Author Topic: Religion Resource Thread  (Read 152734 times)


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Religion Resource Thread
« on: January 02, 2010, 05:56:56 PM »
This thread is an exhaustive list of supported deities and faiths from official D&D 3rd edition and other d20 sourcebooks, supplemented with some material converted from previous D&D editions.

It is primarily meant to help cleric players to pick clerical domains, alignments and favored weapons suitable to their chosen faith. This thread was expanded to include the portfolios of deities as well as useful details for faiths of other divine casting classes. Be aware that proper domains and alignments for clerics are enforced. If your cleric has incorrect domains, please ask a DM to help you set up your domains properly. Outlander clerics should read the Unspoken Pact section just below the following lists.

Note regarding dead or inactive deities.
The Mists of Ravenloft have the ability to pull people from different eras into Ravenloft. This means that even if a given deity is dead or inactive in the most current official setting lore, the Mists may have pulled them in from a time when the deity was still alive and active. Consequently, it is possible to play a cleric of such a deity on the condition that it has proper clerical domains listed in an official d20 source or in our Religion Resource Thread. These clerics receive their powers normally irrespective of the current status of their deity, as long as they believe and are convinced that the deity is alive.

Ravenloft Religions:

Outlander Deities & Faiths:

Gothic Earth Religions:

Note: Any player wishing to portray a divine caster originating from Gothic Earth must first read this.

The Unspoken Pact

When a cleric enters Ravenloft from another world, she immediately feels a hollowness slip into her heart, a void that the strength and compassion of her deity once filled. Although clerics continue to receive the blessings of their divine patrons, they no longer feel their gods at their side. This absence often causes clerics new to the Land of Mists to suffer crises of faith or pass through periods of deep depression. For natives of the Land of Mists, this remoteness is perfectly normal; they expect the gods to be distant and inscrutable as a matter of common sense. Some clerics in Ravenloft claim to be the direct vessel of their respective deities, but these folk are widely regarded as madmen and false messiahs.

Without the gods' watchful eyes to monitor all that is said and done in their name, many imported religions experience a "theological shift." As godly legends are passed from one mortal to another, religious teachings often adapt to their new homelands, or even evolve to suit the specific needs of powerful clerics. Tales even exist of clerics who betrayed the core beliefs of their faith yet kept their divine powers. As an example, rumors insist that the grand religion of the Shadowlands, dedicated to the neutral good deity Belenus, is actually steeped in evil practices. Why are the gods withdrawn? Why do they watch in silence as mortals slowly twist their teachings' It may be that the Dark Powers intervene between a deity and its faithful, warping the flow of divine magic.

Ravenloft's theologians have identified one belief that appears in many forms, across many faiths. This belief, which strains mortal comprehension, claims that the gods respect an unspoken pact with the faceless masters of Ravenloft. The gods are not to directly interfere in the ways of Ravenloft's mortals, and the Dark Powers are not to meddle in the ways of the gods. Of course, these collected slivers of a legend fail to explain how the Dark Powers could enforce this pact — surely they are not as powerful as the combined might of all the gods of the worlds.

One final theory is even more extreme. It holds that the Dark Powers have severed their realm from the ministrations of the gods entirely. According to this theory, when mortals in the Land of Mists pray their gods, it is the Dark Powers that reply. Some madmen and heretics claim that a few gods worshipped in Ravenloft — gods who continue to answer the prayers of their clerics — are long since dead. They even insist that some of these gods simply do not exist and never did.
« Last Edit: December 05, 2024, 10:28:27 PM by MAB77 »

Bluebomber4evr: The Justice, not you, since 2002


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The Ancestral Choir
« Reply #1 on: January 02, 2010, 06:02:29 PM »
The Ancestral Choir

This Ancestral Choir is a Kartakan cult believing their revered ancestors not only watch over their descendants, but can intervene on their behalf as well. Offering proper respect to one’s ancestors earns one divine favor in life and secures a place in the Ancestral Choir after death. All cult members must have clear singing voices and are expected to sing praising songs called “mora,” dedicated to their ancestors, once a week.

DomainsAlignment   Favored Weapon   Symbol   Portfolio
Knowledge, Luck, Mora   TNBattleaxeA fluteWisdom, Foresight, Protection, Truth, Beauty

Source: Ravenloft Gazetteer I
« Last Edit: February 11, 2024, 01:00:58 PM by MAB77 »

Bluebomber4evr: The Justice, not you, since 2002


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The Akiri Pantheon
« Reply #2 on: January 02, 2010, 06:06:54 PM »
The Akiri Pantheon

The Akiri Pantheon is the Ravenloft variant of the Egyptian pantheon as it is worshipped in the Amber Wastes. The gods Ra, Osiris and Set are worshipped above all others. Hidden cults to Apep and Anubis are whispered to be active. The other gods of the Akiri are still offered prayers and reverence but play a lesser role in Akiri life. The Akiri pantheon differs from the Pharaonic Pantheon. This represents the fact that Har'Akir was pulled in the Mists from a more ancient time, and the theological differences due to the demiplane's isolation.

Deity [gender]DomainsAlignmentFavored WeaponSymbolPortfolio
Anhur [m]Chaos, Strength, WarCGFalchionBird of PreyWar, Warriors
Anubis [m]Death, Evil, ReposeLEMaceBlack JackalJudgement, Death, Werejackals
Apep* [m]Destruction, Evil, FireNEHeavy PickFlaming SnakeEvil, Fire, Serpents
Bast [f]Chaos, Destruction, Protection, Strength, WarCGTiger Claws (Bagh-Nakh)CatCats, Vengeance
Bes [m]Luck, Protection, TrickeryCNShortswordImage of the DeityLuck, Music, Protection
Geb [m]Earth, Plant, Protection, StrengthTNQuarterstaffMountainThe Earth
Hathor [f]Good, LuckNGLongswordHorned Cow's Head with a Lunar DiscLove, Music, Dance, Moon, Fate, Motherhood
Horus [m]Good, Chaos, Sun, WarCGKhopesh (Scimitar)Hawk's HeadSun, Vengeance
Isis [f]Good, Magic, Protection, WaterNGQuarterstaffEye and TeardropFertility, Magic, Marriage
Khonsu [m]Magic, Protection, TravelLNFlailMoon Disc, Sidelock FalconMagic, Moon, Mysteries
Nephythys [f]Chaos, Good, Protection, ReposeCGMaceHorns around a Lunar DiscDeath, Grief
Nut [f]Air, Healing, Good, ProtectionNGFlailStars against the Night SkyThe Sky, Couples forbidden to marry
Osiris [m]Good, Protection, Repose, WaterNGLight FlailCrossed Flail and StaffHarvest, Nature, Underworld
Ptah [m]Knowledge, Law, TravelLNLight MaceBull, Mummified HandCrafts, Knowledge, Secrets, Travel
Ra [m]Air, Curse, Good, Law, SunLGFalchionAnkh over a Solar DiscNobility, the Sun
Shu [m]Air, Good, Law, SunLGQuarterstaff, MaceOstrich FeatherWinds, the Atmosphere
Set [m]Curse, Death, Evil, TrickeryLEShortswordCoiled CobraDarkness, Evil, Night, Desert Storms, Drought
Sobek [m]Animal, Evil, WaterLESpearCrocodile Head with Horned & Plumed HeaddressWater, River Hazards, Crocodiles, Wetlands
Tefnut [f]Air, Destruction, Law, WaterLGDaggerPyramid and SunMoisture, Rain
Thoth [m]Knowledge, MagicTNQuarterstaffIbisKnowledge, Wisdom, Learning

* Apep is also known as Apophis.

Sources: Domains of Dread, Touch of Death, Darklords, Denizens of Darkness, 3e Ravenloft Campaign Setting, 3e Ravenloft Dungeon Master's Guide, Deities & Demigods (D&D 1st & 3e), Legends & Lore, Mythic Vistas - Testament, Dragon Magazine #283 (Do-it-yourself deities)
« Last Edit: February 21, 2024, 09:53:09 PM by MAB77 »

Bluebomber4evr: The Justice, not you, since 2002


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The Celtic Pantheon (Ravenloft variant)
« Reply #3 on: January 02, 2010, 06:10:56 PM »
The Celtic Pantheon (Ravenloft variant)

The worship of Celtic deities is well-established in Ravenloft, particularly the cult of Belenus. It is notably observed among the Forfarian, Nidalan and Tepestani. More details are available in the Forfarian Pantheon and the Tepestani Pantheon threads. A large number of elves across the Core also worship the gods of the standard D&D Celtic Pantheon.

Deity [gender]DomainsAlignment   Favored Weapon   SymbolPortfolio
Arawn [m or f]*Death, Evil, ReposeNEScytheSkull wearing antlered helm   Death, Underworld
Belenus [m]Fire, Good, Sun, Scrutiny**   NGSickleCeltic-style golden sunburstFire, Light, Sun
Brigantia [f]Animal, Good, ProtectionLGWarhammerWoman holding a hammerNature, Industry, Agriculture
Daghda [m]Good, Plant, TrickeryCGClubCauldronFertility, Forest
Diancecht [m]Good, HealingNGDaggerLeafHealing
Lugh [m]Chaos, Knowledge, MagicCNMaceEight-pointed starMagic, Secrets
Manannan mac Lir [m]   Animal, Law, WaterLNTridentFishWater, Aquatic Creatures
Math Mathonwy [m]Knowledge, MagicLEQuarterstaffIron ScepterDark Magic, Secrets
Morrigan [f]Destruction, Evil, WarCEGreatswordCrossed SwordsDiscord, War

* Arawn is perceived as a goddess in Tepest.
** The Scrutiny domain is available only to clerics of Belenus who are part of the Tepestani Inquisition.

Sources: Domains of Dread, Castles Forlorn, Servants of Darkness, Shadowborn, 3rd Ed. Ravenloft Campaign Setting, Ravenloft Gazetteer I, Ravenloft Gazetteer V
« Last Edit: February 19, 2024, 08:54:57 AM by MAB77 »

Bluebomber4evr: The Justice, not you, since 2002


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The Church of the Lawgiver
« Reply #4 on: January 02, 2010, 06:14:41 PM »
The Church of the Lawgiver (Bane)

The Church of the Lawgiver is the Ravenloft variant of the cult of Bane, the Faerunian god of Strife. This god is never called by name but its many titles, notably the Iron Tyrant and the Black Lord. His religion rewards blind obedience and asserts the divine providence of kings. Rigid social stratification is enforced and the Church forbids inter-ethnic and inter-racial marriages. Clerics must perform all holy rites in Vaasi. The Church of Bane is the state religion of Hazlan and Nova Vaasa.

DomainsAlignment   Favored Weapon   SymbolPortfolio
Bindings, Curse, Death, Evil, Law, Scrutiny, War   LE*Whip**A stout iron spear bound in coils of bronze   Tyranny, Divine Providence

* A Lawgiver cleric's alignment can only be lawful evil or lawful neutral.
** Clerics selecting the War domain, Divine Champions and Favored Souls can select the light or heavy flail instead.

Sources: 3rd ed. Ravenloft Campaign Setting, Domains of Dread, Ravenloft Gazetteer I & V, Van Richten's Arsenal, Van Richten's Monstrous Compendium III
« Last Edit: February 11, 2024, 01:05:03 PM by MAB77 »

Bluebomber4evr: The Justice, not you, since 2002


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The Church of Ezra
« Reply #5 on: January 02, 2010, 06:19:02 PM »
The Church of Ezra

The Church of Ezra formed over ninety years ago when Yakov Dilisnya claimed that a divine entity called Ezra, Our Guardian in the Mists, had given him a message to spread to the world that she was once a virtuous mortal woman who surrendered her mortality to the Mists to become a guardian of mankind. Clerics of Ezra are called anchorites. They are divided in four sects, each has different goals for their anchorites to achieve.

DomainsAlignment   Favored Weapon   Symbol
Mists*, Curse, Destruction, Healing, Law, Protection   LNLongswordA silver longsword superimposed on an alabaster kite shield and adorned with a sprig of belladonna

SectAlignment   Base of OperationFavored DomainsPortfolio
Home FaithLNThe Great Cathedral, Levkarest, BorcaMists & LawProtecting and healing Ezra's faithful
Pure Hearts   LGChurch of Pure Hearts, Mordentshire, MordentMists & HealingPeaceful conversion of unbelievers to Ezra's flock
EruditesTNSainte-Mčre-des-Larmes, Port-ą-Lucine, Dementlieu   Mists & ProtectionThe study of Ezra's true nature
ZealotsLEThe Last Redoubt, Nevuchar Spring, DarkonMists & Destruction   Opposing and destroying the Legions of the Mists of Death

* Taking the Mists domain is mandatory for all anchorites.

Sources: Domains of Dread, 3rd Ed. Ravenloft Campaign Setting, Ravenloft Gazetteer II, III, IV, Van Richten's Arsenal.
« Last Edit: February 11, 2024, 01:11:11 PM by MAB77 »

Bluebomber4evr: The Justice, not you, since 2002


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The Cult of the Morninglord
« Reply #6 on: January 02, 2010, 06:23:21 PM »
The Cult of the Morninglord

The Cult of the Morninglord is a variation on the Faerunian faith of Lathander based in Barovia. It experienced a theological shift since its inception in the Lands of the Mists. The Morninglord asks little of his followers, save that they treat each other with kindness and retain hope in their hearts.

DomainsAlignment   Favored Weapon   SymbolPortfolio
Good, Luck, Protection, Salvation, Sun   CGSpearA simple, rose-tinted disc of gold   Hope, Perseverance, the Dawn, Light, Compassion, Protection, Salvation

Sources: Domains of Dread, Vampire of the Mists, 3rd Ed. Ravenloft Campaign Setting, Ravenloft Gazetteer I, Van Richten's Arsenal.
« Last Edit: February 11, 2024, 01:16:09 PM by MAB77 »

Bluebomber4evr: The Justice, not you, since 2002


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The Divinity of Mankind
« Reply #7 on: January 02, 2010, 06:26:45 PM »
The Divinity of Mankind

The Divinity of Mankind is the dominant religion of Paridon. It is an ascetic faith with an emphasis on the attainment of personal perfection in mind, body and spirit, rather than the veneration of anthropomorphic supernatural forces. As can be guessed, only humans are allowed into the clergy. Other races are seen as lesser beings that can't reach the same potential.

DomainsAlignment   Favored Weapon   SymbolPortfolio
Knowledge, Law, Strength   LNQuarterstaffA highly stylized human figure within a squared circle   Physical, mental, and emotional perfection

Sources: 3rd Ed. Ravenloft Campaign Setting, Hour of the Knife, Van Richten's Arsenal, AD&D 2nd ed. Faiths & Pantheons.
« Last Edit: February 11, 2024, 01:25:22 PM by MAB77 »

Bluebomber4evr: The Justice, not you, since 2002


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The Eternal Order
« Reply #8 on: January 02, 2010, 06:30:38 PM »
The Eternal Order

The Eternal Order was once the state religion of Darkon. It nominally aims, through the proper worship of the powers of Death, to delay the Hour of Ascension, the prophesied time when the dead will return to reclaim their land. The faith fell in popularity following the Requiem, but its underlying superstitions remain quite strong amongst the populace of Darkon.

DomainsAlignment   Favored Weapon   SymbolPortfolio
Death, Evil, Knowledge, Repose   NEScytheA hooded human skull   Death, Delaying the Hour of Ascencion

Sources: Death Ascendant, 3rd ed. Ravenloft Campaign Setting, Ravenloft Gazetteer II.
« Last Edit: February 11, 2024, 01:31:44 PM by MAB77 »

Bluebomber4evr: The Justice, not you, since 2002


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The Faith of the Overseer
« Reply #9 on: January 02, 2010, 06:33:35 PM »
The Faith of the Overseer

This small religion was founded in Martira Bay over a 100 years ago. It stresses community and the hope that divine justice for all is possible in a world that often seems unfair. The religion is centered in the Temple of the Eternal Balance in the Darkonese city of Martira Bay and is led by High Priest Derakoth. They believe that the Overseer does not grant boons, but is witness to all the actions of one’s life and therefore rights any past wrongs in the afterlife. Mortals are expected to offer aid to others whenever possible, and likewise accept aid when it is given. The faith of the Overseer forbids idolatry, so there are no images of the Overseer in any temples or religious texts. The clergy wields no official power and depends on donations to maintain its charities (including hostels and orphanages), but the clergy (called witnesses) possess significant influence over the hearts of many in Martira Bay and have started to spread to outlying communities.

DomainsAlignment   Favored Weapon   SymbolPortfolio
Good, Law, Protection   LGLongswordTwo circles within two squares, forming an abstract sun   Community, Hope for Divine Justice

Sources: Bleak House, Ravenloft Gazetteer II.
« Last Edit: February 10, 2024, 10:32:27 AM by MAB77 »

Bluebomber4evr: The Justice, not you, since 2002


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The Cult of Hala
« Reply #10 on: January 02, 2010, 06:37:22 PM »

The Cult of Hala does not have a huge following but it is widespread. They are mostly known for the hospices they run throughout the Core, offering rest and healing to all to come to them in need. Rumors abound on the fact that they may be practitioners of witchcraft as well.

DomainsAlignment   Favored Weapon   SymbolPortfolio
Healing, Magic, Plant, Weave   TNDaggerA ring formed by thirteen serpents, each devouring the tail of the one before it   Healing, Withcraft, Opposing Hags

Sources: Children of the Night: Vampires, Chilling Tales, Van Richten’s Monster Hunter's Compendium vol. III, 3rd ed. Ravenloft Campaign Setting, Ravenloft Gazetteer III & V, Van Richten's Arsenal.
« Last Edit: February 11, 2024, 04:11:15 PM by MAB77 »

Bluebomber4evr: The Justice, not you, since 2002


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The Rajian / Hindu Pantheon
« Reply #11 on: January 02, 2010, 06:41:32 PM »
The Rajian / Hindu Pantheon

Note: Any player wishing to portray a divine caster originating from Gothic Earth must first read this.

The Rajian Faith and Hinduism are essentially the same religion. Their respective adherents follow the same gods. This faith is a complex and diverse system of thought with a wide variety of beliefs. They believe in the reincarnation of one's soul until it has achieved perfection and can then escape to eternal paradise. The gods listed below are all thought to be aspects of Brahman, the World Spirit enfolding all of existence. In Sri Raji, Kali and Tvashtri are the two most significant gods of the pantheon. This pantheon provides options to characters from the Ravenloft, Gothic Earth and Planescape settings.

Deity [gender]   DomainsAlignment   Favored Weapon   SymbolPortfolio
Agni [m]Fire, Healing, Protection, SunCGBattleaxeFlamesFire, Lightning
Brihaspati [m]Good, Healing, Knowledge, LawLGBattleaxeQuill and ScrollWisdom, Worship
Indra [m]Air, Chaos, Healing, WarCELongswordWhite ElephantAtmosphere, Storm, Rain
Kali [f]Destruction, Evil, Healing, TrickeryCESapSkulls on a Leather NecklaceLife, Death
Karittikeya [m]Chaos, Good, WarCGLongswordPeacockWar
Lakshmi [f]Air, Knowledge, Luck, TravelCGUnarmed StrikeLotusFortune
Mitra [m]Healing, Good, Law, Plant, Protection, SunLGLongswordPlant Inside the SunContracts, Friendship, Warmth, Light, Growth
Puchan [m]Healing, Protection, TravelNGSpearGolden LanceGuide to the Dead, Travelers, Relationships
Ratri [f]Chaos, Darkness, Knowledge, TrickeryCNLongswordSilhouette of a WomanNight, Thieves, Robbers
Rudri* [f]Air, Animal, Destruction, EvilNELongswordBlack BowAnimal, Death, Storm, Disease
Savitri [m]Fire, Good, Healing, SunNGLongswordFull SunLife, Light
Siva [m]Destruction, Fire, SunNEScimitarCobra HeadDestruction
Soma [m]Animal, Good, Healing, Plant, ProtectionCGDaggerMoonMoon, Plants, Prophecy
Surya [m]Good, Healing, Knowledge, Law, Protection, Sun   LGLongswordHalf-SunSun, Morning, Evening
Tvashtri [m]Chaos, Knowledge, Magic, PlantCGDaggerPinwheel FanArtifice, Science
Ushas [f]Good, Healing, Law, Protection, SunLGQuarterstaffRising SunDawn, Wakefulness, Locks
Varuna [m]Healing, Knowledge, Law, Protection, SunLNMaceCloudsCosmic Order, Dharma, Oaths
Vayu [m]Air, Destruction, PlantCNSpearSappling bending in the WindWind, Life, Destruction
Vishnu [m]Good, Healing, Law, Sun, WaterLGMaceSun-disc, Seashell, Lotus & Mace   Mercy, Light
Yama [m]Animal, Death, Law, TravelLNLasso (Whip)Red MaceDeath, Guidance

* Outside of Ravenloft, the deity is known as Rudra and considered a male.

Sources: Web of Illusion, 3rd ed. Ravenloft Campaign Setting, Deities & Demigods (D&D 1st edition), Legends & Lore, Dragon Magazine #288 (Four Faces of Death)
« Last Edit: February 22, 2024, 01:24:55 PM by MAB77 »

Bluebomber4evr: The Justice, not you, since 2002


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Nerull (Erlin)
« Reply #12 on: January 02, 2010, 06:46:56 PM »
Nerull (Erlin)

The Cult of Nerull was both sanctioned and encouraged by Duke Gundar when he ruled the lands that were once Gundarak. It nearly disappeared when Strahd von Zarovich annexed Gundarak in the aftermath of the Great Upheaval, but has recently been cast by the Gundarakite rebels as just one more element of Gundarakite culture being systematically crushed by Barovian oppression

DomainsAlignment   Favored Weapon   SymbolPortfolio
Chaos, Death, Evil, Trickery   CEBattleaxeBloodstained sickle crossed with a hog-slaughtering knife; A skull and scythe.   Death, Murder

Sources: Domains of Dread, Ravenloft Gazetteer I, Living Greyhawk Gazetteer, Deities & Demigods (D&D 3e).
« Last Edit: February 11, 2024, 08:17:42 PM by MAB77 »

Bluebomber4evr: The Justice, not you, since 2002


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The Wolf God
« Reply #13 on: January 02, 2010, 06:49:52 PM »
The Wolf God

The Wolf God represents everything the humans of Verbrek fear in nature. This feral deity is worshipped exclusively by werewolves believing that wolves are divine creatures and that all other predatory animals — especially humans — are abominations that must be destroyed.

DomainsAlignment   Favored Weapon   SymbolPortfolio
Animal, Chaos, Slaughter, Strength, Trickery   CETeeth & Claws (Creature)   A snarling wolf’s head or a single, bloody paw print   Hunting, Savagery, Werewolves

Sources: Realm of Terror, Ravenloft Campaign Setting, Domains of Dread, 3rd ed. Ravenloft Campaign Setting, Ravenloft Gazetteer IV.
« Last Edit: February 11, 2024, 08:22:13 PM by MAB77 »

Bluebomber4evr: The Justice, not you, since 2002


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Yutow the Peacebringer
« Reply #14 on: January 02, 2010, 06:53:07 PM »
Yutow the Peacebringer

The Valachani god Yutow the Peacebringer is held to be a dead, yet still conscious, sylvan deity that guides his people from the moon. The Dead God’s servants are panther spirits and those who bear their blood. The religion is monotheistic, and other religions are called false by Yutow's worshippers.

DomainsAlignment   Favored Weapon   SymbolPortfolio
Animal, Law, Plant, Protection   LNSickleSilver circle split by a vertical diamond   Law, Obedience, Fate, Order, Nature, Fertility, Protection, the Moon, Cats.

Sources: Dungeon Magazine #50 (Felkovic’s Cat), Ravenloft Gazetteer IV.
« Last Edit: February 11, 2024, 08:46:30 PM by MAB77 »

Bluebomber4evr: The Justice, not you, since 2002


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« Reply #15 on: January 02, 2010, 06:56:16 PM »

The Cult of the beast-god Zhakata is the state religion of the theocratic and famine-stricken nation of G’Henna. This deity is said to have a dual aspect as both the Devourer and the Provider. Unfortunately, G'hennans have only experienced his Devourer aspect.

DomainsAlignment   Favored Weapon   SymbolPortfolio
Destruction, Earth, Fire, Protection   LEFlailSmall reliquary containing human finger bones   Austerity, Fasting, Destruction, Creation

Sources: Realm of Terror, Ravenloft Campaign Setting, Circle of Darkness, Domains of Dread, 3rd ed. Ravenloft Campaign Setting.
« Last Edit: February 11, 2024, 08:31:04 PM by MAB77 »

Bluebomber4evr: The Justice, not you, since 2002


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Voodan, the Loa of Souragne
« Reply #16 on: January 02, 2010, 07:00:19 PM »
Voodan, the Loa of Souragne

The people of Souragne are practitioners of Voodan. They worship neither gods nor nature itself, but rather spiritual entities who fall somewhere in between. These spirits, or loa, number in the thousands, representing all manner of natural forces, locations, or concepts. Many communities even worship their deceased ancestors as loa. The loas listed below are the greatest and most well-known of the Souragnian faith. These spirits serves as patron to characters of the voodan class.

Loa [gender]DomainsAlignment   Voodan SpecializationsPortfolio
Greater Loa
The Maiden of the Swamp [f]Animal, Healing, PlantCGAbjuration, Conjuration, EnchantmentHealing, those Lost in the Wild, Growing Things
The Lord of the Dead [m]Death, Knowledge, ReposeLEDivination, Enchantment, NecromancyDeath, the Dead
Brahmbei, the Oracle [m]Knowledge, Law, LuckLNAbjuration, Divination, IllusionFate, Divination
Kurkva, the Wailing One [m]Air, Travel, WaterTNConjuration, Evocation, TransmutationRain, Clouds, Open Sky
Lethede, the Lady of the Roads [f]Protection, Strength, TravelLNAbjuration, Conjuration, TransmutationTravelers, those Lost, Spiritual Seekers
Madris Orundi, the Dancer [f]Good, Luck, ProtectionNGDivination, Enchantment, IllusionArtists, Lovers
Ohuwaghnn the Serpent King [m]Animal, Destruction, Trickery   CEDivination, Necromancy, TransmutationDangerous Beasts of the Swamps, Hazards of the Wild
Ovun Borundir, the Warrior [m]Protection, Strength, WarCNAbjuration, Evocation, TransmutationBattles, Warriors
Sehkelo, the Queen in Gold [f]Fire, Sun, WarLGAbjuration, Divination, EvocationSun, the Sky, Opposing Evil
Tonthomba, the Burning Man [m]Chaos, Destruction, FireCEConjuration, Evocation, EnchantmentFire
Ulwaddithri, the Consuming One [f]   Death, Evil, TrickeryNEConjuration, Necromancy, Transmutation   Poisons, Sickness, Famine
Minor Loa
Bouki [m]Chaos, Good, HealingCG Abjuration, Divination, Illusion?
Bushtail [m]Chaos, Luck, TrickeryCNDivination, Enchantment, Illusion?
Koblamin, Loa of the Moon [m]   Dream, Protection, TravelNGAbjuration, Conjuration, DivinationMoon
Longears [m]Luck, Protection, TrickeryCGAbjuration, Divination, Illusion?

Sources: Dark Tales & Disturbing Legends, Dance of the Dead.
« Last Edit: February 11, 2024, 09:42:45 PM by MAB77 »

Bluebomber4evr: The Justice, not you, since 2002


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Minor Religions
« Reply #17 on: January 02, 2010, 07:02:01 PM »
Minor Religions

The following faiths are also present within the Domains of Dread.

Faiths of Kalidnay
The domain of Kalidnay was drawn from the world of Athas (Dark Sun setting). Clerics from this domain are either followers of Athasian Elementalism or templars of Kalid-Ma, a recluse Sorcerer King that retired within his Ziggurat and speaks his Will only through High Templar Thakok-An. Elemental druids and shamans may also be encountered but would be rare. There are no voodans from Kalidnay as the practice is considered lost and forgotten.

Athasian Elementalism
Element   DomainsAlignment
AirAir, Knowledge, TravelN
EarthEarth, Protection, Strength   N
FireFire, Destruction, WarN
Magma   Earth, Fire, Destruction   N
RainAir, Water, Plant   N
SiltEarth, Water, Time   N
SunAir, Fire, Sun   N
WaterWater, Healing, Animal  N

Sorcerer-King   DomainsAlignment   Portfolio
Kalid-Ma [m]Destruction, Evil, Law, Strength   LERuler of Kalidnay

The Church of Milil
The Faerunian god of songs has a very small following in the domains of Aferdale and Kartakass (specifically in the town of Harmonia). It was briefly a state religion for Kartakass under the rule of Casimir Lukas, but it never became popular as most Kartakans rather believe in the Ancestral Choir. A former high priest of Milil, named Gustav, once stated that Milil had abandoned Kartakass because the people had reduced song and music to weapons of harm and murder.

DomainsAlignment   Favored Weapon   SymbolPortfolio
Good, Knowledge   NGRapierFive-stringed harp made of silver leaves   Eloquence, Poetry, Song

Order of Eleazar
An order of priests of unknown origin whose mission calls for the acquisition and conservation of knowledge as well as examples of masterskill level artwork and crafts. Their priests are known to cast spells from the Animal, Good, Knowledge, Protection and Travel clerical domains.

DomainsAlignment   Favored Weapon   SymbolPortfolio
Animal, Good, Knowledge, Protection, Travel   NGUnknownUnknown   Preservation of Art, Craftsmanship and Knowledge

Worship of the Kami

The inhabitants of Rokushima Tįiyoo, the Rokuma, are reverent toward the kami, the spirits that are believed to dwell in all things. They worship at breathtaking natural shrines. Serene shrines both magnificent and humble dot the islands; located on sites of natural beauty and power, they are identified by the sacred torii gates. The kami represent a wide variety of beings, embodying divinities, spirits, mythological, spiritual, natural phenomena, or holy powers. They can be elements of the landscape, forces of nature, beings and the qualities that these beings express, or the spirits of venerated ancestors. To the Rokuma, the most powerful of the kami are the deities of the Japanese pantheon. They serve as the patron deities of clerics and druids. While Rokuma shamans also honor and respect these kami, they get their powers from their dealings with minor kami such as ancestors or natural spirits.

Non-Human Faiths

The faiths of native non-humans are seldom observed in the Demiplane of Dread. When living among human populations, non-humans often adopt one of the major faith of their respective domains. Communities retaining their cultural beliefs mostly live in secluded communities, but even them seldom follow the traditional D&D pantheon of their respective races. The dwarves of Ravenloft mostly display a Norse-like culture and follow the Asgardian gods. Gnomes of the Mists display a Hellenistic culture and worship the Olympian gods. The main communities of elves are located in Darkon and Sithicus. Both have abandoned the traditional pantheons of their ancestors. Those of Darkon have massively converted to the Faith of Ezra after the Requiem. Those of Sithicus believe the gods abandoned them for failing to prevent the cataclysm on Krynn. They turned to druidism and shamanism in matters of faith. Many regional shrines to their former gods now lie forgotten across these domains. Elsewhere, hidden communities of elves have been known to follow the gods of the Celtic pantheon. The halflings of Ravenloft do not have their own pantheon of gods and adopt the faiths of their respective domains.

Sources: Forbidden Lore: Dark Recesses, Domains of Dread, Ravenloft Player's Handbook, Deities & Demigods (AD&D 1st ed.), Legends & Lore, Heart of Midnight, Book of Crypts, Ravenloft Gazetteer Volume V, Faiths and Pantheons, Dark Tales & Disturbing Legends.
« Last Edit: December 07, 2024, 09:55:30 AM by MAB77 »

Bluebomber4evr: The Justice, not you, since 2002


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Greyhawk Deities
« Reply #18 on: January 02, 2010, 08:23:00 PM »
Greyhawk Deities

The gods of Greyhawk are numerous and divided in several pantheons usually based on ethnicity. Some deities transcend pantheons and are worshipped (or feared) through several cultures.
The Rheneees are the only cultural group of the Flanaess without a pantheon of gods. They disdain gods of all stripes, and do not practice divine magic in any form.
Demon-Princes & Archdevils are also suitable options for Oerthian clerics.

Baklunish Pantheon

Deity [gender]DomainsAlignment   Favored WeaponPortfolio
Al'Akbar [m]Good, Healing, Law, ProtectionLGFalchionGuardianship, Faithfulness, Dignity, Duty
Al'Asran (Pelor) [m]Good, Healing, Strength, SunNGHeavy MaceSun, Light, Strength, Healing
Al'Zarad (Boccob) [m]Knowledge, Magic, TrickeryNQuarterstaffMagic, Arcane Knowledge, Foresight, Balance
Geshtai [f]Plant, Travel, WaterNSpearLakes, Rivers, Wells, Streams
Istus [f]Chaos, Knowledge, Law, Luck   TNNet (Unarmed Strike)   Fate, Destiny, Divination, Future, Honesty
Mouqol [m]Knowledge, Travel, TrickeryNDaggerTrade, Negotiation, Ventures, Appraisal, Reciprocity
Tharoth the Reaper (Nerull) [m]   Death, Evil, TrickeryNEScytheDeath, Darkness, Murder, the Underworld
Xan Yae [f]Knowledge, Trickery, WarNFalchionTwilight, Shadows, Stealth, Mental Power
Zuoken [f]Strength, WarNUnarmed StrikePhysical and Mental Mastery

Flan Pantheon

Deity [gender]   DomainsAlignment   Favored WeaponPortfolio
Allitur [m]Good, Knowledge, LawLGSpearEthics, Propriety
Beory [f]Animal, Earth, Plant, WaterNClubOerth, Nature, Rain
Berei [f]Good, Plant, ProtectionNGSickleHome, Family, Agriculture
Boccob [m]Knowledge, Magic, TrickeryNQuarterstaffMagic, Arcane Knowledge, Foresight, Balance
Myhriss [f]Good, Healing, ProtectionNGShortbow or Whip   Love, Romance, Beauty
Nerull [m]Death, Evil, TrickeryNEScytheDeath, Darkness, Murder, the Underworld
Obad-Hai [m]Air, Animal, Earth, Fire, Plant, Water   NQuarterstaffNature, Woodlands, Freedom, Hunting, Beasts
Pelor [m]Good, Healing, Strength, SunNGHeavy MaceSun, Light, Strength, Healing
Rao [m]Law, Good, KnowledgeLGLight MacePeace, Reason, Serenity
Vecna [m]Dream, Evil, Knowledge, MagicNEDaggerDestructive and Evil Secrets
Zodal [m]Good, Healing, ProtectionNGUnarmed StrikeMercy, Hope, Benevolence

Oeridian Pantheon

Deity [gender]   DomainsAlignment   Favored WeaponPortfolio
Atroa [f]Air, Good, Plant, Sun, TravelNGSlingSpring, East Wind, Renewal
Bleredd [m]Earth, Fire, StrengthNWarhammerMetal, Mines, Smiths
Celestian [m]Knowledge, Protection, TravelNSpearStars, Space, Wanderers
Cyndor [m]Law, Protection, TravelLNSlingTime, Infinity, Continuity
Delleb [m]Good, Knowledge, Law, MagicLGDartReason, Intellect, Study
Erythnul [m]Chaos, Evil, Trickery, WarCEHeavy MaceHate, Envy, Malice, Panic, Ugliness, Slaughter
Fharlanghn [m]Luck, Protection, TravelNQuarterstaffHorizons, Distance, Travel, Roads
Heironeous [m]Good, Law, WarLGBattleaxe or Longsword   Chivalry, Justice, Honor, War, Daring, Valor
Hextor [m]Destruction, Evil, Law, WarLEFlailWar, Discord, Massacres, Conflict, Fitness, Tyranny
Kurell [m]Chaos, Luck, TrickeryCNShortswordJealousy, Revenge, Theft
Lirr [f]Chaos, Good, Knowledge, Magic, Travel   CGSpearProse, Poetry, Literature, Art
Merikka [f]Good, Law, Plant, ProtectionLGSickleFarming, Agriculture, Home
Olidammara [m]Chaos, Luck, TrickeryCNRapierMusic, Revels, Wine, Rogues, Humor, Tricks
Pholtus [m]Good, Knowledge, Law SunLGQuarterstaffLight, Resolution, Law, Order, Inflexibility, Sun, Moons
Procan [m]Animal, Chaos, Travel, WaterCNTridentSeas, Sea Life, Salt, Sea Weather, Navigation
Rudd [f]Chaos, LuckCNRapierChance, Good Luck, Skill
Scahrossar [f]Evil, DeathCEWhipPain
Sol (Pelor) [m]Good, Healing, Strength, SunNGHeavy MaceSun, Light, Strength, Healing
Sotillion [f]Air, Chaos, Dream, Good, Healing, PlantCGNet (Unarmed Strike)Summer, South Wind, Ease, Comfort
Stern Alia [f]Knowledge, Law, ProtectionLNSickleOeridian Culture, Law, Motherhood
Telchur [m]Air, Chaos, StrengthCNSpearWinter, Cold, North Wind
Velnius [m]Air, Travel, WaterNSpearSky, Weather
Wenta [f]Air, Chaos, Good, PlantCGClubAutumn, West Wind, Harvest, Brewing
Zilchus [m]Knowledge, Law, TrickeryLNDaggerPower, Prestige, Money, Business, Influence

Olman Pantheon

Deity [gender]DomainsAlignment   Favored WeaponPortfolio
Camazotz [m]Animal, Chaos, Destruction, Evil, Protection   CEJavelin (Spear)Bats, Vampires, the Underworld
Chitza-Atlan [m]Evil, Law, Protection, ReposeLESpearCentaurs, Guarding the Underworld, the Dead
Coatlicue [m]Animal, Death, Earth, PlantNPickBirth, Death, Earth
Huhueteotl [m]Chaos, Destruction, Evil, FireCEJavelin (Spear)Fire, Motion of Time
Hurakon [m]Chaos, Destruction, WaterCNSpearFloods, Unrestrained Fury
Mictlantecuhtli [m]   Death, Destruction, Evil, Law, WarLEDaggerDeath, Darkness, Murder, the Underworld
Quetzalcoatl [m]Air, Animal, Knowledge, Law, ProtectionLNDaggerAir, Birds, Snakes
Tezcatlipoca [m]Air, Chaos, Evil, Sun, Trickery, WarCELongswordSun, Moon, Night, Scheming, Betrayals, Lightning
Tonatiuh [m]Destruction, Evil, Sun, WarNEShortbowSun, Misfortune
Tlaloc [m]Air, Evil, Law, Plant, WaterLEJavelin (Spear)Rain
Tlazoteotl [f]Animal, Earth, Plant, WaterNSickleEarth Mother, Agriculture, Nature

Suloise Pantheon

Note that Fortubo no longer identifies himself as a Suloise deity. He abandonned them after the Suel Imperium created the Derro race to become a protector of dwarves.

Deity [gender]   DomainsAlignment   Favored WeaponPortfolio
Beltar [f]Chaos, Earth, Evil, WarCESpiked Gauntlet (Unarmed Strike)Malice, Caves, Pits
Bralm [f]Animal, Law, StrengthNQuarterstaffInsects, Industriousness
Dalt [m]Chaos, Good, Protection, Travel, Trickery   CGDaggerPortals, Doors, Enclosures, Locks, Keys
Fortubo [m]Earth, Good, Law, ProtectionLGWarhammerStone, Metals, Mountains, Guardianship
Jascar [m]Earth, Good, Law, ProtectionLGWarhammerHills, Mountains
Kord [m]Chaos, Good, Luck, StrengthCGGreatswordAthletics, Sports, Brawling, Strength, Courage
Lendor [m]Knowledge, Law, Protection, TimeLNGreatswordTime, Tedium, Patience, Study
Llerg [m]Animal, Chaos, StrengthCNBattleaxe or LongswordBeasts, Strength
Lydia [f]Good, Knowledge, Sun, TravelNGSpearMusic, Knowledge, Daylight
Norebo [m]Chaos, Luck, TrickeryCNDaggerLuck, Gambling, Risks
Osprem [f]Law, Protection, Travel, WaterLNTridentSea Voyages, Ships, Sailors
Phaulkon [m]Air, Animal, Chaos, Good, WarCGLongbowAir, Wind, Clouds, Birds, Archery
Phyton [m]Chaos, Good, Plant, Sun, WaterCGScimitarNature, Beauty, Farming
Pyremius [m]Destruction, Evil, FireNELongswordFire, Poison, Murder
Syrul [f]Evil, Knowledge, TrickeryNEDaggerLies, Deceit, Treachery, False Promises
Vatun [m]Air, Animal, Chaos, StrengthCNBattleaxeNorthern Barbarians, Cold, Winter, Arctic Beasts
Wee Jas [f]Death, Law, Magic, ReposeLNDaggerMagic, Death, Vanity, Law
Xerbo [m]Animal, Knowledge, WaterNTridentSea, Sailing, Money, Business

Touv Pantheon

Deity [gender]   DomainsAlignment   Favored Weapon   Portfolio
Berna [f]Chaos, Healing, ProtectionCNClubPassion, Forgiveness
Breeka [f]Air, Animal, Earth, Plant, WaterNQuarterstaffLiving Things
Damaran [m]Animal, EvilNEJavelin (Spear)Vermin, Cowardice
Katay [m]Destruction, Knowledge, Law, ReposeLNDaggerDecay, Inevitability, Order, Time
Kundo [m]Earth, Good, Law, ProtectionLGShortswordBuilding, Noise, Music, Defense
Meyanok [m]Animal, Destruction, Evil, TrickeryNEDaggerSerpents, Poison, Discord, Darkness, Famine
Nola [m]Air, Fire, Good, Healing, SunNGJavelin (Spear)Sun
Uvot [m]Good, Knowledge, Luck, Plant, Protection   NGScytheProsperity
Vara [f]Destruction, Dream, TrickeryNEJavelin (Spear)Nightmares, Fear
Vogan [m]Air, Chaos, Good, Healing, WaterCGSpearWeather, Storms
Xanag [f]Earth, FireNShortswordMetals, Beauty

Other Oerthian Deities

These deities are not tied to any particular pantheon.
Note that Aurifar is the name given to the Sun god Pelor by the nomads of the Bright Desert. A nomad PC cleric would be free to use the options of the standard Pelor entry, or those of the Aurifar variant as introduced in the supplement Sandstorm.

Deity [gender]   DomainsAlignment   Favored WeaponPortfolio
Aurifar (Pelor)[m]Fire, Luck, Sun, TravelTNHeavy Spiked ShieldDesert Sun
Bahamut [m]Air, Good, Law, Luck, ProtectionLGHeavy PickGood Dragons, Wind, Wisdom
Doresain [m]Chaos, Death, EvilCEScimitarNecromancy, Ghouls
Earth Dragon [?]Earth, Evil, Law, ProtectionLEPickEarth, Weather, Hidden Treasure
Ehlonna [f]Animal, Good, Plant, SunNGLongbow or Longsword   Forests, Woodlands, Flora & Fauna, Fertility
Elder Elemental Eye [m]   Air, Chaos, Earth, Evil, Fire, WaterNEDaggerElemental Evil
Iuz [m]Chaos, Evil, TrickeryCEGreatswordDeceit, Pain, Opression, Evil
Incabulos [m]Death, Destruction, Dream, EvilNEQuarterstaffPlague, Sickness, Famine, Nightmares, Drought, Disasters
Joramy [f]Destruction, Fire, WarNQuarterstaffFire, Volcanoes, Wrath, Anger, Quarrels
Kanchelsis [m]Darkness, Death, EvilCEDagger or Creature Weapon (Bite)   Blood, Debauchery, Seduction, Vampirism
Kelanen [m]Travel, WarNAny SwordSwords, Sword Skills, Balance
Kyuss [m]Death, Destruction, EvilNEClubCreation & Control of the Undead, Decay, Worms
Mayaheine [f]Good, Law, Protection, WarLGBastard SwordProtection, Justice, Valor
Mellifleur [m]Death, Evil, Luck, MagicNEQuarterstaffLichdom, Magic
Ralishaz [m]Chaos, Destruction, LuckCNQuarterstaffChance, Ill Luck, Misfortune, Insanity
St. Cuthbert [m]Destruction, Good, Law, Protection, Strength   LNClub or MaceCommon Sense, Wisdom, Zeal, Honesty, Truth, Discipline
Tharizdun [m]Chaos, Destruction, Dream, Evil, KnowledgeNEDaggerEternal Darkness, Decay, Entropy, Malign Knowledge, Insanity
Tiamat [f]Destruction, Evil, Law TrickeryLEHeavy PickEvil Dragons, Conquest, Greed
Trithereon [m]Chaos, Good, Protection, StrengthCGSpearIndividuality, Liberty, Retribution, Self-Defense
Ulaa [f]Earth, Good, Law, ProtectionLGWarhammerHills, Mountains, Gemstones
Zagyg [m]Chaos, Knowledge, Magic, TrickeryCNClubHumor, Eccentricity, Occult Lore, Unpredictability

Dwarven Pantheon

Note that the deities Bleredd, Fortubo, Jascar, and Ulaa have a strong dwarven following as well.

Deity [gender]   DomainsAlignment   Favored WeaponPortfolio
Moradin [m]Earth, Fire, Good, Law, Protection, Strength, War   LGWarhammerDwarves, Smithing, Engineering, Creation, War
Abbathor [m]Evil, Luck, TrickeryNEDaggerGreed
Berronar Truesilver [f]Good, Healing, Law, ProtectionLGHeavy MaceSafety, Truth, Home, Healing
Clangeddin Silverbeard [m]Good, Law, Strength, WarLGBattleaxeBattle, War
Dugmaren Brightmantle [m]Chaos, Good, Knowledge, MagicCGShortswordScholarship, Discovery, Invention
Dumathoin [m]Earth, Knowledge, ProtectionNWarhammer or Pick   Mining, Exploration
Gorm Gulthyn [m]Good, Law, Protection, WarLGBattleaxeVigilance
Hanseath [m]Chaos, Strength, Travel, WarCNGreataxeAlcohol, Carousing, War
Laduguer [m]Earth, Evil, Law Magic, ProtectionLEWarhammerDuergar, Crafts, Protection, Magic, Magic Weapons, Artisans
Muamman Duathal [m]Good, Protection, TravelNGHeavy MaceExpatriates, Urban Dwarves, Travelers, Exiles, Lightning
Mya [f]Good, Healing, KnowledgeNGMorningstarClan, Family, Wisdom
Roknar [m]Destruction, Earth, Evil, Trickery   NEDaggerGreed, Intrigue, Lies, Earth
Tharmekhūl [m]Destruction, Fire, WarTNWarhammer Forge, Fire, Warfare
Thautam [m]Earth, Luck, MagicTNHeavy PickMagic, Darkness
Valkauna [f]Death, Law, WaterLNHeavy FlailOaths, Death, Birth
Vergadain [m]Knowledge, Luck, TrickeryNLongswordWealth, Luck

Elven Pantheon

Note that the Valley elves never worship deities of the Seldarine, they pay hommage to Ehlonna exclusively.

Deity [gender]DomainsAlignment   Favored Weapon   Portfolio
The Seldarine
Corellon Larethian [m]Chaos, Good, Magic, Protection, WarCGLongswordElves, Magic, Music, Arts & Crafts, War
Aerdrie Faenya [f]Air, Animal, Chaos, GoodCGQuarterstaffAir, Weather, Avians, Rain, Fertility
Deep Sashelas [m]Animal, Chaos, Earth, Good, Protection, WaterCGTridentSea Elves, Oceans, Knowledge, Beauty, Water Magic
Elebrin Liothiel [m]Chaos, Good, Plant, SunCGQuarterstaffNature, Gardens, Orchards, Harvests
Erevan Ilesere [m]Chaos, Luck, TrickeryCNShortswordMischief, Change, Rogues
Fenmarel Mestarine [m]Animal, Chaos, Plant, Travel, TrickeryCNDaggerWild Elves, Outcasts, Scapegoats, Isolation
Hanali Celanil [f]Chaos, Good, Magic, ProtectionCGDaggerLove, Romance, Beauty, Fine Arts, Artists
Labelas Enoreth [m]Chaos, Good, KnowledgeCGQuarterstaffTime, Longevity, History
Rellavar Danuvien [m]Good, Protection, WaterNGSpearFrost Sprites and Protection from Cold
Rillifane Rallathil [m]Chaos, Good, Plant, Protection, TravelCGQuarterstaffWood Elves, Woodlands, Nature, Druids
Sehanine Moonbow [f]Chaos, Dream, Good, Knowledge, Repose, Travel, Trickery   CGQuarterstaffMysticism, Dreams, Far Journeys, Death, Full Moons, Transcendence
Solonor Thelandira [m]Animal, Chaos, Good, Plant, WarCGLongbowArchery, Hunting, Wilderness Survival
Tarsellis Meunniduin [m]   Chaos, Earth, Plant, WaterCNSpearSnow Elves, Winter, Mountains
Vandria Gilmadrith [f]Law, Protection, WarLNLongbowWar, Guardianship, Justice, Grief, Vigilance, Decision
Ye'Cind [m]Chaos, Good, Knowledge, Magic, TravelCGLongswordMusic, Magical Songs
Drow Pantheon
Lolth [f]Chaos, Destruction, Evil, TrickeryCEWhipDrow, Spiders, Evil, Darkness, Chaos
Keptolo [m]Chaos, Evil, Knowledge, TravelCELongswordDrow Males, Flattery, Intoxication, Rumor, Opportunism
Kiaransali [f]Chaos, Death, EvilCEDaggerSlavery, Vengeance, Undeath
Vhaeraun [m]Chaos, Evil, Travel, TrickeryCEShortswordThievery, Territory

Gnomish Pantheon

Note that the deities Bleredd, Fortubo, Jascar, and Ulaa have a strong gnomish following as well.

Deity [gender]DomainsAlignment   Favored WeaponPortfolio
Garl Glittergold [m]Good, Protection, TrickeryNGGreataxeGnomes, Protection, Humor, Wit, Gemcutting, Jewelmaking, Illusion
Baervan Wildwanderer [m]Animal, Good, Plant, Travel, TrickeryNGSpearForests, Nature, Travel
Baravar Cloakshadow [m]Good, Magic, Protection, TrickeryNGDaggerIllusions, Protection, Deception, Hatred of Goblinoids
Callarduran Smoothhands [m]Earth, Good, Healing, ProtectionNBattleaxeDeep Gnomes, Protection, Earth, Mining
Flandal Steelskin [m]Earth, Fire, Good, StrengthNGWarhammerMining, Smithing, Fitness
Gaerdal Ironhand [m]Good, Law, Protection, WarLGWarhammerProtection, Vigilence, Combat
Gelf Darkhearth [m]Chaos, Destruction, WarCNWarhammerEntropy, Revenge
Rill Cleverthrush [m]Air, Knowledge, Magic, TravelLNLongswordInvention, Creation, Sky
Segojan Earthcaller [m]Animal, Earth, GoodNGHeavy MaceEarth, Nature
Sheyanna Flaxenstrand [f]Chaos, Fire, Good, HealingCGHeavy FlailBeauty, Fire, Love, and Passion
Urdlen [m]Chaos, Destruction, Earth, EvilCESpiked Gauntlet (Unarmed Strike)Blind destruction, Bloodlust, Evil, Greed, Hatred, Uncontrolled Impulses

Halfling Pantheon

Deity [gender]DomainsAlignment   Favored WeaponPortfolio
Yondalla [f]Animal, Good, Law, Plant, Protection   LGLong or Shortsword   Halflings, Protection, Fertility
Arvoreen [m]Good, Law, Protection, WarLGLong or ShortswordProtection, Vigilance, War
Brandobaris [m]Luck, Travel, TrickeryNShortsword or DaggerStealth, Thieves, Adventuring
Cyrrollalee [f]Good, Healing, Law, ProtectionLGClubFriendship, Trust, Home
Dallah Thaun [f]Chaos, Knowledge, Luck, TrickeryCNDaggerSecrets, Guile, Rogues, Acquisition of wealth, Death
Sheela Peryroyl [f]   Air, Earth, PlantNSickleNature, Agriculture, Weather
Urogalan [m]Earth, Law, Protection, ReposeLNFlailEarth, Death, Protection of the Dead

Orcish Pantheon

Deity [gender]   DomainsAlignment   Favored WeaponPortfolio
Gruumsh [m]Chaos, Destruction, Evil, Strength, War   CESpearOrcs, Conquest, Strength, Survival, Territory
Bahgtru [m]Chaos, Destruction, Evil, StrengthCESpiked Gauntlet (Unarmed Strike)   Strength, Combat
Ilneval [m]Destruction, Evil, WarNELongswordWarfare, Leadership
Luthic [f]Earth, Evil, Healing, ProtectionNESpiked Gauntlet (Unarmed Strike)Fertility, Medicine, Females, Servitude
Yurtrus [m]Death, Destruction, EvilNEUnarmed StrikeDeath, Disease
Shargaas [m]Chaos, Death, Evil, TrickeryCEShortswordDarkness, thieves, stealth, night, undead

Yuan-ti Deities & Demons

Deity [gender]DomainsAlignmentFavored WeaponPortfolio
Demogorgon [m]   Chaos, EvilCEUnknownDemonkind
Merrshaulk [m]Animal, Chaos, Destruction, Plant, WarCELongswordBeasts, Predators, Somnolence
Sertrous [m]   Destruction, TrickeryCESpiked ChainParasites, Crawling Things, Serpents
Tlaloc [m]Air, Evil, Law, Plant, WaterLEJavelin (Spear)Rain


The Greyhawk setting contains a number of Hero-Gods. These quasi-deities have cults of their own but are not of a sufficient power level to grant spells to their followers. While some exceptions to that rule exist, they remain unable to exert their influence beyond Oerth. They cannot empower divine casters in the Domains of Dread. They may still, however, serve as patrons to those upholding their ideals.

Hero-God [gender]AlignmentFavored WeaponWorshippersPortfolio
Azor'alq [m]NGScimitarBaklunishLight, Purity, Courage, Strength
Chamarlaine [f]NHeavy MaceHalflingsKeen Senses, Narrow Escapes
Daern [f]LNSpearOeridiansDefense, Fortifications
Daoud [m]NQuarterstaffBaklunishHumility, Clarity, Immediacy
Gadhelyn [m]CNLongbowElvesIndependance, Outlawry, Feasting, Hunting
Gendwar Argrim [m]   LNDwarven Waraxe   DwarvesFatalism, Obsession
Heward [m]NGQuarterstaffeHumansBards, Musicians
Johydee [f]NGShortswordOeridiansDeception, Espionnage, Protection
Kelanen [m]NAny swordHumansSwords, Sword Skills, Balance
Keoghtom [m]NShortswordHumansSecret Pursuits, Natural Alchemy, Extraplanar Exploration
Kuroth [m]NDaggerOeridiansTheft, Treasure-Finding
Murlynd [m]LGLongswordOeridiansMagical Technology
Nazarn [m]NShortswordSuloises, Half-orcs   Formal and Public Combat
Roykyn [m]NESpiked GauntletGnomesCruelty
Tsolorandril [?]LNSpiked ChainHumansWave Motions
Vathris [m]LNSpearFlanAnguish, Lost Causes, Revenge
Zinzerena [f]CNShortswordDrowDeception, Humiliation, Ambush, Assassination

Sources: Living Greyhawk - Official Listing of Deities, Deities & Demigods (3rd edition), Races of Stone, Races of the Wild, Dragon Magazine #236 (The Seldarine Revisited), Dragon Magazine #336 (Spawn of Kyuss), Dragon Magazine #356 (Aztec Mythos III),  Dragon Magazine #359 (Forgotten Faiths), Dungeon Magazine #117 (Istvin: City of Shadows), Book of Vile Darkness, Elder Evils.
« Last Edit: November 01, 2024, 03:30:05 PM by MAB77 »

Bluebomber4evr: The Justice, not you, since 2002


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Dragonlance Deities
« Reply #19 on: January 02, 2010, 08:26:46 PM »
Dragonlance Deities

The deities of Krynn form three distinct groups. The Gods of Light believe that teaching mortals to love order and law is the way to preserve the balance. The Gods of Neutrality believe that mortals should exist in harmony with the world and make their own moral and faith-related decisions. The Gods of Evil seek to subjugate and control the whole of creation to their will, believing that they should direct the fate of mortals and impose their vision of order on the world.

A newly risen deity, Mina, the Goddess of Tears, stands apart as a goddess of both Light and Darkness, but does not grant clerical powers to her followers. The gods of Arcane Magic, Lunitari, Nuitari and Solinari likewise do not empower divine casters.

Takhisis died at the end of the War of Souls, and Paladine relinquished its godhood. Clerics of these deities from a previous time period remain possible. They receive their powers normally, but the link to those two deities may occasionally be cut during certain DM events.

Krynnish clerics must be from a period of time when the gods are active in the world:
  • During the Age of Might, from the end of the Third Dragon War to the First Cataclysm;
  • Between the War of the Lance and the Chaos War;
  • During the War of Souls, Takhisis only under her guise of the One God;
  • After the War of Souls, except for Takhisis and Paladine.

Deity [gender]DomainsAlignment   Favored Weapon   Portfolio
The Gods of Light
Paladine [m]Law, Good, Protection, SunLGLongswordKingship, Guardianship, Redemption, Good Dragons
Branchala [m]Chaos, Good, Luck, Trickery   CGRapierMusic, Poetry, Bards
Habbakuk [m]Animal, Good, Travel, WaterNGScimitarAnimals, Water, Passion
Kiri-Jolith [m]Good, Law, Strength, WarLGLongswordWar, Courage, Honor
Majere [m]Good, Knowledge, LawLGUnarmed StrikeDiscipline, Loyalty
Mishakal [f]Good, Healing, ProtectionNGQuarterstaffHealing, Mercy, Fertility, Beauty
The Gods of Balance
Gilean [m]Knowledge, ProtectionNQuarterstaffBalance, Knowledge, Learning, Freedom, Watchfulness
Chislev [f]Air, Animal, Earth, Plant   NSpearNature, Wilderness, Beasts
Reorx [m]Earth, Fire, Luck, StrengthNWarhammerCreation, Gambling, Artisans, Engineering
Shinare [f]Law, Luck, TravelLNLight MaceWealth, Commerce, Travel
Sirrion [m]Chaos, FireCNHeavy FlailFire, Strength, Sun
Zivilyn [m]Knowledge, TimeNQuarterstaffWisdom, Foresight, Prophecy
The Gods of Darkness
Takhisis [m]Destruction, Evil, Law, TrickeryLEHeavy MaceDomination, Hatred, Evil Dragons, Intrigue, Night
Chemosh [m]Death, Evil, Trickery, Undeath   NESickleDeath, Undead, Murder
Hiddukel [m]Chaos, Evil, TrickeryCEDaggerWealth, Thieves, Lies
Morgion [m]Destruction, EvilNEHeavy FlailDisease, Planning, Suffering
Sargonnas [m]   Evil, Fire, Law, WarLEGreataxeVengeance, Conquest, Strength, Rage
Zeboim [f]Chaos, Evil, WaterCETridentSea, Storms, Envy

Source: d20 Dragonlance Campaign Setting, Holy Orders of the Stars
« Last Edit: September 15, 2024, 05:22:18 PM by MAB77 »

Bluebomber4evr: The Justice, not you, since 2002


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Mystara Immortals
« Reply #20 on: January 02, 2010, 08:28:31 PM »
Mystara Immortals

There are no gods in the Mystara settings. In their place there are Immortals, incredibly powerful beings who were once mortal themselves and now play the roles of deities. Reaching the status of Immortal is an important goal and concept within the Mystara setting. Immortals are divided into five Spheres of Power: Energy, Matter, Thought, Time and Entropy. Together these powers form the quintessential ingredients of the Mystaran Multiverse. Each immortal seek to further the influence of its sphere and keep the power of the other spheres in check.

The Sphere of Energy is usually related to the element of fire. Its purpose is to create more energy and activity.
The Sphere of Matter is usually related to the element of earth. Its purpose is to withstand destruction and decay.
The Sphere of Thought is usually related to the element of air. Its purpose is to understand all of existence and to make all other Spheres its tools.
The Sphere of Time is usually related to the element of water. Its purpose is to promote change in all things while remaining unchanging itself and to maintain the flow of time.
The Sphere of Entropy is not related to any element. Entropy is the weakening of the fabric of the multiverse: rot, weathering, disintegration. It seeks to bring all things to a stop, causing oblivion.

This is a non exhaustive list of Immortals from the Mystara setting. Some minor ones may have been omitted. Immortals worshipped by non-PC races only were likewise not included.
The Glantrian immortal Rad, aka Étienne d'Ambreville, a patron of wizards, is not listed as he does not empower clerics.

Immortal [gender]DomainsAlignment   Favored WeaponPortfolio
Immortals from the Sphere of Energy
Alphatia [f]Law, Good, Magic, AirLGQuarterstaff or Mace   Pacifism, Artistry, Alphatia
Benekander [m]Good, Sun, Fire, KnowledgeNGLight MaceRestraint of Immortal excesses
Eiryndul [m]Chaos, Good, Fire, Trickery, LuckCGShortswordShiye Elves, Mischief
Ilsundal the Wise [m]Law, Good, Fire, PlantLG/LNQuarterstaffElves, Trees of Life
Ixion [m]Chaos, Good, Fire, SunCGGreatswordThe Sun, Banishing darkness
Madarua [f]Death, Healing, ProtectionNSpearBirth, Death, Changing Seasons, Warrior Maidens
Mahmatti Running Elk [m]Fire, Good, Protection, WarLGSpearPatron of the Ahtruaghin Elk Clan
Mealiden Starwatcher [m]Chaos, Good, Fire, ProtectionCGLongbowElves
Minroth [m]Luck, Protection, Travel, WaterNMaceMinrothad
Palartarkan [m]Air, Good, Knowledge, Magic NQuarterstaffAir-related magics
Pflarr [m]Fire, Magic, Protection, KnowledgeLNKhopesh (Scimitar)Study of magic, Creation of races
Rafiel [m]Law, Magic, Protection, FireLGShortswordShadow elves, Study of radiation
Rathanos [m]Chaos, Good, Fire, SunCGClubFire, Energy life form
Razud [m]Fire, Knowledge, Protection, StrengthNMaceAlphatia, Self-Sufficiency
Tahkati Stormtamer [m]Animal, Good, Protection, WarNGSpearPatron of the Ahtruaghin Horse Clan
Tarastia [f]Law, Good, Fire, WarLGBattleaxeJustice, Revenge
Thor [m]Air, Fire, Strength, WarLNWarhammerBattles, Warrior's codes of honor
Usamigaras [m]Healing, Magic, TrickeryCNDaggerHealing, Messengers, Thieves
Zirchev [m]Plant, Animal, Fire, KnowledgeNGLongbowForests, Wilderness
Immortals from the Sphere of Matter
Atruaghin [m]Law, Earth, War, ProtectionLNTomahawk (Handaxe)The Atruaghin Clans
Djaea [f]Good, Earth, Animal, PlantNGLight MaceGood, Protection, Knowledge, Life
Faunus [m]Chaos, Earth, Plant, TrickeryCNUnarmed StrikeNature, Passion, Shepherds, Mountains
Garal Glitterlode [m]Chaos, Good, Earth, TrickeryCGLight PickGnomes, Gadgets, Craftsmanship
Hattani Stoneclaw [m]Earth, Good, Strength, WarNGShortswordPatron of the Ahtruaghin Bear Clan
Ka the Preserver [m]Good, Knowledge, LawLGNatural WeaponsPreserving Dying Races & Cultures,
Lizardfolk, Dinosaurs
Kagyar the Artisan [m]Good, Earth, Protection, WarNGWarhammerDwarves, Arts
Terra [f]Law, Earth, HealingNWarhammerEarth-based creatures and races
Valerias [f]Chaos, Good, Earth, HealingCG/CNDaggerRomance, Passion
Immortals from the Sphere of Thought
Ahmani Turtlerider [f]Animal, Protection, War, WaterLGSpearPatron of the Atruahagin Turtle Clan
Asterius [m]Good, Trickery, Travel, Air, LuckNGDaggerTrade, Merchants, Thieves
Cretia [f]Air, Chaos, Destruction, TrickeryCNShortbowTricks, Jokes, Destruction
Diulanna [f]Good, Plant, Animal, AirNGSpearWillpower, Strong-willed heroes
Frey [m]Law, Good, Air, WarLGLong or ShortswordIntelligent Warfare
Freyja [f]Law, Good, Air, WarLGLong or ShortswordIntelligent Warfare
Halav [m]Law, Good, Protection, WarLGShortswordWarfare
Karaash [m]Evil, Air, War, StrengthNEGreatswordOrcs
Korotiku [m]Chaos, Trickery, Air, KnowledgeCNDaggerMischief, Thinking
Koryis [m]Law, Air, Good, ProtectionLGMacePeace, Prosperity
Noumena [m]Air, Trickery, KnowledgeNLight MaceTactics, Games, Puzzles, Mysteries
Odin [m]Law, Strength, Knowledge, Protection   LGSpearWisdom, Living life to the fullest
Tiresias [m]Air, Knowledge, Luck, TravelNGQuarterstaffMusic, Poetry, Bards
Tyche [f]Air, Chaos, Luck, TrickeryCNMaceFortune
Gorm [m]Air, Law, WarLNLongswordJustice, Storms, War
Immortals from the Sphere of Time
al-Kalim [m]Water, Animal, War, LawLNScimitarYlaruam Desert
Calitha Starbrow [f]Water, Plant, TravelNTridentOceans, Seafarring Elves/td]
Chardastes [m]Good, Healing, ProtectionNGLight MaceHealing, medicine
Khoronus [m]Water, Magic, Travel, TimeNScytheTime, Learning the lessons of the past
Ordana [f]Water, Good, Plant, AnimalNGClubProtection of forests, Forest races
Petra [f]Air, Law, Protection, HealingLGHeavy MaceFighting clerics, Protector of besieged cities
Protius [m]Water, Knowledge, Destruction, Protection   CNTridentSeas and Oceans
Vanya [f]War, Water, Strength, DestructionLNLongswordWar, Conquest
Immortals from the Sphere of Entropy
Alphaks [m]Chaos, Evil, Magic, DestructionCEGreatswordDestroying Alphatia
Atzanteotl [m]Law, Evil, Death, DestructionLEShortswordCorruption, Azcan, Shattenalfen
Danel Tigerstripes [m]Chaos, Evil, Strength, WarCESpearPatron of the Ahtruaghin Tiger Clan
Hel [f]Evil, Death, Healing, DestructionNEHeavy MaceDeath, Reincarnation
Loki [m]Chaos, Evil, Destruction, TrickeryCEDaggerMischief, Betrayal, Deceit
Masauwu [m]Law, Evil, Destruction, TrickeryLEClubCharisma, Corrupting good to evil
Nyx [f]Chaos, Evil, Destruction, DeathCEShortswordNight, Darkness, Undead
Orcus [m]Chaos, Destruction, Death, StrengthCEClubMass Destruction
Talitha [f]Chaos, Destruction, TrickeryCEBattleaxeSelf-gratification at the expense of others
Thanatos [m]Chaos, Evil, Destruction, DeathCEScytheThe end of all life
Zargon [m]Destruction, Evil, LawLELight FlailConquest, Elder Evil, Slime

Sources: Dragon Magazine #315 (Return to the Lost City), Dragon Magazine #318 (Children of Ka), Mystaran Immortal Pantheon in 3E, Mystaran Immortals and Their Clerics' Domains
« Last Edit: October 16, 2024, 11:26:07 PM by MAB77 »

Bluebomber4evr: The Justice, not you, since 2002


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Forgotten Realms Deities
« Reply #21 on: January 02, 2010, 08:32:33 PM »
Forgotten Realms Deities

The Forgotten Realms setting is the most known and developped setting for D&D. The continent of Faerūn figures prominently in the product line, but the setting was expanded to include several other continents through the Kara-Tur, Maztica and Al-Qadim settings. The setting is host to a variety of deities and faiths worshipped in numerous different ways. The following section does not focus on all faiths found in the setting, but on the deities that are valid options as patron deities to PC races.

Demon-Princes & Archdevils are also suitable options for Faerunian clerics.

Faerūnian Pantheon

The most common pantheon of gods worshipped by people of Faerūn.

Deity [gender]DomainsAlignmentFavored WeaponPortfolio
Akadi [m]Air, Travel, TrickeryNHeavy FlailElemental air, Flying creatures, Movement, Speed
Auril [f]Air, Evil, WaterNEBattleaxeCold Winter
Azuth [m]Magic, Knowledge, LawLNQuarterstaffShining Hand monks, Spellcasters
Bahamut [m]Air, Good, Luck, ProtectionLGHeavy PickGood Dragons, Wind, Wisdom
Bane [m]Destruction, Evil, LawLEMorningstarFear, Hatred, Tyranny
Beshaba [f]Chaos, Evil, Luck, TrickeryCEScourge (Whip)Accidents, Bad Luck, Misfortune, Random mischief
Chauntea [f]Animal, Earth, Good, Plant, ProtectionNGScytheAgriculture, Crops, Farmers, Gardeners, Summer
Cyric [m]Chaos, Destruction, Evil, TrickeryCELongswordDeception, Illusion, Intrigue, Lies, Murder, Strife
Deneir [m]Good, Knowledge, ProtectionNGDaggerCartography, Glyphs, Images, Literature, Scribes
Eldath [f]Good, Plant, Protection, WaterNGNet or Unarmed strikeQuiet places, Springs, Pools, Peace, Waterfalls
Finder Wyvernspur [m]Chaos, KnowledgeCNBastard SwordCycles of Life, Saurials, Transformation of Art
Garagos [m]Chaos, Destruction, Strength, WarCNLongswordDestruction, Plunder, Skill-at-arms, War
Gargauth [m]Evil, Law, TrickeryLEDaggerBetrayal, Cruelty, Political Corruption, Powerbrokers
Gond [m]Earth, Fire, KnowledgeNWarhammerArtifice, Construction, Craft, Smithwork
Grumbar [m]Earth, TimeNWarhammerElemental Earth, Solidity, Changelessness, Oaths
Gwaeron Windstrom [f]   Animal, Good, Knowledge, Plant, TravelNGGreatswordRangers (particularly of the North), Tracking
Helm [m]Law, Protection, StrengthLNBastard SwordGuardians, Protectors, Protection
Hoar [m]Law, TravelLNJavelin (Spear)Poetic Justice, Retribution
Ilmater [m]Good, Healing, Law, StrengthLGUnarmed StrikeEndurance, Martyrdom, Perseverance, Suffering
Istishia [f]Destruction, Travel, WaterNWarhammerWater
Jergal [m]Death, Law, ReposeLNScytheFatalism, Guardian of Tombs, Proper Burial
Kelemvor [m]Death, Law, Protection, Repose, TravelLNBastard SwordDeath, the Dead
Kossuth [m]Destruction, FireN(LN)Spiked ChainElemental Fire, Purification through Fire
Lathander [m]Good, Protection, Strength, SunNGMaceAthletics, Birth, Creativity, Dawn, Renewal, Self-perfection, Spring, Vitality, Youth
Lliira [f]Chaos, Good, TravelCGShurikenDance, Festivals, Happiness, Joy, Freedom, Liberty
Loviatar [f]Evil, Law, StrengthLEScourge (Whip)Agony, Hurt, Suffering, Torment, Torture
Lurue [m]Animal, Chaos, Good, HealingCGSpearIntelligent nonhumanoid creatures, Talking beasts,
Malar [m]Animal, Chaos, Evil, StrengthCEClaw BracerBloodlust, Evil lycanthropes, Hunters, Marauding beasts and monsters, Stalking
Mask [m]Darkness, Evil, Luck, TrickeryNELongswordShadows, Thievery, Thieves
Mielikki [f]Animal, Good, Plant, TravelNGScimitarAutumn, Dryads, Forest Creatures, Forests, Rangers
Milil [m]Good, KnowledgeNGRapierEloquence, Poetry, Song
Mystra (2nd) [f]Good, Knowledge, MagicNG(LN)ShurikenMagic, Spells, the Weave
Nobanion [m]Animal, Good, LawLGHeavy PickRoyalty, Lions and Feline Beasts, Good Beasts
Oghma [m]Knowledge, Luck, Travel, TrickeryNLongswordBards, Inspiration, Invention, Knowledge
Red Knight [f]Law, WarLNLongswordStrategy, Planning, Tactics
Savras [m]Knowledge, Law, MagicLNDaggerDivination, Fate, Truth
Selūne [f]Chaos, Good, Protection, TravelCGHeavy MaceMoon, Stars, Navigation, Navigators, Non-evil Lycanthropes, Questers, Wanderers
Shar [f]Darkness, Evil, KnowledgeNEChakram (Cutting Wheel)Caverns, Dark, Dungeons, Forgetfulness, Loss, Night, the Underdark, Unrevealed Secrets
Sharess [f]Chaos, Good, Travel, TrickeryCGClaw BracerCats, Festhalls, Hedonism, Sensual Fulfillment
Shaundakul [m]Air, Chaos, Protection, TravelCNGreatswordCaravans, Exploration, Miners, Portals, Travel
Shiallia [f]Animal, Good, PlantNGQuarterstaffGrowth, the High Forest, Neverwinter Wood, Woodland Fertility, Woodland Glades
Siamorphe [m]Knowledge, LawLNLight MaceNobles, Rightful Noble Rule, Human Royalty
Silvanus [m]Animal, Plant, Protection, WaterNMaulWild Nature, Druids
Sune [f]Chaos, Good, ProtectionCGWhipBeauty, Love, Passion
Talona [f]Chaos, Destruction, EvilCEUnarmed StrikeDisease, Poison
Talos [m]Chaos, Destruction, Evil, FireCESpearConflagration, Destruction, Earthquakes, Rebellion, Storms, Vortices
Tempus [m]Chaos, Protection, Strength, WarCNBattleaxeBattle, War, Warriors
Tiamat [f]Evil, LawLEHeavy PickChessenta, Evil Dragons, Evil Reptiles, Greed
Torm [m]Good, Healing, Law, Protection, Strength   LGGreatswordDuty, Loyalty, Obedience, Paladins
Tymora [f]Chaos, Good, Luck, Protection, TravelCGShurikenAdventurers, Good Fortune, Skill, Victory
Tyr [m]Good, Knowledge, Law, WarLGLongswordJustice
Ulutiu [m]Animal, Law, Protection, StrengthLNSpearArctic Dwellers, Glaciers, Polar Environments
Umberlee [f]Chaos, Destruction, Evil, WaterCETridentCurrents, Oceans, Sea Winds, Waves
Uthgar [m]Animal, Chaos, Strength, WarCNBattleaxePhysical Strength, Uthgardt Barbarian Tribes
Valkur [m]Air, Chaos, Good, ProtectionCGCutlassFavorable Winds, Naval Combat, Sailors, Ships
Velsharoon [m]Death, Evil, Magic, UndeathNEQuarterstaffLiches, Necromancy, Necromancers, Undeath
Waukeen [f]Knowledge, Protection, TravelNNunchakuTrade, Money, Wealth

Chultan Pantheon

In the distant past, the Faerūnian deity Savras divined that, when the Doom of Abeir-Toril would arrive, Dendar the Night Serpent would come to Faerūn through a portal beneath the Peaks of Flame. To prepare for that day, the god Ubtao volunteered to stand guard until this ominous day occurs in exchange for exclusive dominion over the lands surrounding his post. The other gods agreed and Ubtao become the head, and sole member, of the Chultan Pantheon with complete dominion over the peninsula. The only other cult established in Chult is that of Sseth, an interloper and snake-god who had managed to entice some of the human populations to his worship.

Deity [gender]DomainsAlignmentFavored WeaponPortfolio
Ubtao [m]Plant, ProtectionNHeavy PickChult, Chultans, Creation, Dinosaurs, Jungles
Sseth [m]Air, Animal, Chaos, Evil, Knowledge, Magic, Trickery   CEScimitarPoison, Somnolence

Mulhorandi Pantheon

When the Imaskari captured the Mulan people and brought them to Toril, the slaves also brought the worship of their deities. With help from Ao, these deities were able to follow their worshipers and end their servitude.

Deity [gender]DomainsAlignmentFavored WeaponPortfolio
Anhur [m]Chaos, Good, Strength, WarCGFalchionConflict, Physical Prowess, Rain, Thunder, War
Bast (Sharess) [f]Chaos, Good, Travel, TrickeryCGClaw BracerCats, Festhalls, Hedonism, Sensual Fulfillment
Geb [m]Earth, ProtectionNQuarterstaffEarth, Miners, Mines, Mineral Resources
Hathor [f]Good, LuckNGShortswordDance, Fate, Folk Music, the Moon, Motherhood
Horus-Re [m]Good, Law, SunLGKhopesh (Scimitar)Life, Rulership, the Sun, Kings, Vengeance
Isis [f]Good, Magic, WaterNGDaggerAgriculture, Good Magic, Love, Marriage, Rivers, Weather
Nephthys [f]Chaos, Good, ProtectionCGWhipTrade, Protection of Children, Protection of the Dead, Wealth
Osiris [m]Death, Good, Law, Plant, Repose   LGFlailThe Dead, Death, Harvest, Justice, Vegetation
Sebek [m]Animal, Evil, WaterNESpearCrocodiles, Rivers, River Hazards, Werecrocodiles, Wetlands
Set [m]Air, Darkness, Evil, Law, MagicLESpearAmbition, Betrayal, the Desert, Destruction, Drought, Evil Magic, Hate, Murder, Night, Poison, Rot, Snakes
Thoth [m]Knowledge, MagicNQuarterstaffInvention, Knowledge, Neutral Magic, Scribes, Secrets

Dwarven Pantheon

Deity [gender]DomainsAlignmentFavored WeaponPortfolio
Moradin [m]Earth, Good, Law, ProtectionLGWarhammerDwarves, Creation, Metalcraft, Protection, Smithing, Stonework
Abbathor [m]Evil, Luck, TrickeryNEDaggerGreed
Berronar Truesilver [f]Good, Healing, Law, ProtectionLGHeavy MaceSafety, Honesty, Home, Healing, Records, Marriage, Faithfulness, Loyalty, Oaths
Clangeddin Silverbeard [m]Good, Law, Strength, WarLGBattleaxeBattle, War, Valor, Bravery, Honor in Battle
Deep Duerra [f]Evil, Law, WarLEBattleaxePsionics, Conquest, Expansion
Dugmaren Brightmantle [m]   Chaos, Good, KnowledgeCGShortswordDiscovery, Invention, Scholarship
Dumathoin [m]Earth, Knowledge, ProtectionNMaulBuried Wealth, Ores, Gems, Mining, Exploration, Shield Dwarves, Guardian of the Dead
Gorm Gulthyn [m]Good, Law, Protection, WarLGBattleaxeGuardian of All Dwarves, Defense, Watchfulness
Haela Brightaxe [f]Chaos, Good, Luck, WarCGGreatswordLuck in Battle, Joy of Battle, Dwarven Warriors
Hanseath [m]Chaos, Strength, Travel, WarCNGreataxeAlcohol, Carousing, War
Laduguer [m]Evil, Law, Magic, ProtectionLEWarhammerArtisans, Gray Dwarves, Magic, Magic Weapon Creation
Marthammor Duin [m]Good, Protection, TravelNGHeavy MaceExpatriates, Guides, Lightning, Travelers
Sharindlar [f]Chaos, Good, HealingCGWhipCourtship, Dancing, Fertility, Gaiety, Healing, Mercy, the Moon, Romantic Love
Thard Harr [m]Animal, Chaos, Good, PlantCGSpiked GauntletWild Dwarves, Jungle Survival, Hunting
Tharmekhūl [m]Destruction, Fire, WarNWarhammerFire, Forge, Warfare
Vergadain [m]Luck, TrickeryNLongswordChance, Luck, Negotiation, Non-Evil Thieves, Sly Cleverness, Suspicion, Trickery

Elven Pantheon

Deity [gender]DomainsAlignmentFavored WeaponPortfolio
The Seldarine
Corellon Larethian [m]Chaos, Good, Magic, Protection, WarCGLongswordArts, Crafts, Elves, Magic, Music, Bards, Poetry, War
Aerdrie Faenya [f]Air, Animal, Chaos, GoodCGQuarterstaffAir, Avariels, Avians, Fertility, Rain, Weather
Angharrad [f]Chaos, Good, Knowledge, Plant, ProtectionCGSpearBirth, Defense, Fertility, Planting, Spring, Wisdom
Deep Sashelas [m]Chaos, Good, Knowledge, WaterCGTridentOceans, Sea Elves, Creation, Knowledge, Beauty, Water Magic
Erevan Ilesere [m]Chaos, Luck, TrickeryCNShortswordMischieve, Change, Rogues
Fenmarel Mestarine [m]Animal, Chaos, Plant, TravelCNDaggerDruids, Elves, Outcasts, Scapegoats, Isolation
Hanali Celanil [f]Chaos, Good, Magic, ProtectionCGDaggerRomance, Love, Beauty, Enchantment, Fine Arts, Artistry
Labelas Enoreth [m]Chaos, Good, Knowledge, TimeCGQuarterstaffTime, Longevity, History, The Moment of Choice
Rellavar Danuvien [m]Good, Protection, WaterNGSpearFrost Magic, Frost Sprites, Protection from the Elements
Rillifane Rallathil [m]Chaos, Good, Plant, ProtectionCGQuarterstaffWoodlands, Nature, Wild Elves
Sehanine Moonbow [f]Chaos, Good, Knowledge, Repose, Travel   CGQuarterstaffThe Moon, the Stars, the Heavens, Dreams, Mysticism, Journeys, Death, Moon Elves
Shevarash [m]Chaos, WarCNLongbowHatred of Drow, Crusades, Loss, Vengeance
Solonor Thelandira [m]Chaos, Good, Plant, WarCGLongbowArchery, Hunting, Wilderness Survival
Tarsellis Meunniduin [m]   Chaos, Earth, Plant, WaterCNSpearMountains, Rivers, Wild Places
Vandria Gilmadrith [f]Law, Protection, WarLNLongbowWar, Guardianship, Justice, Grief, Vigilance, Decisions
Drow Pantheon
Lolth [f]Chaos, Darkness, Destruction, Evil, Trickery   CEDaggerAssassins, Chaos, Darkness, Drow, Evil, Spiders
Eilistraee [f]Chaos, GoodCGBastard SwordBeauty, Dance, Hunting, Moonlight, Song, Swordwork
Ghaunadaur [m]   Chaos, EvilCEWarhammerOozes, Slimes, Outcasts, Rebels, All thing subterranean
Kiaransalee [f]Chaos, Evil, UndeathCEDaggerSlavery, Vengeance, Undeath
Selvetarm [m]Chaos, Evil, WarCEHeavy MaceDrow Warriors
Vhaeraun [m]Chaos, Evil, Travel, TrickeryCEShortswordDrow males, Evil activity on the surface, Thievery

Gnomish Pantheon

Deity [gender]DomainsAlignmentFavored WeaponPortfolio
Garl Glittergold [m]Good, Law, Protection, TrickeryLGBattleaxeHumor, Gemcutting, Gnomes, Protection, Trickery
Baervan Wildwanderer [m]Animal, Good, Plant, TravelNGSpearTravel, Nature, Forest Gnomes
Baravar Cloakshadow [m]Good, Protection, TrickeryNGDaggerIllusions, Deception, Traps, Wards
Callarduran Smoothhands [m]Earth, Good, Healing, ProtectionNBattleaxeStone, the Underdark, Mining, the Svirfneblin
Flandal Steelskin [m]Earth, GoodNGWarhammerMining, Smithing, Physical Fitness, metalworking
Gaerdal Ironhand [m]Good, Law, Protection, WarLGWarhammerVigilance, Combat, Martial Defence
Nebelun the Meddler (Gond) [m]   Earth, Fire, KnowledgeNWarhammerConstruction, Invention, Luck
Segojan Earthcaller [m]Earth, GoodNGHeavy MaceEarth, Nature, the Dead
Urdlen [m]Chaos, Destruction, Earth, EvilCESpiked Gauntlet (Unarmed Strike)Greed, Bloodlust, Evil, Hatred, Uncontrolled Impulses

Halfling Pantheon

Deity [gender]DomainsAlignmentFavored WeaponPortfolio
Yondalla [f]Good, Law, ProtectionLGShortswordHalflings, Protection, Fertility
Arvoreen [f]Good, Law, Protection, WarLGShortswordProtection, Vigilance, War
Brandobaris [m]Luck, Travel, TrickeryNDaggerStealth, Thieves, Adventuring
Cyrrollalee [f]Good, LawLGClubFriendship, Trust, Home
Dallah Thaun [f]Chaos, Knowledge, Luck, TrickeryCNDaggerSecrets, Guile, Rogues, Acquisition of wealth, Death
Sheela Peryroyl [f]   Air, PlantNSickleNature, Agriculture, Weather
Urogalan [m]Death, Earth, Law, Protection, Repose   LNLight FlailEarth, Death, Protection of the Dead

Orcish Pantheon

Deity [gender]DomainsAlignmentFavored WeaponPortfolio
Gruumsh [m]Chaos, Evil, Strength, War   CESpearOrcs, Conquest, Strength, Survival, Territory
Bahgtru [m]Chaos, Evil, StrengthCESpiked GauntletStrength, Combat
Ilneval [m]Destruction, Evil, WarNELongswordWarfare, Leadership
Luthic [m]Earth, Evil, HealingNEClaw BracerFertility, Medicine, Females, Servitude
Yurtrus [m]Death, Destruction, EvilNEUnarmed StrikeDeath, Disease
Shargaas [m]   Chaos, Evil, TrickeryCEShortswordDarkness, Thieves, Stealth, Night, Undead

Netherese Pantheon

The Netherese pantheon was worshiped by the people of ancient Netheril. Their empire disastrously ended in -339 DR in the wake of Karsus' folly. For the most part, the Netherese pantheon deities formed the foundation of the current Faerūnian pantheon. Jergal was a much more powerful and feared deity than he is now. Jannath, Kozah and Targus are still around, albeit known respectively as Chauntea, Talos and Tempus. While Mystryl came back as the first Mystra following Karsus' folly, she is not the same goddess of magic as the current Mystra. Amaunator, Moander and Tyche are the other deities that are dead as of the start of the 3rd edition Forgotten Realms timeline.

Deity [gender]DomainsAlignmentFavored WeaponPortfolio
Amaunator [m]Law, Sun, TimeLNLight MaceBureaucracy, Contracts, Law, Order, the Sun, Rulership
Jannath [f]Animal, Earth, Good, Plant, Protection   NGScytheWild Nature & Animals (land & sea), Forests, Agriculture, the Fundamental Elements, Summer
Jergal [m]Death, Evil, Law, Repose, UndeathLEScytheDeath, the Dead, Funerals, Undeath, Wasting, Old Age, Exhaustion, Tyranny, Dusk
Kozah [m]Chaos, Destruction, Evil, FireCESpearConflagration, Destruction, Earthquakes, Rebellion, Storms, Vortices
Moander [m]Destruction, EvilCEHeavy MaceRotting Death, Decay, Corruption, Parasites
Mystryl [f]Chaos, Knowledge, Magic, TimeCNDaggerMagic, the Weave, Energy, Creativity, Knowledge, Invention, Song, Time, Spring
Selūne [f]Chaos, Good, Protection, TravelCGHeavy MaceMoon, Stars, Navigation, Non-evil Lycanthropes, Questers, Wanderers, Autumn
Shar [f]Darkness, Evil, KnowledgeNEChakram (Cutting Wheel)   Dark, Dungeons, Forgetfulness, Loss, Night, the Underdark, Unrevealed Secrets, Winter
Targus [m]Chaos, Protection, Strength, WarCNBattleaxeWar, Skill-at-Arms, Duels, Berserkers, Plunder
Tyche [f]Luck, Protection, TravelTNShortswordFortune, Luck, Fate, Misfortune, Accidents, Accountability, Adventurers, Trade

Dead or Inactive Deities

These deities are dead or inactive powers on Toril during the 3rd edition Forgotten Realms timeline, but the Mists of Ravenloft reach across time and may still snatch a cleric from a time when they were alive and active. Clerics of these deities are allowed on the condition they were pulled in the Mists from a time period the deity was active. Note that Auppenser is not a dead deity yet, but lost most of its power and followers since the destruction of Jhaamdath in -255 DR.

Deity [gender]DomainsAlignmentFavored WeaponPortfolioYear of Death
Amaunator [m]Law, Sun, TimeLNLight MaceBureaucracy, Contracts, Law, Order, the Sun, Rulership661 DR
Auppenser [m]Protection, StrengthNKukriEnlightenment, Psionics, SerenityN/A
Bhaal [m]Death, Destruction, Evil   LEDaggerAssassination, Murder, Violence1358 DR
Gilgeam [m]Air, Strength, WarLEHeavy MaceBattle, Prowess, Strength, Unther1358 DR
Ibrandul [m]Darkness, TravelCNGreatclubCaverns, Dungeons, Skulks1358 DR
Leira [f]Magic*, TrickeryCNDaggerDeception, Illusion1358 DR
Moander [m]Destruction, EvilCEHeavy MaceRotting Death, Decay, Corruption, Parasites1358 DR
Myrkul [m]Death, Evil, UndeathNEScytheCorruption, the Dead, Death, Old Age1358 DR
Mystra (1st) [f]Law, Knowledge, MagicLNShurikenMagic, Spells, the Weave1358 DR
Mystryl [f]Chaos, Knowledge, Magic, Time   CNDaggerMagic, the Weave, Energy, Creativity, Knowledge, Invention, Song, Time, Spring   -339 DR
Ramman [m]Law, Protection, WarLNKhopeshDuty, Order, Vigilance, War1358 DR
Tchazzar [m]Strength, WarCELongswordBattle, Chessenta, Strength, Victory1358 DR
Tyche [f]Luck, Protection, TravelTNShortswordFortune, Luck, Fate, Misfortune, Accidents, Accountability, Adventurers, Trade161 DR
Zinzerena [f]Chaos, Luck, TrickeryCNShortswordAmbush, Assassination, Deception, Humiliation1358 DR

* In lieu of the Spell domain.

Heresies of the Realm

Followers in one of the listed heresies must adhere to one of the specified alignments.

HeresiesDomainsAlignmentsDeitiesFavored Weapon
Three-Faced SunDeath, Law, Sun, TimeLNAmaunator, Lathander   Scythe
Risen SunFire, Law, Sun, TimeLGAmaunator, LathanderLight Mace
Dark MoonDarkness, Knowledge, Protection, Travel   LN, N, CNShar, SelūneChakram (Cutting Wheel) or Heavy Mace
Cult of Shared Suffering   Healing, StrengthNIlmaterUnarmed Strike

Beyond Faerūn

Maztican Pantheon (Maztica)

The Maztica setting was not updated to 3rd edition D&D. The pantheon is made of 11 divinities: Kukul (god of the stars), Maztica (goddess of the earth and life), Qotal (god of creation, freedom, and pluma magic), Zaltec (god of war, violence, and hishna magic), Azul (god of water and rain), Tezca (god of fire, heat, and the sun), Plutoq (god of stone, clay, and mountains), Kiltzi (goddess of love, fertility, and healing), Watil (goddess of plants and agriculture), Nula (goddess of animals), and Eha (goddess of wind and air).

The male deities are known to be bloodthirsty and demanding of many sacrifices. The female deities are seen as weaker and lacking the gods' thirst for human blood. Of these deities, only Azul has been officially adapted to 3rd edition D&D. The druid class is recommended for any players wishing to play priests of the other deities.

Deity [gender]DomainsAlignmentFavored WeaponPortfolio
Azul [m]Evil, Law, Plant, Water   LEWhipRain, Water

The Path of Enlightenment (Kara-Tur)

The Celestial Empire, also known as the Celestial Heaven or the Empire of Heaven, is the dominant pantheon of the continent of Kara-Tur, especially in the empire of Shou Lung, and the overarching spiritual state managing its gods, immortals, spirits, dragons, and millions of other creatures, all through the Celestial Bureaucracy. All these entities are paid homage through a faith the Shou call the Path of Enlightenment. The path extoll a series of nine virtues that should be pursued to reach enlightenment. Priests of the Celestial Bureaucracy are not dedicated to a particular power of the pantheon, but to all of them as the situation dictates.

There are no clerics of this faith. Shamans make up for an important part of the priesthood. The rest of the priesthood is made up of sohei, an unsupported warrior-monk class.

Zakharan Pantheon (Al-Qadim)

The Al-Qadim setting was not updated to 3rd edition D&D. It is host to a wide variety of deities and faiths divided into the Enlightened and Savage faiths. The enlightened deities are grouped into major or Great Gods, worshiped throughout Zakhara, and local or common gods, worshiped only in a certain region, sometimes just a single town. Savage gods are those opposing these virtues.

The eight great gods are: Hajama (God of bravery), Hakiyah (Goddess of honesty and truth), Haku (God of freedom), Jisan (Goddess of fertility and productivity), Kor (God of wisdom), Najm (God or goddess of adventure), Selan (Goddess of beauty), and Zann (God of knowledge, learning, and intellect). Of the Zakharan pantheon, only Haku, a god of Freedom, has been updated to 3rd edition D&D.

Deity [gender]DomainsAlignmentFavored WeaponPortfolio
Haku [m]Air, Chaos, Good, Protection, Travel   CGScimitarWind, Freedom

Sources: Faiths and Pantheons, Lost Empires of Faerun, Races of Stone, Races of the Wild, Serpent Kingdoms, Dragon Magazine #236 (The Seldarine Revisited), Kara-Tur the Eastern Realms, Elder Evils.
« Last Edit: September 15, 2024, 05:20:18 PM by MAB77 »

Bluebomber4evr: The Justice, not you, since 2002


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Birthright Deities
« Reply #22 on: January 02, 2010, 08:34:16 PM »
Birthright Deities

The current gods of Cerilia gained their powers when the old gods gave up their existences in order to stop and destroy the evil Azrai at the battle of Mount Deismaar. The deities of Cerilia and their priesthoods are further detailed in the Other Settings, Birthright thread.

The demon princes Baphomet, Kostchtchie, and Yeenoghu are also possible patron options for Cerilian characters.

Deity [gender]DomainsAlignment   Favored WeaponPortfolio
Avani [f]Sun, Knowledge, Law, MagicLNSpearSun, Reason, Magic
Belinik [m]War, Strength, Evil, ChaosCEGreataxeBattle, Feuds, Fear, Domination
Cuiraécen [m]War, Strength, Good, ChaosCGLongsword or SpearStorms, Conflict, Battle, Glory
Eloéle [f]Chaos, Darkness, TrickeryCNSpearNight, Darkness, Thieves, Deception, Independence
Erik [m]Animal, Earth, PlantNDaggerForest, Hunting
Haelyn [m]War, Good, LawLGGreat or Bastard Sword   Courage, Justice, Chivalry, Rulership, War
Kriesha [f]Chaos, Cold, EvilLEMaceWinter, Hardship, Beasts and other horrors of the Cold Wastes
Laerme [f]Fire, Good, ChaosCGShortbowFire, Love, Art
Moradin [m]Earth, Protection, Good, LawLGWarhammerThe Arts and Sciences of the dwarves
Nesirie [f]Healing, Protection, Good, Water   NGTridentOcean, Mariners, Grief, Remembrance of the dead, Diplomacy
Ruornil [m]Magic, KnowledgeNQuarterstaffKnowledge, Magic, Moon, Spell
Sera [f]Chaos, Luck, TravelCN FlailWealth, Luck
The Cold Rider [m]   Death, Evil, MagicNEUnarmed StrikeUndead, the Shadow World, Deceit
Torazan [m]War, Earth, EvilCELongswordOrogs

Source: The Book of Priestcraft (AD&D), 3.5 Birthright official website
« Last Edit: February 11, 2024, 11:12:32 PM by MAB77 »

Bluebomber4evr: The Justice, not you, since 2002


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Dark Sun Religions
« Reply #23 on: January 02, 2010, 08:37:06 PM »
Dark Sun Religions

Quote from: Note from the PotM Dev team
The traditional divine casters from Athas are the elemental clerics, the druids and the templars (clerics of Sorcerer-Kings). On this server we also allow favored souls, healers, shamans and voodans as native Athasian characters. Favored souls rise from the ranks of the templars whereas shamans and voodans draw their strength from the very same spirits which empower elemental clerics and druids. You may consult the Dark Sun Roleplay Resources for more details on the world of Athas.

Athas is a world without gods. The clerics of the Tablelands are either elemental clerics or templars of a Sorcerer-King.

Elemental clerics devote themselves to one particular element and its preservation in the natural world. They gain their powers through pacts with powerful spirits of the land acting as conduits for energy from the elemental planes. The suggested clerical domains for each type of elemental spirits are listed below. A cleric is required to take at least one elemental domain: air, earth, fire or water and can choose any non-elemental domain as its other domain (excluding the Ravenloft-specific domains). Elemental clerics can be of any alignment. The AD&D 2nd edition Dark Sun supplement Earth, Air, Fire, and Water is a recommended read to those wishing to play an elemental cleric. No portfolio is listed for the elemental spirits. Their only concern is to further the influence of their respective elements.

Templars are civil servants within a city‐state's government organization. Each templar swears obedience to his temple, and absolute fealty to his sorcerer‐king, a powerful ruler in the Tablelands. In return, the sorcerer‐king grants them spell power stolen from the elemental planes. In most city‐states, templars are the ultimate authority—judge, jury, and executioner. Templars police and administer the city‐states, and serve other civil roles ranging from general to jailer and from tax collector to garbage collector. The Sorcererer-Kings Abalach-Re, Kalak and Tectuktitlay are dead and no longer grant powers to templars. Though the city of Kalidnay is now stranded within Ravenloft, natives from the domain are still considered as being from Athas for the purpose of determining valid racial and class options.

Athasian clerics may select the mace as their favored weapon for the purpose of qualifying for certain prestige classes.

Athasian Elementalism
Element   DomainsAlignment
AirAir, Knowledge, TravelN
EarthEarth, Protection, Strength   N
FireFire, Destruction, WarN
Magma   Earth, Fire, Destruction   N
RainAir, Water, Plant   N
SiltEarth, Water, Time   N
SunAir, Fire, Sun   N
WaterWater, Healing, Animal  N

Athasian Sorcerer-Kings
Sorcerer-King/Queen   DomainsAlignment   Portfolio
Andropinis [m]Evil, Law, Travel, WarLERuler of Balic
Atzetuk [m]Destruction, Evil, Magic, SunNERuler of Draj
Dregoth [m]Chaos, Death, Evil, KnowledgeCERuler of Raam
Hamanu [m]Evil, Law, Protection, StrengthLERuler of Urik
Lalali-Puy [f]Evil, Healing, Law, PlantNERuler of Gulg
Shadow King [m]Chaos, Evil, Trickery, WarCERuler of Nibenay

Sources: AD&D 2nd edition Dark Sun supplement Earth, Air, Fire, and Water, Dragon Magazine #319.
« Last Edit: February 22, 2024, 09:58:37 AM by MAB77 »

Bluebomber4evr: The Justice, not you, since 2002


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Eberron Deities
« Reply #24 on: January 02, 2010, 08:39:38 PM »
Eberron Deities

The world of Eberron is the host of a wide variety of faiths and beliefs. The deities of this setting do not interfere directly with mortals and their very existence is unconfirmed.  Numerous variations and sects combining aspects of both the Sovereign Host and the Dark Six exist. The following faiths are those available to player characters from Eberron. Note that the Sovereign Host and the Dark Six are also known under a myriad of other names and aspects among the various cultures of Eberron.

Clerics of Eberron are not restricted by the deity alignment rule. They are less likely to fall from grace than clerics of other settings but that may still happen if they grossly violate their ethos.

Deity [gender]DomainsAlignment   Favored WeaponPortfolio
The Sovereign Host
Arawai [f]Good, PlantNGMorningstarFertility, Crops, Plants, Abundance, the Wilderness, Birth
Aureon [m]Knowledge, Law, MagicLNQuarterstaffLaw, Knowledge, Learning, Logic, Magic
Balinor [m]Air, Animal, EarthNBattleaxeBeasts, the Hunt
Boldrei [f]Good, Law, ProtectionLGSpearHearth, Community, Marriage, Government
Dol Arrah [f]Good, Law, Sun, WarLGHalberdHonor, Sacrifice, Light, the Sun, Diplomacy
Dol Dorn [m]Chaos, Good, Strength, WarCGLongswordWar, Athleticism, Competition
Kol Korran [m]Luck, TravelNMaceTrade, Wealth, Money, Commerce, Theft
Olladra [f]Good, Healing, LuckNGSickleGood Fortune, Feast, Plenty
Onatar [m]Fire, GoodNGWarhammerCrafts, Weapons, Tools, Smithing, Fire, Innovation
The Dark Six
The Devourer [m]Destruction, Evil, WaterNETridentDevastation, Hunger, Nautical Travel, Storms, Water
The Fury [f]Evil, WarNERapierAnger, Extremism, Insanity, Passion, Revenge
The Keeper [m]Death, EvilNEScytheDeath, Entropy, Greed, Hunger, Time
The Mockery [m]   Destruction, Evil, Trickery, War   NEKamaCombat, Dishonor, Murder, Terror, Treachery
The Shadow [?]Chaos, Darkness, Evil, MagicCEQuarterstaffArcane Magic, Consequence, Corruption, Darkness, Duality
The Traveler [?]Chaos, Travel, TrickeryCNScimitarChaos, Deception, Evolution, Invention, Transformation
Other Faiths
Blood of VolDeath, Evil, LawLEDaggerUndeath, Immortality, Blood, Destiny, Obedience
Church of the Silver FlameGood, Law, ProtectionLGLongbowPurity, Light, Redemption, Self-Sacrifice, Just War
Cults of the Dragon BelowDarkness, Earth, EvilNEHeavy PickGlory, Insanity, Conquest, Darkness, Aberrations
Dreaming DarkLaw, EvilLEMindbladePsionics
Kalok ShashGood, Protection, WarLGLongswordThe Binding Flame
Path of Inspiration (Rierdra)Law, ProtectionLNFlailCivilization, Discipline, Duty
Path of Inspiration (Il-Yannah)Law, ProtectionLNUnarmed StrikeLight, Compassion, Discipline, Psionics, Righteous Action
Path of LightLaw, ProtectionLNUnarmed StrikeCompassion, Discipline, Light, Psionics, Righteous Action
Promise of FireDestruction, Evil, FireNEShortswordSulatar Drow, Mastery of Fire, Cleansing by Fire
Undying CourtGood, ProtectionNGScimitarAerenal Elves, Glory, History, Patience, Revelation, Obedience
Spirits of the PastDestruction, Protection, WarNDouble ScimitarTairnadal Elves, Glory, Elven History, Heroes

Sources: Eberron Campaign Setting, Faiths of Eberron, Secrets of Xen'drik, Player's Guide to Eberron
« Last Edit: October 14, 2024, 10:22:34 PM by MAB77 »

Bluebomber4evr: The Justice, not you, since 2002