Author Topic: Religion Resource Thread  (Read 152547 times)


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Olympian (Greek & Roman) Pantheon
« Reply #25 on: January 02, 2010, 08:41:01 PM »
Olympian (Greek & Roman) Pantheon

Note: Any player wishing to portray a divine caster originating from Gothic Earth must first read this.

This D&D pantheon is inspired by the Greco-Roman mythology. This faith is available to characters from the Gothic Earth and Planescape settings. It is also worshipped in its Hellenic form by a large number of gnomes on Ravenloft.

Greek nameRoman name   Gender   DomainsAlignment   Favored Weapon   Portfolio
ZeusJupitermAir, Chaos, Good, StrengthCGSpearSky, Air, Storms, Fate, Nobility
AphroditeVenusfChaos, GoodCGDaggerLove, Beauty
ApolloApollomGood, Healing, Knowledge, Magic, SunCGLongbowLight, Prophecy, Music, Healing
AresMarsmChaos, Destruction, Evil, WarCESpearWar, Killing, Strife
ArtemisDianafAnimal, Good, Plant, SunNGShortswordHunting, Wild Beasts, Childbirth, Dance
AthenaMinervafGood, Knowledge, Law, WarLGSpearWisdom, Crafts, Civilization, War
DemeterCeresfEarth, Plant, ProtectionTNSpearAgriculture
DionysusLibermChaos, DestructionCNQuarterstaffMirth, Madness, Wine, Fertility, Theater
HadesPlutomDeath, Earth, EvilNELongswordDeath, Underworld, Earth, Wealth
HecateTriviafEvil, Knowledge, MagicNEDaggerMoon, Magic, Abundance, Undead
HephaestusVulcanmEarth, Fire, GoodNGWarhammerSmithing, Crafts
HeraJunofProtection, TrickeryTNLight MaceMarriage, Women, Intrigue
HeraklesHerculesmChaos, Good, Luck, StrengthCGGreatclubStrength, Adventure
HermesMercurymChaos, Good, Luck, Travel, TrickeryCGQuarterstaffTravel, Commerce, Thieves, Gambling, Running
HestiaVestafGood, ProtectionNGDaggerHome, Hearth, Family
NikeVictoriafLaw, WarLNLight MaceVictory
PanFaunusmAnimal, Chaos, PlantCNUnarmed StrikeNature, Passion, Shepherds, Mountains
PoseidonNeptunemChaos, Earth, WaterCNTridentSea, Rivers, Earthquakes
TycheFortunafLuck, Protection, TravelTNShortswordGood Fortune
The Academy [philosophy]   N/AN/AGood, KnowledgeNGQuarterstaffGood, Truth, Beauty

Sources: Deities & Demigods (D&D 3e), Domains of Dread.
« Last Edit: February 11, 2024, 11:28:54 PM by MAB77 »

Bluebomber4evr: The Justice, not you, since 2002


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Asgardian (Norse) Pantheon
« Reply #26 on: January 02, 2010, 08:43:52 PM »
Asgardian (Norse) Pantheon

Note: Any player wishing to portray a divine caster originating from Gothic Earth must first read this.

This D&D pantheon is inspired by the Norse mythology. This faith is available to characters from the Gothic Earth and Planescape settings. This is also the main religion for the dwarves on Ravenloft.

Deity [gender]   DomainsAlignment   Favored Weapon   Portfolio
Odin [m]Air, Knowledge, Magic, Travel, Trickery, War   NGSpearKnowledge, Magic, Supreme, War
Aegir [m]Death, Destruction, Evil, Strength, WaterNEGreatclubSea, Storms
Balder [m]Good, Healing, KnowledgeNGGreatswordBeauty, Light, Rebirth
Bragi [m]Knowledge, Luck, Travel, TrickeryNGLongswordMusic, Poetry
Forseti [m]Knowledge, Protection, StrengthTNLongswordJustice, Law
Frey [m]Air, Good, Plant, SunNGGreatswordAgriculture, Fertility, Harvest, Sun
Freya [f]Air, Good, MagicNGLongswordFertility, Love, Magic, Vanity
Frigga [f]Air, Animal, KnowledgeTNUnarmed StrikeBirth, Fertility, Love
Heimdall [m]Good, Law, WarLGLongswordWatchfulness, Sight, Hearing, Loyalty
Hel [f]Death, Destruction, EvilNELongswordDeath, Underworld
Hermod [m]Chaos, Luck, TravelCNRapierLuck, Communication, Freedom
Loki [m]Chaos, Destruction, Evil, TrickeryCEDaggerThieves, Trickery, Murder
Njord [m]Air, Good, WaterNGSpearCommerce, Sea, Wind
Odur [m]Chaos, Fire, SunCGBastard SwordLight, Sun, Travel
Sif [f]Chaos, Good, WarCGLongswordWar, Dueling
Skadi [f]Destruction, Earth, StrengthTNGreataxeEarth, Mountains
Surtur [m]Evil, Fire, Law, Strength, WarLELongswordFire, War
Thor [m]Chaos, Good, Protection, Strength, WarCGWarhammerStorms, Thunder, War
Thrym [m]Chaos, Earth, Evil, Strength, WarCEGreataxeWar, Cold, Giants
Tyr [m]Law, Protection, WarLNLongswordCourage, Trust, Strategy, Tactics, Writing
Uller [m]Chaos, Protection, TravelCNLongbowArchers, Hunting, Winter

Sources: Deities & Demigods (D&D 3e), Dragon Magazine #283 (Do-it-yourself deities), Domains of Dread.
« Last Edit: December 07, 2024, 10:06:39 AM by MAB77 »

Bluebomber4evr: The Justice, not you, since 2002


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Cthulhu Mythos
« Reply #27 on: January 02, 2010, 08:45:24 PM »
Cthulhu Mythos

Note: Any player wishing to portray a divine caster originating from Gothic Earth must first read this.

The deities described in the Cthulhu Mythos are beyond mortal ken. They are beings of unfathomable power and unscrutable purpose. Cults to these beings are usually seeking eldritch powers and mysteries, though this knowledge always come at the price of sanity. The concept of favored weapon is not used in this setting.

Deity [gender]DomainsAlignment   Titles
Azathoth [n]Chaos, Evil, DeathCEThe Blind Idiot God, Daemon Sultan, Nuclear Chaos
Cthulhu [m]Evil, Death, Destruction, WaterCEThe High Priest of the Outer Gods
Hastur the Unspeakable [m]   Chaos, Destruction, EvilNEThe King in Yellow
Nyarlathotep [m]Chaos, Destruction, Magic, TrickeryCEThe Crawling Chaos, Black Pharaoh, Soul and Messenger of the Other Gods
Shub-Niggurath [f]Animal, Chaos, Evil, Earth, PlantCNThe Black Goat of the Woods with a Thousand Young
Yog-Sothoth [n]Chaos, Luck, Protection, TravelTNThe All-in-One, The Lurker at the Threshold
Chaugnar Faugn [m]Death, Destruction, EvilCEThe Horror from the Hills, The Feeder
Cthugha [n]Chaos, FireCELiving Flame, Burning One
Father Dagon [m]Chaos, WaterCEGod of the Deep Ones
Mother Hydra [f]Chaos, WaterCEGoddess of the Deep Ones
Eihort [n]Chaos, DestructionCEPale Beast, God of the Labyrinth
Glaaki [n]Chaos, WaterCNThe Inhabitant of the Lake
Ithaqua [m]Evil, AirCEWind-Walker, Death-Walker, God of the Cold & Winds
Mordiggian [m]Death, UndeathTNThe Charnel God, The Great Ghoul
Nodens [m]Animal, Destruction, Strength, Water   TNLord of the Great Abyss
Shudde M'ell [f]Chaos, EarthCNThe Burrower Beneath, The Great Chthonian
Tsathoggua [m]Destruction, Knowledge, MagicNEThe Whisperer in Darkness
Yig [m]Animal, Death, Protection, TrickeryNEFather of Serpents
Y'Golonac [m]Chaos, DestructionCEThe Defiler

Source: Call of Cthulhu d20
« Last Edit: February 13, 2024, 10:10:02 PM by MAB77 »

Bluebomber4evr: The Justice, not you, since 2002


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Aztec Pantheon
« Reply #28 on: January 02, 2010, 08:47:52 PM »
Aztec Pantheon

Note: Any player wishing to portray a divine caster originating from Gothic Earth must first read this.

This D&D pantheon is inspired by the Aztec mythology. This faith is available to characters from the Gothic Earth and Planescape settings. They may also serve as patron deities of native Ravenloft characters from the domain of Mictlan.

Deity[gender]DomainsAlignment   Favored WeaponPortfolio
Camaxtli [m]Knowledge, SunTNNoneFate
Camazotzilaha [m]Animal, Evil, TrickeryCEUnarmed StrikeBats
Centeotl [f]Air, Earth, PlantCNQuarterstaffCorn
Chalchihuitlicue [f]   Good, Healing, Luck, WaterNGTridentWater, Beauty, Youth
Cihuacoatl [f]Animal, Death, Earth, PlantTNPickBirth, Death, Earth
Huhueteotl [m]Fire, TravelCESpearFire, Trickery
Huitzilopochtli [m]Evil, Law, Strength, WarLEMacahuitl (Stone-edged Longsword)   Aztecs, Conquest, War
Ixtliltan [m]Good, Healing, Law, MagicLGQuarterstaffMedicine
Mayahuel [f]Chaos, Plant, TrickeryLNDaggerMaguey, Drunkenness
Metzli [f]Animal, ProtectionNGMacahuitl (Stone-edged Longsword)Night, Animal Growth
Mictlantecuhtli [m]Death, Destruction, Law, Protection, Repose   LNQuarterstaffDeath, Peace
Mixcoatl [m]Air, Animal, WarNShortbowArchery
Ometeotl [m]Darkness, Healing, Sun, TimeTNMacahuitl (Stone-edged Longsword)Creation
Quetzalcoatl [m]Air, Good, Law, Protection, TravelLGMaceAir, Civilization
Tezcatlipoca [m]Chaos, Evil, Knowledge, Magic, TrickeryCEDaggerNight, Mischief
Tlaloc [m]Air, Law, Plant, WaterLESickleRain
Tlazolteotl [f]Evil, Knowledge, HealingCEDaggerVice, Manure
Tonatiuh [m]Destruction, Evil, Sun, WarNEShortbowSun, Misfortune
Xipetotec [m]Earth, Law, Luck, PlantLNFlailAgriculture, Sacrifice
Xiuhtecuhtli [m]Fire, Knowledge, ProtectionTNBattleaxeFire, Hearth, Time
Xochipilli [m]Animal, Chaos, Good, Luck, PlantCGClubBirds, Chance, Flowers, Gambling, Spirits
Xochiquetzal [f]Good, Healing, Plant, ProtectionNGDaggerCelebrations, Flowers, Love
Yacatecuhtli [m]Knowledge, Law, Protection, TravelNDaggerMerchants

Sources: Dragon Magazines #352 (Aztec Mythos I), #354 (Aztec Mythos II),  #356 (Aztec Mythos III), #358 (Aztec Mythos IV), Paizo Forums (Aztec Mythos V & VI), Deities & Demigods (AD&D 1st ed.), Legends & Lore.
« Last Edit: February 14, 2024, 07:29:28 AM by MAB77 »

Bluebomber4evr: The Justice, not you, since 2002


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Chinese Pantheon
« Reply #29 on: January 02, 2010, 08:50:19 PM »
Chinese Pantheon

Note: Any player wishing to portray a divine caster originating from Gothic Earth must first read this.

This D&D pantheon is inspired by the Chinese mythology. This faith is available to characters from the Gothic Earth and Planescape settings.

Deity [gender]DomainsAlignment   Favored WeaponPortfolio
Chih Sung-Tzu [m]Air, Travel, WaterTNMaceRain
Chih-Chiang Fyu-Ya [m]   Travel, Trickery, WarLELongswordArchery, Divine Retribution
Chih-Nii [f]Good, Healing, KnowledgeCGDaggerSpinning, Weaving, Love
Chung Kuel [m]Knowledge, Law, LuckLGQuarterstaffTruth, Testing
Fei Lien [m] & Feng Po [m]   Air, Good, ProtectionNGLongswordWinds?
Fu Hsing [m]Good, HealingCGDaggerHappiness, Joy
Huan-TiStrength, Protection, WarCGHalberdWar, Fortune Telling, Protection
Kuan Yin [f]Good, Healing, ProtectionLGQuarterstaffMercy, Childbirth
K'ung Fu-Tzu [m]   Knowledge, Law, ProtectionLGQuarterstaffSocial Behavior, Veneration of the Past
Lao Tzu [m]Knowledge, Law, HealingLNQuarterstaffMystic Insight, Nature
Lei KungAir, Destruction, StrengthLEWarhammerThunder, Vengeance
Liu [m]Animal, Plant, HealingTNQuarterstaffCrops, Food
Lu Hsing [m]Knowledge, Law, HealingLNFlailJust Rewards, Salaries, Functionaries
Lu Yueh [m]Chaos, Destruction, EvilCEUnarmed StrikeEpidemics
No Cha [m]Knowledge, Luck, TrickeryNESpearThievery
Shan Hai Ching [m]Air, Luck, WaterLNNoneWind, Sea
Shang-Ti [m]Air, Law, Plant, Sun   LGQuarterstaffHeaven, Creation, Social Order, Sky, Agriculture
Shou Hsing [m]Healing, Protection, TimeCNQuarterstaffLife, Longevity
Tou Mu [f]Chaos, Evil, Destruction, FireCESpear or Longsword   Northern Star, Evil Humanoids
Wen Chung [m]Air, Chaos, TravelCNSpear or LongswordThunder
Yen-Wang-Yeh [m]Death, Knowledge, MagicLNLongswordDeath

Sources: Dragon Magazine #283 (Do-it-yourself deities), Dragon Magazine #288 (Four Faces of Death), Deities & Demigods (AD&D 1st ed.), Legends & Lore.
« Last Edit: February 12, 2024, 11:09:31 PM by MAB77 »

Bluebomber4evr: The Justice, not you, since 2002


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Japanese Pantheon
« Reply #30 on: January 02, 2010, 08:53:12 PM »
Japanese Pantheon

Note: Any player wishing to portray a divine caster originating from Gothic Earth must first read this.

This D&D pantheon is inspired by the Japanese mythology. This faith is available to characters from the Gothic Earth and Planescape settings. These deities are also worshipped as Celestial Kami in the Ravenloft domain of Rokushima Taiyoo.

Deity [gender]DomainsAlignment   Favored WeaponPortfolio
Amaterasu Omikami [f]   Good, Healing, Law, Protection, Sun   LGUnarmed StrikeSun, Heaven
Ama-Tsu-Mara [m]Earth, Fire, Healing, ProtectionTNBattleaxeBlacksmithing, Weaponsmithing
Amatsu-Mikaboshi [m]Evil, Knowledge, Law, TrickeryLEKatanaEvil
Daikoku [m]Air, Animal, Luck, StrengthLGWooden Mallet (Light Hammer)   Wealth, Luck
Ebisu [m]Good, Law, LuckLGQuarterstaffLuck through Hard Work
Hachiman [m]Law, Strength, WarLNKatanaWar
Ho Masubi [m]Fire, Plant, SunCNKatanaFire
Inari [m]Animal, Healing, PlantNGQuarterstaffRice, Crops
Izanagi [m]Animal, Earth, Healing, WaterLNLanceCreation, Life
Izanami [f]Animal, Earth, Healing, WaterLNNoneCreation, Life
Kishijoten [f]Good, Luck, WarNGNoneLuck
Kura Okami [m]Air, Healing, WaterCGQuarterstaffRain, Snow
Nai No Kami [m]Earth, DestructionLNWarhammerEarthquakes
O-Kuni-Nushi [m]Animal, Good, Healing, StrengthCGKatanaMedicine, Sorcery, the Land
O-Wata-Tsu-Mi [m]Animal, Travel, WaterNGTridentOcean Creatures, Tides
Raiden [m]Air, Chaos, Evil, WarCEMaceThunder, Arrow-making
Shina-Tsu-Hiko [m]Air, Chaos, ProtectionCNKatanaWinds
Susanoo [m]Air, Chaos, Sun, WaterCNKatanaStorms, Seas
Tsuki-Yomi [m]Good, Healing, Knowledge, TravelNGPikeMoon, Time

Sources: This entry is an adaptation of the Japanese pantheon presented in AD&D 1st ed. Deities & Demigods and AD&D 2nd ed. Legends & Lore.
« Last Edit: February 12, 2024, 11:09:18 PM by MAB77 »

Bluebomber4evr: The Justice, not you, since 2002


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Mesopotamian (Akkadian, Assyrian, Babylonian and Sumerian) Pantheon
« Reply #31 on: January 02, 2010, 08:54:59 PM »
Mesopotamian (Akkadian, Assyrian, Babylonian and Sumerian) Pantheon

Note: Any player wishing to portray a divine caster originating from Gothic Earth must first read this.

This D&D pantheon is inspired by the beliefs of the ancient Mesopotamian cultures which rose in the Near-East from the dawn of recorded history (c. 3100 BCE) to the fall of Babylon in 539 BCE. This pantheon provides options to characters from the Gothic Earth and Planescape settings.

Deity [gender]   DomainsAlignment   Favored WeaponPortfolio
Adad [m]Air, Chaos, Strength, WaterCNWarhammerRain, Storms, Strength
Anshar [m]Evil, Magic, TrickeryNEDaggerDarkness, Night
Anu [m]Air, Knowledge, Law, ProtectionLNMaceSky
Belet-ili [f]Animal, Earth, Good, Healing, PlantNGQuarterstaffEarth
Dahak [m]Chaos, Death, EvilCEScimitar?
Druaga [m]Evil, Law, TrickeryLEMaceRuler of Devils
Enki [m]Earth, Magic, WaterLNMaceCrafts, Fresh Water, Skills, Wisdom
Enlil [m]Good, Luck, WarNGHeavy PickAir, Law, Order
Erishkigal [f]Death, Evil, Knowledge, LawLEFlailThe Netherworld, the Dead, Ancestral Wisdom
Gilgamesh [m]Good, Strength, Travel, WarNGMacePatron of Uruk
Girru [m]Fire, Good, Law, MagicLGMorningstarFire
Ishtar [f]Magic, Strength, WarTNLight FlailLove, War
Ki [f]Animal, Luck, PlantTNQuarterstaffEarth
Marduk [m]Air, Law, ProtectionLNNet (Unarmed Strike)   Defense against Chaos and Evil
Nanna-Sin [m]Chaos, Good, LuckCGBattleaxeMoon, Time, Fertility, Defense
Nergal [m]Death, Earth, EvilNELongswordDeath, Plagues, Destruction
Ninurta [m]Good, Plant, Strength, TravelNGShortbowAgriculture, Youth, Athletics, Hunting
Utu [m]Chaos, Fire, Good, SunCGScimitarSun, Justice, Travelers
Tiamat [f]Destruction, Evil, Law, TrickeryLEHeavy PickEvil Dragons, the Salt Water Ocean

Sources: Sandstorm, Dragon Magazine #329 (Mesopotamian Mythos), Races of the Dragon (Tiamat)
Note that these sources sometimes contradict each other by giving different properties to a same deity. When conflicting, Sandstorm is considered the official source.
« Last Edit: February 11, 2024, 04:58:30 PM by MAB77 »

Bluebomber4evr: The Justice, not you, since 2002


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Melnibonéan Deities
« Reply #32 on: January 02, 2010, 08:58:45 PM »
Melnibonéan Deities

The gods of the Melniboné setting are locked in an eternal battle between Law and Chaos. Above and beyond these warring forces is the Cosmic Balance, which swings in favor sometimes of Law, sometimes of Chaos. In a perfect world the two are stabilized, in delicate equilibrium but the harmony of the Balance is all too lacking throughout the multiverse. The clerics of Melniboné are required to side with Law or Chaos. Forces of balance, Elemental Gods, Beast- and Plant-Lords also exist but those are served by druids. This pantheon is restricted to characters of the Melniboné setting. In this setting, favored weapons are defined by one's nationality, not the deity.

Deity[gender]   DomainsAlignment   Portfolio
Lords of Chaos
Arioch [m]Evil, Trickery, ChaosCEPatron of Melniboné
Balaan [m]Chaos, Destruction, EvilCEPain
Balo [m]Chaos, Trickery, Law, LuckCNCarefreeness
Chardros [m]Chaos, Death, Earth, EvilCELife, Death
Eequor [f]Chaos, Knowledge, MagicCNKnowledge, Magic, Female Casters
Hionhurn [m]Chaos, Death, DestructionCEDeath, Remorse
Mabelode [m]Chaos, Strength, WarCEWarriors, Soldiers, Captains
Narjhan [m]Chaos, Luck, Evil, TrickeryCEBeggars, Revulsion
Pyaray [m]Chaos, Death, WaterCEOceans, Pirates
Slortar [m]Chaos, Animal, TrickeryCNDecadence, Debauchery
Xiombarg [n/a]Chaos, War, TrickeryCEWar, Vengeance
Lords of Law
Arkyn [m]Animal, Knowledge, Strength Law   LGNatural Law
Donblas [m]Good, War, LawLGLaw, Righteous Vengeance
Elgis [m]Good, Law, ProtectionLGPeace, Civilization
Goldar [m]Law, Magic, TravelLNTrade, Business
Mirath [f]Law, Death, HealingLNLife, Death
Salik [m]Law, Earth, Luck, PlantLGFertility
Theril [f]Law, Protection, HealingLNInspiration
Tovik [m]Destruction, WarLEViolance, Destruction
Vallyn [f]Protection, KnowledgeLNScholar, Scribes

NationalityFavored Weapons
ArgimiliarSpear, Long or Shortsword
DharijorSpear, Longsword
DorelSpear, Sling, Bow
FilkharLong or Shortsword, Bow
IlmioraSpear, Sling, Bow
JharkorSpear, Sling, Bow
LormyrGreataxe, Battleaxe
MelnibonéSpear, Longsword, Bow
MyyrrhnSpear, Sling, Bow
NadsokrCrutches (Quarterstaff)
Nomad Nations   Scimitar, Bow
Oin & YuSpear, Sling
OrgClub, Spear, Sling
Pan TangScimitar, Longbow
PikaraydGreatsword, Spear, Bow
Purple TownsSpear, Sling, Bow
ShazarScimitar, Hunting Bow
TarkeshLongsword, Sling, ow
VilmirSpear, Sling, Bow

Source: Dragon Lords of Melniboné
« Last Edit: February 11, 2024, 06:51:17 PM by MAB77 »

Bluebomber4evr: The Justice, not you, since 2002


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Finnish Pantheon
« Reply #33 on: January 02, 2010, 09:00:06 PM »
Finnish Pantheon

Note: Any player wishing to portray a divine caster originating from Gothic Earth must first read this.

This D&D pantheon is inspired by the stories told in the Kalevala, the Finnish national epic. The Finnish gods rarely intervene in the lives of mortals, but do provide aids to mortals when they need it most. This pantheon provides options to characters from the Gothic Earth and Planescape settings.

Deity [gender]   DomainsAlignment   Favored Weapon   Favored Weapon
Ahto [m]Good, Strength, WaterNGSickleSeas, Waters
Hiisi [m]Chaos, Destruction, Evil, TrickeryCESpearEvil
Ilmatar [f]Air, Good, Healing, ProtectionNGSlingMothers
Kiputytto [f]Chaos, Death, Destruction, EvilCEUnarmed StrikeSickness
Loviatar [f]Evil, Law, StrengthLEDaggerPain, Torture
Mielikki [f]Animal, Good, Plant, TravelNGShortbowNature, Forests
Surma [m]Death, Destruction, Evil, WarNEClubDeath
Tuonetar [f]Chaos, Death, Earth, EvilCEUnarmed StrikeThe Underworld
Tuoni [m]Death, Destruction, Knowledge, Law   LNNet (Unarmed Strike)   The Underworld
Ukko [m]Air, Law, Sun, TravelLNLongswordSky, Air, Weather, Avians
Untamo [m]Dream, Healing, KnowledgeTNClubSleep, Dreams

Sources: Deities & Demigods (AD&D 1st ed.), On Hallowed Ground
« Last Edit: February 11, 2024, 06:53:38 PM by MAB77 »

Bluebomber4evr: The Justice, not you, since 2002


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Demon Lords
« Reply #34 on: January 02, 2010, 09:01:17 PM »
Demon Lords

Demon lords, also known as Abyssal lords, were archfiends who gained great power and established a position of preeminence among demonkind. Over millennia, these demons had amassed tremendous power and authority over their domains. Demon Lords are as numerous as there are layers in the Abyss. Countless of them have been referenced in previous D&D editions and Dragon Magazines entries. The following list focuses on those that made an appearance in 3rd edition D&D and that are known to have cults of mortals dedicated to them. They can serve as patrons for characters of the Forgotten Realms, Greyhawk, Planescape, Ravenloft and Spelljammer settings. Baphomet, Kostchtchie and Yeenoghu also have cults worshipping them in the Birthright setting.

Deity [gender]DomainsAlignment   Favored WeaponPortfolio
Baphomet [m]Chaos, Evil, StrengthCEGlaive (Halberd)Minotaurs, Beasts, Vengeance
Dagon [m]Chaos, Evil, WaterCESpearEvil Aquatic Creatures, Terrors from the Deep
Demogorgon [m]   Chaos, EvilCEUnknownDemonkind
Eltab [m]   Chaos, EvilCEGreatswordHatred, Retribution
Fraz-Urb'luu [m]Chaos, Evil, Trickery, WarCEGreatclubDeception
Graz'zt [m]Chaos, EvilCEBastard SwordTyrants, Despot, Guile, Debauchery
Juiblex [m]Chaos, EvilCEUnknownSlimes, Oozes
Kostchtchie [m]Chaos, Evil, WarCEMaulConquest, Frost Giants, Rage
Malcanthet [f]Chaos, Evil, TrickeryCEScourge (Whip)Temptation
Obox-Ob [m]Chaos, Destruction, Evil   CEUnknownPoisons, Verminous Creatures
Orcus [m]Chaos, Death, EvilCEHeavy MaceUndead
Pale Night [f]Chaos, Evil, KnowledgeCEUnknownMother of Demons
Pazuzu [m]Air, Chaos, EvilCEGreatswordCorruption, Winged Beings, the Abyssal Skies
Sertrous [m]   Destruction, TrickeryCESpiked ChainParasites, Crawling Things, Serpents
Turaglas [m]Chaos, Destruction, Evil, War   CEHeavy FlailHunger
Yeenoghu [m]Chaos, EvilCEThree-Headed Flail (Heavy Flail)   Gnolls, Ghouls, Paralysis
Zuggtmoy [f]Chaos, Evil, PlantCEScytheFungi

Forgotten Realms variations

The following demon lords have different properties in the Forgotten Realms setting. Note that Pazuzu is known as Pazrael on Toril.

Deity [gender]DomainsAlignment   Favored Weapon   Portfolio
Baphomet [m]Animal, Chaos, EvilCEClubMinotaurs, Vengeance
Orcus [m]Chaos, Death, Evil, Undeath   CEMaceUndead
Pazrael [m]Air, Animal, Chaos, EvilCEUnarmed StrikeEvil Flying Creatures

Sources: Book of Vile Darkness, Fiendish Codex 1: Abyssal Hordes, Faiths and Pantheons, Champions of Ruin (Eltab), Dragon Magazine #312 (The Ebon Maw), #329 (Demonomicon: Pazuzu), #333 (Demonomicon: Fraz-Urb'luu), #337 (Demonomicon: Zuggtmoy), #341 (Demonomicon: Baphomet), #345 (Demonomicon: Kostchtchie), #349 (Demonomicon: Dagon), #353 (Demonomicon: Malcanthet), #357 (Demonomicon: Demogorgon), #359 (Demonomicon: Apocrypha), #360 (Demonomicon: Graz'zt), Elder Evils
« Last Edit: May 11, 2024, 10:54:14 AM by MAB77 »

Bluebomber4evr: The Justice, not you, since 2002


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« Reply #35 on: January 02, 2010, 09:02:18 PM »

The Lords of the Nine Hells are the most powerful devils in the D&D multiverse. Their main goal is to subvert and subjugate the whole of Creation to their Will. They tempt mortals with offers of power and wealth, delighting in corrupting and sending them down on a path of damnation. The following archdevils are those with active cults in D&D 3rd edition. They can serve as patrons for characters of the Forgotten Realms, Greyhawk, Planescape, Ravenloft and Spelljammer settings.

Deity [gender]DomainsAlignment   Favored Weapon   Portfolio
Asmodeus [m]Evil, LawLEHeavy MacePower, Domination, Tyranny
Baalzebul [m]Strength, Trickery, WarLEMorningstarFlies, Lies
Bel [m]Destruction, Strength, War   LEGreatswordThe Blood War
Belial [m]Evil, Knowledge, TrickeryLERanseur (Spear)Domination, Secrets, Trickery, Seduction
Dispater [m]Destruction, Evil, WarLEHeavy MaceUnassailability, Indestructability
Fierna [f]Evil, Fire, TrickeryLEScimitarFire, Pain, Pleasure
Geryon [m]Evil, LawLEBattleaxeControlled Rage, Revenge
Glasya [f]Evil, TrickeryLEScourge (Whip)Corruption, Growth, Agony
Levistus [m]Evil, Trickery, WarLERapierVengeance, Betrayal
Mammon [m]Evil, TrickeryLESpearGreed, Lust
Mephistopheles [m]   Evil, FireLERanseur (Spear)Hellfire, Magic

Sources: Book of Vile Darkness (& its Web Enhancement), Fiendish Codex II: Tyrants of the Nine Hells
« Last Edit: February 20, 2024, 10:24:59 AM by MAB77 »

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Nyambe Orishas
« Reply #36 on: June 19, 2010, 07:58:04 PM »
Nyambe Orishas

Nyambe is a place that combines African mythology, legend, and history with elements of high fantasy to create an exotic land with a distinctly African flavor. Their religious beliefs turn around the orishas, immortal spirits that act as the intermediaries between the mortal races and the Overpower. The priests of Nyambe are the n'anga, technically a variant of the cleric class, but the nature of the orishas also makes the shaman class a good fit to portray them. This pantheon is restricted to characters from the Nyambe setting.

Orisha [gender]DomainsAlignment   Favored WeaponPortfolio
Ancestral Orisha
Ancestor Orisha [any]Luck, Protection, StrengthLNSpearProtection of their descendants
Celestial Orisha
Araku the Warrior [m]War, StrengthLGFalchionBlacksmith, Warriors, Laborers
Bodaga the Trickster [m]Good, Travel, Magic, TrickeryCGQuarterstaffDoorways, Roads, Travelers
Easafa the River [f]Water, AnimalNGSlingRivers, Romantic Love, Birds
Nimbala the Judge [m]Good, Healing, Law, SunLGScimitarHealers, Religious and Political Leaders
Ramaranda the Diviner [m]Knowledge, LuckLGMorningstarKnowledge, Wisdom, Foresight, Planning
Shonamu the Hunter [m]Earth, ProtectionNGLongbowHunters, the Earth, Protection from Danger
Siama the Dead [f]Air, DeathCGJavelin (Spear)Storms, the Dead
Tarango the Drummer [m]Chaos, FireCGBattleaxeFire, Drums, Dancing, Enthusiasm
Tisanda the Ocean [f]Water, AnimalNGNet (Unarmed Strike)Ocean, Bounty
Elemental Orisha
Air Orisha [any]Air (required), Earth, Fire, WaterTNBlowgun (Dart)Creativity, Dexterity, Intellect
Earth Orisha [any]Air, Earth (required), Fire, WaterTNHeavy MaceStability, Endurance
Fire Orisha [any]Air, Earth, Fire (required), WaterTNHandaxeStrength, Force
Water Orisha [any]Air, Earth, Fire, Water (required)TNNet (Unarmed Strike)   Emotion, Wisdom
Fiendish Orisha
Bokor the Arcane [m]Evil, Knowledge, MagicNEQuarterstaffArcane Magic
Dar!ack the Bloody [m]Death, TrickeryLEArm Knife (Dagger)Assassination, Murder
Dogar the Haggler [m]Luck, Travel, TrickeryNESapUsury, Laziness, Greed
Gamal the Dark One [m]Darkness, Death, LawLENet (Unarmed Strike)Silence, Darkness, Oblivion
GuDuGu the Obscene One [m]   Chaos, Evil, KnowledgeCEDartNightmares, Insanity
Molamu the Seducer [f]Luck, TrickeryNEWhipSeduction, Lies
Na/inga the Warrior Queen [f]Destruction, WarCEDaggerLycanthropes, Cannibalism
N!ok the All-Seeing Eye [m]Destruction, Evil, Law, Strength, War   LESpearTyranny, War
Sama/ the Poison One [f]Chaos, Death, EvilCEBlowgun (Dart)Poison, Disease, Defilement
Shakare the Torturer [f]Chaos, EvilCESpiked Chain (Whip)Pain, Torture
Tu the Outcast [m]Death, LawLEDaggerIsolation
Zombi the Serpent LordAnimal, Death, Evil, TrickeryNESickleSerpents, Undead
Natural Orisha
Animal Orisha [any]Animal, EarthCNClub or SlingHunting, Reproduction, Sleep
Geographic Orisha [any]Earth, WaterCNSlingPreservation of a prominent geographic feature
Plant Orisha [any]Plant, Sun, WaterCNClubSunshine, Wind, Rain

Source: Nyambe - African Adventures
« Last Edit: February 14, 2024, 07:33:22 AM by MAB77 »

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Kingdoms of Kalamar Deities
« Reply #37 on: June 27, 2010, 06:27:59 AM »
Kingdoms of Kalamar Deities

A diverse pantheon of deities watches over the lands of Tellene. These gods concern themselves with the affairs of intelligent mortals. While they are listed by titles here, they are in fact known by numerous other names through the different cultures of the land. The gods of Tellene do not segment themselves by region or by race. They are far more concerned with their followers' actions and beliefs than they are with race, gender or other physical factors. Because of cultural and racial differences, certain deities appeal more to some races or classes than others. This pantheon is restricted to characters from the Kingdoms of Kalamar setting.

Deity [gender]DomainsAlignment   Favored WeaponPortfolio
The Knight of the Gods [m]Good, Law, Protection, WarLGGreatswordChivalry, Valor
The Holy Mother [f]Good, Healing, LawLGLight HammerHome, Industriousness, Marriage
The Speaker of the Word [m]Good, Knowledge, Law, StrengthLGLight MaceHonor, Oaths, Ethics
The True [f]Good, Knowledge, Law, ProtectionLGLongswordJustice, Truth
The Eternal Lantern [f]Fire, Good, Law, SunLGLight MaceDay, Light, Dawn, Sun
The Raiser [f]Good, Healing, Plant, ProtectionNGSickleFertility, Agriculture, Harvest, Life
The Peacemaker [m]Good, Healing, ProtectionNGQuarterstaffPeace, Comfort
The Pure One [f]Good, Healing, LuckNGNet (Unarmed Strike)Love, Harmony
The Lord of the Silver Linings [m]Good, Healing, LuckNGQuarterstaffMercy, Hope, Healing
The Traveler [m]Good, Sun, TravelNGQuarterstaffTravel, Stars
The Guardian [m]Chaos, Good, Protection, TravelCGLongswordHappiness, Liberty, Freedom
The Raconteur [m]Chaos, Good, Knowledge, LuckCGClubArt, Poetry, Music, Humor
The Shimmering One [no gender]   Chaos, Good, EarthCGRapierBeauty, Moon
The Great Huntress [f]Animal, Chaos, Good, LuckCGSpearArchery, Hunting, Patience
The Coddler [f]Chaos, Good, Healing, ProtectionCGHalberdRestful Sleep, Dreams, Aspirations
The Founder [m]Earth, Law, ProtectionLNWarhammerLaw, Order, Cities
The Mule [m]Knowledge, Law, MagicLNCrossbowMath, Science, Invention, Reasoning, Knowledge
The Powermaster [m]Healing, Knowledge, Law, Strength   LNGreatclubMedicine, Strength
The Old Man [m]Law, Strength, WarLNHalberdWar, Power, Strategy
The Eye Opener [m]Knowledge, Law, TravelLNQuarterstaffWisdom
The Mother of the Elements [m]Air, Animal, Earth, Fire, WaterTNBow, Sling, Scimitar or Trident   Elements
The Riftmaster [m]Knowledge, MagicTNDaggerMagic
The Bear [m]Animal, PlantTNQuarterstaffNature
The Landlord [f]Knowledge, Luck, TrickeryTNHeavy FlailMoney, Business, Greed
The Fate Scribe [f]Knowledge, Magic, TimeTNQuarterstaffTime, Fate, Prophesy
The Battle Rager [m]Chaos, Strength, WarCNHandaxeBattle, Chaos, Berserking, Courage
The Watcher [f]Chaos, Knowledge, TravelCNQuarterstaffWanderers, Loneliness
The Storm Lord [m]Air, Chaos, Strength, WaterCNWarhammerLightning, Thunder, Storms
The Risk [m]Chaos, Luck, TrickeryCNDaggerThievery, Gambling, Luck
The Laughter [m]Chaos, Destruction, Plant, TrickeryCNClubPassion, Wine
The Corrupter [f]Evil, Law, TrickeryLELongswordEnvy, Injustice, Jealousy
The Overlord [m]Evil, Law, StrengthLESpiked Chain (Whip)Oppression, Slavery
The Dark One [no gender]Earth, Evil Law, DarknessLEGreataxeDarkness, Dusk, Night
The Flaymaster [f]Cold, Destruction, Evil, LawLEWhipPain, Hurt, Torture, Cold
The Harvester of Souls [m]Death, Destruction, Evil, UndeathNEScytheDeath, Underworld
The Locust Lord [m]Destruction, Evil, Fire, PlantNELight MaceFamine, Hunger, Starvation
The Emperor of Scorn [m]Evil, Knowledge, StrengthNEClubBigotry, Hate
The Seller of Souls [m]Death, Evil, TrickeryNEDaggerMurder, Revenge
The Rotlord [m]Chaos, Death, Destruction, EvilCEFlailSickness, Epidemics, Disease, Plague, Vermin
The Confuser of Ways [m]Chaos, Evil, TrickeryCEClubLies, Deceit, Mischief
The Prince of Terror [m]Chaos, Evil, TrickeryCEGreatswordNightmares, Fear
The Creator of Strife [m]Air, Chaos, Destruction, Evil, WaterCEFlailDiscord, Misfortune, Foul Weather
The Vicelord [m]Animal, Chaos, Evil, TrickeryCEHeavy PickVice, Sloth

Source: D&D 3e Kingdom of Kalamar Campaign Setting
« Last Edit: February 17, 2024, 04:17:11 PM by EO »

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Miscellaneous D&D Deities
« Reply #38 on: June 27, 2010, 09:04:05 PM »
Miscellaneous D&D Deities

This section is about other D&D deities coming from various sources. They are not tied to any specific setting. The faith of Taiia is resctricted to characters from generic D&D settings as this deity has no presence or influence in the Planes. All other deities may serve as patron deities to characters from the Planescape setting or to natives from a generic D&D setting.

Deity [gender]DomainsAlignmentFavored WeaponPortfolio
Aengrist [m]Law, Protection, WarLGBastard SwordSafety, Protection
Afflux [m]Knowledge, Evil, UndeathNEShortswordInquiry, Necromancy, Death
Altua [f]Good, Law, War LGLongswordHonor, Nobility
Ayailla [f]Good, SunNGSpearLight
Chaav [m]Chaos, Good, TrickeryCGQuarterstaffJoy, Laughter
Dennari [f]Chaos, Good, Earth, PlantCGWarhammerEarth, Liberation, Suffering
Dukagsh* [m]Law, WarLESpearThe Scro, Martial Perfection, Self-Discipline
Elishar [n/a]Good, Healing, Knowledge, Luck, Protection, Sun   NGScimitarPositive Energy, Light, Prophecy
Erbin [m]Destruction, Evil, TrickeryNEDaggerVengeance
Erebus [m]Darkness, Evil, TrickeryNEWhipDarkness, Lies, Night, Shadows, Assassins, Liars, Shadar-Kai, Thieves, Undead
Erivatius [m]Death, Knowledge, LawLEUnarmed StrikeAging, Death
Estanna [f]Good, ProtectionNGSpearHearth, Home
Evening Glory [f]Magic, ProtectionNDaggerLove, Beauty, Immortality through Undeath
Halmyr [m]Law, WarLNRapierStrategy, Skil
Hleid [f]Animal, Good, HealingNGTridentAnimals of the Frostfell, Cold Magic
Iborighu [m]Chaos, Cold, Death, WarCEScytheEternal Winter, Ice
Karaan [m]Chaos, DestructionCEGreatclub or Creature WeaponBeasts, Savage Lust, Wanton Destruction
Konkresh [m]Chaos, Destruction, StrengthCNGreatclubBrute Force
Lastai [f]Chaos, GoodCGSpearPleasure, Love, Passion
Lunara [f]Knowledge, Magic, TrickeryNDaggerFeminity, Emotions, The Senses, Divination, Transformation, Magic, Cycle of Life
Lyris [f]Luck, WarNWarhammerVictory, Fate
Nadirech [f]Chaos, Evil, Luck, TrickeryCEShortswordCowardice, Trickery
Phieran [m]Good, Law, ProtectionLGUnarmed StrikeSuffering, Endurance, Perseverance
Rallaster [m]Evil, DestructionCEShortswordMurder, Torture, Psychotic Behavior
Solanil [f]Animal, Good, Healing, Protection, Travel, Water   NGQuarterstaffOases
Sulerain [f]Death, Destruction, EvilNEGreat AxeSlaughter
Syreth [f]Good, Healing, ProtectionNGHeavy MaceProtection, Community
Taiia (Creator) [f]Air, Chaos, Earth, Good, Healing, Knowledge, Law, Luck, Magic, Protection, Sun, TravelTNTridentCreation, Life
Taiia (Destroyer) [f]   Chaos, Death, Destruction, Evil, Fire, Law, Strength, Trickery, War, WaterTNBattleaxeDestruction, Death
Tem-Et-Nu [f]Knowledge, Magic, Travel, WarLNKamaRivers
The Glutton [m]Chaos, Destruction, Evil, Strength   CEHeavy MaceGreed, Disaster
The Eternal LightKnowledge, Law, Plant, SunLNSpearLife, Reason, Knowledge, Order, Hope, Leadership
The Oversoul [n/a]Knowledge, Luck, StrengthNNonePsionics, Self-Improvement, Meditation
The Xammux [varies]Evil, Knowledge, DarknessNEShortswordCold Analytical Thinking
Toldoth [no gender]Death, Destruction, Evil, Strength, Trickery, WarNEBattleaxeNegative Energy, Darkness, Destruction
Urbanus [m]Good, Knowledge, ProtectionNGHeavy MaceCities, Growth, Improvement
Typhos [m]Evil, Law, WarLEGreatswordTyranny
Valarian [f]Animal, GoodNGUnicorn Horn (Spear)Forests, Forest Creatures
Valkar [m]Chaos, Good, StrengthCGBattleaxeCourage
Zarus [m]Evil, Law, Strength, WarLEGreatswordHumanity, Domination, Perfection
Zoser [m]Air, Chaos, DestructionCNSpiked Chain (Whip)Sandstorms, Desert Whirlwinds

* Note that Scro war-priests are culturally required to multiclass into an arcane spellcasting class.

Sources: Book of Exalted Deeds, Book of Vile Darkness, Deities & Demigods, Complete Warrior, Frostburn, Races of Destiny, Sandstorm, Stormwrack, Libris Mortis, Dragon Magazine Annual 1996 (Dukagsh), Dragon Magazine #322 (Lord of Darkness), Dragon Magazine #340 (The Eternal Light; Eye of the Night), Dragon Magazine #350 (The Oversoul), Dungeon Magazine #123 (Quicksilver Hourglass)
« Last Edit: September 06, 2024, 11:38:53 AM by MAB77 »

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Wilderlands Deities
« Reply #39 on: June 28, 2010, 10:14:57 PM »
Wilderlands Deities

These are the main deities of the Wilderlands setting. Most of the denizens of the Wilderlands are polytheistic, believing in many gods and spirits, with a few notable exceptions following montheistic pantheons. These deities are restricted to characters of the Wilderlands setting.

Deity [gender]DomainsAlignment   Favored WeaponPortfolio
Major Deities
Armadad Bog [m]   Death, Evil, Law, WaterLETridentDeath, Water
Athena [f]War, Good, Law, KnowledgeLGSpearBattles, Wisdom
Harmakhis [m]Death, Destruction, Evil, ChaosCEFlailDeath
Mitra [m]Fire, Good, Healing, Law, Protection, SunLGLongswordJustice, Fire, Law
Mycr [m]Law, Good, Healing, Protection, PlantLGQuarterstaffCreation, Healing
Nephtlys [f]Animal, Law, LuckLNQuarterstaff or DaggerWealth
Odin [m]Air, Good, Knolwedge, Strength, Travel, WarNGSpearBattles, Knowledge
Set [m]Death, Destruction, Darkness, Evil, Knowledge, Law, Trickery   LEStaff, Spear, Poisoned Weapons   Evil, Night
Thor [m]War, Strength, Air, Protection, GoodCGWarhammerBattle, Lightning, Storms
Seker [m]Sun, Magic, Knowledge, ProtectionLGHalberd or MaceLight
Thoth [m]Knowledge, Magic, ProtectionTNQuarterstaffKnowledge, Learning
Minor Deities
Adorak Tau [m]Law, Evil, SunLESpearSun
Alinah [f]Darkness, Magic, Protection, TrickeryLNLongswordMoon
Amala [f]War, Good, Law, WaterLGQuarterstaffWarriors, Sea
Aniu [m]Law, Chaos, Time, Knowledge, TravelTNQuarterstaffTime
Aram Kor [m]Air, Water, Law, Knowledge, MagicLNSpearCold, Ice, Seasonal Changes
Beytnorn [m]Knowledge, Plant, Protection, TravelTNLongbowFroests, Nature
Bondorr [m]Earth, Strength, Protection, WarTNScimitarSwords, Warriors, Smiths
Braz-Kazon [m]Chaos, Fire, Trickery, WarCNMace or Swords (any)Battles, Smoke
Bukera [m]Destruction, Earth, Law, StrengthLNWarhammerDeserts, Scorpions
Cilborith [m]Chaos, Protection, Good, WarCGLongsword or SpearElves
Coriptis [f]Chaos, Strength, WarCNLongswordBerserkers
Dunatis [m]Air, Earth, Protection, Travel, StrengthCNGreatclubMountains
Dyrantil [m]Air, Earth, Fire, WaterTNQuarterstaffAlchemy
Feninva [f]Chaos, Destruction, Evil, StrengthCEDaggerBlood
Grismal [m]Air, Earth, Fire, Water, ProtectionTNFlail or Morningstarthe Underworld, Guardian of the Dead
Hanuman [m]Animal, Chaos, EvilCEDaggerEvil Sentient Beasts
Kale Kala [m]Destruction, Fire, StrengthTNClubFire, Volcanoes
Kazadarum [m]Earth, Strength, WarTNBattleaxeDwarves
Kolrak Mar [m]Chaos, Destruction, Evil, WarCEMaceGoblinoids, Trolls, Warlords
Kutalagon [m]Air, Earth, Fire, StrengthTNDaggerDragons
Kutabold [m]Destruction, Trickery, TravelNEDaggerEvil Fairies
Kutienna [m]Knowledge, Protection, StrengthLGQuarterstaffEverything Wholesome & Good
Kuvartma [m]Evil, Law, Knowledge, MagicLEGreatclubMoon
Manannan [m]Animal, Good, Protection, WaterNGLongswordSea, Sailors
Midor [m]Evil, Law, Strength, WarLELongswordOrc, Goblins
Mondorent [f]Evil, DeathLEClubGnolls, Tombs
Natch Ur [m]Chaos, Earth, Evil, DeathCEFlailDeep Earth
Partressa [f]Chaos, Destruction, Evil, WaterCESpearDeep Water Fish
Rhiannon [f]Animal, Knowledge, Magic, ProtectionTNDagger or QuarterstaffWitchcraft
Rosmerta [f]Good, Healing, ProtectionLGWarhammerWealth
Selanii [f]Water, Good, Chaos, KnowledgeCGMace styled with a SeahorseSea
Shang Ta [m]Air, Good, KnowledgeTNMaceSky
Shashuk [m]Chaos, Destruction, Evil, FireCELongswordFire Dragons
Tama Hama [f]Chaos, EvilCENonePassion, Lust
Thanatos [m]Death, Law, Evil, TravelLEQuarterstaff or ScytheDeath
Tsathoggus [m]Chaos, Destruction, Evil, WaterCELongswordEvil Humanoids
Ugtargnt [f]Evil, Death, HealingLEQuarterstaffDisease
Yezud [m]Chaos, Death, EvilCEDaggerDark Elves, Evil Humanoids
Yog [m]Chaos, Darkness, Evil, Knowledge, MagicCEDaggerOuter Darkness
Vala Tar [f]Water, Healing, Protection, TravelLGTridentSae
Angall [m]Chaos, Evil, Magic, Knowledge, StrengthCEMace or LongswordVoid
Modron [f]Water, Protection, HealingTNNetEstuarry of Roglaroon
Mokmalla [f]Chaos, Evil, TrickeryCEMaceLove
Morg [m]Knowledge, Law, WarLNLongswordOrder
Mana [m]Death, Evil, WarNEMaceCreation
Yood [m]Animal, Earth, PlantTNMaceCreation
Sushai [m]Good, Healing, ProtectionNGMaceCreation
The Toad [m]Animal, Evil, ProtectionLELongswordMermist Swamp
Zin Naou [m]Evil, Chaos, DestructionCEDagger or KukriDisease

Source: Player's Guide to the Wilderlands
« Last Edit: February 12, 2024, 11:13:18 PM by MAB77 »

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Scarred Lands Deities
« Reply #40 on: June 29, 2010, 01:09:54 AM »
Scarred Lands Deities

These are the main deities of the Scarred Lands setting. In the very recent past, about a century-and-a-half ago, the gods' avatars walked the realm and waged war to overthrow the titans that once ruled over the divine affairs of Scarn. Since their victory, they have been very active and routinely intervene in the affairs of mortals. The setting of the Scarred Lands is also host to numerous demi-gods, but these 8 deities, and the one remaining titan (Denev), are worshipped over all others. This pantheon is restricted to characters of the Scarred Land setting.

Deity [gender]   DomainsAlignment   Favored WeaponPortfolio
Corean [m]Fire, Good, Law, Protection, WarLGLongswordChivalry, Craftwork, Strength, Protection, Wisdom
Madriel [f]Air, Good, Healing, Plant, SunNGSpearSun, Light, Sky, Redemption, Healing, Agriculture
Tanil [f]Animal, Chaos, Luck, Plant, Travel, Trickery   CGLongbowTravel, Hunting, Forestry, Music, Archery, Freedom, Good Fortune
Hedrada [m]Knowledge, Law, ProtectionLNGreathammer (Maul)Law, Justice, Wealth, Order, Cities, Knowledge
Denev [f]Air, Animal, Earth, Fire, Plant, WaterTNSickle Earth, Nature, Natural Death, the Seasons, Cycles of Life
Enkili [m]Air, Chaos, Luck, Travel, TrickeryCNFlailStorms, Trickery, Chaos, Misfortune
Chardun [m]Evil, Law, Strength, WarLEWarscepter (Heavy Mace)   War, Domination, Conquest, Avarice, Pain
Belsameth [f]Death, Evil, Magic, TrickeryNEDaggerDarkness, Death, Nightmares, Deception, Witchcraft, Madness
Vangal [m]Chaos, Destruction, Evil, Strength, WarCEBattleaxeDestruction, Pestilence, Famine, Bloodshed, Thunder, Disaster

Source: The Divine and the Defeated
« Last Edit: February 12, 2024, 11:13:30 PM by MAB77 »

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Blackmoor Deities
« Reply #41 on: July 01, 2010, 03:42:22 AM »
Blackmoor Deities

These are the various deities of the Blackmoor setting. The many and varied races of the North have their own distinct pantheons and religious sects. For the deities who look over the North to make themselves present as physical avatars is rare but not unheard of. This pantheon is restricted to natives of the Blackmoor setting.

Deity [gender]DomainsAlignment   Favored WeaponPortfolio
Deities of the North
Baldin [m]Good, SunNGQuarterstaffLight, Music Poetry, Sun
Calelrin [m]Evil, TrickeryNEDaggerAssassination, Dark Places, Evil, Lies, Secrets
Chamber [m]Knowledge, FireNEBastard SwordInvention, Fire, Secrets
Elgath [m]Animal, Chaos, WarCNLongbowArchers, Hunting
Fronaus [m]Law, Protection, StrengthLNLongswordJustice, Law, Nobility
Hak [m]Air, Luck, TravelTNScimitarHarvest, Horses, Wind
Hella [f]Death, Destruction, EvilNELongswordDeath, Underworld
Henrin [m]Good, ProtectionLGLongswordGuards, Loyalty, Military
Hersh [m]Chaos, LuckCNRapierCommunication, Friendship, Luck
Insellageth [m]Knowledge, MagicNGSpearDragons, Magic, Power, Knowledge
Kadis [m]Earth, StrengthTNHeavy PickEarth, Mountains
Khoronus [m]Law, Protection, StrengthLNLongswordCourage, Strategy, Tactics
Mwajin [m]Air, Travel, WaterNGSpearCommerce, Sea, Wind
Odir [m]Knowledge, Magic, WarLGSpearKnowledge, Magic, War
Pacuun [m]Chaos, Good, Sun, TravelCGBastard SwordLight, Sun, Travel
Phellia [f]Good, MagicNGLongswordLove, Magic, Vanity
Raelralataen [m]   Death, Law, StrengthLNSickle-sword (Scimitar)   Death, Law
Sacwhynne [f]Chaos, Good, StrengthCGLongswordDuels, Ice, War
Sollus [m]Good, Plant, SunNGScytheAgriculture, Fertility, Harvest, Sun
Thanatos [m]Death, Destruction, TimeNESickle or MaceDecay, Disease, Famine, Time
Tilla [f]Travel, WarCGShortswordThe Docrae
Tsartha [f]Healing, Law, ProtectionTNSpearHealing, Justice, Motherhood
Tyrhm [m]Chaos, War, WaterCEGreataxeWar, Cold
Volketh [m]Chaos, Evil, TrickeryCEDaggerThieves, Trickery, Murder
Yoosef [m]Earth, Knowledge, ProtectionTNArbir (Halberd)Earth, Enlightenment, Protection
Zugzul [m]Death, Evil, WarLEBattleaxeBattleaxe Conquest, Death, Fire, War
Dwarven and Gnome Deities
Charis [m]Animal, Death, Earth, PlantLGFlailEarth, Nature, Underworld
Koorzun [m]Healing, Magic, ProtectionCGWarhammerHome, Magic
Dhumnon [m]Law, GoodLGLongswordCommerce, Contracts, Nobility
Gorrim [m]Destuction, Earth, TimeNELongswordDeath, Earth, Underworld, Wealth
Hemgrid [m]Earth, StrengthTNGreataxeEarth, Mountains
Kela [f]Earth, KnowledgeTNGreataxeCrafts, Smithing
Mieroc [m]Knowledge, WarLGWaraxeEngineering, Smithing, War
Pathmeer [m]Knowledge, TravelLNMaceKnowledge, Secrets, Travel
Shau [f]Law, Protection, Strength, War   LNGreataxeTactics, Trust, War
Elven Deities
Aeros [m]Air, Knowledge, TimeTNQuarterstaffAir
Dealth [f]Magic, Travel, TrickeryCNShortswordMagic, Travel, Tricks
Faunus [m]Animal, PlantCNLongbowPlants, Animals
Ferros [m]Strength, WarTNLongswordCreation, Strength, Metal
Fiumarra [f]Destruction, Fire, SunCNLongswordFire
Hydros [m]Healing, Protection, WaterTNHeavy FlailWater
Ordana [f]Good, Knowledge, ProtectionNGLongswordKnowledge, Protection
Sylvian [m]Chaos, Luck, Destruction, WarTNSickleWild Places
Terra [f]Death, Earth, LawLNWarhammerLaw, Earth

Sources: Dave Arneson's Blackmoor, Player's Guide to Blackmoor
« Last Edit: February 14, 2024, 11:04:05 AM by MAB77 »

Bluebomber4evr: The Justice, not you, since 2002


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Pathfinder Deities
« Reply #42 on: July 03, 2010, 03:21:45 PM »
Pathfinder Deities

The Pathfinder campaign is a richly detailed setting with nearly 300 different deities, archdukes, demon princes and godlike beings that clerics can worship. This entry will list only the deities of the Pathfinder's Core Rulebook. For a full review of available options you are invited to consult Paizo's Inner Sea Gods sourcebook. This pantheon is restricted to natives of Golarion.

Deity [gender]DomainsAlignment   Favored WeaponPortfolio
Abadar [m]Earth, Law, Protection, TravelLNLight CrossbowCities, Wealth, Merchants, Law
Asmodeus [m]Evil, Fire, Law, Magic, TrickeryLEMaceTyranny, Slavery, Pride, Contracts
Calistria [f]Chaos, Luck, Knowledge, TrickeryCNWhipTrickery, Lust, Revenge
Cayden Cailean [m]   Chaos, Good, Strength, TravelCGRapierFreedom, Ale, Wine, Bravery
Desna [f]Chaos, Dream, Good, Luck, TravelCGStarknife (Cutting Wheel)   Dreams, Stars, Travelers, Luck
Erastil [m]Animal, Good, Law, PlantLGLongbowFarming, Hunting, Trade, Family
Gorum [m]Chaos, Destruction, Strength, WarCNGreatswordStrength, Battle, Weapons
Gozreh [m]Air, Animal, Plant, WaterTNTridentNature, Weather, The Sea
Iomedae [f]Good, Law, Sun, WarLGLongswordValor, Rulership, Justice, Honor
Irori [m]Healing, Knowledge, Law, StrengthLNUnarmed StrikeHistory, Knowledge, Self-perfection
Lamashtu [f]Chaos, Evil, Strength, TrickeryCEFalchionMadness, Monsters, Nightmares
Nethys [m]Destruction, Knowledge, Magic, Protection   TNQuarterstaffMagic
Norgorber [m]Death, Evil, Knowledge, TrickeryNEShort swordGreed, Secrets, Poison, Murder
Pharasma [f]Death, Healing, Knowledge, Repose, WaterTNDaggerFate, Death, Prophecy, Birth
Rovagug [m]Chaos, Evil, Destruction, WarCEGreataxeWrath, Disaster, Destruction
Sarenrae [f]Fire, Good, Healing, SunNGScimitarThe Sun, Redemption, Honesty, Healing
Shelyn [f]Air, Good, Luck, ProtectionNGGlaive (Halberd)Beauty, Art, Love, Music
Torag [m]Earth, Good, Law, ProtectionLGWarhammerForge, Protection, Strategy
Urgathoa [f]Death, Evil, Magic, Strength, WarNEScytheGluttony, Disease, Undeath
Zon-Kuthon [m]Darkness, Death, Destruction, Evil, LawLESpiked Chain (Whip)Envy, Pain, Darkness, Loss

Sources: Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook, Inner Sea Gods
« Last Edit: February 11, 2024, 03:31:37 AM by MAB77 »

Bluebomber4evr: The Justice, not you, since 2002


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« Reply #43 on: July 25, 2010, 08:36:40 PM »

Note: Any player wishing to portray a divine caster originating from Gothic Earth must first read this.

Zoroastrianism, also known as Mazdayasna and Behdin, is one of Gothic Earth's oldest organized faiths, it is based on the teachings of the Avesta and the prophet Zoroaster. It has a dualistic cosmology of good and evil within the framework of a monotheistic-style ontology; meaning that the religion's eschatology predicts the ultimate triumph of good over evil. Zoroastrians exalt an uncreated and benevolent deity of wisdom, commonly referred to as Ahura Mazda, as the universe's supreme being; opposed to him is Ahriman, or Angra Mainyu, who is personified as a destructive spirit and the adversary of all things good. This faith is available to characters from the Gothic Earth and Planescape settings.

Deity [gender]DomainsAlignment   Favored Weapon   Portfolio
Ahura Mazdah [m]   Fire, Good, Healing, Law, Protection   NGLongswordCreation, Goodness, Life
Ahriman [m]Chaos, Death, Destruction, EvilCELongswordDestruction, Evilness, Death

Sources: Dragon Magazine #12 (Persian Mythos), #288 (Four Faces of Death)
« Last Edit: February 13, 2024, 10:12:27 PM by MAB77 »

Bluebomber4evr: The Justice, not you, since 2002


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Abrahamic Religions
« Reply #44 on: July 30, 2010, 11:57:56 PM »
Abrahamic Religions

Note: Any player wishing to portray a divine caster originating from Gothic Earth must first read this.

Quote from: Note from the Development Team
While the Masque of the Red Death setting draws inspiration from the real world, it makes no pretense of being a faithful representation of it. Always remember that clerics of any of Gothic Earth's religions within our server are not meant to be accurate portrayals of their real life counterparts. That being said, it is our commitment as a community to be mindful of people's religious beliefs in regards to real life religion as this can be a very sensitive topic. If you elect to play a believer in one of Gothic Earth's religions, you have a responsibility to portray the faith in a respectful manner. Harmful stereotypes will not be tolerated.

The term Abrahamic religions is used here to designate all religions that worship the God of Abraham. Judaism, Christianity and Islam are the most widely know, but also included are the Bahá'í Faith, Catharism, the Druze, Gnostic Christianity, the Mandeans, Samaritanism, Rastafarianism and many others. They are mostly monotheist or dualist religions with God being credited as the creator of all things, the source of law and of all that is good.

Abraham was a Hebrew patriarch and prophet. He is extensively mentioned in Abrahamic scriptures such as the Bible and the Quran. Jewish tradition holds that the Twelve Tribes of Israel are descended from Abraham through his son Isaac and grandson Jacob, whose sons formed the nation of the Israelites in Canaan. Ancient Israelite religion was derived from the ancient Canaanite religion of the Bronze Age, and became firmly monotheistic around the 6th century BCE. Christianity split from Judaism in the 1st century CE and spread widely after being adopted by the Roman Empire as a state religion in the 4th century CE. Islamic tradition holds that twelve Arab tribes known as the Ishmaelites are descended from Abraham through his son Ishmael in Arabia. Islam was founded by Muhammad in the 7th century CE. It was widely spread through the early Muslim conquests.

Though practices and beliefs vary wildly between the various Abrahamic religions, they are still considered to follow the same deity. Given the taint of the Red Death on all magic on Gothic Earth and its inherent danger in using it, followers of the Abrahamic religions normally believe that those who claim to manipulate arcane energies are pagan and in need of redemption.

Note that while the social constraints on female priests of Abrahamic religions on Gothic Earth do not apply to the Demiplane of Dread, such characters should begin play expecting these social consequences. This faith is restricted to characters from Gothic Earth.

DomainsAlignment   Favored WeaponSymbolsPortfolio
Good, Healing, Knowledge, Law, Protection, Strength   LGLongsword (Christianity)   
Scimitar (Islam)
Quarterstaff (Judaism)
The Cross (Christianity)
Crescent (Islam)
Star of David (Judaism)   
Creation, Life
« Last Edit: February 13, 2024, 09:31:25 PM by EO »

Bluebomber4evr: The Justice, not you, since 2002


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Dark Ages Eastern European (Slavic) Deities
« Reply #45 on: September 09, 2012, 08:21:01 PM »
Dark Ages Eastern European (Slavic) Deities

Note: Any player wishing to portray a divine caster originating from Gothic Earth must first read this.

This D&D pantheon is inspired by the most important deities of Slavic mythology. Slavic gods controlled the elemental forces of nature and all aspects of life. Ceremonies were held to honor the gods and ask for their favor at important times of the year, mirroring the cycle of the seasons. A given Slavic groupe does not necessarily prays to, nor recognizes, the same deities as others. Perun the Thunderer is the most universally worshipped god by Slavic tribes. This pantheon provides options to characters from the Gothic Earth and Planescape settings.

Deity [gender]DomainsAlignment   Favored Weapon   Portfolio
Dazhbog [m]Good, Law, Protection, SunLGLongswordSun
Death Crone [f]   Death, Evil, Magic, TrickeryNEQuarterstaffDeath, Necromancy
Gabija [f]Fire, Good, Healing, ProtectionNGDaggerHearth, Home
Jarilo [m]Chaos, Luck, Plant, ProtectionCNSpearPhysical Love, Fertility
Jurate [f]Healing, Luck, Travel, WaterCGDaggerSea, Sailors
Lunt-Ater [m]Healing, Knowledge, Magic, SunNGQuarterstaffSun
Meness [m]Luck, Travel, Trickery, WarTNLongswordMoon, Travelers in the Night
Mokosh [f]Animal, Earth, Healing, PlantLGSickleFertility, Home, Healing, Harvest, Herd Animals
Perun [m]Air, Law, StrengthLNThrowing AxeThunder, Rain, Strength, Power
Rod [m]Healing, Knowledge, Plant, Protection   LNQuarterstaffFertility, Family
Saule [f]Good, Healing, SunNGShortswordSun
Stribog [m]Air, Destruction, EvilLESpearWinter, Wind, Scattering of Wealth
Svantovit [m]Luck, Plant, WarTNGreatswordWar, Bounty, Prosperity
Svarog [m]Fire, Good, Healing, Law, SunLGSpearHeaven, Light
Svarozic [m]Animal, Fire, Good, HealingNGLongswordFire, Healing
Ukko [m]Air, Good, Healing, Law, WaterLNLongswordSky
Volos [m]Animal, Luck, Plant, TravelTNQuarterstaffHorned Animals, Crops, Wealth

Source: Dragon Magazine #290 (Red Sails: Bright Sun, Mother Earth)
« Last Edit: February 11, 2024, 04:59:49 PM by MAB77 »

Bluebomber4evr: The Justice, not you, since 2002


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Naranjan Principles
« Reply #46 on: September 17, 2021, 12:04:00 AM »
Naranjan Principles

The religions of the Naranjan setting are inspired by Hindu beliefs. They revolve around the idea of 3 core Cosmic Principles which together embodies the whole of creation, as well as with the idea that souls are in a perpetual pattern of reincarnation until they can reach transcendence. The thousands of deities, or principles as they call them, are each aspects of the Three and the objects of devotions for many. The three dominant religious philosophies in Naranjan are Matyanism (praying to the principles), Pranaism (praying to the Three directly), and Sujahnism (favoring the study of psionic powers). The three major faiths are mutually compatible in that practitioners of each recognize that the others embody some elements of truth-although their tenets may reflect an imperfect or inferior understanding of that truth.

Principles [gender]   DomainsAlignment   Favored WeaponPortfolio
Matyanist Principles
Anjeeti [m]Protection, Law, KnowledgeLNLongsword or Battleaxe   Law, Justice
Chatari [f]Chaos, Good, LuckCGRapierLove, Arts
Chryaya [m]Chaos, Luck, TrickeryCGClubTrickery, Maintaining Balance
Dinath [m]Death, Destruction, Protection   TNQuarterstaffCycle of Death and Rebirth
Hiratta [m]Death, Destruction, EvilNEQuarterstaffMurder
Jatapan [m]Evil, Law, Strength, WarLEAxeRacial & Caste Purity
Lakraya [m]Chaos, Evil, Knowledge, TrickeryCEShortswordThievery
Marujit [m]None (ayudhapurusha)LGAxeJust War
Meeta [f]Good, Healing, Knowledge, Protection   LGQuarterstaffHealing, Wisdom
Raivash [m]Air, Evil, Travel, TrickeryNEQuarterstaffGreed, Gluttony, Desire
Sandat [m]None (ayudhapurusha)LELongswordVengeance
Sudinay [m]Air, Good, SunNGWhipAir, Sky
Unayanti [f]Earth, Healing, Good, Law, PlantLGFlailThe Earth
Umisavi [f]Chaos, Luck, TrickeryCNMorningstarMadness, Inspiration
Uraj [m]Air, Chaos, DestructionCNHammerNight, Darkness
Vashana [m]Earth, Evil, Knowledge, Law, WarLEFlailTyranny, Pride, Cunning
Zaha [m]Chaos, Destruction, WaterCNScimitarSeas, Water
Asura Lords (Demons & Devils)
Dhavan [m]Chaos, Destruction, Evil, War, WaterCEKukriDestruction, Violence, Slaughter
Manachi [m]Chaos, Evil, Fire, TrickeryCELongswordLies, Power, Fire
Nigdaya [f]None (shastradevata)CEKukriRage
The Three [n/a]Destruction, Knowledge, SunAnyNoneEverything

Source: Mythic Vistas - Mindshadows
« Last Edit: February 11, 2024, 06:40:10 PM by MAB77 »
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1 Old Svalich Stradă, Castle Ravenloft, Barovia


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Voodan, the Loa of Gothic Earth
« Reply #47 on: September 22, 2021, 07:19:21 PM »
Voodan, the Loa of Gothic Earth

Note: Any player wishing to portray a divine caster originating from Gothic Earth must first read this.

The Loa of Gothic Earth are powerful spiritual beings, gods, and archetypes of human experiences that have enough connection to the material world to still understand and sympathize with humanity. The followers of the Loa also believe in a greater god that created the universe, who is known by many names: Olorun, Onyama, Mau-Lisa and Khardun to name a few, but they also believe that god has more important matters to attend to than providing rain for a farmer’s crops. The Loa are seen as divine servants of the creator god, and it is they who handle the problems of worshippers.

Loa [gender]   DomainsAlignment   Voodan SpecializationsTitles
Agwe [m]Air, WaterLNConjuration, Evocation, Transmutation   Lord of the Sea, Master of the Tides
Ashadeh Boco [f]Fire, KnowledgeCNConjuration, Evocation, IllusionThe Hidden Fire
Ayida Wèdo [f]Air, WaterCGEvocation, Illusion, TransmutationThe Rainbow
Baron Samedhi [m]Death, Evil, Knowledge, UndeathCEIllusion, Necromancy, TransmutationThe Zombi Lord
Carrefour [m]Destruction, Good, ProtectionLGConjuration, Divination, NecromancyLord of the Midnight Crossroads
Congo Zandor [m]Earth, Plant, StrengthLEAbjuration, Evocation, TransmutationLord of the Scarlet Fields
Damballah Wèdo [m]Good, Healing, ProtectionLGAbjuration, Divination, EnchantmentThe World Serpent
Dan Petro [m]Luck, TravelCNDivination, Illusion, TransmutationNone (Loa of Freedom)
Erzulie [f]Trickery, Good, ProtectionNGEnchantment, Illusion, TransmutationThe Tragic Mistress, the Queen of Beauty, Lady of Luxury
Ghede [m]Death, Healing, Knowledge, Trickery   CNConjuration, Divination, NecromancyThe Laughter of the Grave, The Lord of the Dead
Legba [m]Knowledge, Sun, TravelTNDivination, Enchantment, NecromancyLord of the Crossroads, the Wandering Sun
Loco [m] and Ayizan [f]   Good, Healing, KnowledgeNGAbjuration, Conjuration, DivinationThe Great Patrons
Ogun [m]Earth, Fire, Strength, WarCNAbjuration, Evocation, TransmutationThe Master of Iron, Lord of Fire, The Wounded Hero
SimbiKnowledge, Magic, WaterTNDivination, Evocation, IllusionThe Great Serpent, He-Who-Straddles-the-Waters
The MarassaDeath, Good, TrickeryCGEvocation, Necromancy, TransmutationThe Divine Twins

Source: Green Ronin's Skull & Bones
« Last Edit: February 12, 2024, 11:03:18 PM by MAB77 »
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Anglo-Saxon Deities
« Reply #48 on: September 22, 2021, 10:21:35 PM »
Anglo-Saxon Deities

Note: Any player wishing to portray a divine caster originating from Gothic Earth must first read this.

This D&D pantheon is inspired by the beliefs of the Anglo-Saxon cultures of the Dark Ages to the Early Medieval. Precursors to the later age's Norse pantheon, the Anglo-Saxon deities have a matriarchal organization. Their greatest deities were females. Their primary focus was over fertility and the life-death cycle, rather than battle and war. This pantheon provides options to characters from the Gothic Earth and Planescape settings.

Deity [gender]   DomainsAlignment   Favored Weapon   Portfolio
Eostre [f]Good, Healing, Law, ReposeLGNoneLife, Rebirth
Hred [f]Air, Evil, Law, WaterLESpearWinter, Cold
Ing [m]Good, Law, ProtectionLGShortswordSon & servant of Nerthus & Mannus
Mannus [m]Knowledge, Protection, Strength, Travel   TNSpearHumans
Nerthus [f]Earth, Good, Plant, ProtectionNGQuarterstaffFertility, the Earth
Thunor [m]Chaos, War, Destruction, StrengthCNSpearMight, Strenght
Tir [m]Law, Protection, Strength, WarLNSpearGlory, Honor
Woden [m]Death, Knowledge, Magic, ReposeTNQuarterstaffMagic, Knowledge, Guardian of the Dead

Source: Dragon Magazine #263 (Hearth & Sword, Deities of the Dark Ages)
« Last Edit: February 13, 2024, 10:11:29 PM by MAB77 »
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Re: Religion Resource Thread
« Reply #49 on: August 11, 2022, 09:39:15 PM »
Pelinore Deities

Pelinore is a little known D&D setting from the pages of TSR UK's Imagine Magazine. It has the particularity of being a flat world instead of a sphere. It is briefly covered in the Minor D&D Setting resources thread. Like the rest of the setting, its deities often have a humorous bent. The god of Despair, Chstenkes, is not included in the list as his clerics are forbidden to gain character levels.

Deity [gender]DomainsAlignment   Favored WeaponPortfolio
Abex [m]/Sritanna [f]Evil, Law, Strength, WaterLEWhipCharisma, Dominance
Dayleeh [m]Healing, Law, StrengthLNHeavy MaceVigour
Fealans [m]Travel, TrickeryTNDaggerPretty Things (and thieves)
Fianna [f]Chaos, Good, Knowledge, Trickery   CGWarhammerJudgement
Grea, Hrea & Trea [f]Chaos, Evil, Good, TrickeryCG, CN, CEMaceLies
The Green Man [m]Plant, Protection, WaterTNQuarterstaffGrowth, Abundance
Grunnundergron [m]Chaos, Earth, StrengthCNPick AxeDwarven God of Mining
Heslor [m]Chaos, Destruction, Fire, WarCNBows & Flame Arrows   Fire, War
Mielsin [m & f]Chaos, Good, ProtectionCGBowsRomance
Onjura the Weeper [f]Knowledge, ReposeTNQuarterstaffMourning, Departures
Pharastus [m]Chaos, Death, Destruction, EvilCEDaggerDeath
Rissinis [m]Healing, Protection, WaterTNTridentFishing
Saith the Protector [m]   Destruction, Good, Healing, LawLGLongswordVengeance, Law
Tarmenel [m]Air, Good, Sun, TravelNGSlingThe Sky, Air, Weather
Urrumaa [m]Knowledge, ProtectionTNMaceMemory
Valbure [m]Earth, Protection, Strength, WarTNLongswordSwords

Source: The Collected Pelinore
« Last Edit: February 14, 2024, 11:02:41 AM by MAB77 »
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Dev. Relationist for the Dark Powers.
1 Old Svalich Stradă, Castle Ravenloft, Barovia