelings, not just a few,
Over you I bend, I kneel, I pray, and to your self I bow.
Vibrations of the boughs, still the wind, the breeze,
Eternal notes played by angels, you one of them,
You my personal one, save me before I freeze,
Old-fashioned I can be, a back door I want to slam.
Ultimate quest, solving your mystery,
I am the investigator of the secrets of your heart:
Wherever you're hiding your misery,
I will find it, mend it, and turn it in a work of art.
Love me at least the half I do,
Love me as much as you can allow to yourself,
Be mine, don't let me go,
Eternity is our doom, a masterpiece on a shelf.
Yesterday is something I am beginning to forget,
Old thoughts still come back, but you sweep them away,
Universal bliss, a plan we still are to perfectly set,
Riding and sailing towards what will be our best day.
Stay with me, as long as you can and I can,
Feel the way I feel, not forcefully, just free-willed,
On poets' lines, our story, that of an elf and a man,
Ready to start it, and not a drop of us will be spilled.
Eternity, eternal glimpse of happiness,
Vast and broad, you and I, hearts with butterfly wings,
Elvalia, my one and only “Elfess”,
Ready is all myself for you, and my humble heart sings.