Hey everyone,
You're probably noticed that I've not been very active with running plots etc. for a while now, though I've tried to remain active on the forums/Discord.
I've enjoyed helping out you guys, but I've not felt confident for a long time about running things. Then, knowing that I've not been running plots, I've felt like I should try and pull off a big story-line, but then I question my ability further and it all kind of turns in a vicious cycle! It's been stressing me out a bit and making DMing feel a lot like work where it used to be more fun.
As such, I'm going to step down from the team for a while and just play, without stressing over plots and moderating, etc.
I do very much want to return after a break, as I still do have some ideas for plots I'd like to run, but I think it'll help me reassess these ideas and have a clearer idea about how I'd go about running them upon my return.
I've been considering this for quite a while now, so please forgive my timing! It has nothing to do with the DM-CC election (in fact I think a break from the CC might be helpful for me as well, as while I like helping with the administration of the server it can be a bit draining), so I just wanted to address it.
Will be seeing you all player-side soon!