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Author Topic: letter to the lavoie family  (Read 1049 times)


  • Society of the Erudite
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letter to the lavoie family
« on: February 25, 2010, 08:17:54 AM »
Dear family,

Bonjour, mother, father and even you sister Lucienne. I know that you are probably wondering where I have been. I have been within the land of barovian, a very different land. I have been studying there various subjects, the wild life and so forth. The land there is freezing during the winter, and the people fear the night. It can be quite a strange land to be in.

There is a church of Ezra there, so I have been also studying there under the aid of several people, mostly Inquistor Côte Poisson and Warden Nell Ward. This brings me to the most important thing I wanted to let you know about. I have passed my trial. I have passed the Anchorite trial and I am now officially a warden of the faith! I have done it, I have passed the trial.  I hope this pleases you in some way, mother and father. I am currently home within Port-à-lucine, so I do hope that I may be able to visit you soon.

With love,
Your loving daughter Clarisse.

« Last Edit: February 26, 2010, 05:17:09 PM by herkles »


  • Society of the Erudite
  • Dark Power
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  • Posts: 7552
Re: letter to the lavoie family
« Reply #1 on: February 26, 2010, 05:29:10 PM »
Bonjour daughter,

It is good to finally hear from you. We are worried and concerned about you. Neither do any of us, know what you expect to find in such a backwater land as Barovia. They are said to burn books, there. Only such brutish barbarians would do.

Your Sister Lucienne, as you might imagine is with Albert. Albert is a lovely monseiur, and quite wealthy. While not the really wealthy man that we would want, he has much more money than we do.

But it is good to see that you have finally made something for yourself. I know you enjoy your books, but really that won't get you anywhere. being declared a warden and that you have passed your trial is good thing. I suppose this means that you shall be deciding to stay in Port-à-Lucine. Perhaps sometime soon, we will get to see you in person and congratulate you for passing your trial.

Your mother