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Author Topic: Diary of an outlander  (Read 892 times)


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Diary of an outlander
« on: August 31, 2010, 02:30:18 AM »
Hidden in one of the deepest pocket of Waren lies a book. An old book common in every aspect. Yet this weathered book is heavily warded. Sepia snake sigil and hidden pages charms work together to protect its content. The content of a life, the content of an adventure in the depth of the horror...

Those are but a few of those warded pages...

It has been weeks now since I arrived in this place. I have yet to discover where I am... I have obtained a name and few obscure references but nothing that could quench my thirst of knowledge. This place is named Barovia, a pityfull region lost in time and under a perpetual rain... Inhabitants are rough, full of fear. I hopefully met another outlander before meeting any local. This good soul warned me to keep my talents hidden... An advice I have now make my every day life...

I long to leave this place even if it was to go back in Amn and once again serve as little more than an educated slave.


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Re: Diary of an outlander
« Reply #1 on: September 08, 2010, 09:53:22 PM »
Few more lines...

It has been months now... Months away from my home, away from my roots, away from my life.
I have finally met a few fellow scholars. I will not write down their name just in fear that someone will eventually get through the wards. Fear, fear drives my life day after day. The night are populated by strange creatures, myths, hushed names... neudi, vrolocks. I am afraid and even the light of the fire is not enough to dismiss those shadows...