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Author Topic: L'Observateur  (Read 23172 times)


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« on: September 14, 2010, 05:28:44 AM »
'Le Nouvel Observateur' is Port-A-Lucine's most respected and most popular newspaper. It covers a range of topics and news mostly directed at the nobility of the city. Often, entire pages are dedicated to article after article of local gossip on the various noble families and the latest scandals. Notably, Le Observateur is rarely critical of the government.
« Last Edit: April 21, 2012, 02:11:47 PM by DM Seraphim »
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Re: Le Nouvel Observateur
« Reply #1 on: September 14, 2010, 05:35:41 AM »
Edition 889.

Le Nouvel Observateur's famous second page column in Port-a-Lucine, much to the ire of instances of Sainte-Mère-des-Larmes, is dedicated to the infamous scholar and cult guru, Lilas Wurtbeich of the growing Ezrite heresy; The Fifth revelation. The page outrageously denounces the "Zealous Madness" of "Marle Webber and her wretched flock", The text, a summary of conspiratory theories, denounces the politics of fear brought by "Corrupted elements of Her Church" meant to systematicaly "Deny the truth" and perpetrate long bred lies. The Bastion calls for repentance and warns that soon the world will see truth.

The rare and only interview of the Self proclaimed Bastion of the Last revelation even finds words to ironically denounce heresy in turn, warning of the "Backward heretical claims" by heretics who prone that Ezra can only be "Lived through poverty", in which one took unusual take on females amongst the clergy: "The female mind is too feeble to withstand the temptations of the Grand scheme" - "Its innate iniquity is the breeding ground for doubt and confusion" - "Allowing a woman into the clergy, is like allowing a viper into the fold".


[An article by Le Nouvel Observateur's  popular art and culture critic, Olivier D'Orange.]
Port-á-Lucine is positively abuzz with gossip about an up and coming artist named Gilbert Lizotte. Monsieur Lizotte and his infamous macabre paintings have cause quite a stir in the younger community of artists and collectors alike, after his last showcase held inside an abandoned decrepit tenement of all places.

Monsieur Lizotte has refused to host his next showcase at the Governor's Hotel. Saying "The over-decadent Governor's Hotel would make a grotesque background for my artwork, and detract from the reality I strive to portray with it's facade of finery". Most people could not argue against that point. Monsieur Lizotte's artwork is known for displaying some of the most graphic scenes of suffering, and misery ever dared put to canvas, and would seem quite out of place at the Governor's.

While Monsieur Lizotte's artwork and demeanor stray away from what the artistic community is accustomed to, it's those same qualities that drive people to see his showcases, if for nothing other than curieosity. However it's said, some people are struck with powerful emotional reactions when viewing his work. This is not surprising given the nature of the subject mater, and Monsieur Lizotte's attention to detail.

Rumor has it, Monsieur Lizotte is arranging for another showcase to be held once he finds "A fitting venue".


A page is dedicated to recent events involving a theft from the Cathedrale Saint-mere-des-Larmes. It tells of a group that had murdered a gendarme and stole an item of some importance from the Cathedrale. The name 'Hex' is mentioned within the text. An interview with an Inspecteur Gaston Dubois of the Gendarme sheds some light on the events.

"It appears this theft was premediated and prearranged for unscrupulous and perhaps even diabolical purposes." Dubois is printed as saying. "We ask any who have any information to report to le gendarmerie immediately." The article goes on to note that Dubois has become complacent lately, the birth of his second child having mellowed him quite a bit. The reporter continues to the extent of saying that 'Dubois is a good natured man but is hampered by his own inefficiency and ineptitude' and criticises le gendarmerie as a whole for their lack of control over the Port's escalating crime epidemic.


A column containing gossip on various noble families, perhaps one of Le Novel Observateur's most popular columns, speaks of the esteemed De Montagne family. It discusses the possibility that Henri De Montagne, the renowned philanthropist and patron of the arts, could well be a candidate for the next term of the Council of Brilliance.

De Montagne's various investments in charity such as The De Montagne School for the Young and Homeless, demonstrate the man's generosity towards the poor and needy. The rumours speak of an upcoming dinner between De Montagne and the Lord-governor's advisor Dominic D'Honaire that has been arranged to discuss just this possibility. However, in the wake of the accusations of indecent behaviour that have been directed at his son in recent weeks, De Montagne's pristine reputation is once again in tatters. These rumours could not have come at a worse time. Henri De Montagne was unfortunately unavailable for comment.
« Last Edit: September 14, 2010, 05:40:22 AM by Mephisto »
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Re: Le Nouvel Observateur
« Reply #2 on: September 15, 2010, 05:02:07 PM »
Edition 890.

[The front page of Le Observateur is dedicated to a recent crime, with various comments from the staff at Le Nouvel Observateur]

A local noblewoman was found horribly maimed last night. The woman, who wishes to remain unnamed, was discovered close by the Governor's Hotel in a terrible state. The reports claim her face was almost unrecognisable. While she shall live, her mental state will almost certainly be in disrepair.

 Such a brutal and bloody crime lacks apparent motive and cause, and only serves to highlight the failings of the gendarme who are already under close scrutiny. Rumours speak of Inspecteur Gaston Dubois asking questions throughout the city but to no avail. The man was seen later that night entering the Broken Spire pale faced. The gendarme refuse to speak of the matter to Le Observateur, at least until further evidence has come to light.

 Le Observateur cannot help but wonder whether more evidence will indeed be forthcoming with Dubois leading the investigation. One cannot help but suspect whether this crime will be another unsolved case. The investigation continues.


Jacqueline De Royer, the youngest daughter of the de Royer family is said to have attempted suicide after her boyfriend Louis La Rue was badly scarred and humiliated in a duelling match. Neither were available for comment. His opponent, Leon LeBeau, a fellow member of the reknowned fencing club, Le jeune noble societe pour l'escrime, is believed to have taken out his frustrations upon his more inexperienced opponent. In the words of one witness: "It is deplorable, that such savagery can be witnessed in these cvilized times."


[An article by the popular art critic Olivier D'Orange]
Gilbert Lizotte's latest showcase of his talent was held in the quartier marchand this week. Lizotte surprised all with his choice of location, that of an abandoned warehouse on the seafront. The display was a roaring success, and it has been the talk of Port-A-Lucine since it's debut. I was fortunate enough to attend, and I can attest to the imagination of the man, and the skill with which he expresses his themes and ideas. Although morbid and perhaps not for the sensibilities of many, I find Lizotte's work to be courageous and brave in a time where art appears to have stagnated. What is needed are more avant-garde artists like monsieur Lizotte to take art in a new direction and expand it's horizons. Thoroughly recommended, if you are strong of stomach.


As reported last edition, the respected philanthropist Henri De Montagne continues his campaign for candidancy to become a member of the Council of Brilliance. Le Nouvel Observateur was kindly permitted an interview with the gentleman to discuss the recent accusations spoken against his family. When asked the truth of these rumours that were discussed in previous editions of this paper, De Montagne stated that "I have many enemies, that wish to see me fail in my endeavours. These rumours are rumours and little else, cooked up by those individuals who wish to cause me and my family harm."

De Montagne's son, Julien De Montagne, is at the centre of this controversy. A stain upon his father's reputation, Julien is often found about town practicing magic with fellow magicians and associating with street performers. Those who know Julien say the young man disagrees with the stiff traditionalism and sense of entitlement his father posesses. De Montagne is characteristically blunt on the subject. "My son is a good person. Yes, he has made some poor lifestyle choices but who has not? He has always been independently minded."

Perhaps the most damaging of the rumours are those whispered that Julien De Montagne is often out at night in the company of other men. De Montagne frowns at this. "There is no truth to these rumours," He told Le Observateur, "And i would very much like to know who spreads such filth."

Despite Henri De Montagne's claim that his family are a close, tightly knit unit, respectful of tradition and the ways of nobility, these rumours continue to persist. It is true that Henri is often seen alone pursuing his campaign,and his family are rarely seen publically in his company. Could De Montagne be embarrassed of his own flesh and blood, and could they be a threat to his candidacy? only time will tell.
« Last Edit: September 15, 2010, 05:08:39 PM by Mephisto »
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Re: Le Nouvel Observateur
« Reply #3 on: June 20, 2011, 05:34:22 PM »
[The column of gossip and novel from the Nouvel Observateur reads as follows:]

Confirmed: Renown Richemuloise horror novelist, André Bellamont's is staying in Port-à-Lucine - the buzz is on the lips of critics and admirers alike. Rumors that the controversial novelist has been invited by the wealthy entrepreneur & arts aficionado, Armand LeBarthe to help him achieve and I quote LeBarthe: "a theatrical masterpiece" - the Opera that is said to become the next grand production for the Grand Opera National re-opening.

On Bellamont: To some Bellamont is a true master, capable of pouring tales of the purest horror from his pen as one would pour water from a jug. To others, he is a hack who produces little more than sensational trash - gossip spreads that Bellamont would be working on an adaptation of LeBarthe's play in what would be his next Best Seller - whether or not it is true, remains to be seen; as many believe it to be all but a stunt to bring the masses to see the Opera dubbed: 'The Nosferatu'.

Incredible amounts of Solars are said to be spent, and even word of auditions are on the buzz in artistic circles about actors for the production. Amongst those names, it is reported that small emergent talent by the name of Absalom Nightlyre is the artistic director of the production - to which critics are still skeptical.

While LeBarthe issues no comment when contacted, he did mention this being his life's work and invited all to see a piece so compelling - that is guaranteed to leave none indifferent.

By Olivier D'Orange


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Re: Le Nouvel Observateur
« Reply #4 on: June 23, 2011, 09:01:48 PM »
[The arts & entertainment column at the Nouvel Observateur reads as follows.]

Grand Production for the Re-Opening of the Grand Opera National:
The Nosferatu - Confirmed!
Image: Drawing by local artist Antoine Desbiens, depicting LeBarthe and the impressive sight of the ongoing renovations of the Opera.

Armand LeBarthe to give us an interview for next edition. Buy next edition!

-Olivier D'Orange


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Re: Le Nouvel Observateur
« Reply #5 on: July 14, 2011, 04:27:18 PM »
A full page on Le Nouvel Observateur evening edition announces the reinstation of The 'honorable Judge Jacquaud Crasson' to 'Le Barreau de Justice de Port-a-Lucine' - the 'good judge' that brought much controversy in his latest verdict; declaring suspected arch terrorists bank robbers François Verner and Bertrand Favreau innocent due evidence mishandling in what had been a failed robbery resulting in triple-murder, was publically defended by Le Ministre de la Justice Josephine Chantreau in this public statement:

Ministre Chantreau: "We are pleased to announce that the entire Favreau & Verner affair is all behind us, Le Conseil des juges de Port-a-Lucine along with the entire Conseil de Brilliance, supports Juge Crasson, a man of incredible integrity and experience as one of the eldest standing judges of the city. We found the accusations of corruption made by le conseil d'éthique 'misled' by the machinations of unsavory anti-government propaganda."

Earlier this morning, we learned that Judge Crasson will resume his functions as acting judge in what was dubbed "The Destroyer Trial", several of Crasson's detractors (as well as supporters) are expected to mass in front of Place Léon.


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Re: Le Nouvel Observateur
« Reply #6 on: November 03, 2011, 10:30:02 PM »
The ads column of Le Nouvel Observateur publishes the following:

Les Esprits Curieux - L.E.C.T. - We want YOU


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Send notice of acknowledgement to Le Nouvel Observateur with instructions how to contact for further discussion.

-The ad is unsigned


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Re: Le Nouvel Observateur
« Reply #7 on: January 30, 2012, 02:35:05 PM »
Edition 904.

[The latest edition of Le Nouvel Observateur, Port-A-Lucine's finest newspaper. The front page is devoted to a subject that has the entire city talking.]


These are exciting times, readers. Recently diplomats have arrived from Lamordia to discuss the ongoing negotations to bring Lamordia into the Treaty of the Four Towers. The treaty, as all discerning readers are no doubt aware, is a joint pact formed by Dementlieu along with the neighbouring countries of Richemulot, Mordent and Borca to protect against Falkovnian aggression. It is expected that with the success of these talks, Lamordia may well be taking it's first major steps to joining the four countries, not only militarily, but also with numerous political benefits. Lamordian invention in particular is seen as a high commodity among those of such mind.

Le Nouvel Observateur has established the identities of these diplomats as Hans von Ludendorf, Ludwig von Mitternacht, and his daughter Gertruida von Mitternacht. Sources say that the diplomats and their family are under heavy protection in case of attempted attacks by undesirables who would wish the Lamordians not to enter the Treaty. What is certain is the family has been rarely seen - the negotiations have thus far been behind closed doors at the Palais. We shall, of course, keep you updated on ongoing developments.

[The de Montagne family, a common subject of the Le Nouvel Observateur's gossip columns, is the subject of the next page's article.]

The philanthropist Henri de Montagne has been the subject of many rumours as of late. De Montagne was embarrassed by the LECT scandal as we reported at the time, which aimed derogatory comments at both him and his son Julien. It is true that the rumours surrounding Julien's habits have continued to persist, despite De Montagne's best efforts to quell them. Although Hendri de Montagne's last attempt to gain a seat on the Council of Brilliance failed, he has not yet given up hope according to reports, and his gaining a director's seat of the Port-A-Lucine museum reflects that the De Montagne family lineage still holds strong political weight. This is despite de Montagne's repeated attempts to gain management of the Theatre de Cathedrale from the Jalabert family.

It should be noted that both Henri de Montagne and his son have been seen associating closely with the newly arrived Lamordian diplomats. Henri himself is a vocal supporter of Lamordia joining the Treaty of Four Towers - Discerning readers will recall his outburst declaring Falkovnians 'the scum of modern society'. Could this association bring the de Montagnes new political favour? And what of the rumours of de Montagnes' daughter dating an elf from Quartier Ouvrier?

[The following column is located in the Arts section of the paper.]


In the dawn of the year 768 BC, and a new season is expected at the Dementlieuse Théatre de la Cathèdrale. It is expected, with curiosity, after the flamboyant previous season.
After Absalom Nightlyres' tragic passing under mysterious circumstances, art lovers and critics alike have been waiting to see who the Jalaberts shall announce to run day to day business of the established theatre. While no public announcement has yet been made, rumours have been running rampant. Some have even suspected Luciana Armont herself to return from her unknown whereabouts. Le Nouvel Observateur shall inform you first.

[The next article is, tellingly, found a few pages into the paper, after numerous gossip columns detailing the lastest fashion faux-pas by members of the gentry.]


The magistrates have placed us all at ease by officially stating that the reports of food shortage in Quartier Ouvrier have been greatly exaggerated. Readers may recall earlier this week when there were several incidents of food handouts running short, leading to several angry crowds in Quartier Ouvrier.  Jean-luc Thomaston, a magistrate overseeing food distribution, has told Le Nouvel Observateur:
'The charity of the fortunate in Port-A-Lucine provide much for the less privilleged, and is just another example of why Port-A-Lucine is the finest city in the Core. There are no reasons to believe that there shall be a food shortage. Food tickets continue to be distributed as normal. Anything else you hear has been greatly exaggerated.'
There has been concern however, of counterfeit food tickets currently in circulation. We spoke to Inspecteur Gaston Dubois who is currently leading the investigation.
'I urge anyone who has information on these forgeries come speak to me at the gendermerie.' The inspecteur said, 'These forgeries are committed by scoundrels who are stealing from the city itself. It is simple theft, and more so than that, it is taking advantage of charity.'
« Last Edit: January 30, 2012, 02:42:57 PM by Mephisto »
Courage is not the absence of fear, but having the ability to face it.


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Re: Le Nouvel Observateur
« Reply #8 on: April 01, 2012, 03:31:20 PM »


"Stalemate Continues; Both Sides Dig In

The Falkovnian advance, it seems, has more or less grinded to a standstill around Edrigan, a city known to interest those with a taste for the paranormal. Both sides have fortified their positions heavily, to the point that it is possible that guile, or cleverness will not be what will win the day, but instead attrition.

Général Gaston Virieux has remarked about how easily the lines of Falkovnian soldiers are broken by Dementlieuse steel and shot, but also comments that not even powder utilized by Dementlieuse saboteurs has been able to destroy the temporary fortifications of the Falkovnian invaders.

Reports come from the intelligence community working within Port-a-Lucine that Falkovnian subversives continue to work through the supposed "revolutionaries" to destabilize the enlightened republic. If you hear any rumors or stories about possibly seditious individuals, please report about them to the gendarmerie immediately.

"Tristan Céleste: Gourmand, Miracle Worker

For perhaps the first time in a century, something smells good coming out of Quartier Marchand, and it isn't Les Tanneries. Tristan Céleste, an enterprising businessman with humble beginnings, has started his own restaurant in an abandoned warehouse and he's drawing both the rich and poor to sit the same table and enjoy the best of what Dementlieuse cuisine has to offer.

Called Céleste Grilloir, it lives up to its name by having delicious steaks available, well-seasoned and tailored to the tastes of the customer. The wait-staff, during my meal, was extremely attentive, and understood well that the patron knows best. The management has worked well to some stellar decor from a small budget. Of course, great food is not the greatest accomplishment that Tristan Céleste has done with his restaurant.

His food is remarkably cheap, allowing even those from Ouvrier to eat like a king for a day. Perhaps that is hyperbole, but by serving solely meat and simple vegetables like potatoes and beets, Céleste Grilloir has been able to tame the growling stomaches of many common folk, making it extremely popular. It also appeals to daring men wishing to try something new. Céleste claims that his "long pork steaks" are filling, and it's hard to disagree; this is one restaurant that this food critic can raise a fork in support for.

~ Pieter LaFayette, Food Critic"

"Charity Ball Bombs

Stranger to Dementlieu's social world, the elf Miuo Nevai certainly meant well by hosting a masquerade ball in the ballroom of the beautiful Governor's Hotel. Many have said that the event ended in disaster, but that would be giving the mysterious saboteur too much credit. It began with disaster and it remained disastrous throughout.

I entered the ballroom with my good friend Renée Delven, the darling of Port-a-Lucine's Rue des Pistolets, and both of us immediately accosted by a foreigner who I was told was with security. The foreigner, who gracefully clunked and creaked in a set of antiquated armor taken straight from the dark ages, verbally assaulted everyone who passed through to partake in the festivities. He tried to take away from Renée Delven what defined her the most, her pistol, claiming "he could protect her" (likely attempting to rakishly impose himself upon the noble lady) with his backwards weaponry and protection. He yelled at me in the trade tongue, which I did not know nor much cared to learn, and began to feel me up like I was either a thief or a courtesan, certainly not a lady of station. Only with Renée translating was I finally able to understand the brute and his demands. In her defense, the good hostess Miuo Nevai eventually allowed Renée to pass with her pistol on her person. I only ask of her that maybe, next time, to choose someone who isn't a complete troglodyte to serve as security.

The food was a rather remarkable spread, and there was no shortage of wine flowing. There were even a pair of musicians who volunteered to play throughout the night; however, it seems that the hostess expected people to somehow create their own entertainment and provided none outside the venue, the food, and the drinks. This is not something that only she is guilty of, but it is a rather unpleasant trend affecting events within Port-a-Lucine, where people are left to their own devices after their money has been collected. There wasn't a great deal of dancing (I saw only a few doing so), nor was there much in the way of revelry.

The only real excitement came with the threat of a bomb supposedly underneath the ballroom floor. I stayed to watch what unfolded, and it turned out that the Great Detective Alanik Ray would find the explosive device. Part of me wishes that the device exploded when I walked in; if it did, at least I would have been spared the slow torture that the ball turned out to be. This isn't to say that charity isn't appreciated. Far from it. In fact, I will give some charity of my own, free advice to the hostess: don't make me waste my time again.

~ The Invisible Socialite"

"The Jalaberts' New Clothes

The silence, once deafening within the Théatre de la Cathédrale, has given way to the noise of constructions as a wave of renovations come to the Jalabert Family's claim to fame. The renovations are said to be wide-sweeping and will help to usher the Theatre de la Cathedrale into its golden age, though some of the gentry are skeptical. Indeed, ever since Pierre Jalabert, Jr. married Luciana Armont, a crazed Borcan noblewoman who would wind up killing two guards and sending the third into a strange coma, suspicions of where the family's true loyalties lie have been everpresent.

The new manager, Lilianne Moreau from Richemulot, as well as the creative director, Blythe Harvey of Mordent, promise to offer much to the world; will they uphold their promises or fall flat of them? Only time will tell."
« Last Edit: April 01, 2012, 08:41:11 PM by DM Seraphim »


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Re: Le Nouvel Observateur
« Reply #9 on: April 06, 2012, 11:34:07 PM »


"SPECIAL REPORT - Henri de Montagne, Philanthropist and Patrician, Dead at 46; Victim of Foul Play

Port-a-Lucine and, indeed, all of Dementlieu, lost an icon and a hero early yesterday morning, as Henri de Montagne and his son and heir Julien de Montagne were slain in a most savage manner. The prime suspect involved was the rising artistic talent Bertrand Lemarche, who appeared to have committed suicide after killing the well-known philanthropist and patron of the arts, along with his son.

Inspecteur Pierre Josquin told the Observateur that "we are uncertain as to what truly happened here, but we have Monsieur Ray and other talented individuals on the case". That being said, it is the Observateur's opinion that this case is one that is open and shut.

Henri de Montagne was a philanthropist, and not only served as one of the board of directors for the Musée de Port-a-Lucine, but also as the manager of the de Montagne School for the Young and Homeless. Only the month previous, Henri de Montagne mentioned his intention to run once more for the seat of Jean-Pierre Theroux on the Council of Brilliance. With the only heir to his estate dead and distant relatives already swooping into Port-a-Lucine for the funeral and the reading of Lord de Montagne's will, the future of House Montagne is in serious jeopardy."


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« Reply #10 on: April 21, 2012, 02:11:16 PM »

"A New Name, A New Building, the Same News Source You Can Trust

Our name has changed from Le Noveul Observateur to simply L'Observateur, and we are establishing offices in le Quartier Savant, but that does not change our commitment to our distinguished readers in bringing the most important news to them, when it happens. We look forward to the establishment of a new era in our history, and cannot wait for our readership to share that journey with us."

"Insurrectionists Kill Several in Takeover of Hillside Fortifications

Along the scenic Avenue du Progrés, a most paralyzing sight can be seen: men wearing breeches, overalls, and plain woolen shirts manning cannons, firing off muskets in practice for a future skirmish, and the boisterous voice of one man: the 'commandant' Maximilien Merda. The so-called 'voice of the vanguard', he has taken a liking to using the fort as his own personal soapbox, a method by which to further his own agenda.

No doubt Merda is a brave man, having successfully led a group of ragtag so-called freedom-fighters against an artillery company tasked with protecting the destitute living outside the city from possible Falkovnian attacks from within, led by decorated Artillery Commander Jules Argont. However, it appears as though Commandant Merda has taken a liking to 'protecting' the commoners surrounding his "Fort Progrés" (a few cannons, wooden palisades, and a hill does not a fort make); so devoted is he to this, that he seems to have little qualm in using them as the human shields surrounding his fort.

From his "fort", Merda has made a number of claims, among them that he would endeavor to broker a peace-treaty with the Falkovnians. No doubt they are similar to each other, his band of insurrectionists, and the barbarous hawks. No doubt they share one thing: incorrigible bloodlust."

"Falkovnians Pushed Back; Dementlieu on the Offensive as Evidence of War-Crimes Surfaces in Occupied Village; Silbervas and Delmunster Taken By Allied Forces

Josquin des Fletans found itself liberated from the Hawk's grasp, not too long after a large force defended against Falkovnian aggression just outside the small village of Edrigan. Yet Géneral Gaston Virieux found very little to liberate, one the hawks turned tail. Indeed, citizens of Dementlieu living in the small town of Josquin des Fletans, in the short time that it was occupied by the invading force, found themselves the subjects to horrid, terrifying atrocities and war-crimes performed by Drakov's army. The heads of many innocents were found impaled atop pikes, and stories of brutality exercised against the womenfolk of the town have become tragically common; even as the invading army began their retreat back into Falkovnia, they carried back across the border with them many demihuman citizens (primarily les petit gens) and prisoners-of-war, who will likely be forced into slavery in the Central Prison near Lekar.

However, Géneral Gaston Virieux and the majority of the Dementlieuse armed forces have pushed their way into Falkovnia, and they find themselves not alone. Indeed, a force of Mordentish calvarymen have joined the Dementlieuse forces and have began to make their way towards Lekar, though they expect to face heavy resistance. Meanwhile, to the south, the noble armies of Richemulot have conquered Silbervas and have begun fortifying their position around the city. Borca, for their own part, have taken the village of Delmunster with very little difficulty - indeed, it is said that through use of Borca's own naturally occurring flora, the majority of the force defending that town merely dropped dead over the course of a week. Falkovnians have begun fortifying Aerie and the wheat-fields of Falkovnia in anticipation of the two large forces at their flanks.

Meanwhile, a large force appears to be mobilizing at Darkon's border. Stories made by the superstitious claim the force is comprised almost entirely of the living dead, but there is very little evidence to support this outlandish claim and we at L'Observateur like to deal in fact. Nevertheless, it seems entirely probable that with Darkon's armed forces hanging above Falkovnia like the headsman's axe, that the war will get only even more interesting. Still, it is a long fight ahead, as Falkovnia is heavily fortified and a perilous place. For this reason, we at L'Observateur wish our most serene republic's armed forces only the best."

« Last Edit: April 21, 2012, 02:17:57 PM by DM Seraphim »


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Re: L'Observateur
« Reply #11 on: April 28, 2012, 01:12:06 PM »


"SPECIAL REPORT - Horror-Filled Secret Laboratory Found Underneath Theatre; Dangerous Mystic Named Suspect

A staggering discovery has been made by L'Observateur, of a hidden chamber deep in a sub-cellar of the Théatre de la Cathédrale. Signs of gruesome experiments, torture, and mass murder can be seen within this horrifying set of rooms. Among things believed to have occurred within this frightful small laboratory was the ballistics testing of bullet-proof materials on live, human targets, the use of toxic gases on those who were interred there, and terrible experiments with electricity. Along the walls of the office in this place are various notes related to different fields in natural philosophy, among them anatomy, physiology, and medicine.

All signs point towards the place being used during the Executioner's Campaign, the last major conflict Dementlieu shared with Falkovnia, around five years ago. Signs show that those being experimented upon were taken from both sides of the campaign, from the ranks of Falkovnians as well as Dementlieuse.

The three most heavily involved figures in the project were Dr. Helen Strauss, a Lamordian university professor at the Université de Dementlieu; the Montferrand family, who owned the theatre before the Jalaberts were gifted it by the Council of Brilliance, and Dr. Lilas Wurtbeich, who now leads the controversial, heretical sect of Ezra known as the Fifth Revelation. Of those directly involved, only one still lives, and a warrant has been put out for Dr. Lilas Wurtbeich's arrest.

'We plan to put those responsible for these heinous atrocities and crimes against man to justice', gendarme Marc Véron told L'Observateur. 'They can not run, they cannot hide. They will be found.'

'I think I speak for the entirety of those working in the Theatre that we're all positively shocked. No one expected to find that sort of thing in our lovely theatre', spoke Baptiste Moliére-Jalabert, newly wed to Linette Jalabert and part-owner of the Theatre. 'Let us hope that we can find those who had a hand in this and make them pay.' "


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Re: L'Observateur
« Reply #12 on: May 01, 2012, 04:04:48 PM »

"SPECIAL REPORT - Sick Gambling Ring Discovered! Véron Family Denies Link

Gendarmes report that several workhouses owned by the Véron Family were raided by Inspector Jean-Claude Clouseau, a young and idealistic leader within Dementlieu's prestigious peacekeeping force. Inside the cellars, much to everyone's shock were les petit gens, boys, and girls. They appeared all malnourished, and some were in fact feral or catatonic. Certain individuals are coming forward, including one Helene Boisvert and one Renard du Lupin, stating that the children and halflings were being forced to fight one another, in a perverse game resembling dogfighting.

The investigation is ongoing, but in the meantime, Marc Véron has been suspended from duty, and Maurice Véron has been placed under house arrest. Valérie Véron, the wife of Marc, is nowhere to be found."


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Re: L'Observateur
« Reply #13 on: July 16, 2012, 11:23:58 PM »


An armistice has been officially signed by the allied forces under the leadership of Géneral Gaston Virieux on the 8th of July, alongside Falkfuhrer Jardian Kovedknochen and the newly-established ambassador to Dementlieu, Marcos Vederrak. Talks are in progress regarding a peace treaty in the Lamordian town of Neufurchtenburg, with diplomats flooding the normally sleepy hamlet and discussing the nature of the treaty all night well into the early morning.

Although it is too early to tell what the diplomats will decide is best for the Core at this juncture, many of the diplomats seem to support the plan of Borcan diplomat Illeana Desfraya. Her plan demands that Falkovnia pay an indemnity of 15 million falconheads per annum for 30 years for starting the war and demilitarize all land west of Lekar and Lake Kriegvogel. Additionally, though the lands will remain nominally Falkovnian, a garrison of Dementlieuse soldiers will be established at Dorst Lake. Some diplomats are arguing for the release of political prisoners taken by Falkovnia as well. More information will be given by L'Observateur as the story develops.

New Additions to the Nobility, or a Joke With No Punchline

Recently, at an awards ceremony hosted by the Council of Brilliance, noble status was bestowed to one Lilianne Moreau and the two Montte brothers. Frankly, as a respected columnist and an esteemed member of the gentry myself, I should be elated by the news of fresh faces among the créme-de-la-créme. However, I am nothing short of disappointed by these three appointments.

First of all, Dame de Moreau... one has to wonder if anyone thought to do their research before choosing to knight her. First of all, she is foreign - Richemuloise, not at all understanding of our ways, customs, and fashions. No doubt her love for intrigue and scandal will only besmirch her, as it has to be said that the Dementlieuse have far fewer skeletons lurking in our closet. Although many do not consider it, it is so. It is only a matter of time before the Dame de Moreau sees her own dead exhumed.

This does not make the pick of the milquetoast Montte boys any more suitable, however; they still have a lot to prove. Their family, though respectable members of the gentry, have had their share of scandals, most centered around the late Celine neé LaFleur and Les Chats Noir. It is ill to speak of the dead; rather, I will merely make mention of the fact that while rags such as Les Espirits Curieux Tract are mostly pieces of defamation made real, there is always a glimmer of truth to a nasty rumor.

~ Pieter Beauvoir, Esq.

The opinions of columnists on L'Observateur are not necessarily expressions of opinions felt by all staff members here. Letters to the editor are always received. Both reporters and columnists are wanted - both should write to L'Observateur ((PM)) with their wishes.."


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Re: L'Observateur
« Reply #14 on: July 24, 2012, 11:01:31 AM »

The front story dominates the first page of the newspaper.


Diplomats from the Treaty of Four Towers and representatives from the nation of Falkovnia signed into effect the Treaty of Neufurchtenburg. Although diplomat and beloved wife to Councilor d'Honaire, Louise Girod, argued for a much stronger, more punitive treaty against the Falkovnian menace, appeasement was the order of the day, as Mordentish diplomat and noteworthy seaman Richard Fleming sided with the Falkovian delegation led by Marcos Vederrak.

The terms of the treaty demanded that an amount equal to 15 million falconheads be paid in small increments over a course of several years. It also calls for the creation of a demarcation line running from Lake Kriegvogel to the city of Lekar, and the demilitarization of all lands from west of the line to the Dementlieuse border. The area would be, effectively, a no-man's-land, though a heavy garrison will likely be created at the border and past the line of demarcation, respectively.

Also agreed upon was an end to conscription by all signatory bodies (strangely introduced by two members of the Falkovnian delegation, Erhard Wund and Erhlif Appenzeller), a prisoner exchange where Falkovnian prisoners-of-war would be returned for allies sitting in the Central Prison, and a proviso that guarantees someone struck by any aggressor who is not a member of the Treaty of Four Towers, would ultimately become so.

Council of Brilliance member Josephine Chantreaux had much to say about the subject. “While I am disappointed that harsher terms for Falkovnia could not be agreed upon, I believe that this is a well-deserved peace and that the fine citzens of Dementlieu will be safeguarded from the Kingfuhrer's predations for some time.

The other page starting on the first page and carrying on into the second seems to feature some prominence as well.

All over Quartier Ouvrier and Quartier Marchand, people are talking about the tragic and disturbing murders of at least nine individuals in and around the city. Primarily Darkonese nationals have been targeted by this mysterious killer, but one of the victims was a newborn infant named Jacqueline Lafayette.

Capitaine Reynard has already brought on private investigator Alanik Ray, the so-called “Great Detective”, to look into the case and determine who the criminal is and how they can be brought into justice. “The person responsible for this can expect to be punished to the greatest extent that the law allows,” says Reynard.

Those who have information on the depraved individual responsible for these heinous crimes against humanity should report to the gendarmerie and give a deposition based on what they had seen.

Among the news-in-brief articles, this one in particular catches your eye.


Small groups of Invidians, along with Falkovnian mercenaries, have been reported attacking various Vistani caravans as they make their way around the Core, some say in places such as Barovia or Sithicus where their actions and infringements upon their sovereignty once earned them the disapproval of the king of Sithicus, Lord Soth, and the Barovian count, Strahd von Zarovich XI. More on this story as it develops.

Near the back of the newspaper are the wanted ads..


Governor's Hotel, maid; 100 solars/week, no experience necessary. Inquire with the clerk at the front desk.

Thespians and musicians wanted at the Theatre de la Cathedrale! Don't know anything? We'll teach you all you want or need to know! Join the troupe today! Seek out the Dame de Moreau for details.

Voix de l'Ame needs a waitress/barista! Have a love for poetry and coffee? Inquire with Clarisse Baudelaire, and learn all you need to know in a few days!

Lastly, in the editorial section on the back of the newspaper features a small blurb.


The Observateur is looking for fresh writers/reporters with a strong spirit of inquiry, finesse in writing, and a desire to seek the truth. If such a profession interests you, please write to us as soon as possible. Merci beaucoup.


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Re: L'Observateur
« Reply #15 on: July 29, 2012, 03:45:19 PM »


The front story jumps out at you, as you begin to read it; featured is an illustration depicting Lilianne Moreau, with her thighs exposed like a common slattern.


The Observateur has been made privy to this exclusive story, which you won't find anywhere else! The Dame de Moreau's mysterious and licentious past, revealed, in an interview I, Philippe Dechante, had with a Richemuloise national named Renard LeBlanc, who claims to have known the woman intimately.

Philippe Dechante: Merci for agreeing to this interview, monsieur. It is a brave thing to come, for the purpose of bringing the truth to light.

Renard LeBlanc: I am glad the Observateur, and you, have agreed to share my story to the whole of Port-á-Lucine.

Philippe Dechante: Can you tell us how you happen to know the Dame de Moreau?

Renard LeBlanc: Well, as you may or may not know, it is illegal to remarry in Richemulot, so those of us who are generally unhappy with our wives take on a mistress, or seek out the services of an escort. It was in the latter case that I came to meet Lilianne.

Philippe Dechante: What you are implying, sir, is a rather serious and grave accusation. That, and it ultimately condemns yourself.

Renard LeBlanc: Well, I have already suffered a fall-from-grace, due to an incident that led to a scandal, unrelated to this particular incident. Nevertheless, I would non make such an accusation lightly. I slept with Lilianne for an evening, and in fact was so pleased with her services as a courtesan that I requested her services for a second night, and a third, and a fourth. I also gave her a gift in lieu of payment one night.

Philippe Dechante: This is a personal question, monsieur, but do you feel that someone who is in her profession should be made into nobility?

Renard LeBlanc: Non unless you wish for the strength and moral turpitude of the nobility as a whole to be called into question.

Philippe Dechante: What do you think this says about the Jalaberts?

Renard LeBlanc: I can't speak on Dementlieuse politics as an outsider, but if this happened in Pont-a-Museau or Ste. Ronges, there would definitely be a row over this.

Philippe Dechante Merci, monsieur Renard, I feel much the same way, and while I cannot speak for the Observateur or the Dementlieuse people, I am certain they are very concerned about this news.


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Re: L'Observateur
« Reply #16 on: August 08, 2012, 01:46:58 PM »

On the front cover of the newspaper, at the bottom, is the following announcement:


We at L'Observateur take immense pride in our journalistic integrity, though occasionally the interplay of power politics interferes with our desire to give you the truth. Due to sordid and unpleasant events, one of our journalists was forced under duress to publish an interview that he had never written. The now-deceased villain behind this unspeakable plot, Renard LeBlanc, working on behalf of powers greater than he, attempted to defame the good name of our newest addition to Dementlieu's peerage, Dame Lilianne de Moreau.

We rescind entirely the validity of the 'interview' published in the name of Philippe Dechante, who was made a victim of fraudulence. We at L'Observateur do issue a sincere and candid apology to the Dame de Moreau, and wish to make clear that any and all claims made by monsieur LeBlanc against her character are patently false.

Merci beaucoup,

~ The Editorial Board

On the second to last page is the following:

Marc Véron, heir to the entire Véron estate prior to his recent troubles involving his worrying sanity, has escaped Dr. Heinfroth's Asylum for the Mentally Disturbed. His mind shattered with the demise of both his wife and father, he was let go from his position within the gendarmerie not long after scandal erupted over a pit-fighting ring involving les petit gens and children. A place of vice most sickening, it is believed they were gambling, often with high stakes involved.

The gendarme have asked anyone who finds this man alive will be awarded 5,000 solars for his or her troubles. Exercise caution in how you capture him, for if you fail, we all fail.

Near the back of the newspaper are some advertisements..


Get a cup of the newest tastes from the Amber Wastes at La Voix de Ame!

The Blooming Rose - a trip back in time...

Get the latest fashions at Laura Escher's Fashion Boutique! Be the woman you want to be!

« Last Edit: August 08, 2012, 01:48:37 PM by DM Seraphim »


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Re: L'Observateur
« Reply #17 on: August 19, 2012, 02:10:25 PM »


On the front cover of the newspaper, at the bottom, is a rather prominent news story; a drawing of a horrifying, slimy, bipedal lizard with a rusty spear in his hands can be seen:


The debut of the latest play performed by the troupe associated with the Theatre de la Cathedrale would have been a delightful and wonderful experience, were it not for the twist ending written at the last minute by some vile and sickening creatures. Not long after the play was fully finished, a large feeding party of reavers stormed the Theatre de la Baie and began to attack theatergoers en masse. Although the Theatre's security personnel, the gendarmerie, and several brave individuals in the audience were able to dispatch the creatures and prevent a greater loss of life, there was one casualty: Simon Beauvoir, a talented child actor who was slowly rising to occupy a place among the annals of many other famous child actors before him.

The Amazing Astoundo, well-known street magician who was providing illusory special effects throughout the play, had this to say about the tragedy: "It is a shame that the spectre of such a tragedy event haunts what was overall a remarkably impressive play done by the Dame de Moreau and the illustrious playwright, madameoisselle Harvey. My heart goes out to the Beauvoirs, et I offer my most sincerest condolences."

Capitaine Jacques Reynard is working with the merchant marine of Dementlieu to ensure that the Bay of Pernault is kept safe from future reaver attacks by actively seeing to it that their numbers are culled. "Capitaine Dupré and I are working tirelessly to see to that the tragedy that happened yesterday does not repeat itself." The gendarmerie remarked that mercenaries and those associated with noble families may be called in to help deal with the reaver problem, though refused to comment on when military action against the aquatic beasts would take place.

In the rather lengthy 'arts and leisure' section of L'Observateur is a particular article of interest.



This upcoming Wednesday, August the 22nd at 9:00 PM ((EST/GMT -5)), a concerto will be put on by Vincent Roy and the Puits d'Orchestre, working with famed Richemuloise musician and performer, Jasper o'the Nine Lives. The concerto being the work of well known-composer Don Pablo, this musical event is sure to be a treat as people listen to the hauntingly beautiful performances of Port-a-Lucine's own orchestra pit and one of Ste. Ronges' best musicians.

The letters to the editor section is quite vibrant, with one piece being a public apology and another being a rather biting and acerbic satire.



Public Apology from Lady Linnea Paganni:

Today I speak out, offering my deepest and humblest apologies to Miss. Harvey. I was under great distress with my concern for my beloved, and the loss of the child that I wrongfully accused her of being responsible. My words were misplaced, and for this I apologize. I also apologize for striking Miss. Harvey, it was a line that should not have been crossed and an act unbefitting of a proper lady. I hope, that forgiveness and understanding can be found in this apology. My emotions got the better of me, I am but human and while mistakes do happen, I will strive to learn from this to avoid future confrontation

~ Lady Linnea Paganni of Skald


Much Ado About Nothing

What remarkable role-models we have! It seems that while a little boy's life is taken well before its time, well-known performer and charity organizer Linnéa Paganni of Kartakass and the tempestuous playwright of the Theatre Blythe Harvey of Mordent decided that it would be an opportune time to refer to each other as women of ill-repute and slap each other silly in the middle of this harrowing tragedy. No doubt, the squabblings of noble families take precedent over the death of a young boy taken far before his time. I'm sure the traumatized girl who was watching the two screech like banshees definitely understood the gravity of the matter at hand.

Do keep up the good work of engaging in petty family rivalries. I am sure that the child being eaten to death takes a back seat in the carriage when it comes to two women behaving less like ladies and more like schoolchildren.


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Re: L'Observateur
« Reply #18 on: August 27, 2012, 02:29:00 PM »

A large exclusive features on the front page:


Linnéa Paganni of Kartakass, and her loving husband, Matthieu Montte, Esquire, of the Port-á-Lucine Monttes put on a splendid concert for the purposes of raising money for children orphaned by the war. They were quite successful as well, raising more than 200,000 solars, total, with some members of the Council of Brilliance paying out of pocket for the children so affected. However, the beauteous evening filled with moving sounds and voices would suffer a most dreadful denouement.

As Councilor Héléne DuSuis proceeded to hand over a cheque to Madameoisselle Paganni, an assassin, using a Gearling flintlock, fired into the chest of Councilor Dominic D'Honaire, Chief Advisor to Lord-Governor Marcel Guignol. Thanks to the efforts of numerous guests at the event, the Councilor is alive but in critical condition in an undisclosed location. The garrison of gendarme at the Palais Dirigeant has doubled, and nobles of various families have lent military aid to provide mounted patrols of the Quartier Publique.

The assailant has been positively identified as one Maximilien Merda, a veteran of the Executioner's Campaign (the first war with Falkovnia), who joined the infamous group of anarchists known as "Les Ordures". Merda was the agent perhaps most responsible for the death of Lt. Jules Argont, a rising star in the Dementlieuse armed forces, and the death of several men in uniform. He and a band of other red-sashed insurrectionists stormed the encampment near Port-á-Lucine, and took it over, leaving no survivors. Eventually, this small radical movement dwindled as the war came to a conclusion, and Merda went into hiding.

Evidence also points to Merda being a Falkovnian sympathizer, as his rhetoric mirrors the hawks in their insinuation that the Council of Brilliance, not the Falkovnian war criminals who poisoned the daughter of the Lamordian diplomat, was responsible for starting the war. Gendarme night-captain Alphonse Dupré, who handled the case, had this to say on Merda: "Judging by his checkered past, I would non be surprised if he defected to the Falkovnians long ago. I am just glad he could non realize his dastardly plan."

A pair of notices amongst the wanted ads would catch the reader's eye:


The Sanctuary - in need of waitresses, dancers, et cetera. Speak to Serafim Ianescu for more details. Can be found on the Widow's Walk in Quartier Marchand.

The Clockwork Goose Apothecary and Engineerium Company - always willing to buy interesting goods, contact Leandre de Vauqelin or Wymmer Drukker at our office in Quartier Marchand, next to the Red Vardo Traders Store.


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Re: L'Observateur
« Reply #19 on: September 17, 2012, 12:39:56 PM »

On the front cover of the newspaper can be seen a caricature of a blonde-haired middle-aged man with a pistol in one hand and a bomb in the other. The text below reads:


The infamous leader of the red-sashed insurrectionists who took over an encampment of Dementlieuse soldiers stationed near Port-à-Lucine along the Avenue du Progés, Maximilien Merda, will find himself executed some day this week alongside others who engaged in various seditious activities during the war. Among them are Ethel Koehler, a Falkovnian spy; Déodat Glaisyer, counterfeiter of government food tickets; Léa Granger, insurrectionist; lastly Grégoire Martel, a sympathizer amongst the gentry who lent monies to the Falkovnian cause.

The executions will take place in the Place de Léon, in front of the Palais Dirigeant, by way of the guillotine. Opening words will be delivered by Councilwoman Josephine Chantreaux.

An article some pages in seems to have an illustration depicting a silhouette posting up notices onto the stone façade of a building, with the bold letters spelling "L.E.C.T" made clearly visible.



Printed handbills flooded the streets of Port-à-Lucine some days ago, a familiar psuedonym appearing at the bottom of each page: "Humbert F. Antome". Indeed, it seems as though the infamous gossip rag known as Les Esprits Curieux Tract has returned from its long hiatus to launch its invectives upon an unsuspecting populace.

With Lord Henri de Montagne and his son dead, the charges of libel against the mysterious and enigmatic writer of L.E.C.T. by the family have become for the most part moot, though it does seem probable that the illustrious Montte family will likely charge Humbert with libel, in exchange for being routinely made L.E.C.T's target.

More to come as this story develops.

Under the 'entertainment' section is a long piece about fashion.


Laura Escher, Lucrèce Bellamy, and assorted others are preparing themselves for a fashion show unlike any other, where only the finest attire will be displayed. Given the lack of activity during Semaine de la Mode (where designers usually deign to show off their latest pieces), this promises to be the most interesting demonstration for this year.

When asked about what sort of theme her gowns, suits, coats, and bodices will have, the well-known designer stays silent and offers up only a mischievous smile. "You'll just have to see for yourself; I'm non revealing anything until the day of the show."


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Re: L'Observateur
« Reply #20 on: July 15, 2013, 06:18:31 AM »

The front cover of this issue features a single Reaver on board an otherwise vacant ship. Below, it reads:


Over the past week, Reavers, lizard-like men from the sea itself, have been attacking ships near Port-a-Lucine with an immensely increased frequency. They've even gone so far as to move on the docks of Port-a-Lucine itself, taking sailors down into the depths of the Sea of Sorrows. Truly, the Widow's Walk has earned its name in the past week. Strangely, these Reaver raids appear not as they have before; rather than pillaging ships for their cargo, these recent Reaver attacks appear aimed at the abduction of sailors. In light of these attacks, L'Observateur asked for a statement from the Dockmaster of Port-a-Lucine, but he declined to comment further than saying, "We're doing our best to keep our lads at sea safe."

However, talk among the docks lately revolves around the abandoned ship that drifted into the docks just two days ago. Details about this abandoned ship are scarce, but Creative Director of the Theatre de la Cathedrale, Siobhan Crowley, was among the first who offered assistance in securing the vessel. She described the scene as very, very bloody, with the bodies of sailors on board mutilated and most of the surviving crew having lost their minds. Allegedly, there was one sailor who was of sound mind when help arrived, and speculation among the docks has been rampant as to why this lone man survived whatever atrocity that ship faced. Perhaps he was more capable than the rest? Perhaps he was so cowardly, he ran and locked himself away in time? Perhaps he had something to do with the incident itself?

L'Observateur is proud to report, however, that the Gendarme were quick to respond, with Master-At-Arms Cervantes du Maare being among the first to survey the ship. It was not long after the ship was secured that all living crew had been taken into the care of the Gendarme on order of the Council of Brilliance, with the ship and its cargo being seized into the custody of the Gendarme as well. While details behind this incident remain scarce, we at L'Observateur have to question whether this is "for the best?" After hearing the account of Creative Director Crowley's account of what happened on that ship, we at L'Observateur can safely say we do believe the Council of Brilliance is handling the matter with the utmost expertise and wisdom.

Our hearts go out to the families of those who were victim to whatever took place that day, and our gratitude is owed to the Council of Brilliance in their quick response to aid the surviving sailors.


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Re: L'Observateur
« Reply #21 on: April 26, 2014, 10:29:57 PM »


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Re: L'Observateur
« Reply #22 on: May 07, 2014, 03:52:13 AM »


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Re: L'Observateur
« Reply #23 on: May 12, 2014, 06:38:32 PM »


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Re: L'Observateur
« Reply #24 on: May 15, 2014, 04:54:43 PM »