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Author Topic: Veruca Ozera- Reports of a Lunatic  (Read 3928 times)

Little Lotte

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Veruca Ozera- Reports of a Lunatic
« on: January 07, 2010, 01:12:19 PM »
Name: Tarja Naiat (half Vistani, half Barovian)
Age: 21
Alcohol: Tsuika
Married: Yes
Sexual: Yes
Pain: Nu
Heartbeat: Strong
Baby Heartbeat: Soft, yet strong.
Lung Sounds: Bun
Cultist Varja: Not since she found out she was pregnant. The father of the child is an Outlander.

   The subjects name is Tarja Naiat, she is a half breed. Her mother was a Vistana, her father a Barovian. She claims nu last name other than Naiat which is the name of her tribe, they reside just outside of the Village of Barovia.
   She came to me four months pregnant, now as it is my specialty and how she is still half Barovian, I of course treated her. She accompanied me to my room where I asked the standard questions, listed above and she answered all truthfully, to my knowledge. She even told me that the father of the child is an Outlander, and she is married to him. I can’t not treat her because of her poor choice in a mate, but once the child is born I will urge her to have the Doctor bleed her of not only the Outlander taint but the Cultists varja she has admittedly used, though not since she found out she was with child.
   It is my professional opinion that if this child should come to term it will be born an abomination, a calliban. Outlander blood is tainted and should nu be mixed with the blood of a Barovian. I have advised her to return to me in doi months for a second check up, where I will then inspect the placement of the child, perhaps when she comes to see me, I will instruct her to drink a tonic I have made for her.
Unu drachma each of cardamom seeds, wallflower (or stock,) myrrh, and wormwood. Let a woman insert it before taking a bath and drink pennyroyal wine.
   This tonic will induce a miscarriage and rid her of the creature growing in her womb. Perhaps after losing the child she will rethink her bawdy ways and rid herself of the disgusting Outlander she has chosen to mate with. Unu can only hope.

// All reports are IC knowledge only, known solely to Veruca. Just wanted to give everyone an idea on what goes through her head lol

Little Lotte

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Re: Veruca Ozera- Reports of a Lunatic
« Reply #1 on: January 08, 2010, 01:31:19 PM »
After having had a very interesting conversation with a one Domna Sonja Markova, the doctor and I have decided certain measures needs to be taken. We bun barovians require a facility to perform our duties and have decided that the hospice in the city slums will do perfectly. Our only problem is that it is currently inhabited by Outlanders who seem to have taken up residence like squatters in our bun city. I have heard they even treat the disgusting caliban creatures there as well. This problem will be brought up to Corporal Belovich and we will inform him that we ourselves wish to rent the building to provide aid for our people, and nu fey or caliban.

It has also crossed my mind on many occasion of perhaps offering to treat the Outlander scum if only to poison the very prescriptions they think are helping them. A way of ridding ourselves of this little pest problem the region of Barovia seems to be plagued by. This was our home first, there is nu bun reason why we should have to share it with tainted blood.

Little Lotte

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Re: Veruca Ozera- Reports of a Lunatic
« Reply #2 on: January 10, 2010, 12:58:26 AM »
Today when I arrived in the Broken Bell inn there was a young domna covered in scratches and bites. I offered my aid and she accepted, letting me cover her wounds in an ointment made of Woundwart and vinegar, using primarily for cuts but can also be used on burns. She was slow to respond on anything asked by her Outlander counterparts. One small red headed woman in a silly hat and the other a woman of medium build with dark hair. They seemed hostile to Corporal Belovich. assuming it was he, the bun barovian, who had done this to the domna. I later found out that this Denisa Salicka, was her name, is indeed a witch and a traitor to the Barovians. So from this day forward I will nu longer treat her, she can rot with her traitorous Outlander scum.

I also spoke with Corporal Belovich regarding the Outlander cultists residing in the Hospice. He advised me that we should nu seek to make that place our practice, that it would only attract caliban monsters. He as agreed to help find us another building so we may perform our...procedures.

Little Lotte

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Re: Veruca Ozera- Reports of a Lunatic
« Reply #3 on: January 10, 2010, 01:28:57 AM »
I have drawn up a list of plants and their medicinal uses. It will be used as a reference guide for myself and the bun doctor.

ALDER / (leppa) -B
    Medicinal use: burns (bark)

ANGELICA / (Angelica Archangelica) - M
    Medicinal use: plague, respiratory diseases

ANISE / (anis) - A
    Medicinal use: all-heal. (e.g. all poisonous bites and stings)

    Medicinal use: eye diseases, fever, gout, heart diseases, stomach troubles

    Medicinal use: bruises, wounds (crushed root & flowers )

BARLEY / (ohra) - B
    Medicinal use: burnt barley seeds and eggs were recommended as a remedy for burns. The bag of hot seeds was used used externally to kill pain.

BASIL / (basilika) - M
    Medicinal use: scorpion bites, stomach troubles. It was also used to drive away flies.

BLESSED THISTLE / (Gnicus Benedictus) - - mp
    Medicinal use: Together with butterbur, the plant was considered to be the most effective remedy for plague.

    Medicinal use: appetite and digestive problems, intestinal worms.

    Medicinal use: Chewing the root of this plant was believed to keep off plague. It was also used as a remedy for cough and sore throat.

    Medicinal use: This huge plant was perhaps the most important medicine against plague. Therefore it is no wonder that it was commonly cultivated in the monastic gardens.

    Medicinal use: diarrhoea, eye diseases, kidney problems, stomach ailments

CAPER / (kapris)
    Medicinal use: parasites, paralysis

CARAWAY / (kumina) - M
    Medicinal use: scorpion stings, snake bites, fever, respiratory diseases, digestive problems, stomach troubles

    Medicinal use: wounds, sprains

    Medicinal use: fatigue, fever, snake bites. Women used it to ease the pains of labour

    Medicinal use: cough, eye diseases, fever, stomach problems

    Medicinal use: burns, bad dreams, stomach ailments

    Medicinal use: skin diseases

    Magic & beliefs: according to Pliny "those who have anointed themselves with the juice of chicory, mixed with oil, become more popular and obtain their requests more easily."

    Medicinal use: cough, respiratory diseases

    Medicinal use: plague, aphrodisiac

    Medicinal use: Inhaling the smoke of the burning leaves was believed to be an effective remedy for cough and other respiratory diseases. It was also used to cure wound,

    Medicinal use: burns, fractures, wounds, pain killer

    Medicinal use: Heals all ailments to an extent.

    Medicinal use: cramps, paralysation, sleeplessness, cough, plague, worms, memory improvement, increases potency

    Medicinal use: Cowbane is a very poisonous plant and internal use will quite often lead to a painful death. The symptoms are cramps, hallucinations and eventually paralysis of the respiratory organs. Despite the dangers, this herb was used as a pain killer and also as a remedy for epilepsy and cramps.

    Medicinal use: paralysation, strokes

    Medicinal use: Remedy for cough, eye diseases, parasites, respiratory diseases, restlessness, scorpion stings

    Medicinal use: Remedy for fever, infections.

CYPRESS/ - (cypressi) - W
    Medicinal use: Remedy for the poison of spiders, scorpion stings, snake bites, wounds

DAFTODI / (narcissus) - mp, B, W
    Medicinal use: crushed root was used externally to heal burns, sprains and wounds

    Medicinal use : pain killer, nervousness, protection against neuri

    Medicinal use: eye diseases, stomach ailments

    Medicinal use: snakebites

    Medicinal use: infections, cough, eye diseases, heart diseases, respiratory diseases, worms

    Medicinal use: wounds

    Medicinal use: For more than 15 hundred years fennel was thought to be the most effective remedy for eye diseases. Perhaps this was based on Pliny's story about snakes, that eat fennel seeds in order to restore their vision. In addition to eye diseases it was also used to cure fever, insanity and stomach ailments.

FIG - W, B
    Medicinal use: wounds, burns, sprains

    Medicinal use: skin diseases, wounds, infections

    Medicinal use: Used for dropsy, overdoses are very lethal.

    Medicinal use: Used in protection from vampires.

    Medicinal use: poisons, wounds

    Medicinal use: flu, poisons, stomach ailments

    Medicinal use: stomach ailments

    Medicinal use: respiratory diseases, wounds, pain killer

    Medicinal use: wounds

    Medicinal use: Ground ivy was an extremely important remedy for wounds. It was also used to cure respiratory diseases.

    Medicinal use: cough, fatigue, infections

    Medicinal use: pain killer

    Medicinal use: pain killer, anaesthetic. For example it was commonly used in amputations and other surgical operations. Hallucenogenic.

    Medicinal use: mildly narcotic, enhances appetite

    Medicinal use: cough, snake bites, stomach ailments. The most effective antidote against poisons.

    Medicinal use: cough, dropsy, fever, gout, parasites, respiratory diseases, stomach ailments,

    Magic & beliefs: It was believed that houseleek protects houses from storms and lightning. It also prevented evil spirits from entering the house.

    Medicinal use: cough, infections, parasites, respiratory diseases, snake bites, wounds

    Medicinal use: infections, burns

    Medicinal use: fractures, bites of snakes and spiders, cough, cramps, dog-bites, hangover, stomach troubles

    Medicinal use: wounds, infections, pains of labour

    Medicinal use: Chewing the seeds and drinking white wine was believed to be an effective remedy for pain. Inhaling the smoke of burning juniper cured cough and killed parasites. Juniper was also used to cure sprains.

    Medicinal use: wounds

    Medicinal use: scorpion stings, skin diseases, wounds

    Medicinal use: wounds

    Medicinal use: burns

    Medicinal use: fever, flu, gout, respiratory diseases, skin diseases, stomach ailments

LEEK - B, W, M
    Medicinal use : burns, cough,dropsy, miscarriage, poisonous bites, wounds

    Medicinal use: Hildegard of Bingen called this herb 'Hertzensfreud' which describes pretty well the medicinal uses of the plant. It was believed to be an effective remedy for depression, heart diseases, restlessness, sleeplessness and also for stomach ailments

    Medicinal use: burns, nervousness, snake bites, wounds

    Medicinal use: cough, fever, respiratory diseases.

    Medicinal use: asthma, dropsy, gout, snakebites, sore throat, stomach troubles

    Medicinal use: all-heal

    Medicinal use : The herb was used as an anaesthetic in surgical operations. Special potion Ingredients were poppy, mandrake and vinegar.

    Medicinal use: marigold was among the most important remedies for wounds. The plant also cured bites and stomach ailments and infections.

    Medicinal use: cough, fractures, poisonous bites, respiratory diseases, scorpion stings, skin diseases

    Medicinal use: cough, flu, respiratory diseases, stomach troubles

    Medicinal use: pain killer

    Medicinal use: flu, parasites, women's diseases

    Medicinal use: gout, scorpion stings
    Magic & beliefs: aphrodisiac. According to one recipe, mustard mixed with mint and wine would make women lustful.

    Medicinal use: all-heal
    Magic & beliefs: aphrodisiac

    Medicinal use: epilepsy, eye diseases, stomach ailments, enhances a males potency.

    Medicinal use: infections, poisons, wounds

    Medicinal use : dog bites, serpent bites, stomach ailments, wounds made by wild beasts.

    Medicinal use: all poisonous bites, cramps, dropsy

    Medicinal use: wounds, sleeplessness

    Medicinal use: parasites, poisons.

    Medicinal use: pain killer

    Medicinal use: dropsy, pain, parasites

    Medicinal use: depression, fever, pain, stomach ailments.

    Medicinal use: Poppy was used mainly as a remedy for pain. It was also used to cure cough and restlessness

    Medicinal use: women's diseases

    Medicinal use: cough, deafness, dropsy, eye diseases, inflammations, intestinal worms, poisons, skin diseases, snakebites, stomach troubles, women's diseases

    Medicinal use: cough, fractured bones, parasites, scorpion bites

    Remedy for: sprains, fractures, wounds, cough, dizziness, stomach troubles

    Medicinal use: fatigue, eye diseases, heart diseases, respiratory diseases, sleeplessness, stomach troubles, womens' diseases.

    Medicinal use: Saffron was an ingredient in famous Mithridates' antidote. Thanks to this, the herb was believed to be effective against all kinds of poisons. Cough, sleeplessness, the pains of labour and depression were also cured by saffron.

SAGE / (salvia ) - A, M
    Medicinal use: Cure all.

    Medicinal: Used in soap.

    Medicinal use: The crushed root was perhaps the most important remedy for fractures. Root was also used externally to heal wounds.

    Medicinal use : epidemics, fever, stomach troubles

    Medicinal use: cough, poisons, respiratory diseases, snakebites, stomach ailments. It was also used to repel moths and demons.

    Medicinal use: cough, respiratory diseases, scorpion stings

    Medicinal use: dropsy, parasites, snake bites, stomach ailments. It was also used to enhance vision.

    Medicinal use: the seeds were useful against cough and respiratory diseases, the bark against pain

    Medicinal use: bites of animals, used to drive away insects.

    Medicinal use: epidemics, sleeplessness, stomach ailments

    Medicinal use: deafness, dropsy, hangover, stomach ailments, womens' diseases

    Medicinal use: This plant was used mainly to kill intestinal worms and other insects. Helps with labor.

    Medicinal use: burns, cough, respiratory diseases, sprains, stomach ailments, womens' diseases

    Medicinal use: wounds, infections

    Magic & beliefs : Pliny tells us that turnips' seeds "if made into liniment or a drink in wine" will protect a person from snake bites and other poisons

    Medicinal use: all-heal, used to make women lustful.

    Medicinal use: among the most important remedies for wounds

    Medicinal use: the skin, if boiled with water, was a pain killer

    Medicinal use : burns

    Medicinal use : fresh burns, poisons, spider stings, snake bites, wounds,

    Medicinal use: Wormwood was an all-heal, but as the name hints the herb was used mainly to kill and repel all kinds of insects.

    Medicinal use: cuts, burns, bruises.

Little Lotte

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Re: Veruca Ozera- Reports of a Lunatic
« Reply #4 on: February 17, 2010, 12:09:39 PM »
The doctor and I have arrived back in Vallaki, met with a warm welcome. Seems our services here were direly needed while we tended to the bun people of the Village. We set up shop in our room at the Broken Bell, once again and set out signs. The response was quite positive as the second day we were back Corporal Belovich accompanied us to search for leeches, he himself even acting as bait on the doctors orders, of course.

   One the third day Private Mihas Mandruleanu showed up in the evening with a new recruit. A boy named Henric Szekely, only sixteen years old. I have enclosed his personal report of my exam on him.

Name: Henric Szekely (Barovian)
Age: 16
Alcohol: Yes
Married: No
Sexual: No
Heartbeat: Very strong, too rapid at times.
Lung Sounds: Clear.
Pain: None, is in perfect health for a sixteen year old domn.

   The boy lusts after me, and I knew that the moment I saw him. He would nu let me get too close out of embarrassment. The bun doctor excused me from the room and continued with the exam. This boy is young and impressionable, I may be able to get him to willingly offer himself as a test subject, all it seems to take is some well placed cleavage. I will speak with the doctor about my ideas, it would be interested to explore the reproductive system of a lusty teenage boy, and gauge his reactions upon a seeing a woman do certain things, such as undress. His stamina will also be tested, against that of an older man. I look forward to these procedures greatly.

   I have also examined a domna named Elicia Noctu. She had nu idea what a physical examination even meant, so I was forced to explain it to her simple mind. Once again, I have enclosed her personal file, taken from the examination.

Name: Elicia Noctu (Barovian)
Age: 21
Alcohol: Yes, glass of wine a day
Married: No
Sexual: Yes, though not currently.

   The little harlot woman admitted to having multiple partners outside of wedlock. This astounded me greatly, especially when I discovered she had yet another man, this one in the garda. Men’s standards have certainly gone downhill since I was married. Nevertheless, I performed the female examination on her and determined her womb would be strong enough for baring many children in the future, should the trollop ever settle down with one man. Perhaps in the future, I may remove her womb and attempt to place it in an animal of sorts, maybe a cow. And then attempt to impregnate her womb with the seed of a human male, to see if a child will grow inside her womb while in the body of an animal. Having a child born under circumstances such as that would be a great discovery for the doctor and myself.

So many questions that need answering.

Little Lotte

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Re: Veruca Ozera- Reports of a Lunatic
« Reply #5 on: February 19, 2010, 11:05:47 PM »

Name: Izabela Popa
Age: 22
Alcohol: Very rarely
Married: No
Sexual: No
Pain: Headache from Mihas. Has a slight heart murmur. Has a deformed womb, and is infertile.

   Tonight I examined Izabela Popa, age twenty doi. Lance Corporal for the Vallaki guard. Mihas brought her to me, claiming she must be sick, as she was acting differently. I escorted her to my room and performed the typical physical examination. When listening for her heartbeat I discovered she has a slight murmur, the beats being off. I will have the doctor do a second examination as confirmation, but I do believe she is a perfect candidate for new heart. As she is one of Vallaki’s finest, I do not think an experiment should be done on her, but perhaps we may do so on another specimen, to retrieve her a new heart.

   The specimen should be Barovian, I would nu want to infect the domna with a dirty Outlander heart, even though they multiply like rabbits and would be easy to catch. Perhaps a peasant would be best…except for their pitiful little family, no one would even care that they disappeared. Once again, I will approach the doctor with this idea.

   Domna Popa also has an infertile womb. My exam proved that, though she seems not as upset as I had initially thought she would be. A thought has crossed my mind in regards to this exam. What if instead of attempting to impregnate a cow with the womb of Elicia Noctu, what if we transfer organs? Izabela Popa is nu only a Vallaki guard but she is also nu a harlot who gives herself to men before marriage. She deserves a working womb more, so many thoughts.

   Also on a side note, Elton is beginning to trust me, he even says that he is falling for me. I believe I can use this in my favor. I have been considering asking Elton to get me access to a morgue, under the false pretenses of I wish to practice my surgeries on cadavers. In essence, I suppose that is the truth…I am beginning to wonder things, if you strip the skin and muscle off of an appendage, can you still move it? Can an eyeball removed from the socket, still see? Of course for some of these questions, I will need a living breathing candidate…ether will work nicely.

   So many thoughts.

Little Lotte

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Re: Veruca Ozera- Reports of a Lunatic
« Reply #6 on: February 20, 2010, 02:25:44 AM »
An impromptu report, as I have received a letter from an Outlander, a disgusting child murdering hin to be exact. Her name is Annalise Respali and the horrific creature claims to have a sickness of the mind, one that causes her to have severe mood swings. I must admit it is an intriguing ailment, to be able to crack open her tiny skull and dig around in her brain would be most gratifying. One wrong move of my knife and I could turn her into a tiny vegetable, that is a satisfying thought.

If the doctor and I chose to do this procedure though, no one must see us with this iadul creature. She would bring us a bad name, and we can not afford that just now. Our time here is only beginning.

I will suggest to the doctor that we perform this procedure at the abandoned lab we found whilst out walking around the lake. It is the perfect locale for such a procedure...especially one I do not plan on using ether for. She must suffer for being a hin.

Yes, she will suffer. So many...thoughts.

Little Lotte

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Re: Veruca Ozera- Reports of a Lunatic
« Reply #7 on: February 22, 2010, 09:15:15 AM »
Name: Eliza Chirila
Age: 20
Alcohol: Rarely, goes right to her head.
Married: No
Sexual: No
Pain: Twinges in her back, left shoulder and right side.
Her father died on duty and her mother could not look after her so she went to the orphanage. She was adopted by a couple from Krezk, they died in a fire two years ago. She did not start the fire, but held the door closed so they could not escape. Signs in her womb denote years of sexual abuse. Caused by her adoptive father. She has a long curved scar on the right side of her abdomen and another on her left upper arm. Has two puncture marks on her neck, was fed off of by a male vampire.

The subjects name is Eliza Chirila, a twenty year old barovian domna. I have enclosed her case file for an easy reference in the future.  She was sitting in the Broken Bell alone and approached me first, we spoke of her occupation and then I offered her an exam since she had been traveling so much, she agreed as she wanted to make sure she had not contracted anything while on the road. I took her to our room and prepared all the necessary tools for my examination, while she sat and told me about herself.

   The subject had a strong heart beat for someone so meek, she seems withdrawn into herself, though I am assuming that is from the abuse I discovered later in my findings. Da, upon performing a typical female examination I discovered –years- of sexual abuse, which I naturally assumed was caused by her adoptive father and she later confirmed.

   While she has a strong womb and will be capable of baring many barovian children, I find it hard to believe that a man would take her if they openly knew that she was used as a whore while she was just a girl. I found out later that night that Elton had taken her on a date when she had first arrived, that makes me question his integrity. I have often wondered why our men, barovians, of course…seek out Outlander women for sexual acts or even to go so far as to marry…and I now believe it has to do with the loose-ness of our women. The only exception being domna Izabela Popa, whom Elton will be sending our way so we may discuss surgical ideas for her heart.

But I digress, this report is about Eliza. When she took down her corset for me I inspected many scars no more than a year old, maybe even less, upon her back and the right side of her body. The cuts were obviously made my weapons, a long sword, halberd maybe. I did not question how she received such scars but If she told me that her adoptive parents died in a fire doi years ago then it was someone here in Vallaki who had done this to her. I am sure she deserved it for some reason or another.

I leave the most interesting facts for last, as they have intrigued me immensely. Eliza consented to a leeching, which I happily obliged and placed the leeches on her arms. I of course let them get fat and plump before plucking them off. Eliza had told me before hand that she did not handle seeing blood well so as soon as I removed them from her arms I wiped up the blood droplets with my apron and went about setting the leeches on fire. They screamed, loudly. Which I had never heard them do before, but I still thought nothing of it. What caught my attention was later when I was washing my uniform, the stain on my apron from wiping up her blood was still there and the fabric underneath was so weak that a tiny hole formed. My apron is made of the finest wool, that does not usually wear down as quickly as it seemed to have done.

So I am now quite interested in getting her back in to see us and taking samples of her blood. We will cut open certain areas of her body, the arms, which is where the leeches were, her chest, abdomen, womb, thighs and under her feet. I wish to see if her blood holds this same acidic tendency everywhere throughout her body. If it does…it may be useful to us in creating the perfect weapon to destroy callibans. We can feign actually wanting to help them, and then since they are unintelligent monsters, they will never understand when we inject her strange blood into them.

Speaking of callibans, I asked Elton if the next time his garda kill a calliban if we could possibly have the body to study. He agreed under the pretenses that we would find an easier way to kill them, so I will be expecting a body to arrive soon.

A side note, Elton has informed me he wishes to marry me. I will speak with the doctor on this affair but this could offer us the protection we seek for when our experiments become more readily available. It may prove to be in our favor.

Little Lotte

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Re: Veruca Ozera- Reports of a Lunatic
« Reply #8 on: February 24, 2010, 03:04:00 AM »
   I begin this report full of rage, as last night while I was speaking with Elton we heard a woman’s screams of pain coming from down the hall. Rushing out, we found the source of the screaming to be coming from the domna Ruxandra Stanga in her room with the Doctor Larcen. The domna was obviously with child, and when I offered my services the doctor told me he would nu allow me in the room, that he had heard some not so bun things about me and my abilities.

   It seems what Elton told me of the half breed Tarja, was true. She is telling people that I tried to kill her and her child by prescribing a bottle of tsuika a day, when I only told her one glass a month. Stupid whore. I hope the bun people of this city stone her and drop her demonic spawn into the sewers to rot with all the other calliban.

   Informing Elton that I would nu stay under the same roof as a doctor who nu only heals Outlanders but seeks the aid of cultists and their varja, he offered to escort me to the Blue Water inn. We made it there just before the sun set and were in the early stages of setting up all my belongings when he heard something and ushered me out of the room.
   I later found out that there were two domna vrolocks…one of which was stalking Elton specifically. It seems they wish for him to have all the garlic removed from the doors of all the buildings. They have threatened to start killing his loved ones if he does not comply, so he has moved myself and the doctor into the Citadel. I have been given my own key and a horn to sound should I be in trouble.

   Elton has also informed me he will be promoted to the rank of Sergeant, and wishes me to accompany him to an event in which the Burgomaster himself will be in attendance.
   My plans are working out beautifully. In a few days time we will meet with the hin, and decide if we will cut into her head or not. I do hope we decide to, I wonder if a hins brain is smaller than a humans…would it still work If we put it into a humans?
   So many thoughts…

Little Lotte

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Re: Veruca Ozera- Reports of a Lunatic
« Reply #9 on: February 25, 2010, 02:20:00 AM »
   Today I cut myself.

   I have had no human bodies to practice on, no one dead or alive to cut into, to explore…so I decided to try it on myself. Just a simple cut, to the bone, on my left index finger. It was a clean cut, the muscle spread apart like melted butter to make way for the stark white bone underneath.

   Im not sure what I was looking for, what I was hoping to accomplish by doing this, but it has given me an idea. I suffered through the pain as I moved the finger, watching the ligaments and tendons move around the muscle like pulleys, and I thought…if I were to amputate my own finger, and reattach another, would it work just the same?

   I believe I will start with a finger, this one in fact. I did not suture the wound, so it has been left open. I will seek another type of skin, to sew over the wound before it becomes too inflamed. The finger itself is just bound with a bandage, the blood has stopped flowing, which is bun, I did not nick anything vital. Perhaps I will ask the doctor for help in choosing my skin donor, he is bun at making such decisions.

   In other news, we have begun our regime at the Citadel. I saw many patients today including a domna, Nica, who had been burned by acidic varja. Her hands, neck and face were pretty bad off, and I did what I could for her. Spreading ointment over the burns and binding them. I spoke to the doctor about possibly performing a skin graft for her, the domna worries for her looks it seems.

   The men of the garda all seem quite taken with me, I will use this to every advantage, especially Elton. He will be wriggling like a worm on a hook once I am done with him.

   Tomorrow we meet with the disgusting hin beast. After we hear more of her condition, we will decide what to do. I believe a partial lobotomy is in order, though one usually does nu come back from that. It would be so easy to just shove my knife though her tiny brain once we have the skull cap open…but then we would be known as murderers, especially if she tells anyone she is meeting us. I would like to brain wash her if at all possible, something that will get her killed on her own, without mine and Damien having ever been involved. We will discuss more after we meet this Annalise.

   In this report I have also enclosed the medical history of a one Ionache Dobrogeanu:

Name: Ionache Dobrogeanu
Age: 39
Drink: Yes
Married: No, he asked for the next question. I assume he is a widower.
Sexual: No.
Pain: Back pains, also lost an eye in the barovian army. He has phantom pains in the socket. I would like to cut a piece of skin from this eye socket and examine it…perhaps even cut the skin away from the socket completely and see if another eye cant be inserted and used optimally.

   I think that is all I will write tonight. The doctor has returned to Vallaki and has begun testing me again, making sure my knowledge does not slip. I have a long day tomorrow.

Little Lotte

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Re: Veruca Ozera- Reports of a Lunatic
« Reply #10 on: February 28, 2010, 11:42:29 PM »
It was a busy day today.  Three of the guard’s came in to see me, wishing a physical examination, though I think they may be coming because they are forced. Most of them seem quite apprehensive about my techniques but willing enough.  The first one,  Mihai Artenie, is more than willing to let me do anything to him and he has made it obvious what his eventual intentions are. The look in his eyes tells me that much. I think it would be unwise to let him think that I wish something with him as he has been involved with the domna Elicia. I did check his mouth for sores and inflammation, you never know what fraternizing with a whore can do, but he checked out just fine.

Name: Mihai Artenie
Age: About 30
Alcohol: No, he quit. It has been making him date the wrong domna's.
Married: Nu.
Sexual: Nu.
Pain: Only the usual pains from training everyday. His mouth is free of sores despite him having kissed the domna Elicia, the trollop who whores herself out to Outlanders.

Name: Costel Costache
Age: 21
Alcohol: Ale, one or twice a week.
Married: Yes
Sexual: Yes
Pain: None
   This domn was in incredibly bun health. There was nothing out of the ordinary about him, though I am sure that can be changed. The next time he comes in for his monthly examination, I can induce a seizure perhaps, would give me a reason to cut into him. Da, that sounds mult bun.

   Costel came to see me also, he was beaten and broken. Apparently a prisoner had tried to escape and used her shackles to bash his face in. The nose, cheekbone and a tooth were all broken.  I did what I could for his nose, setting it back into place using the triangular technique. I also pulled the shattered tooth from his gums, I wish to form a sort of fake tooth for him out of a metal of sorts. I will need to find a bun smith to do the work for me. The tricky part will be his cheekbone. The bone cracked near in half, and in order for it to set correctly, I will need to cut open his face and weld bits of metal to each side of the bone to pull it back together. It will be a painful and mult exhilarating procedure. The domn has consented to the surgery and Elton will be putting him on light duty, I can nu wait to put my hands inside his face, covered in his blood. Da, It will be mult enjoyable.

Name: Aurel Antonescu
Age: 34
Alcohol: Da, he doesnt drink often but when he does he drinks a lot.
Married: Da
Sexual: Da, though his wife lives in another city, so not currently.
Pain: Pain in his feet. I believe it is because he carries around much more weight than everyone else. Had a cavity in his mouth that was rotting, I pulled it right there.
        As my notes read, I pulled out a partially rotted tooth and kept it. I believe if I pull enough teeth I may be able to use them for something, that has yet to be decided.

   In regards to myself, I have taken the skin off a boar and sewn it into the wound on my finger. I await the results to see if it takes, if not then I will need to try a different breed of skin. I look forward to this experiment, if I succeed then I could attempt the skin graft on the garda woman myself. The doctor had suggested we use her own skin, but I do not see the point in that. Why take skin from her legs to put on her face? Why not just put someone else’s skin on her? That way she gets to keep all of her own skin, plus another’s.  Anyway, once my finger is healed with the new skin on it, I will attempt another appendage, with another skin sample. Eventually I hope to get down to the bone, but I believe that will take some time and a degree of control I do not yet possess.

Little Lotte

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Re: Veruca Ozera- Reports of a Lunatic
« Reply #11 on: March 03, 2010, 01:22:42 AM »
   I grow more and more irritated with each passing day. The men of the Vallaki garda keep coming to me, and I do the usual check up as mundane as they are, but there is nothing wrong with them! All these iadul men are in such perfect health it boggles my mind! I have included my most recent notes from an examination done on one of the guards.

Name: Dosminovich Dacusta
Age: 26
Alcohol: He enjoys whiskey every other day, though not too heavily.
Married: Widower. His wife died in child birth six years ago. He has a son.
Sexual: He is currently with one woman. He engages in sexual activity with her every other day. He has apparently been courting her for three months. He claims he nu wants to marry her though, due to his dangerous life as a garda. At least he is screwing a barovian, that means I will nu have to cut off his penis and disinfect it.
Pain: He gets tense in the shoulders from wearing armor all day long.

   After re-reading my notes I realize that I do wish he was sleeping with an Outlander, as castrating him would be a very enjoyable task. In Borca they had Bull Testicles as a delicacy, I tried it once and did indeed find it rather tantalizing. I wonder if human testicles would hold the same flavor? Though performing a castration while the man is still awake…oh how that would make my heart beat speed up. The sounds of his painful screams ringing through my ears…Veruca get a hold of yourself.

   Veruca, Veruca…she was a bun nurse wasn’t she? It is funny how not too long ago you were Anica. She was so sweet and tender, so naďve to think that her life would be perfect. Married to a bun domn, own a little plot of land…poor poor Anica. She was nothing, nothing until Veruca.

   CASTRATION! Now my mind is focused on that…my curiosity must be sated. Tonight I will find a beggar man…the garda will never notice I am gone; they are mult busy training, too busy to know the fair Veruca slip off into the night…

   ….Da, da…so many iadul thoughts…so many…

Little Lotte

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Re: Veruca Ozera- Reports of a Lunatic
« Reply #12 on: March 06, 2010, 12:45:50 AM »
   My days are slowly becoming more fulfilling. I am finally coming into my own…with the doctor inevitably gone for quite some time, I have stepped up and taken my place. Many of the men in the Citadel refer to me as “Doc” already, perhaps I should just adopt the title though I do not have the necessary paper work.  I do all the work that a doctor would do anyway…

   …Costel Costache came to me after his patrol, his nose has healed well, the bones setting nicely. There is only a slight curvature to the bone structure now, but it is hardly noticeable. Also, I had sent word to a colleague in Borca, that I needed a false tooth for Costel’s mouth and she had it delivered post haste. I had initially intended to wait for the doctor to do the surgery but with him missing for so long, I could nu longer wait.

   I put the domn under with ether, he could nu fight long, counting backwards from ten, he made it to six before unconsciousness consumed him. The procedure itself was fairly routine, I had sewn the gold plate bridge into her gums and attached the false tooth, though his gums bled profusely…so I did what any physician would do. I turned his head to the side and let the blood flow freely into a glass so I may keep it for myself. The texture of the blood puzzled me as it was darker and thicker than most blood I had seen and it had an odd smell to it, like that of dirt and plants. When I tasted the blood I came up with the same result, it tasted as it smelled. I was curious if it was just in that particular spot, so I went to the sleeping patient and sliced open his hand letting the viscous blood flow from his palm. I ran my tongue along the slice tasting the blood, spreading it all over my face…I admit I got slightly carried away but the taste was so extraordinary I could nu help myself.

   The taste was tantalizing and it stunned me, of course it did still have the underlying taste of iron to it but that oddity to blood…mmm…I will perform some experiments on the blood when I have the time, I may have to acquire more as it has already begun to coagulate. Blood letting is simple though, a simple easy task…and if he nu lets me do it the easy way…well let us just hope he nu chooses that way, hm?

   I also met with the disgusting hin outlander Annalise, in the abandoned laboratory along the lake. Such a quaint place that is…I truly do enjoy it. By the by she told me of her life before arriving in our great land of Barovia, she was sexually abused by her father…he apparently blamed her for her mothers death while giving birth. Using her like a cheap whore, was her punishment.  He was also quite addicted to gambling, owing to many a loan shark…as she put it. He forced her to commit burglaries to pay back his debts, she claims to regret those deeds but she is a iadul hin, she has no feelings other than malice. Oh look at me, I continue to go off topic, I really must learn to nu do that….

   While I was listening to her ramble on about her past life, the most delightful smell suddenly permeated the room…the smell of death, decay and rot.  A man appeared across the room, flies covering her visage and carrion flies fluttered around him, yet I was strangely intrigued. I ignored him for the most part, urging the hin to continue speaking but the damn idiot was too wrapped up in looking at the hulking mass of rotted flesh…I cannot say I felt bad, but in  the end I had to scold the man and usher him away from the midget freak.
   Per her answers to my questions I was able to locate the problem area in her brain and informed her that I could do the surgery right away…the little hin agreed and oh how my heart filled with joy at the thought of slicing into this disgusting beasts head…having her fleshy brain under my skilled hands, and knowing that at any moment I could end her life with a simple slice of my scalpel.

   Iadule, Veruca, concentrate! Remember the man, the man….da, he kept ripping chunks of his own flesh off and throwing them to the ground, or eating them. The hin was disgusted but I…Veruca, was most interested. I approached the rotting man and demanded to keep a slab of his flesh, for my experiment of course. (Do remind me to go into more detail on this subject matter in a later entry, va rog.) The man agreed and peeled off a sliver of his rotting face, handing it to me. Such a beautiful thing it was too, I pocketed it right away, knowing exactly where it would go on my experiment.

   It only took a few moments for the ether to work once I pressed the cloth against her face, and the beast was out. The rotting man stuck close by me, watching as I use my scalpel to slice into her forehead…it licked its lips as her blood dripped down her face while I pulled the sticky flesh from the white bone. I myself found it hard to resist running my tongue along her skull and lapping up the blood, but my curiosity won out and I proceeded with my surgery.

   I then used my fantastic bone saw to cut the top of her skull open, chips of her bone flying in the air, sticking to my wet lips. Her brain exposed to me, I could not stop myself from shuddering at the sight, it was so beautiful. This was certainly a test to my will to not kill the hin, but I concentrated and found the problem…cutting it out. Da, da I removed a portion of her brain…I had contemplated keeping it for myself but the realization set in that I could nu do brain surgery on myself, so it would be all but useless to me. So for being a good domn, I fed the brain matter to my new rotting friend. I do believe he was grateful…overzealous, but grateful.

   I think I should find this domn again, offer him meat in exchange for his aid. He could prove to be quite useful to me.

   As a side note, I have found the perfect donor. The undead flesh I have sewn onto my foot has taken and thus given me an edge against most things now…I long for more testing.

Little Lotte

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Re: Veruca Ozera- Reports of a Lunatic
« Reply #13 on: March 06, 2010, 11:53:06 PM »
It seems my reputation is growing here in Vallaki as I have received a letter from someone interested in learning my trade…I have inserted it here:
   Nurse Veruca Ozera,

I am a native barovian, so you do not have to worry about me being an outlander freak.  I am a native of the village. I am serious, I nu like witch craft. Yet If I can help do something about illnesses and other injuries I can. Your craft is one without witch craft. and that is what I want to learn about. Since witch craft is evil and monstrous, I don't want to do it. non witch craft methods are better.


   I do not know who this ‘Crina’ is, perhaps I will speak with Elton about her before deciding to meet with this domna. She claims to learn my methods, my ways…but do I really want another like me out there? It means I will have more competition other than that idiot Larcen. Not that he is competition…merely an annoyance. I would love to cut out his heart and sink my teeth into it for the way he spoke to me…Do not upset yourself Veruca, he is an insignificant insect. He is jealous of your talents, you position.

Speaking of my position, Elton has hired me on full time at the Citadel. I will continue caring for these domn’s and domna’s to the best of my ability…

…Perhaps I will get to spend some time down in the jail now. Perform experiments on the inmates, or offer advice on torturing. That would be mult beneficial to all involved I believe…well except for the prisoner of course.

Elton has agreed to let me operate on his eyes, to remove the cataracts the doctor and I diagnosed him with some months ago. We will make the trip to Krofburg soon, which is where he desires the surgery to take place. I must not have fun with this surgery, as he is soon to be my husband and I need his influence in the Citadel. So I will remove the cataracts, an easy procedure to be sure. Though I do wish to find someone soon, someone who’s eyes I can remove and study the inner workings of…and once I am done I can smash them down into jelly and serve it on toast. How Veruca loves toast…

I have had to start chewing mint leaves more often as the blood I continuously seem to ingest is causing my breath to turn slightly rancid. I must be more careful what I put in my mouth…I should also note that I have feeling in the transplanted skin on my foot, the flesh is taking nicely. I have also added the sliver of flesh the rotting man gave me from his face, to my ankle. We will see if that takes as nicely as that zombie’s skin did.

Little Lotte

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Re: Veruca Ozera- Reports of a Lunatic
« Reply #14 on: March 09, 2010, 12:06:48 PM »
While walking along the lake to my laboratory I encountered a fey, one of those iadul dark ones.  He called himself Kyorli and proceeded to accompany me to the lab where a female cohort of his met him. I did nu see her face but she was small like him, I can only assume she is of the same lineage.

   The female was indifferent to me, rude in fact…until this Kyorli spoke with her. I do nu know what was said, as I was too busy with my experiment. Da, mine…the zombie skin on my hand did nu take like the sample on my foot did, so I had to remove it lest it infect the blood. I replaced the patch of skin with that of a scrag to once again test if it will take. I fear if the skin samples continue to fail on my hand…I may just have to rid myself of the skin altogether.

   Veruca you have gone off on a tangent once again…this dark fey, Kyorli…he has malice in his heart. He has offered me a very bun chance to learn more of the human body, offering to bring me as many Outlanders as I require to perform experiments on so long as I do a favor for him. Create a plague to bring down the city. Now of course that is a very simple task for a domna of my profession…the hard part will be creating the cure.

   I have decided the plague will induce a rage of sorts. I will use the blood of my friend the rotting man and go from there. I must capture a rat alive and inject the plague into it, rats are natural carriers of disease so I am confident it will survive this. I will let the rat lose in the city to infect all the other rats, who will then attack and bite the inhabitants of the city and outskirts, spreading the disease. Myself, Kyorli and his cohort will of course have the cure so we will be exempt. Perhaps I will even issue the cure to the domn’s and domna’s of the garda. I nu wish them to become ill, they protect me.

   I will report more once I meet with the rotting man and gather some of his blood to begin my creation.

Little Lotte

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Re: Veruca Ozera- Reports of a Lunatic
« Reply #15 on: March 13, 2010, 12:58:22 AM »
Where to start? The other night I heard a pounding at the Citadel gate, rushing down the stairs I heard Izabela Popa screaming to be let in. When I unlocked the gates a horrific sight met my eyes. She was naked, half of her right eyeball was missing, both eyelids looked to have been eaten right off of her face. Rushing her upstairs, I left the other garda to do their jobs and keep the neuri from coming into the Citadel.

   After laying the domna down in the infirmary I surveyed her wounds…the eye would have to go. There was nu way I could save it, not with half of it missing. So I sliced the eyeball out with my scalpel, cleaned the wound then cauterized it by immersing my blade in fire then placing it into the empty socket. Of course the scent of burning flesh and blood lingered after that, but personally I nu mind. It is a most calming scent.  I kept the halved eyeball for my own use, learning the inner workings of the human eye is a most interesting query. Once I spent enough time dissecting what was left of the retina another thought crossed my mind. Toast. So da, I spread what was left of the eyeball on toast and enjoyed it, it reminded me of waking up in Borca with the sun making its way high into the sky and lounging in my comfortable robe.

   On another note, I met with my rotting man, who has yet to give me a proper name so the one I have given him shall still remain. I informed him of my plans with Kyorli to engineer a plague to destroy the entire city and he agreed to supply my work with his blood in exchange for meat. Barovians to be exact. I had nu choice but to agree, and will start with the beggars on the street and work my way up. I will nu bring him garda though…it is strange, I feel as if I must protect them, like they are mine.

   Also I met the Burgomaster son, Vladimir Ionelus. He burst in on Elton and I while we were…having alone time. I could tell right away that this man thinks with his genitals, as his eyes were all over me the moment he stepped into the room. It made Elton very jealous, that much was obvious. Vladimir placed himself very closely to me and whispered to me that it hurt when he peed. Which could be unu of many ailments. Infection of the bladder, or perhaps he has just slept with too many whores. Unu will never know. The domn invited me up to his private suite in a few days time so I can perform an examination…though his eyes tell me there will be more to this examination than even I know. I will have to chose my words carefully with him, him liking me can prove very bun for my career in Vallaki.

Little Lotte

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Re: Veruca Ozera- Reports of a Lunatic
« Reply #16 on: March 16, 2010, 10:38:18 PM »
Removed?! They removed me?! After all that I have done for them? Back stabbing, treacherous, leeches! I should have poisoned them all when I had the iadul chance! I know Elton is the one pulling the strings, he is the sergeant now…it was him who had me removed. It had to be him! I should have known better than to trust him. All his lies of wishing to marry me…that is what they were…LIES!

Now I must rethink my plans with the disease. Do I let the garda escape with their lives? Or do I plant the sickness in them first? My head swims now with thoughts of revenge, ugh I am so frustrated now I could scream!

They took my key and horn…the very horn I used to help them capture a traitor that their idiocy let escape! But they forgot…oh they forgot…I have an extra key. Unu that Elton gave to me the for the bun doctor. How I miss my doctor. He would calm me down at a time like this.

I need to kill something. Yes I realize that goes against all my oaths as a doctor, but the rage boils in my veins and if I nu do something about it then it is likely to explode out of me.
This is bun though Veruca, now you have the time to focus on the disease rather than treating those no good ingrates. Focus Veruca, focus Annika.

Little Lotte

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Re: Veruca Ozera- Reports of a Lunatic
« Reply #17 on: October 11, 2010, 10:56:59 PM »
I have returned to Vallaki.

Damien has died. He perished in my arms after a plague took him. A plague which I created. I do not regret it, his marvelous brain will do well in future experiments. Perhaps I will cut open the skull cap of a living creature and insert the grey matter into it. Da, I think I will. My hands itch to cut.

I am thinking I will relocate to Krofburg. Elton and I always spoke of going there together. It is secluded and missing livestock, or even people would be attributed to snow storms or vrolocks that sneak into the village at night. Da Veruca, a bun idea. When the sun rises, I will gather my things and set out.

A tiny village always needs a bun doctor.

Little Lotte

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Re: Veruca Ozera- Reports of a Lunatic
« Reply #18 on: October 13, 2010, 01:21:51 AM »
Tonight I met an elf. An Outlander elf, but unu who was interested in much the same things as I. He called himself Elo'dreth, though I only referred to him as "elf". He is scum, he deserves nothing better. Well I promised I would show him some of my secrets if he promised to keep the fact that I was a bun Barovian domna alive. So we set out for my laboratory in the middle of the night.

Having had to fight off many neuri, which I admit has been a long time since I had to do, but it was nice to cut something...even with a sword. Well we endured a few cuts and bruises and decided to rest at the fishing lodge before continuing on. There we met a who I knew instantly to be a Gundarakite rebel scum. Knowing what these people are capable of I could nu just leave him there to murder more bun Barovians, so I invited him for a walk along the lake with us. He agreed, naive domn that he was.

The elf and I devised a plan that when I pointed out my laboratory he would knock the Gundar out and carry him inside, which is exactly what had happened. I had the elf strap him to the operating table while I prepared my instruments, scalpel, bone saw, needle thread...

Now this time I only needed the scalpel as I had no intention of cutting open his chest, but only his abdomen. I made the first cut just under the rib cage as I had been taught by the bun doctor. The cut would have been perfect too if the stupid Gundar had nu awaken in the midst of my cutting. I saw nu harm in it though, as it was always amusing to me to have a live patient. It only took me a few moments to finish cutting him open and to reach the organs within. I felt it my duty to teach the elf what I learned of each organ, not only in my previous years at university but also from my own personal studies on the human anatomy. He was quite familiar with most of the organs which impressed me and even helped me to come up with the proper punishment for the rebel scum.

I had considered using unu of the bombs I found on his person and rigging it to his bowels so if he ever pissed or defacated he would have blown up, but the elf convinced me it would have been too quick of a death for one such as him. I in the end decided to merely sew his bladder shut which will no doubt become painful and kill him eventually if he can nu find someone to undo what I have done to him.

After sewing him up I proceeded to carve the wounds "Gundar Scum" into his forehead and cauterizing the wound with acid, thus forever branding him an enemy of the Counts. I would have liked to have done more to him, but time was short and the elf had to be elsewhere. I asked him to see me again. I have much I can teach him, and him me.

Bun work tonight Veruca. The doctor would be pleased with your progress.

Little Lotte

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Re: Veruca Ozera- Reports of a Lunatic
« Reply #19 on: December 01, 2010, 11:32:11 AM »
My travels have once again brought me back to my home, Barovia. Unu can never grow tired of the endless rain and sullen demeanor of the people here. They are all so dumb it amuses me, makes it easier for me to get away with my experiments without being noticed.

My first task having now returned to Vallaki is to find my one time betrothed, Elton. I have heard that he is quite deformed now. Perhaps our past relationship will have an effect on him and persuade him to let me experiment on his face. Da, that would be mult fun.

I still have the bomb that I retrieved from the Gundar, on my person. I have had many thoughts as to what I could do with it, many of them turning it into the garda. Why would I give such a powerful weapon to the very people who cast me out after all I had done for them? I will continue to keep it until a suitable idea comes into my head. Perhaps replace the blood in someunu's veins with the very gunpowder that provides life to this bomb.

Also, the Broken Bell is hiring. I wonder if they have room on their staff for a doctor...I will have to inquire with the owner of this establishment. I am more than qualified to do the job...da.

Side Note: The brain that I took from a dog the other day, and placed in a cats skill has rotted away. Experiment was a failure. I will need to find a way to connect them...I will need to know when I transplant the bun doctors into my own head. This can nu fail.

Little Lotte

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Re: Veruca Ozera- Reports of a Lunatic
« Reply #20 on: September 24, 2011, 04:12:27 PM »
It has been some time since I have made my presence known here in the Grey City but once again, I have returned. I have many ideas in store for the bun people of Vallaki and most importantly the garda. I do still remember what they did to me last year and they will pay in time. I will begin my experiments once again, I wish to see the inner workings of each of the races this world has to offer. I will start with the humans, they are the easiest to come by and I know their anatomy like the back of my hand....ahaha the back of my still retains the flesh of the ghoul that offered me its rotting skin. I bind it with mint leaves to rid it of the smell of decay but I will nu be able to hide it forever.

I had my first patient come to see me today. A young barovian domna by the name of Carmilla Lazarovici. I have enclosed her write up as per usual.

Name: Carmilla Lazarovici
Age: Twenty five
Height: 5'10
Weight: 150lbs
Smoke: Nu
Drink: Usually just wine.
Children: Nu.
Married: Nu
Sexual: Da, with unu domn that she was previously engaged to.
Pains: Nu.

I must admit my initial judgement of this domna was wrong. She seemed like a bun Barovian domna from a bine family but with the news that she partook in sexual acts outside of wedlock changed my view of her. She is just like all the other domna's that live in this world now. A whore. A filthy whore. I do not understand why domna's can nu keep their legs shut, is it so hard?! Calm yourself Veruca, you have just returned, do nu upset yourself. Do nu ruin all that you have worked for.

After hearing that she had indeed been having sex, I asked her if she had ever had a womanly exam, to which I found the answer was a most disturbing "Nu". I proceeded to perform a routine examination of her womb, the domna was mult uncomfortable and would nu hold still. At unu point I was feeling like tying her to the bed just to get her to cease her movements. As I progressed in my examination I found her womb to be in perfect order, she would be able to bare a child easily...but if I nu kept her coming back then I would have nu clientele. I took it upon myself to tell her that her womb had been infected by vraja and that any child she had would be born a caliban. It was merely a guess but she admitted blatantly to using vraja and that was another strike against the domna. I was beginning to feel more and more excited to get my hands on her. It may be interesting to impregnate the domna and use vraja on her and the unborn child just to watch the effects as they unfolded.

Though...perhaps an ally would be bun in this city. I can nu do everything alone, when I had the doctor with me, he would control my urges...without him, I am like a rabid dog. So maybe keeping this whore of a woman on my side may prove useful to me. She spends mult time in the Blue Water Inn which leads me to believe she has contacts that may be useful to me as well.

I feel I must report on the status of the brain I extracted from the Doctors head some months ago. I have since implanted it into the corpse of a long dead acquaintance and it nu took. I was mult upset, what must I do to correctly animate something!?

...So many thoughts Veruca, such a smart many thoughts you wicked wicked domna... 

Little Lotte

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Re: Veruca Ozera- Reports of a Lunatic
« Reply #21 on: March 30, 2013, 01:05:55 PM »
I have returned once again to Vallaki and after having been run out of Borca because of the nature of my experiments, I shall make this place my home from now on. Perhaps after staring up my practice once again I will send in my resume to the asylum, I would be a wonderful addition to their staff and it will only take them meeting me for them to know.

I will need an assistant. Someone who is inquisitive and lacking a moral compass...someone who will not mind the things I do. The person I am.

Never fear Veruca, you are not weak. You are brilliant...just like the Doctor. He had an assistant, why not you?