Dear family,
Bonjour, mother, father and even you sister Lucienne. I know that you are probably wondering where I have been. I have been within the land of barovian, a very different land. I have been studying there various subjects, the wild life and so forth. The land there is freezing during the winter, and the people fear the night. It can be quite a strange land to be in.
There is a church of Ezra there, so I have been also studying there under the aid of several people, mostly Inquistor Côte Poisson and Warden Nell Ward. This brings me to the most important thing I wanted to let you know about. I have passed my trial. I have passed the Anchorite trial and I am now officially a warden of the faith! I have done it, I have passed the trial. I hope this pleases you in some way, mother and father. I am currently home within Port-à-lucine, so I do hope that I may be able to visit you soon.
With love,
Your loving daughter Clarisse.