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Author Topic: Spikey McGuinness  (Read 1092 times)

Alyzium Crimzon

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Spikey McGuinness
« on: January 10, 2010, 04:13:54 PM »
Description:She has a small protrusion jutting from just slightly off center of her skull. Her build belies her strength. At 2’9”, Spikey is shorter than some human children and most Halfling adults. Her slightly longer than ear-length black hair and eyes and wispy frame might lead some to see her as waifish and lithe, but her fluid movements suggest something more catlike. She has an easy smile and a demeanor to match, seeming to draw attention to herself like a moth to a flame. Spikey wears a light brown linen shirt and leggings over a beautifully crafted mithril shirt. At her waist, she wears a sash of white linen emblazoned with a blue-edged flower at the ends. Strung across her back is a very oversized bastard sword, and a series of daggers on her hips. Around her neck, Spikey wears a gold chain with a medallion shaped like dragons tooth. She carries a simple satchel that holds several books on various topics as well as the other gear she needs for her travels.

The bar was empty, a few quiet drunks sat in the corner drinking their ale and murmuring to one another. One or two random people would wander through the door and purchase a bit of drink or food. But for most it was a place to forget or be forgotten. I chose this place as my kind aren’t always welcomed in the bigger cities.
He stared at the man sitting in the chair in front of him, drunk and passed out cold from imbibing in too much dwarven ale. Seems appropriate enough to tell you the tale, seeing as how you won’t be able to tell anyone else.

To me the humans seemed an interesting lot. Mostly it was their social interactions that attracted me to them. They all seemed to have a place among one another and an ever sense of self worth. That was very enticing to my draconic heritage. It was that same heritage that prevented me from ever really being part of their world. So I sought others. Smaller folk, I came to spy among the grasses a family unit of Halflings. It was their smells that attracted me, true enough they had social interactions and they seemed to relish in trinkets. I wasn’t really sure if they weren’t of a draconic heritage themselves. I would sneak into their world daily and watch for hours. I began to learn their habits, tried to mimic their sounds and their mannerisms, this would provide me with many hours of entertainment. I would lie among the reeds and grasses, playing my lute, harnessing the powers of my draconic songs. I don’t think they ever heard me; I kept it pretty low key and ensured I wasn’t discovered. I even had feelings of belonging for them. Feelings that would lead to very special outcome.

That was until the day that their leader Donnie Tal was to become legend. I knew it was going to be for the usual ridiculous reasons. As a part of some idiot warrior test, his people decided to send him into our territory to capture one of the smaller Dragonborne and bring her back alive. According to the legends, and this all depends on whose side you choose to believe, three to four of my sisters were lured from their safety and then captured them. Stories circulated for many years after that among the other Halfling settlements that Donnie Tal was a warrior to be feared and revered. Some of the Halflings said that my sisters had died of their injuries. Others even said that they were tortured to death. There were whispers that they were still alive and being forced to serve at Donnie Tals will. The thought of a Halfling prevailing over a Dragonborne was what really created all the excitement. That was something that no race had even accomplished before.
None of it was true, that was what really helped.

In reality. My sisters had found Donnie Tal, bloodied and in deaths embrace. Not really sure how he managed to get himself into this state they dragged his body from the grip of the forest tendrils. The one thing that I truly find repulsive is the smell of their blood. It poisons the land with its stench. My sisters were bringing back his body to our settlement when they were attacked by a truly monstrous beast. In our language we call it Wer Shroud di Lowan. This is a creature that has become scorned for life and exists solely for the purposes of bringing destruction and despair to everything around them. It appeared as a floating apparition, drifting towards my sisters. The Shroud that surrounds the creature is rank with necrotic poison and attempts to engulf as many victims as it can. During the fight one of my sisters succumbed to the numbing poison. This had to be the beast that tried to take Donnie Tal down and they interrupted the initial attack. Hiding far enough back and allowing them to begin taking his Donnie Tal was when he made his presence known. My sisters made their way back to our settlement with the Halfling that I recognized. I said nothing, kept my thoughts to myself and watched my mother and father discuss what to do with this Halfling.

There was talk of roasting and stewing and searing. It was all very unsettling to me. I needed to be away of that and looked for my music as a way to soothe my anger. I haven’t told you this, but our family also has some very musical abilities that allow us to command some very powerful magic’s…I don’t even know why I am telling you now…but I digress.

During my sisters recovery she had madness about her, I tried to stay away and even keep myself hidden from it. She could be downright scary, but it was when I found her with Donnie Tal. Their tryst created some very interesting results. While I found the Halflings to be interesting, it repulsed me that that she had conceived and delivered a Halfling.

It was pink and it squalled. It couldn’t hold its head still or walk, or even control its bladder or bowels. Then the words erupted. It’s a girl.
It was a right delicious scandal. They sent Donnie Tal on his way, taking the child with him. This would be proof that we were gracious and we weren’t the murderous creatures we were made out to be.

I never did see the Halflings again, I was forbidden to ever return to the Halfling settlement, my mother would not here of it.
Smiling slyly at the drunken man he leaned in a little and spoke quietly as he stood to leave; now should you run into this little Draconic wary of her…for even from the beginning she was ripe for destruction and chaos. We did give her a name…

Spikey…The word seemed to fit well enough, for she had a small protrusion jutting from just slightly off center of her skull.
Die, v.: To stop sinning suddenly.