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Author Topic: M.M Logbook  (Read 11367 times)


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M.M Logbook
« on: June 12, 2010, 11:49:03 PM »
page 1-2

To who ever finds this cause if you find this i am nu longer alive, drag my body or at least the citadel belongings to the citadel and report i have fallen my name is Mihas Mandruleanu a vallaki garda.

Was nu always a vallaki garda where to start i suppose my parents my father Nicolai Petrovski was a simple farmer who's oregins lay in the village of barovia and went to vallaki to seek a better life, alas he ended up in the slums and his career became that of a butcher and hunter.
My mother Roxana Mandruleanu is a whole different story a total opposite even, she was from a rich family who owned some estates and where merchants to the nobles, as all nobles they stuck to their own kind.
My father once delivered some meat to my mother and they instantly fell in love as far my mother ever told me i doubt it my father was nu had the charming looks but each there own.
It was an outrage when the Mandruleanu's found out a noble with a simple slums class citezen nu even from vallaki they tried talking her out of it and told her she would be exiled from the family if she went with him to the altar she nu cared and indeed married my father.
After doi years they had a son da you are guessing bun it was me Mihas Mandruleanu they had given me my mothers last name simply to taunt the family, in the years i grew up my father now and then took me with him when he went to hunt for deer learned me to see tracks and know the forest, my mother took on the educational side learned me to read and write and how to speak properly so on like a noble would, we nu had much fangs in the household but we just had enough to get by and nu starve due to my fathers work we nu had to buy meat as he hunted it mostly himself nu to mention prepare it himself as well i must add he was nu a bad cook compared to my mother who be for me had nu household skills at all.

So in years i grew up being able to write and read and to hunt i was 7 years old and it was a bun summer unu day my father set off and never returned from his hunting trip it was rare he nu came back for a day but it happend alas this time he nu returned at all my mother and i where at a loss especially cause we could hold nu funeral cause the body was nu ever found, my mother started working at the market and i did the same running errands but a harsh winter was at the door and we got fired due to the fact they nu needed extra hands during this time of year, we barely had any income and the Mandruleanu family was of nu use as our side was casted out the winter got rougher and our foodstock was low i was to young to notice that most of the food went to me and my mother skipped days on eating to feed me we lost allot of weight during that winter, i was 8 now and the winter came to an end alas so did my mothers life due to starvation the days of nu eating week in week out had taken their toll on her.

Now i was 8 years old had nu parents and needed food i tried again running errands but they often screwed me over leaving me with empty hands so i started stealing i picked pockets in the noble district broken into homes of the wealthy to only sell things for food this kept going for years on a few occasions i almost got caught but always managed to escape on bun summers i tried doing honest work but when my fang supply went low i went back to stealing until i was about 20 years old.
« Last Edit: August 23, 2010, 11:20:54 AM by dutchy »
Tagdar Stonebeard- the lone statue
Mihas Mandruleanu- He is the law
Gurdan- priest of the allfather, and current head of the silverhand trading company


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Re: M.M Logbook
« Reply #1 on: June 12, 2010, 11:54:30 PM »
page 3-4-5

A new life was going to start i saw a poster of the vallaki garda that they needed new bun recruits i figured being able to read and write would help and it would be honest work nu to mention i would get a roof over my head and a payment every month.
My initiation started i saw a private named Dragomir he told me to stand up straight and inspected me then he punched me a few times and made me run, i thought it was strange but i truly wanted to join and i ran and ran he even started to trow things at me and shot bolts at me eventually i was  ordered to stop running and another beating came i puked and got ordered to lick it up cause i was nu allowed to make the floor dirty unless it was blood i made it trough that and then said what all garda say when they join.
The oath of alliance.
I hereby swear!
To follow the count and state laws set be for me!
To serve and protect!
To give my life!
In his name!
I swear!
They then gave me my uniform and i would be trained to go out on patrols.
The first few weeks i had a hard time adjusting i was used to a free life but with nu purpose i ad mid i had my first troubles with pitics and fey's i had a rough period dealing with such beings our culture teach ed us that they where all but bun beings mult bad especially the fey who steal shadows.
At night my second wall duty i think it was neuri attacked the citadel a few trees stood to near the walls and the neuri climbed up i ran inside the jails as fast as i could nearly fainted that scared i was private iorgovan and cazacul came to the jails as they hear ed yelling the iadul neuri was scratching at the door trying to get in, we discussed how to do this properly to defend ourselves until i had the bun idea of trowing boiling hot water trough the metal bars of the door the neuri screamed when it happend until the screams faded and we later found out that the neuri was a little domna, i swear it is stupid to be outside at noapte if nu unu would be outside then there would be nu new neuri or vroloks and they would die out.

in my early period as a garda i ran into a troublesome outlander named kayne took awhile be for we had him under control, and there was the order of zarus everyunu was scared off and of course the starting rumors of zeklos was a lively period and i had discipline problems izabella popa who was almost as long as me in service did better and got promoted short after i got kicked out and demoted to militia cause my mouth was to big.
After i did some militia work and got it a bit active again i could return to duty as a garda.
The garda had gone trough a transformation grigore cazacul had risen to lance corporal in nu time only unu i know that reached higher ranks is such a short time elton belovich or marlbroke as i know him is the runner up.
grigore and i had a troubling understanding i found his way of command in consistand nu to mention his orders where more likely to get you killed then to stay alive a domn with nu tact what so ever am nu surprised he unu day left and never returned most nu do at those ranks.
lance corporal cazacul grounded me for weeks cause of something that happend with the burgomaster, they wanted a spy in the zeklos garda to know what was going on and they summoned me so they could send me off with a zeklos Representative that was visiting the citadel  cazacul said i was the best candidate and a bun garda i was to honest and spoke out of turn saying i had discipline problems.
this of course resulted in the weeks of grounding i wrote about a few lines above.
time passed there was even a rebel attack on the citadel and i helped defending it of course nu hard if you are grounded and always in the citadel, i nu liked how my brothers in arms set out daily while waiting like some mother on if they would return safely luckily they did.
after being grounded for weeks my attitude went worse i kept reading in old reports trying to learn as much there was about the garda and what they went trough nu took long for me to see that gregori iorgovan was the only unu that actually had gotten old while serving the rest either went missing killed or simply left because of the pressure the job.
I remember the garda had gotten a struggle among the ranks more where nu happy with what was going on dragomir katzinkaly who was a war hero spoke up against gregori iorgovan about some questionable dealings that alas i myself had pointed out they fought Right in front of the captain can you believe it the captain he got mult mult mult angry and ordered them to leave it was a miracle they nu got fired at the spot, well katzinkaly went to the training room and cazacul followed him to give disciplanry punishments.
Cazacul thought his men would follow him but he was wrong i got a whip pushed into my hands and got ordered to whip katzinkaly the old war hero i refused and sat next to him to receive the same punishment as him, izabella popa was next and she did the same i can nu believe popa would be that loyal but she was she sat next to us with a faint smile and nodded cazacul went berserk and tried doi other garda who's names i have forgotten those doi also refused, katzinkaly stood up dropped his gear and simply left he nu ever returned  i miss him he was bun unu trained me bun in the sword arts and how to be a garda.
few days later i left aswell i figured i would have been kicked out so leaving would be better and i did i roamed around for a period see the world learn new things find myself did some things for the vardo for fangs it all worked bun but i kept missing the garda.
Months passed and i still had contact with my bun friend and mentor Gregori Iorgovan, but also with unu of the counts agents who both where going to arange that i would be let back into the garda as i missed it to simply serve the life of freedom without purpose i once used to love was something i now nu liked anymore to serve and protect was all i wanted.
To my bun suprise it was done and i returned to duty.
« Last Edit: August 23, 2010, 11:21:23 AM by dutchy »
Tagdar Stonebeard- the lone statue
Mihas Mandruleanu- He is the law
Gurdan- priest of the allfather, and current head of the silverhand trading company


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Re: M.M Logbook
« Reply #2 on: June 13, 2010, 12:14:47 AM »

So far that was the story without the smaller stories of course in my garda days i saw allot more then just what you might have read ed in the first few pages, i will write them down as they come to mind again i suppose like this unu.
It was a bun day in the beginning of my garda career i was walking patrol with private cazacul we patrolled the outskirts where nu much was going on people where talking about some headless horseman some sort of demon in other words nu something a vallaki garda keeps himself busy with that is for the ezrites and brave to stupid outleander's to solve, at the end of the day someunu came to us with a report and we missed the opportunity to get back to the citadel be for old noapte safely so we stood in the cultist temple, all sorts of strange outlanders where there aswell kept asking iadul questions i wished for a warm meal and my bunk but alas nu we where stuck with the outlanders, suddenly unu comes running in yelling about some demon horseman coming and slaying everyunu in its path cazacul ordered me to go out and look cause at first i refused to go so after the order we went outside.
We gotten out of the door with mult more outlanders who seemed to have crawled out from under their rocks i found myself in shock as i stood on the road the horse manes where on fire and the rider had nu head he was killing left and right he did laugh i froze and thought it was the end i dropped my weapons and sat aside of the road saying it was the end and it was nu use being a garda cause of such things roaming around, this all i nu remember but it is what people told me  cazacul ran back indoors leaving me behind while the outlanders fought the demon horseman, eventually someunu came to me and dragged me indoors the noapte passed on and a new day arrived i went off duty for a few days and blamed cazacul of course this was the start of the bad feelings between me and cazacul, luckily i came out on top of that scary encounter and nuthing after that gotten the best of me that easily.
« Last Edit: August 23, 2010, 11:21:51 AM by dutchy »
Tagdar Stonebeard- the lone statue
Mihas Mandruleanu- He is the law
Gurdan- priest of the allfather, and current head of the silverhand trading company


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Re: M.M Logbook
« Reply #3 on: August 23, 2010, 11:19:35 AM »

I also have a life beside the garda that i rarely make use off am more of a career garda i used to have trouble with the bottle during hard times especially during the time i was dismissed of the garda, i used to be found in the broken bell it was a lively place Elicia Eliza few of the garda who i concider friends where there as well like dragomir korzha.
the domna's mainly nu liked me cause of my rough speech i have the tendency to say what i think with nu short cuts they often spoke of me as the domn that was as subtle as a pile of bricks can nu blame them subtle actions are nu my thing.
we often drank and talked among eachother if anyunu made a play in the theatre out of this i would nu be surprised often the bantering turned into bickering with myself and korzha telling the domna's that there choices where idiotic and most of all naive of course they hated when we did this and when ruxandra stanga joined the ranks of the domnas it got worse but even among the domna's side allot of gossip started, she was nu faithfull had shady dealings so on so on typical domna talk if you ask me.
eventually elicia noctu started to grow on me even with her stupidity she was in love with an outlanders who's name i can nu remember but he was unu who had dirty hands nu ever found out what but i knew he had dirty hands, time passed and i eventually talked her out of that crush like a big brother does on his little sister and she gave me the nickname big brother cause i kept looking out for her.
her next victim was my bun friend dragomir korzha who mainly wanted to have the company and nu cared much for her she as a young domna of course went from unu love crush to another nu keeping to any tradition of the barovian life style.
would nu be a suprise when i say that i was the next unu that got trapped in her web, we went out for awhile but i had allot to do as a garda and she moved to the port lost track of her but i did bought a few rings to see which unu she would have liked the most for when i would ask her hand in marriage.
of course this is my life and as much as i have the luck of a true slums rat that luck does nu apply in a love life, i got back from my busy duty rooster and found out that she ran off with an outlander instead of getting angry i took more distance and here and there gave her advice all of them included to nu get to attached to outlanders they can nu be trusted.
i was right of course poor thing got set aside she tried to come back to me and i trusted it eventually it went wrong busy garda days came again and she left with another outlander named finn who has a name of using domnas during this period i took even more distance her stupidity knew nu boundaries.
sometimes the old gang still visited the broken bell simply for the old fun we had even if it was bickering we witnessed vroloks enter neuri trying to get in a haunting and such it does create some sort of a bond i suppose i as a garda staid there during the noapte to keep the inn save as bun as i could meanwhile we had a new unu named denisa who joined the domna ranks of bickering singing and gossiping.
« Last Edit: August 23, 2010, 11:22:33 AM by dutchy »
Tagdar Stonebeard- the lone statue
Mihas Mandruleanu- He is the law
Gurdan- priest of the allfather, and current head of the silverhand trading company


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Re: M.M Logbook
« Reply #4 on: August 23, 2010, 11:24:21 AM »

Funny to think that everyunu sees me as a unaware kind of person it seems my strength cause they always wonder why and how i know things so well and detailed.
i used to speak with unu of the counts agents intresting domna she has been granted eternal life but can nu ever see the sun if you catch my meaning in her former life i am sure she was a lawgiver but all those records have gone missing i know her current and true name iorgovan seemed to have known her in her former life as he knew her real name i swear that old war dog holds more secrets then a library has books.
we often spoke about information the garda had for her own goals that fit a agent of the count and in return i gotten information on cases i had nu progress in.
in due time i introduced elton marlbroke/belovich and denisa, she was nu charmed about elton he nu knew his place  denisa on the other hand she was mult intrested in she kept buying her clothes and other small gifts, and denisa got more and more fascinated with this domna agent of the count.
the agent and iorgovan had a bad history it seemed she often spoke that he was pushing his luck and that at some point she would get back at him, i can nu help to wonder how bad that would go she is nu the weak type you wish to anger i remember her saying unu time she would break his fingers slowly unu by unu i doubt that would be the only unu thing that will happen when that time comes.
like always during those days i spoke at the wrong time and said the worst things, as she was someunu of a status i think a blueblood past she had and well i was far from a blueblood myself.
my mouth managed to say that she should break all ties with denisa as denisa herself wanted to be more and more like this agent wich is nu a bun thing turning into a beeing that can nu ever see the sun without dying i angered the agent but i had mult bun information for her so her temper calmed a bit and it saved my life i think it luckily ended in me nu seeing her ever again and alas she would nu leave denisa alone she did say i was as brave as i was stupid at least that's something bun i suppose.
Tagdar Stonebeard- the lone statue
Mihas Mandruleanu- He is the law
Gurdan- priest of the allfather, and current head of the silverhand trading company


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Re: M.M Logbook
« Reply #5 on: August 23, 2010, 11:26:33 AM »

Ive seen many criminals in my days to many if you ask me personally.
there was the halfling named effelin who worked for who else but vassile the little runt was a bad unu always had a hidden agenda selling things in the outskirts and always the iadul fights with kayne the dumb brute these are already trei names i dislike vasile being the worst unu, effelin visited our jails a few times but the last doi times went intresting it seemed he was the unu named the rat prince a neuri we had an iadul neuri in our cells at least he warned us for the corruption seems vasille had garda on his payroll nu suprise there his arm is mult long nu a place it could nu reach i believe.
we executed the rat prince doi times seems the first time was nu bun enough though little runt, kayne was mult happy to know that effelin was nu longer alive i wish we could just execute kayne i nu like that brute at all all he does is yell get on peoples nerves start fights and when it gets bad for him he calls for his girlfriend whats his name da wallace iadul the kind of folks we tolerate in our outskirts its ridiculous.
then there is vassile iadul dracu untouchable vassile who has a bigger organisation in barovia then the vardo have he is slowly outgrowing them would be nu suprise if the vardo suddenly disappear cause of this he has all these folks protecting him and then his wife sofiya bun sneaker you will nu see that death coming even if you where the most skilled tracker in the world if she comes for you you re done for, i keep looking into their affairs confronting them that they will make a mistake unu day and that i know what they do but have nu proof it actually makes me smile seeing the faces and the eyes that betray them that they rather execute me at sight when i say such things but can nu do it cause of all the bystanders.
unu day i will be either standing tall and with a big smile on my face as we execute the whole gokudo lot of them or i will be drowning in my own pool of blood as Ive been stabbed in the back, it does nu mather i have taken procautions long ago i have several more taking up the sword for when i fall those protections are made several letters at several people all mult strong.
but da i rather be the unu who stands tall with the smile  then the unu laying face down exhaling my last breath.
Tagdar Stonebeard- the lone statue
Mihas Mandruleanu- He is the law
Gurdan- priest of the allfather, and current head of the silverhand trading company


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Re: M.M Logbook
« Reply #6 on: August 27, 2010, 06:37:50 PM »
*a few loose pages that don't seem to belong where they are according to the dates they simply say vacation logs*

Vacation log #1

I have had it seems cazacul is back iadul cazacul they even gave him his old rank back i can nu believe this will work out bun, eugen on the otherhand has been doing bun getting promotions leading the troops i knew he would be better in the field then in the citadel seems i was right as often as i alas am.
these journey's back to vallaki are bun to me the army life is nu my thing i rather be a garda at least there i know who i have above and below me, better to know who nu to anger then to anger the unus you find out later was nu a bun unu to anger but i am having a few days off the army life so i am back in vallaki of course my idea of a time off means doing garda duty and helping eugen out with the lower ranks who seem to need it.
Arrogant iadul arrogant today i had to trow  unu out for the lack of stupidity of nu seeing that he was upsetting his fellow garda you can nu abuse your rank or those below you that is unacceptable, the private would nu listen to reason i made the recruits and other privates explain it to him why they nu wish to serve with or under him it nu arrived truly how arrogant can unu be thinking you do nuthing wrong while half your fellow garda nu like you and clearly show it it is beyond me truly is eugen thanked me for doing the unu thing he nu had the strength for yet.
Also enric is back in uniform again i knew he could nu resist it i just hope he keeps his guard up poletics got dirty or are dirty nu had much experience in them until i became lance corporal but enric nu realises the dangers everyunu wishes your job or to get a higher rank trough your job i actually believe that when the doors close in the citadel a greater danger lurks then when we are out patrolling.
Of course more bun news only hear ed rumors but nu its true alright vardo and gokudo merged how is that for a story the honest criminals merged with the dishonest criminals that is unu dangerous building now i expect unu or doi garda disappearing now, nu safe myself either due to my previous dealings with the vadims and they documented everything as far i know and then theres kalmah knows much but how much is the question and worse how much does he talk.
well i need to get ready to train more soldiers for the army back to the barovian army training grounds with me, i nu like the sounds of that castle at noapte we even miss unu or doi soldiers a week after a noapte most say deserters but i know better i know whats in there best to sleep with an unsheathed blade.
Tagdar Stonebeard- the lone statue
Mihas Mandruleanu- He is the law
Gurdan- priest of the allfather, and current head of the silverhand trading company


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Re: M.M Logbook
« Reply #7 on: August 27, 2010, 06:40:11 PM »
*a few loose pages that don't seem to belong where they are according to the dates they simply say vacation logs*

Vacation log #2

Poor poor eugen seems he is knee deep in it this time he was really glad to see me and of course he got promoted again corporal now bun for eugen he deserves it from what I've hear ed.
They opened the hunt on the gokudo eugen added big amounts of fang to the names we want most, he even had to raise them as vasile paid the garda a visit to get his bodyguard strydel out nu ended bun for the garda nu suprise there we are nu equipped to deal with a lizard like that its shamefull robs me of my pride and that of others i am sure.
I know i write often i am always right or at least often well here comes a bun example.
Myself and the fresh corporal where talking over dinner about how problematic the gokudo have become since they broke off with the vardo cause now they are loose cannons again and the vardo  said they would pay the expenses to get vasile brought to justice at least that's what eugen says, i warned him that this is mult dangerous I've seen this to long this cat and mouse chaise you get close to the iadul lizard and the iadul lizard strikes back in a way you nu even held possible always an iadul step ahead, but as i was writing eugen took the warning serious and promised to be less aggressive in his hunt i gave him some advice on how to do so and then it was nearing bed time we finished our bread and grey sludge or whatever it is they feed us miracle alone that it nu kills us.
The next morning we got ready for patrol, we walk out of the gate we close it i was telling him to be extra carefull and i nu finished my iadul sentence or that dark fey fact toe (fax'to) or however those iadul fey spell it, the murderer just stood there blocking our way we both unsheathed our blades when of course nu suprise the proclaimed lizard king himself showed up telling us to stand down and for eugen to follow ended in a fight unu i did nu won.
took a few days but we found him again, meanwhile i had some backdoor dealings with several people among them the agents doi of them the old domna i am used to and a new unu who i know but hate to meet, they both wished information as always information as agents they rely allot on us garda it seems for such small things and I'm always an iadul messenger.
bun side eugen is back cazacul seems to be gone again and vasile binaly has to fear for his miserable life the count is nu pleased I'll drink to that.
Tagdar Stonebeard- the lone statue
Mihas Mandruleanu- He is the law
Gurdan- priest of the allfather, and current head of the silverhand trading company


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Re: M.M Logbook
« Reply #8 on: September 06, 2010, 07:59:41 AM »

Lies a duty the law decent behaviour these are all words i must have said a hundred times during my patrols as i am sitting here in the flickering candle light of the broken bell in a near dark corner mult funny when i write down these words.
Was nu ever much of how the bluebloods call it a hypocrite what mother told me it means a person who points unu finger saying it is bad while doing it yourself alas mother i turned into unu and i have the garda to thank for it, all cause of unu word that is nu in that line yet and that word is secrets.
I always had a saying about old wardog iorgovan who is more or less my mentor the saying went iotgovan holds more secrets then a library holds books and i was nu lying i am becoming that.
Suppose my biggest secret is that i know the truth about allot of things a barovian should better nu be the wiser of da the count, iadul i started eager as a recruit i was a funny domn made pranks kept the fellow garda smiling and nu took things to serious certain missions and daily routine changed that also another mentor of my early garda days slapped me out of the dream that we are doing this for the bun count.
I remember it bun it was noapte we just had been drilled and trained i was showing potential but as always i ran my mouth to much but took the lashes with pride after the lashes dragomir katzinkaly took me outside to have a few words with me while i would be on wall duty, we stood there i had proved myself to the vetran garda long be for and katzinkaly was unu of them he knew he would nu stay among us i doubt he knew when  but he knew he would nu stay of that i am sure, but as i was saying it was of course raining wind was blowing and the neuri where on the move we stood there in silence peering into the darkness when suddenly he asked me who i served and why i do the job that i do.
Took me a moment be for i had a proper answer i said for count and country as that was drilled in to answer when asked he then said and now your real reason i knew i could trust him so i simply told him it was a survival choice it was the garda or a continued existence on the street and i nu wished to be a dishonest person so i choose the garda, the vetran smiled and called me an idiot.
Then the eyes the eyes that seen a war eyes that knew battle and had been scarred by a lifetime of events now it might seem he was an old domn but he was nu old at all mid 20 but the life experience of someunu who should be grey and bend over.
But he kept standing tall and those eyes seemed to go right trough me as if he knew my every thought he then spoke of a secret that only a few garda know and those trusted among eachother pass it down to those below them in rank that also seem to be trust worthy and i was a lucky unu.
It was about the count that he was nu what he would be appearing to be i hear ed outlanders already about such crazy talk but now a garda who met him personally well that's a difrant story i was mult nervous as the wind was howling with the noises of the neuri taking over the city as they do every noapte.
The count a vrolok i said louder then i wished it resulted in an immediate slap on the head by katzinkaly to keep my voice down he told me about the agents that some vroloks serve him and that those are agents they always have some sort of item on them to proof that they are agents like a ring with the counts blessing so forth so forth, i was shocked i think i mean i did my duty for the count and for the country the greater bun of the land those things was what i learned to uphold and now i am being told i serve some iadul powerfull vrolok it went against everything the citadel teaches you or barovian culture for that mather, but those eyes they nu lied katzinkaly nu lied he spoke the truth.
Serving a vrolok that is basically what garda do an imortij lets the mortals do the dirty job from that noapte on i adjusted my allegiance nu to the count but to the country.
To protect and serve would be my motto nu for count and country that would only be said when appearance should be uphold.
Tagdar Stonebeard- the lone statue
Mihas Mandruleanu- He is the law
Gurdan- priest of the allfather, and current head of the silverhand trading company


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Re: M.M Logbook
« Reply #9 on: September 06, 2010, 08:04:29 AM »

Secrets i spoke about my biggest unu on the last pages but i got plenty more iorgovan is nu the only unu who holds more secrets then a library holds books i suppose he teach ed me well.
Dealings with the vardo for example we had allot of meetings to capture those we needed and went out of our reach, or with the vadims i personally started a witch hunt for corrupt garda i failed and won, poor elton such a bun friend but had his hands in the mud dirty hands can nu do a cleaners job and we clean the streets of scum he got taken care off of course there are more that are corrupt in the garda i sometimes think i am the only unu nu effected either i am to stupid or to honest might also be my street survival instinct a slums rat stays a slums rat nu mather how you dress it up.
He got taken care off in the end i think, then there are the agents of the count i know who they are and who they where when they liked the sun especially did some digging on the female unu intresting case that unu nu had it easy she had ties with garda i nu know where she went wrong or got turned or how you wish to call it but we speak to often for me to nu do a check on her.
The whole denisa thing was dirty work as well poor domna she nu deserved it set up by the dirty unus and those with the power to do so, to late to fix that i was nu allowed they hated me for my digging so i got shut out nu the first time either.
Our walls well the inside of our walls might hold some suprises powerfull witches end up in them burned and then sealed up the thought alone makes me sleep bad when old noapte cloaks the land, citadel poletics i at some point had to do some dirty job for gyoleletch a corporal something from his past involving hex and some other nutter in zarcroft we ended up going against some experiment some sort of caliban i think i nu know all i know it was taken care off with nu paperwork he owes me unu.
Invidians da that is a hard chapter of my life to much figthing involved i nu like violence but we had to we did some scout missions of course went mult bad, started with that they spotted us and later they had us trapped in some iadul cave we had to play dress up we walked right into that camp of theirs i pretended to be a prisoner along was a hurtfull experience got slapped around mult times be for we could move against a crossed over high ranked garda who passed over information of course we hear ed that it was nu scout mission near the end i love poletics.
Wish i could say that was the only unu time we visited the invidian camp in the mountains but nu we went in again only this time to truly get information went bad but we survived got me an armor and helmet out of it nu much for nostalgic things but that armor is a bun piece of memory of trickery and stupidity.
Leo dilisnya now that's a name i rather nu write about, i had to hunt this raywyn a blind monk who stole a sword from the castle her doi mates got killed in the works of it, took me awhile but unu day i catch ed up and met them well the group she was with armed to the teeth of course i was alone always am when it mathers most but they agreed to talk and explain and so they did i decided to pretend i kept hunting them for the sake of nu loosing my face in front of the garda but i knew iadul bun that a barovian force was nu going to defeat leo outlanders where needed for that unu, which leads me to goldflame a fey i hate to respect but still respect always mannered towards me and tells me what i want to hear nu more but often less in the end she realised i was needed in this whole thing and was filled in and i think hmmm strange i nu know for sure but i think we defeated leo somehow somewhere its sort of vague like parts are missing.
There is zeklos i knew what went on there da alas i know horrid place bun thing it is nuthing but rubble now unless you look beneath it, but we still got the fifth sect whats left of it in port luciene marle even approached me wanted me to join me a vallaki garda that believes in nu god at all out of her mind all those cultists are if you ask me.
What bothers me most is that i used to be a fun domn did what was needed to get by liked a laugh nu much serious things in my life, now all these backroom dealings double standards dumb outlanders castle poletic and citadel poletics counts agents figthing horrors garda's nu handle for the sake of the people changed me into something i nu wish to be an can nu share.
Most things i know would be the end of me if i spoke about them i can nu take anyunu under my wing to trust cause all walls have ears and the night has its eyes i am nu longer the ignorant barovian that followed orders without a thought, i am a garda that listends to the orders given and compleet whats possible out of it.
Most of all i learned that you loose yourself along the way and that ignorance is a bliss, the grass is nu greener on the other side and this job holds nu glory if you are lucky you might retire with your pride and honor intact but that is more rare then actually surviving to retire.
Tagdar Stonebeard- the lone statue
Mihas Mandruleanu- He is the law
Gurdan- priest of the allfather, and current head of the silverhand trading company


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Re: M.M Logbook
« Reply #10 on: September 11, 2010, 01:42:52 AM »

Dead bodies i seen to many of them inside and outside the citadel the blood waisted by those iadul invidians and the valkovnian mercenaries unu does wonder how does this start this nu falls out of thin air da? well this is what i have been trough and have collected about this dark barovian victory.
It somewhere started when iadul outlanders such as the unu who might have found this logbook upon my lifeless corpse stuck his or her nose in things they should nu do so, raywyn some blind monk or how they call it was with unu named corvin and his wife mariska they decided it was a bun idea to steal from the count a sword nu less the sunsword a weapon that can kill any vrolok nu mather how powerfull they are wich explains it is nu to ever leave the castle for those that are smart enough to know the truth they see the reason why nu doubt that it is a vital item nu to loose.
But the lord of barovia did loose the sword alas for the angerfield family i think they are called with that i mean soren and mariska they felt the wrath of the count and got piked up the castle walls as a decoration and memory of nu ever tresspassing or worse steal from the count himself, raywyn got away aperently and banded together with others and in secrecy they continued to fight an enemy nu garda or any regular army can fight in barovia i speak of leo dilisnya.
This old enemy is from the old stories some barovian families still talk about among eachother when doors and windows are shut and as less ears as possible are around outside to hear it.
Leo dilisnya was if i remember the story bun the brother inlaw of the count  leo made a mistake to hunger for power and betrayed the count  the count in return got cursed and so did leo both had great power but nuthing they could use to win from the other but as the count was the count he had an advantage the dilisnya family went to or come from borca nu to sure have nu seen many maps to confirm this but that is the myth with as less details as possible.
Leo returned to overtrow the count and such people as raywyn and goldflame had plans to go against these plans to serve barovia in their own way, now goldflame i know mult bun trough this period and asfar i can concider a fey a friend she is unu i concider as unu i suppose.
This still nu make sense of course but here it comes enric dragomir elton belovich and myself stood in the citadels jails we just handled a prisoner when elton went off to get something to eat when a body dropped with a message carved into its chest for enric dragomir it seemed the idiot gotten himself involved in this and leo wanted some sort of book enric had nu choice but to tell me as i already had hear ed rumors on the street about this, he binnaly broke and told me the story elton walked in and so we let him in as well he wished to have nuthing to do with it at the time probably cause he wanted to have a long life and was busy getting promotions.
Some time passed and goldflame visited the citadels prison on her own and by force several times alas to say she got tortured for simply keeping a promise to the castle, i respect unu who keeps a secret that well and she does till this day i have nu ever hear ed a word from what was in that iadul book i myself got more involved as well i was digging to deep i wanted to find raywyn as my superiors made her the most wanted enemy in whole barovia and i was appointed to solve this problem i came close more then unu time but that was all upon unu time i actually met her of course on my own with nu other garda around, i decided to go with that current group of lets simply call them adventurers to meet this leo in some abandoned fishing station they were nu happy a garda came along but i saw it as a bun opportunity to see how they work and how they deal with things and such i kept to the saying keep your bun friends close but your mult enemy close and thats what i did.
As we arrived at this fishing station we went down they informed me that it was for goldflames sake we where there she got captured and the book and its secrets was in trouble and this was a rescue attempt, went bun nu resistace we went all the way down until we came across a cellblock an empty cellblock i must add we hear ed loud noises upstairs and be for we know it the whole place was in flames enric who was at that time the only unu informed of my location joined us shortly be for the noise and myself along with the others ran up and saw that every exit was bolted for an iadul vrolok he sure likes his wood that leo i think the best carpenter can nu even bolt exits shut that fast, so we went upstairs and attempted the upper windows wich was nu a bad idea but the halls were at fire well to make a long story short the smoke made enric myself and some others pass out i woke up in the outskirts morninglord temple and that's all i knew from there nu multumesc nu anything mult rude of them as i did try to help them at that point
« Last Edit: September 11, 2010, 01:53:26 AM by dutchy »
Tagdar Stonebeard- the lone statue
Mihas Mandruleanu- He is the law
Gurdan- priest of the allfather, and current head of the silverhand trading company


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Re: M.M Logbook
« Reply #11 on: September 11, 2010, 01:45:40 AM »

This leo story is nu over as we nu see the line we won the war yet.
From this moment it got hectic for me i had allot to do with my duty and in my spare time i went leo hunting as goldflame wanted to stay out of our jails we made the deal she fills me in and i keep her out of the cells and so we both kept our word, meanwhile word got out that valio took over the castle and that the count was nu longer around for reasons unknown to me.
We set of that iadul lizard curse his blood and his wife sofiya the miltia veltis also known as jinx du borg husband or something alike connected with goldflame goldflame of course and myself we actually went to the castle without an invitation, we stood there all thinking the same dumbest idea ever to get in without the invitation we all knew it was suicide but leo was gaining strength and we had nu choice so the gates opened the trustworthy servant of the count led us during daylight to the castle and made us sit at a table with the count himself that's what we thought for a few moment.
Count von zarovich did nu speak he only moaned it was strange maybe some sort off doll of himself or some witchcraft trick we nu know valio was nuwhere to be seen either, some did eat but nu me iadul it could have been poisoned luckely it was nu else our group would have been with even less as we nu where with many to begin with.
Of course the lizard saw it fit to kill the count well the zombie or doll or witchcraft trick however you wish to call it but it got killed and we needed to get out but the front gate was nu option, we where already lucky to keep our weapons cause i was able to pass off as a garda and that they where trustworthy.
Ran and ran room trough room like they looked for valio or the count himself but we nu found a thing beside trouble the dead came alive the bones on the floor collected themselves the cracking the groans and moans the immortij where rising during that battle in those hallways we were desperately looking for a way out when whats his name roland showed up with some other person with him figthing for their lives we all stuck together for awhile and then those doi left again as we where in the lower parts of the castle looking for tunnels that would lead us out of the place we would surely die in and be raised as skeletons ourselves.
But of course this would nu be my life if it nu got worse, we just looked at the castle jails and decided to go trough it but we needed to rest for a moment when we had a visitor it was leo dilisnya himself giving us unu last option to join his cause he claimed to be the new count aswell, the others refused and i stated that as a garda i serve the unu who rules barovia he believed me or humored me i nu know but told me to lock the others up and then to meet him up the stairs, i pretended to put them in the cell's as we whispered a plan to make a run for it when we got attacked by some more cursed imortij creatures that roam the castle some went knocked out and myself and the iadul lizard vasile where the only unu left standing we ran back to get some distance nu immortij followed us so we decided to patch ourselves up to get the others and so we did unu at the time.
That way was simply nu working we had to go trough another way out a window over the walls is what we decided nu took us long after everyunu was rested enough to get out of there only to enter unu more time a few weeks later.
Those few weeks later when we entered we went trough a tomb alot of old names you only see in books where stated on stone slabs we looked for the wife of the count i think the ghost of her to be exact after that we gained access to a room and well it gets mult hazy things happend people shouted a fight happend i nu know more it is like i can nu remember or something nu allows me to remember but something definitely happend we won i know standing outside the castle on the road back to vallaki with a satisfied look on everyunus faces that we did it but what is it that we did?
Tagdar Stonebeard- the lone statue
Mihas Mandruleanu- He is the law
Gurdan- priest of the allfather, and current head of the silverhand trading company


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Re: M.M Logbook
« Reply #12 on: September 11, 2010, 01:50:56 AM »
//thank you to those who have shaped mihas into what he is today and thanks to those who are reading the story.
// i want to add that if you have a sugestion or a story i have left out to pm me about it also feedback is also apreciated cause i doubt without any feedback this story wont get better then it is.
// hope you all will enjoy the rest of whats to come.


dutchy/mihas mandruleanu
Tagdar Stonebeard- the lone statue
Mihas Mandruleanu- He is the law
Gurdan- priest of the allfather, and current head of the silverhand trading company


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Re: M.M Logbook
« Reply #13 on: September 30, 2010, 06:39:11 PM »

Still nu war but that came nu to long after leo the invidians wanted vistani worse they where raiding traveling vistani vardos reports kept coming and coming until the garda decided to station me and some other garda at the vistani camp at tser pool.
upon arrival i was welcomed with open arms it soon came clear that they had nu defence at all and also that the vistani would start invading the camp, the men i was with and some outlanders who where present at the time and wished to help we made some bun defences under my command during this period i was still a simple private as rank bun luck that iorgovan had teach ed me well about such things seems the old library of secrets had so much knowledge of things else i would nu ever would have known how to defend a camp that had nu defences at all.
We chopped wood and created barricades at a small creek that was up ahead in the small stream of water itself we places pikes unu big death trap we made of it, those barricades where our first line of defence.
The noapte turned into day and we where low on numbers so i decided to make wooden dolls like scarecrows nu unu can tell the difference at noapte and our numbers would look greater then they where another noapte of unrest passed and luckily reinforcements came from the village with lance corporal stanislaus a blueblood with nu capability what so ever in such situations to my aid.
I welcomed every hand that could hold a weapon so it nu took long be for more outlanders came, strange how outlanders defend the vistani so much they actually wanted to die for them.
morning came and so did the herald of the invidians they commanded us to remove the barricades and hand over the vistani, i told them to lay down their arms and subject themselves to barovian law of course they refused.
Nu took long be for the first wave came we fought them off and they noticed we where better prepared then they first expected so they returned in bigger numbers  wave after wave our blades and arrows hold them off.
Then the horses came the ground shook as they came but we knew that they had to get past the barricades and the small stream of water that now turned completely red with the blood of allies but mostly enemies.
The horse riders proved to be a harder job to kill then we hoped but we manged many got wounded but still we kept on going again the day turned into night and we waited and rested even the invidians where nu dumb enough to come at noapte.
Morning came and so did the invaders we woke up with horns being blown arrows coming down at us, was an iadul miracle we had nu more casualties due that then we had, but they found another way near the camp is a point where you can swim across i positions what men i could miss down there and appointed an outlander as commander of that group he hold them off bun we had an ezrite running back and forth healing and helping as much as possible the vistani that could fight did so as well while the rest of them hide in their vardos.
Victory seemed sure at some point as so many laid dead already then something hit us we nu expected siege engines big balls of fire rain down on us and the vistani vardos chaos broke out and the lines where hard to hold we had them cornerd some outlanders got brave and chased after them and went for the siege equipment they barely succeeded i think only unu survived climbing that ledge to destroy the invidians up there, was nu suprise either the invidians came unu last time and they came hard they gave it their all and we had to regroup at the camp itself as our main position got over run, we noticed the vardos on fire and those that kept the invidians at bay at the point where you can swim across where also in lower numbers then i expected at this point it looked mult bad mult mult bad.
What i nu told yet is that i send word to the citadel that i needed assistance and iadul they for once listend to me and during the point we nearly got defeated the vallaki garda came to safe the day we pushed them back and put out all the fires, when we reached our first line of defence again all our barricades got burned down but we won.
It was a bitter victory many died and the sergeant i serve under krovache got badly injured, a envoy of the count himself came and took the vistani domna that the invidians where coming after with them as well as a bun escort of those still willing and able.
i stayed behind with a handfull of people to restore as much as possible in that camp and we left to see where the other group went, alas we had gotten word they made it but now the dogs would charge the castle, nu unu in his right mind charges the castle to mult dangerous at least they where smart enough to do it at day.
again it was a long battle we first held them at the mountains but the outlanders refused to listen and thought they where heroes so they charged down at them and died died like the stupid idiots they can be with nu tactical insight what so ever.
But there where some with a better set of brains and stood with the others and we got pushed back to the gate the battle took hours and i think only 8 of the defenders survived myself included.
the battle was won the invidians where defeated, but at what cost? i remember standing at the first line of defence in tser pool during a pause in the attacks, saw all those faces all young with a look in there eyes as if they knew they died the blood the body parts trampled heads and limbs guts laying around arrows into chests and heads, horrid it was horrid i nu think i am the same or look at things the same war is a cruel thing it robbs many houses of sons and fathers i hate the invidians with all that i am nu get me wrong but what happend there should nu ever have happend i still wake up sometimes in the middle of the noapte hearing the screams and the hooves of the horses i then look around and see the pools of bloods all around i see allies and enemies die around me everyunu figthing to stay alive, some young invidian crawling to get up with arrows sticking out of his back only to feel the sweet release of a blades edge to end his suffering the look in his eyes they looked peacefull as if he was at peace when his life got ended.
that battle was horrid yet in some strange twisted way i miss it in that field all those that stood with me where bun people nu mather what all defended eachother there was nu bickering nu outlander or barovian we all defended eachothers back for the simple reason of survival.
Tagdar Stonebeard- the lone statue
Mihas Mandruleanu- He is the law
Gurdan- priest of the allfather, and current head of the silverhand trading company


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Re: M.M Logbook
« Reply #14 on: October 03, 2010, 05:44:14 PM »

I wonder when i nu am able to write anymore it might be when i am old and die of old age when i retire unu day but that is just a lie i hope it but in truth i will die in the field like a soldier should, so did all the falkovnians iadul that they had the nerve after what we did to the invidians they figured we where weak enough to attempt the same, they where stronger and more brutal i admit that as far the reports go i only got a short glimpse of the falkovnians my battle against them was nu as glorious as it went against the invidians they had sergeant iorgovan and i set out to see where they where holding him i got found and joined the sergeant for the remainder of this period.
Suppose i am more or less up to date unless i can think of sudden parts of my life i will of course include them in this book that holds my secrets and my legacy for when my life ends.

I have had some interesting developments recently i found out vasile is nu longer among us, but as a proper enemy he left me a note stating his real name and some activities they used to do as far a respectfull surrender goes this was it.
Bun to close that chapter i feel allot safer and i decided to give more attention to my social life by doing that i finally gave into my love for elicia and asked her to marry me she was shocked to say the least but i gotten a da out of her we went to get rings as well bun rings, to think i went on my knees in a jewelry shop in the port nu ever figured i had it in me seems i am a family domn after all, since the death of the lizard i am finding myself in a mult better mood as well i seem to nu expect an assassin behind every iadul corner.
Its bun to waste my time in the broken bell at noapte sometimes more garda come along to have a drink and if nu i am with elicia she seems mult happy about this all i think i did something bun da i am mother and father would have been proud that i am making a bun future for myself the slum branch of the manruleanu family shall live on am happy she is a bun wife to be troublesome but bun.
Then there is toskalov a bun old friend by now been a garda long be for me i think he still remembers the old ways he is on rebel watch but the other officers are giving him a hard time, i agree and disagree being a lance corporal makes you sit in between you want to help your privates but meanwhile you have to respect the unus above you it is hard keeping that separated with unus like toskalov who i have known a mult long time you tend to agree faster to then you would do to a new garda, his plan seems bun on paper but has some flaws serious flaws now he is challenging eugen by saying the captain ordered him to take what ever resources he needs but eugen nu wants recruits or privates going on these suicide missions against rebels they are nu trained bun enough in eugens defence he is right but in Tuscaloosa defence if nu unu is crazy enough to do this we get to have allot of widows soon among the garda as always i am in between.
Also seen anya vadim again after a long period the poor domna turned into a widow i will nu forget what dragos vadim did for me he always helped when i asked for his aid he and anya where unu of the few vardos i could actually trust, i suppose i will look after anya a bit i would like to think dragos would have done the same in my position it is the least i can do for him and the aid he has provided in the past, have to watch kalmah word is he wants a bun noapte with anya this is unacceptable she gets to many friendly hands trown at her to help she might misjudge what the true intentions are and dragos was the unu reminding her about such things, truly bad a bun domn like him fell to neuri hope he found peace and rest.
Forgot it nearly forgot that irina badovoc turned into a widow this was a case me and eugen where on we where getting iadul children corpses every week all drained only unu corpse was perserved bun the rest of her family got send our way decomposing and maimed it is truly a horrid sight to see how young children are the victem of iadul vroloks curse them and the noapte they live in, after her last brother we found she wanted to hang herself up in the broken bell luckily i got there be for she did so talked her out of it with elicia's help and she now works as a maid in the broken bell   its proof life nu ends when all those around you do aslong you keep standing and walk forward.

// if you remember a story with mihas  pls do pm me some details to remember it and il write it out when possible :)
« Last Edit: November 19, 2010, 02:01:16 PM by dutchy »
Tagdar Stonebeard- the lone statue
Mihas Mandruleanu- He is the law
Gurdan- priest of the allfather, and current head of the silverhand trading company


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Re: M.M Logbook
« Reply #15 on: November 19, 2010, 02:02:08 PM »

Irony unu more time my last sentence was aslong as you keep standing and walk forward now it applies to me.

Awhile ago a leutenant asked me to kidnap a gundarakite child so that his father in prison would work along with us by tricking the vardo into selling the domn gunpowder to see where their leagence lay, alas to say it nu went acording to plan the doi garda send with me nu from my own unit raped the mother and she later died of her wounds how the iadul could i have known that was mult dark in there....the poor boy even if he is a gundarakite i should have led them better such a huge mistake i nu care they raped the mother nu at all afterall she is a gundarakite but the fact they made the boy watch is nu excuse nu wonder they rebel.
The vardo catched on aswell they nu fell for it dimitri was at first nu amused but saw how it was needed afterwards  he sure had me sweating when i came to collect the so called rebel they caugth who ofcourse was send by us  i tell you doublecrossing vardo while they know you do so is tricky but we had a bun laugh afterwards.
This was nu everything nu at all at some point karas came to visit again with his red eyes i swear that iadul snake just does nu die at all but i had a bun plan he came cause he messed up with the vardo spilled all their secrets i do love secrets so he told me everything i told him to wait and nu leave but he did only to return in the morning with dimitri strapped and bound more dead then alive  put dimitri in a cell led karas to my office and told him we'd plan his escape at noapte.
DA ofcourse i am nu passing out on this the burgomasters grandson wanted karas aswell and now do the vardo and i have him in my office.....plotting time this needed quick thinking i informed the burgomasters grandson and the vardo and we set a trap downstairs to take him down and interrogate him was more work then it sounds but it worked he ended up dead after changing into some iadul small bug with wings trew him in a cell wich nu many ever come out off....he did doi days after i left his corpse there he was back on his feet someunu broke him out.
I bet i made old iorgovan proud if he heard about it how i planned it all knowing him and how he trained me he must be.
Now comes the irony.
So i nu pricely know anymore cause this happend mult fast i get summond to the leutenants office about that kidnap he told me doi garda found the remains of the gundarakite mother he grabbed my troath trew me against the wall and told me i was useless pff like that is something i nu heard befor, he goes on and on how the mother was found and how much trouble i am in he says a judge and all be present and such unless i have a difrant idea he even iadul sugested to kill the garda who reported it to cover my tracks now i am loyal to the garda but that means every garda nu just a higher rank i am nu killing unu of my own especially nu those of my own unit, so corporal eugen comes along aswell i get chained down to a bench and they went talking and talking finnaly i get called in and they told me i would be suspended for a month due to the fact i have been touching the bottle to much again, only a few know the real truth that this is simply a huge cover up for the mistake i made and that of the leutenant problem is i get the heat and he does nu but i am sure his time will come everyunu pays for their crimes unu day thats life nu?.
So at the moment i am suspended and demoted and my whole unit dispices me and hates me and i got new scars on my back to match the old unus cause they did a disciplanery whipping on me oh bun times bun times indeed amd now a privat again have to follow everyunus iadul orders again nu idea if i will stick with the garda after this we have more glory hogs then brains these days among the ranks the irony and theres even more but that i will write another time.
So mihas aslong as you keep standing and walk forward all will be bun thats what a slums rat does survive.
Tagdar Stonebeard- the lone statue
Mihas Mandruleanu- He is the law
Gurdan- priest of the allfather, and current head of the silverhand trading company


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Re: M.M Logbook
« Reply #16 on: November 23, 2010, 10:11:58 AM »

And another page of the book of shame

I been on vacation have to do somthing with your suspention da? visited the drain nu on a voluntary condition though but i did da funny when i word it like this the reality is difrant i got lucky mult lucky.
It started with my suspention i am a law enforcer trough the bone nu to mention the only remaining knight of the old order i took it upon myself to make sure the celler dwellers stay where they should they hunting our people i hunt them simple as that i had a bun collection already this yuri unu was a slippery unu got away doi times i cought up with him but alas on his turf.
I changed my look to fit my knight role and i went after them noapte after noapte anya told me it was suecide and crazy but with my training whats the worst that could happend da? am strong am skilled am smart....just to impulsive i was unu noapte talking with dimitri about a ring that the iadul brumbats stole from nadia ionulus a long time ago and how to retrieve it when suddenly a horn was blasted time after time we went to see what was going on and it seems unu recruit stood at the well panicking cause pavik was captured by vroloks i imidiatly went in to retrieve him knowing full well i was in caliba teretory and that they had a score to settle.
Was nu long i came down there imidiatly saw morticia and another vrolok who i think she was training or somthing how to feed and such poor pavik stood there between them fear in his eyes i think he even lacked the guts and will to piss himself in fear i tried to barter with them but i got interupted someunu trew witchcraft at me and out of nuwhere 5 caliban came to take me down more witchcraft got trown at me and i could nu move they took me down and thus began my vacation in the drain they beat me up and wanted awnsers i was naked as the day i was born they each took turns to beat me up at some point i sat up and a big unu wanted to slice of a toe he got close and i kicked the sucker right in the mouth serves him right comming to close even bound down and near death you nu ever should think i am harmless.
The strange part was this yuri seemed to be in charge he asked about a mission we had a week or doi befor i got suspended it was about a hazlani witch who was turning the slums against the ionulus family we ended that with high casualties but it seems the garda made a huge mistake we never cleaned up the weapons of our fallen brothers still lay there and the celler dwellers took them away thus are now better armed.
He kept asking about it at some point they emptied my bags and grabbed the rings i got made for the wedding and some confescated opium, i nu saw anyway out i expected to die there so i made a jump well more a crawling movement towards the opium on the floor when they where nu watching and i tried to take an overdose alas they catched on to quick i only had a little and was now in a happy state of vacation mind untill i came back to my senses....i honestly nu get why people take that crap was bun while it lasted but thats all there was to it.
My cell was small and i recognised it vasile unu time held me prisoner there aswell time passed and sometimes they came to interrogate me or simply talk to me as i was more or less teaching them things from the world above especially this yuri seemed intrested in such lessons about how life above is what is concidert normal and such i think he nu wants to be what he is but alas for him he is what he is.
The big day came they made me wear a mocking garda uniform and i was led to some ring  was nu doubt about it i had to fight  if i won it all i would regain my freedom somthing worth figthing for i'd say but other plans where already made elicia came to watch so did anya and karas and kalmah was actually glad to see anya and kalmah karas and elicia are nu bun it is nu bun to see your wife to be looking at you hoping you survive as for karas well its karas, but as i said difrant plans where already made i did actually made it to the final round  after figthing neuri and giants rats and somthing else with my fists i was going to take on the champion iadul caliban won and anya bought my freedom and she was nu happy about doing it.
Nu happy at all shed told me the caliban said if i mess up she dies aswell so her life is now tied to mine drain related that is i also owe her 15000 fang i am worth alot nu? i will pay her back in due time nu angry at anya telling me she would kill me if i mess up it is pure busnis, so am out of the drain now and honestly nu idea on what to do.
Ofcourse i went to the garda to report in about what happend, it soon turned into an trial instead of a report it seems they all nu trust me anymore if they ever did to start with and now the lower ranks get bold aswell now that i am nu longer a lance corporal this truly shows how bun human nature is as soon they get the chance they will walk all over you use you and toss you away without any remorse i am the slums rat but i wonder what they are cause a rat would even be to bun to call them bunch of backstabbers its a multumesc for nuthing typical citadel poletics its still a mystery if i will return to serve with those bunch of ungratefull bastards, only tomescu said unu bun thing i did stupid things but i also shown plenty bun that i did for the country, i suppose that atleast says somthing about me nu?.
We will see what more drawbacks life can trow at me. i must admid this is all taking a toll on me i nu know if i can keep this up much longer beeing pushed around for nuthing i did bun things where i my reward? life itself? if it is like this with lance corporals like bachev calling me an outcast and an outlander i nu know if that life is worth much, i do know he should watch his mouth out of uniform cause i will tear him a new unu if he runs his mouth at me off duty in civilian clothing.
Well mihas like mother always said always look up nu down cause a frown is still a smile only upside down.
Tagdar Stonebeard- the lone statue
Mihas Mandruleanu- He is the law
Gurdan- priest of the allfather, and current head of the silverhand trading company


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Re: M.M Logbook
« Reply #17 on: November 26, 2010, 09:55:41 AM »

I rememberd a few verses from when i was a child i suppose i write them down so i nu forget.

Playfull times

Little soldier march on free
Nu be afraid of what you see
Keep on marching as proud as you can be
Defend the lands from tirany
Oh little soldier nu ever drop to your knee
Come on home safe to me.

Go to bed lulleby

Old noapte sweeps across the land
Little boy come and take my hand
Lets head indoors befor old noapte lands
Close your eyes and nu mind the sounds
Old noapte has come we are indoors so have nu fear
We are safe by the fire and in bed.
So lets sleep and forget
Cause zuia will come to protect.

The unkind warning

You should behave
You should be nice
You should always think twice
You should nu be a thief
You should nu be a thug
You will be locked outside
If i ever had enough
Old noapte is nu kind
Old noapte is nu soft
You ever make mother angry when she had enough
Then you will meet old noapte soon enough.
Tagdar Stonebeard- the lone statue
Mihas Mandruleanu- He is the law
Gurdan- priest of the allfather, and current head of the silverhand trading company


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Re: M.M Logbook
« Reply #18 on: January 18, 2011, 10:56:31 AM »

Been awhile since i wrote anything down in this private log.
bachev keeps going on nu beeing happy with me it nu matters he has a trust issue with me it seems the iadul idiot nu realises i did more for this city and barovia then he ever will in his career, been whipped already by corporal geyoleletch for a misunderstanding him giving nu clear orders but i nu mind i think geyoleletch forgets who cleaned his persenal problems long ago in the sewers with some freaks i think he forgot who did that for him but i have nu.
Anya and karas what a mess what a huge mess karas simply nu dies he is like some bug that you squash and comes back everytime nu matter what, anya got stupid slapping a recruit ended in jail and ofcourse my famous mouth problem made it to the punishment party, i told corporal eugen about her shadow and how she can get dangerous when in pain eugen decided to ripp out her tongue break her fingers and give her five lashes she was nu amused to say the least i felt like i betrayed a friend nuthing new there i suppose.
So i went to anya afterwards to give her a chance to get even with me thats the fair thing to do well fair....better then waiting when she would strike am nu a patient domn nu known for it, she took me to some cave and eventually gave her shadow to me i went insane i did warn her nu to bring out my dark side yet she did.
I think i was effected a day or trei in those days i took down outlanders beaten them and even hit elicia my fiance but thats nu all i heard that later on i stabbed her doi times nearly killing her iadul i am a rotten person when nu in control of myself.
What idiots they jumped me on the streets at day garda saw people saw and anya became wanted she was executed karas in the meanwhile fixed my mind, but karas has been a busy bee he kept sending things at us to free anya from our vaulth of the death nu succes untill recently when a whole freakshow came in among them the heretic called marle a neuri named dougan and the vrolok annalise ofcourse karas self present and that arrogant so called rightious jadow  even schala chooce the wrong side for the moment traitors the whole lot of them.
I got serveral things going on beside the garda if they knew well lets say they would nu be pleased at all.
As i arranged to attempt to get goldflame her soul back wich some kargat some elite soldier from azalins castle stole, i asked laila sofiyas apprentice to be arrested and sneak in and out while sitting out her sentence and she did but alas the item taken was the wrong unu, i shall nu attempt another unu as the first attempt nearly costed me my job.
Then there is kaleb he is death for awhile now yet his cult named set its from the waistes of har akir is causing trouble militia are getting killed and more trouble seems to arrise i feel like im nu even dug up half of it yet this is a hard case but unu i am sure to crack.
Theres a bun bunch these days on wich i talk with who knows what can come of it but i am sure nuthing but bun things once i leave the garda or get kicked out, as that will happen over time am sick of beeing looked down upon i am a war hero the captain seems to know but he is unu of a few alas how i miss gregori he used to be able to guide me trough these troubled times.
Tagdar Stonebeard- the lone statue
Mihas Mandruleanu- He is the law
Gurdan- priest of the allfather, and current head of the silverhand trading company


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Re: M.M Logbook
« Reply #19 on: April 02, 2011, 02:24:42 AM »

So here we meet again the ink and the paper.
Life has been boring for my standarts just another fool trying to kill us i tried to ressign but it got denied, seems resignation is seen as desertion and the general issued the death penalty on that.
I been a fool again i was promised the world and here i am licking my wounds beeing lucky i am nu hung for treason, i helped nadia Ionulus  she wants the general death her own brother simply cause he is in her way honestly i will nu ever understand that family all the lies the hate or maybe its how i feel about the noble side of the mandruleanu family they can all take an arrow for all i care.
But i delivered a key unu time to a domn in the ladies rest, i will admid i nu felt bun doing it and when my gutts tell me that i should nu but i was promised the world so i did it for my own selfish reasons of beeing more then just another private, months after the grandson of the general goes missing whole citadel in panic and gues what the rebels had him i was there when bachev spoke to a rebel named vicho life gets better caue this rebel vicho was the same unu i gave the key to talk about an iadul set up, now the deal was made the child returned but i nu heard a word i assume information was given every plan well atleast great plan needs a plan b  plan b as in a scape goat and iadul did i walk right into that role, the rebels asked for nuthing they just returned the boy and bachev walked back and spoke to the captain in privat wich is nu ever a bun thing only luck i hold is they will never trust a rebels word over a garda's word even if its mine luckely, that iadul nadia she even went to visit elicia  just to show me she knows where to hurt me most if needed,
These Ionuluses are nu to be trusted luckely i have learned to have back up plans aswell i have several letters spread out to several people to open upon my demise or word of treason so that they will know the truth and deal with it i am nu a simple fool that nu knows how to play these games, citidel politics are more deadly then 10 years patrolling in the outskirts.
But ofcourse its nu all seems i walked into a cursed house and am now having vivid nigthmares of some vrolok type named nosforatu  some old vrolok that seemed to have killed many an inquisitor noigrim is involved and told me to undergo an exorsism  to iadul with that am nu letting them mess with my mind there is only a limit to what i trust cultists with.
Elicia is nagging about the wedding again she keeps asking when we going to do it and wants me around more she says i am married to my job she nu gets that i am keeping the recruits and newer privates alive women huh.
Bachev made it to the rank of corporal the fool has the best luck possible the general makes a mistake but pride nu makes him correct it thus we have now doi corporals unu with a bun mind the other unu step less bad then cazacul, nu to mention bachev repeats eugens words like some parrot we do have him nicknamed dumitrascus parrot, the parrot put me in my place saying senior ranks nu apply anymore  captain says this eugen says that and bachev attempts to say somthing i nu know what to believe or follow anymore, for the sake of the garda i simply train the recruits and guide the fresh privates so they nu mess up.
Elicia asks me why i do it cause they will all be promoted unu ziua above me, i simply awnsered its my job to do so and its sad but true.
Tagdar Stonebeard- the lone statue
Mihas Mandruleanu- He is the law
Gurdan- priest of the allfather, and current head of the silverhand trading company


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Re: M.M Logbook
« Reply #20 on: May 18, 2011, 03:57:14 PM »

It nu ever ends.
The kargat  Azalin himzelf  now the dukkar and the vistani, even i have to admid that waging a war in order to test certain theories and have unu big distraction is a hell of a move when you concider tacktiks.
I am nu in the middle of it i simply walk along and hope to protect my country i am far from beeing seen as a barovian cause i drink my potions and rely on some other things my fellow countrymen would shit bricks for its simply survival my mother always warned me about my curiousity, but it nu matters aslong i know what i do and why i do it i can take the punches.
The corruption in the citadel has nu been dealth with doi garda left cause they disagreed with the general, worse is they where my last doi trained garda petra and vladimir i ha high hopes for them petra was smart and had morals learned quick but alas her morals where to conflicting, vladimir on the other hand was always more on the background he learned slower but observed more he nu went into things head first wich suited him in the end he was better trained then petra and now they left due to trickery they knew i was denied to ressign and they iadul broke their oaths with a trick to get kicked out cause children got hung  ofcourse i nu disagree with killing innocent poeple but we took an oath we listen to our superiors and sleep with the demons we allowed to happen thats what a garda does we learn from that and trough that we make sure others survive i saved a gundarakite ezrite of such a fate myself by arresting her and escorting her to the temple, why those doi never used such tricks is beyond me i sure did teach them that.
I suppose what bothers me most is that i teached them to bun i always wanted them to think about orders if they where the right thing to follow and if they where able to deal with it i learned them the tricks how to avoid and bend rules i always said see what i do i do as i do, as a result they found a way out of the prison thats called the citadel and the iron grip the general has on us i might even be a bit jealous but above all i am angry they took the easy way out and broke their oath waste of my iadul time both of them.
Now i am in the port helping the vistani and those who help the vistani tracking down dukkars madame eva returned she spoke about thirteen dukkars.

one server poison in a land of lies

another captive under purple skies

Canjar-born power in her hands

he rides across the burning sands

the land of song the beast of the hills

hair blood red she steals and kills

son of the hawk the jailer waits

the cursed foe born with hate

he calls his blood from the world outside

born of zarovan last to hide

lost far from home a chosen wife

a little girl of sorrow and strife

that number twelve and another there be

but whom that is i cannot see

Unu already got taken named the jongleur in the port messy busnis that was.
Vladimir is around aswell he is now an ezrite i swore i would teach him the final lesson as a punishment  but they keep swarming around him and they also warned me if i touch him they would defend him what a coward.
Elicia been sending letters asking when i come back she misses me i have to admid its nu a bun thing that i left without notice but less know the better i been seen and known to much now anyway,
My friend close friend even i suppose is changing poor grevis his ideals are nu holding up anymore he is slowly turning into someunu more dark compared to what he was  nu as cheerfull anymore nu as protecting either the line between good and bad are fading for him and it is showing, laila killed a child infront of him he got angry but that was about it  while if that happend with the old grevis he would try anything to defend the child or to take revengence and even make sure the child would stay alive yet all he did was stay angry and forgave laila as laila will stay laila.
I simply hate the port been robbed twice now i am either nu prepared or simply to ignorant my mind is nu here am nu as sharp every little iadul thing bothers me here bunch of stuck ups nobles even the poor unus here think to bun of themselves, i miss barovia yet i hate the idea of returing to my job as a simple garda with nu career.
Tagdar Stonebeard- the lone statue
Mihas Mandruleanu- He is the law
Gurdan- priest of the allfather, and current head of the silverhand trading company


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Re: M.M Logbook
« Reply #21 on: May 20, 2011, 02:07:01 AM »
/// the things you read here are purely the vision of mihas or things he went trough in no way is this logbook a reason to backtrack people on their activities and if it fits the job the way they act or alighment of such chars this thing is not an evidence casefile at best its a one men viewpoint so do not harras the names in my logbook about the things they have done cause you've read them here.
// so keep it as it is on the forum i hope you enjoy reading it  and i hope i can keep posting the names without any trouble for dooing so.
Tagdar Stonebeard- the lone statue
Mihas Mandruleanu- He is the law
Gurdan- priest of the allfather, and current head of the silverhand trading company


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Re: M.M Logbook
« Reply #22 on: July 10, 2011, 12:55:52 AM »

The last line of the last page seems like a huge joke now, returning to the garda with nu career.
How about returning to get fired?  iadul always somthing eugen is to worried with keeping friends he never watched out for cultists and now he suddenly does da ofcourse if you ask me he simply wanted to get rid of me, that karpovski can go to iadul and his party can you believe it a party at the bell cause i got fired it amazes me i was nu fired sooner if they felt that bad about me doing my job.
Both petra and vladimir now carry the mark vladimir is more at peace with it i think its cause i gave him closure from his old life i hope he understands it was pure busnis nu bad feelings afterwards.
Petra on the other hand needs more then a mark it seems she has been accepted as a morninglordian but she is unu wench it seems she went to eugen to get me fired talk about nu respect i kept her witchcraft secret cause she asked me to and here she is blabbing her mouth at the first chance she gets loyalty is hard to find these ziua's.
Now i simply wander around bored even i miss walking on patrols i even notice myself doing the same routines i used to do old habbits die hard.
I remember a saying the outlanders unu time said it is lonely at the top well they forgot to mention the bottom is nu to crowded either, i always figured that my job nu made me many allies or friends but that it would be like this nu i would have nu suspected it to be this empty i lack goals and guidance.
Nu unu takes intrest in me wich in a way is a bun thing i always expected assassins to jump out of the shadows as i now lack the backup but i think i did a bun enough job to scare them off a few had a mouth on them the first week but a few punches here and there quickly showed them that even without my uniform i am nu unu to mess with.
Ofcourse life gets worse nadia came to me again with iorgovan at the bell she said i had to leave town cause her brother the general wants me death, now heres unu domna whos tongue is more vorked then my own, she once said shed kill me if she saw me again yet here she is telling me to flee for my life da like i buy that she probably wants me gone so that it is easyer to point the finger at me when the trial begins for the former captain, da Mandruleanu did it there is nu trace of him word is he left town i can imagine how that goes already, sad part is i know plenty to proof the innocense of my former captain who stood up for me more then unu time but if i did the whole story would be known and nadia would still nu be executed wich means it is a sure thing i will die with a dagger in my back for exposing her.
And now i still wander around nu goals nu purpose i must watch my fangs and my way of life it is to easy to fall back into what i was be for i was a garda a thief who survived on the riches of the nobles, i have nu intention of breaking into households again.
Whatever means neccesary always been my aproach so in the end i might nu have a choice.
Am noticing my darker thoughts are comming back aswell must watch out for those i harm others faster then usual might be a selfdefence in my head but i can nu go around harming or killing people.
Iadul mihas you are a mess i simply need to keep avoiding elicia i nu want a lecture.
I am all alone all i must do is survive what ever means neccesary.
« Last Edit: July 10, 2011, 12:58:32 AM by dutchy »
Tagdar Stonebeard- the lone statue
Mihas Mandruleanu- He is the law
Gurdan- priest of the allfather, and current head of the silverhand trading company


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Re: M.M Logbook
« Reply #23 on: July 31, 2011, 06:48:36 PM »


Am adjusting slowly but i am adjusting, i still have nightmares about the war and the horrid things ive seen during my life, ive met an old well i nu would say friend  more like a how to put it a familliar face, john ferro was an idiot again and he needed to be hunted down for the citadel so i did  ooooh he was nu pleased at all but in the end he was somewhat thankfull orlov was lenient.
I still await the old captain beloviches trial  eugen warned me to nu be around during that i can nu shake the feeling that in some way i need to help the domn who gave me his trust i would nu been in the garda aslong as i have if it was nu for him, regarding that murphy can help but ofcourse the red head is missing word is the vardo been at it again they simply nu stop their old tricks unu ziua they will pick the wrong unu and then there will be trouble.
The citadel is as cold towards me as ever some garda nu hate me and still ask me about how i see things or know somthing wich makes me feel bun am nu part of them anymore but i still see them as my family unu recruit is missing and i will find i must find her we nu leave a man behind.
Speaking of garda they are nu what they used to be the recruits are lacking there are unu or doi who show promise but they seem docile these ziuas  they nu bite back they are scared they nu seem to understand the priveledge the honor the uniform is they nu get that during hardships garda face you have a bond, that is why you nu leave any unu behind all backs are covered  if there was a serious attack i nu think they can handle it they are nu unu garda they are all seperate garda's orlov is trying i am seeing it but when she is nu around well things are nu the same.
Regarding that attack comment they did get an attack was mult messy i had to call out to alson to make him act i know he would and he is capable but he just returned and needs to find his bearings again i suppose.
Luminata is a problem she seems to act out as popa did big mouth impulsive a temper and nu adjusted yet am trying to help her and i fear my foot will have to meet her arse she is barking up to the wrong unus.
Rebels been targetting me i can nu help to think if this has somthing to do with nadia, have to investegate mult slow mult carefull.
Life at this moment is less bad its more eventfull the slow pace nu ever suited me am used to to much to enjoy retirement.

adio for now
Tagdar Stonebeard- the lone statue
Mihas Mandruleanu- He is the law
Gurdan- priest of the allfather, and current head of the silverhand trading company


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Re: M.M Logbook
« Reply #24 on: August 06, 2011, 04:27:26 AM »


*the letters written seem difrant then the usual slow pace writing these seem more written during anger*

UNFORGIVABLE  how dare they how do they dare to get the idea in their iadul heads to detain me   trow buckets of piss at me and bucket of nearly solid crap the nerve the unforgivable nerve that pavlenco is a wreched unu he waited untill my mouth was open as i spoke he trew the iadul bucket the nerve that mongrol has.
Then there is alson pretends to be my brother and that all he does is nu what he wants to do, alas for him i already figured him out long befor got the boot he is vile and sneaky thats why i kept close to him keep your friends close but your enemies closer  he always had a hidden agenda he still has he pretends like i do he lacks ambition and the balls to pull it trough i took risks and paid the price many times.
KARPOVSKI *the name nearly seemed carved into the paper as its clear allot of pressure was used writing it*    that dog that nu bun son of a iadul mongrol mink cause even a dog is to high for him, oh i will make him pay this was his persenal settling score i will soon repay the favor i am nu longer bound to laws am nu longer in service  the oath i once took is nu needed anymore  they nu keep to it they are corrupt and corruption must be cleansed what ever the costs.
elicia was in the citadel that dumb woman always warned her nu to but does she ever listen NU  now she got raped  thats what alson and that wreched mongrol karpovski said unforgivable    they will pay they will suffer they will wake up screaming of horrors i have seen they will wake up in sweat remembering what faith their loved unus has befallen them.
I swear to what ever god there is or to simply the shadows if there are nu gods   i will have my revengence it will be sweet and it will be bitter i have traveled trough iadul and back and i will do so again suffer they will for aslong they live, cause death is the easyest punishment torture for the remainder years the hardest.

i will be judge jury and executioner again, they are corrupt and shall pay the price suffering will replace their joy  nightmares their dreams tears will replace their laugther.
Take it all and give none back.
Tagdar Stonebeard- the lone statue
Mihas Mandruleanu- He is the law
Gurdan- priest of the allfather, and current head of the silverhand trading company