I'll sticky this as a reminder.
Of late, I've noticed many complaints have been filed with a lack of screenshot evidence. If there is a situation or a violation against you, be it from a player or a DM, you must take screenshots as proof of what you claim. This isn't because we don't trust you - I'm even held to that standard with any situations that I bring before the team that require any action against a player (be it cheating, bug exploits or abuse, etc.). It is simply a way to ensure impartiality to an accusation or grievance, and reveal the actual situation (instead of only a one sided interpretation of that situation, or a game of "he said, she said").
Very little can be done by the DM team without solid proof. If, even after Negnar's little tutorial, you still are having a hard time creating a screenshot - hit the print screen button, go to your NWN folder and take out the tga file, mail it to me or another DM/Community Council member and we will take care of getting it visible as evidence.
The process is really a very easy one, and saves time and trouble for all involved.
Thanks for your time.