Author Topic: Religion Resource Thread  (Read 152736 times)


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« Reply #50 on: October 03, 2023, 10:23:00 PM »

Shamanism is practised in various forms across the domains of Ravenloft and beyond. Consult the Shamanistic Beliefs - Roleplay Resources thread for more details and the complete rules to devise your character's patron spirit. The following list contains examples of valid patron spirits.

Examples of patron spirits    Suggested domains
Ancestral spirit (Benign)Healing, Protection
Ancestral spirit (Warlike)Fire, War
Beast spiritAnimal, Strength
Celestial spiritGood, Sun
Eldritch spiritDeath, Magic
Fiendish spiritDeath, Evil
Mountain kami / Earth spiritEarth, Law
Nightmare Lands spiritDream, Plant
River kami / Water spiritTrickery, Water
Spirit of FateLuck, Repose
Storm kami / Air spiritAir, Travel
Sun spiritSun, Time
Undead spiritDarkness, Undeath
Vermin spiritDestruction, Plant
Volcano kami / Fire spiritDestruction, Fire

Source: D&D 3e Oriental Adventures, Dragon Magazine #318 (Oriental Adventures, Eastern Flavor - Update to 3.5)
« Last Edit: February 11, 2024, 02:51:11 AM by MAB77 »
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Dev. Relationist for the Dark Powers.
1 Old Svalich Stradă, Castle Ravenloft, Barovia


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Pharaonic (Egyptian) Pantheon
« Reply #51 on: February 10, 2024, 09:42:10 PM »
Pharaonic (Egyptian) Pantheon

Note: Any player wishing to portray a divine caster originating from Gothic Earth must first read this.

This D&D pantheon is inspired by the religions of historical Egypt in ancient times. In the 3rd edition D&D continuity, Re-Horakhty, formerly known as Horus, has ascended to replace Ra as the head of the pantheon and several of the older generation of Pharaonic deities are no longer worshipped. This pantheon provides options to characters from the Gothic Earth and Planescape settings.

Deity [gender]DomainsAlignmentFavored WeaponSymbolPortfolio
Re-Horakhty [m]Good, Law, Sun, WarLGKhopesh (Scimitar)Solar Disk encircled by a SerpentNobility, Sun, Supreme, Vengeance
Anubis [m]Law, Magic, ReposeLNMaceBlack JackalJudgement, Death, Werejackals
Apep* [m]Evil, FireNEHeavy PickFlaming SnakeEvil, Fire, Serpents
Bast [f]Chaos, Destruction, Protection, Strength, WarCGTiger Claws (Bagh-Nakh)CatCats, Vengeance
Bes [m]Luck, Protection, TrickeryCNShortswordImage of the DeityLuck, Music, Protection
Hathor [f]Good, LuckNGLongswordHorned Cow's Head with a Lunar DiscLove, Music, Dance, Moon, Fate, Motherhood
Imhotep [m]Healing, KnowledgeNGQuarterstaffStep PyramidCrafts, Medicine
Isis [f]Good, Magic, Protection, WaterNGQuarterstaffAnkh and StarFertility, Magic, Marriage
Nephthys [f]Chaos, Good, Protection, ReposeCGMaceHorns around a Lunar DiscDeath, Grief
Osiris [m]Air, Earth, Good, Law, Plant, ReposeNGLight FlailCrossed Crook and FlailHarvest, Nature, Underworld
Ptah [m]Knowledge, Law, TravelLNLight MaceBullCrafts, Knowledge, Secrets, Travel
Set [m]Air, Chaos, Darkness, Destruction, Evil, DeathCESpearCoiled CobraDarkness, Evil, Night, Desert Storms, Drought
Sobek [m]Animal, Evil, WaterLESpearCrocodile Head with Horned & Plumed HeaddressWater, River Hazards, Crocodiles, Wetlands
Thoth [m]Knowledge, MagicTNQuarterstaffIbisKnowledge, Wisdom, Learning

* Apep is also known as Apophis.

Gothic Earth Options

Gothic Earth characters are allowed to come from a period of time where these other Egyptian gods were worshipped.

Deity [gender]   DomainsAlignment   Favored WeaponPortfolio
Amun [m]Sun, Protection, Law, War, Strength   LGComposite BowSun
Anhur [m]Chaos, Strength, WarCGFalchionWar, Warriors
Apshai [m]Animal, PlantTNDaggerInsects
Aten [m]Knowledge, Magic, SunNGQuarterstaffSun
Atum [m]Sun, Earth, ProtectionNGQuarterstaffSun
Geb [m]Earth, Plant, Protection, StrengthTNQuarterstaff or Unarmed Strike   The Earth
Horus [m]Good, Chaos, Sun, WarCGKhopesh (Scimitar)Sun, Vengeance
Khonsu [m]Magic, Protection, TravelLNFlailMagic, Moon, Mysteries
Khumn [m]Earth, Protection, WaterLGMaceFloods
Mihos [m]Destruction, Protection, SunLNDaggerRetribution
Mut [f]Animal, Magic, Healing, GoodNGFlailLife, Healing
Neith [f]Death, Sun, WarTNShortbowGuide to Spirits, Hunting Evil Spirits
Nut [f]Air, Healing, Good, ProtectionNGFlailThe Sky, Couples forbidden to marry
Seker [m]Good, Protection, SunNGLight MaceLight
Sekhmet [f]Animal, Magic, WarCNComposite BowWar, Vengeance
Shu [m]Air, Good, Law, SunLGQuarterstaff, MaceWinds, the Atmosphere
Taueret [f]Protection, Healing, WaterNGDaggerFertility, the Northern Stars
Tefnut [f]Air, Destruction, Law, WaterLGDaggerMoisture, Rain
Tutu [m]Good, Protection, StrengthNGDaggerVanquishing Demons

Sources: Deities & Demigods (AD&D 1st ed. & D&D 3e), Legends & Lore, Mythic Vistas - Testament, Dragon Magazine #283 (Do-it-yourself deities)
« Last Edit: February 21, 2024, 09:54:03 PM by MAB77 »
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Dev. Relationist for the Dark Powers.
1 Old Svalich Stradă, Castle Ravenloft, Barovia


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The Celtic Pantheon (Standard D&D variant)
« Reply #52 on: February 10, 2024, 10:16:36 PM »
The Celtic Pantheon (Standard D&D variant)

Note: Any player wishing to portray a divine caster originating from Gothic Earth must first read this.

In the D&D multiverse, the Celtic pantheon, also known as the Tuatha De Danann, is one of the most adaptable and influential in all the Outer Planes. This pantheon is inspired by the beliefs of the ancient Celts and their descendants. It provides options to characters from the Gothic Earth and Planescape settings. It is also worshipped by a large number of elves on Ravenloft.

Deity [gender]DomainsAlignment   Favored Weapon   Portfolio
Arawn [m]Death, Evil, MagicLEScytheDeath, the Underworld
Balor [m]Destruction, Evil, LawLEGaze Attacks (None)Fomorians
Belenus [m]Animal, Good, Fire, Plant, SunNGSickleSun
Brigantia [f]Air, Animal, Plant, WaterNGWarhammerRivers, Livestock
Brigit [f]Chaos, Fire, KnowledgeCGQuarterstaffFire, Poetry
Cairbre [m]Chaos, Knowledge, LuckCGLongswordMusic
Cernunnos [m]Animal, StrengthTNSpearBeast, Hunting, Night
Daghda [m]Good, Protection, StrengthNGClubChieftain of the Gods, Crops, Weather
Danu [f]Good, Healing, MagicNGDaggerFertility, Wisdom
Diancecht [m]Good, Healing, ProtectionNGDaggerHealing
Dunatis [m]Destruction, EarthTNUnarmed StrikeMountains, Peaks
Epona [f]Animal, Travel, HealingNGNoneFertility, Horses
Goibhniu / Gobannon [m]   Magic, Protection, StrengthNGSpearSmithing
Lugh [m]Knowledge, Luck, Magic, SunNGMaceArts, Crafts, Travel, Commerce, War, Horsemanship
Manannan mac Lir [m]Air, Magic, Water, TrickeryCGTridentOceans, Sea Creatures
Math Mathonwy [m]Evil, Knowledge, MagicNEQuarterstaffSorcery
Nuada [m]Good, Law, WarLGLongswordWar
Oghma / Ogmios [m]Knowledge, Luck, Magic, Trickery   TNUnarmed StrikeEloquence, Knowledge, Speech
Silvanus [m]Animal, Earth, PlantTNWooden Mallet (Light Hammer)   Forests, Nature
Taranis [m]Air, Chaos, Strength, WaterCNSpearStorms, Lightnings
Teutates [m]Protection, Strength, WarTNLongswordThe Gauls, Protection
The Morrigan [f]Chaos, Destruction, WarCNGreatswordWar

Sources: Dragon Magazines #283 (Do-it-yourself deities), #342 (The Wild Hunt), Deities & Demigods (AD&D 1st ed.), Legends & Lore, HR3 Celts Campaign Sourcebook.
« Last Edit: February 19, 2024, 08:56:57 AM by MAB77 »
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Dev. Relationist for the Dark Powers.
1 Old Svalich Stradă, Castle Ravenloft, Barovia


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Draconic Deities
« Reply #53 on: February 12, 2024, 11:17:19 AM »
Draconic Deities

These are the standard draconic deities of the D&D multiverse. They may serve as patron deities to native characters of the Greyhawk, Forgotten Realms and Planescape settings. Note that Io and Lendys are not known to have non-draconic followers. In the Forgotten Realms setting, Aasterinian is an aspect of Hlal, Chronespsis and Falazure are aspects of Null, and Io is not present at all.

Deity [gender]   DomainsAlignment   Favored Weapon   Portfolio
Aasterinian [m]Chaos, Luck, Travel, TrickeryCNScimitarLearning, Invention, Pleasure
Astilabor [f]ProtectionTNScimitarAcquisitiveness, Status, Wealth
Bahamut [m]Air, Good, Luck, ProtectionLGHeavy PickGood Dragons, Wind, Wisdom
Chronepsis [m]   Death, KnowledgeTNScytheFate, Death, Judgment
Falazure [m]Death, EvilNEScimitarDecay, Undeath, Exhaustion
Garyx [m]Chaos, Destruction, Evil, FireCESickleFire, Destruction, Renewal
Hlal [f]Chaos, Good, TrickeryCGShortswordHumor, Inspiration, Messages, Storytelling, Tricks
Io [m]Knowledge, Magic, Strength, Travel   TNScimitarDragonkind, Balance, Peace
Lendys [m]Destruction, Law, ProtectionLNLongswordBalance, Justice
Tamara [f]Good, Healing, Strength, SunNGScimitarLife, Light, Mercy
Tiamat [f]Destruction, Evil, Law, TrickeryLEHeavy PickEvil Dragons, Conquest, Greed

Source: Races of the Dragon
« Last Edit: February 12, 2024, 11:20:58 AM by MAB77 »
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Dev. Relationist for the Dark Powers.
1 Old Svalich Stradă, Castle Ravenloft, Barovia


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Ghostwalk Deities
« Reply #54 on: February 12, 2024, 11:17:41 AM »
Ghostwalk Deities

These are the deities of the Ghostwalk setting. The setting mainly takes place in the city of Manifest which the living shares with ghosts. Native characters follow the rules of Generic D&D settings for the purpose of character creation.

Deity [gender]DomainsAlignment   Favored WeaponPortfolio
Aluvan [m]Good, Protection, ReposeNGShortswordDeath, Guarding & Protecting Souls, Ghosts
Chaniud [m]Healing, Knowledge, LawLNLongswordLaws, Order, Structure
Dracanish [m]Law, Protection, ReposeLNScimitarDeath, Endings, Finality
Durann [f]Good, Healing, LawLGWarhammerTruth, Righteousness, Honor
Eanius [m]Air, Good, HealingNGQuarterstaffGrowth, Life, Animals
Galaedros [m]Animal, Earth, PlantTNQuarterstaffNature, Wood
Khostren [m]Destruction, Evil, TrickeryNESpiked Gauntlet (Unarmed Strike)   Plague, Stench, Vermin
Nessek [f]Destruction, Fire, MagicTNDaggerFire, Sorcerers, Magic
Orcus [m]Chaos, Death, EvilCELight MaceNecromancy, Torture, Pain, Undeath
Phaant [f]Evil, Law, LuckLEGreataxeBad luck, Inevitability, Oppression
Soggelos [m]Chaos, Good, WaterCGTridentCreativity, Water
Tephaneron [m]   Chaos, Luck, Strength, WarCNBattleaxeBattle, Success, Athletes, Warriors
Uhanam [f]Knowledge, Law, MagicLNLight FlailSkill, Planning, Magic
Wyst [f]Chaos, Good, Protection, Travel   CGSpearRoads, Travelers

Source: Ghostwalk
« Last Edit: February 12, 2024, 11:23:14 AM by MAB77 »
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Dev. Relationist for the Dark Powers.
1 Old Svalich Stradă, Castle Ravenloft, Barovia


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African Faiths
« Reply #55 on: February 13, 2024, 08:56:38 PM »
African Faiths

Note: Any player wishing to portray a divine caster originating from Gothic Earth must first read this.

The faiths of Africa form a rich cultural mosaic across the whole continent, each with their own unique myths and legends. Animistic beliefs build the core concept of traditional African religions. They often include the worship of tutelary deities, nature worship, and ancestor worship. Some religions adopted a pantheistic worldview with a supreme creator god next to other gods and spirits. Others followed a polytheistic system with various gods, spirits, and other supernatural beings.

The following deities are inspired by various African mythologies. Each of them may serve as a patron deity to clerics and druids. The various ancestral and natural spirits associated with these faiths may also serve as patrons to shamans.

Of the faiths presented below, the Yoruba pantheon is of particular interest. It is inspired by the beliefs of the Yoruba people and Ibo civilizations that developed over a thousand years ago in the rainforests of Nigeria. Their faith is made of thousands of Orishas, deities and spiritual entities acting as intermediaries between men and their creator gods, and covering everything from pottery to contagious diseases. Fragments of the Yoruba beliefs made it to the New World through African slaves. Olorun is one of the names by which the greater god that created the universe is known in the voodan traditions of Gothic Earth, and some of their Orishas, notably Ogun, are recognized as part of the loa.

Deity [gender]DomainsAlignment   Favored Weapon   Portfolio
Gods of the Ashante
Ananse [m]Animal, Protection, TrickeryLGBlowgun (Dart)Spider People, Ashante Warriors, Spiders, Messengers, Craftsman, Ugly People
Asase Ya [f]Animal, Plant, SunTNSpearEarth, Tree & Water Spirits, Beauty, Childbirth, Nature, Fidelity
Nyame [m]Healing, SunLGQuarterstaffMoon, Sun, Sky, Rain, Eclipses, Healing, Beholders
Spirits of the Bushmen
Lion Man [m]Animal, PlantLNSpearLions
Antelope Man [m]Animal, PlantCGSpearAntelopes
Porcupine Man[m]Animal, PlantTNBlowgun (Dart)Porcupines
Chameleon Man [m]Animal, PlantNGSpearChameleons
Cagn (Mantis, Kageen) [m]Animal, TrickeryCNSpearBirds, Insects, Mischief, Mantis Men, Snake Men (Nagas)
Gauna (Gawa, Gamab, Gaunab) [m]   Death, EvilCEObsidian ShortswordDeath, Assassination, Cannibalism, Evil, Chaos, Bad Weather, Disease
Gods of the Pygmies
Bumba [m]Animal, Fire, Law, KnowledgeLNTorch (Club)Law, Animal Spirits, Stars, Planets, Fire, Teaching
Khonvum [m]Air, AnimalNGShortbowHunters, The Sky, Birds, Animals, Thunder, Elephants and Chameleon Men, Rainbows
God to the Benin of Nigeria
So [m]Air, Law, MagicLGBattleaxeLightning, Retribution, Thunder, Zande Witches, Ram-Men
Supreme-being of the Kanem-Bornu
Leza [m]Animal, Air, ProtectionCGMaceBirds, Bird Men, Sky, Wind, Dwarves
Orishas of the Yoriba
Ala [f]Earth, Protection, ReposeTNPickEarth, Fertility, Love, Death
Eshu [m]Air, Luck, Travel, TrickeryCNClubChance, Trickery, Messengers, Travelers
Obatala [m]Air, Earth, Good, LawLGSpearCreation, the Earth
Oduduwan [m]Good, LawLGSpearThe Ancestral Father, The First Man
Ogun [m]Earth, Law, WarLNWarhammerIron, Warriors, Hunters, Metalsmiths
Orunmilla [f]Air, Knowledge, MagicNGQuarterstaffDivination, Art, Knowledge, Diplomacy
Olokun [f]Death, Evil, WaterNETridentSea, River, Marshes
Olorun [m]Air, Sun, Protection, TimeTNSpearThe Heavens, the Gods
Olu-Igbo [m]Earth, Good, PlantNGSpearBushes, Jungle
Orisha-Oka [m]Animal, Good, PlantNGFlailAgriculture
Osanyin [m]Good, Healing, ProtectionNGQuarterstaffCurative Medicine
Oran Miyan [m]Good, Law, ProtectionLGSpearJustice, Righteous Indignation
Shango [m]Air, Destruction, Evil, Strength   CEBattleaxePower, Storms
Sonponno [f]Evil, Death, DestructionNEDaggerSmallpox, Disease
Yemoja [f]Water, PlantTNNet (Unarmed Strike)   Ogun River

Sources: Dragon Magazines #191 (An African Genesis), #215 (The Deities of Africa)
« Last Edit: February 13, 2024, 09:51:09 PM by EO »
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Dev. Relationist for the Dark Powers.
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Native American Faiths
« Reply #56 on: February 13, 2024, 09:35:31 PM »
Native American Faiths

Note: Any player wishing to portray a divine caster originating from Gothic Earth must first read this.

The mythologies of North America are as varied and numerous as the different nations that inhabited the land. From the Iroquois who inhabited the lush woodlands of Northeast United States/Southeast Canada, to the Apache who lived in the deserts of northern Mexico, the people of each tribe had their own peculiar interpretation of the supernatural world and their place in it.

Without exception, Native American faiths had a deep connection with the natural and the spiritual worlds. Druids and shamans compose the bulk of their divine casters, but clerics are also possible. It is important to note that the pantheon below is not specific to a given culture. These entries represent recurring concepts within various Native American cultures. It may be used as is, in which case you are invited to consult the source material, AD&D 2nd ed. Legends and Lore in regards to their respective beliefs and practices.

You may also research the mythos of a given culture for a more faithful interpretation of Native American faiths. A non-exhaustive list of Native American deities and spirits that may correspond to one of these templates is provided below. The role of coyotes, ravens and snakes spirits in Native American mythologies is also well documented.

DeityDomainsAlignment   Favored Weapon   Portfolio
Great SpiritAnimal, Good, Law, Plant, Sun   LGHandaxeLife, Nature, Creature, Light
SunChaos, Sun, FireCNShortbowLight, Heat
MoonLaw, Good, ProtectionLGDaggerLight, Protection, Women
EarthEarth, Healing, Plant, Water   NSickleLife, Nature, Food
Morning Star   Law, Good, Healing, SunLGNet (Unarmed Strike)Life, Morning
WindAir, Chaos, Plant, WaterCNSpearWeather, Agriculture
FireLaw, Destruction, Evil, Fire   LESpear (flamed tip)Fire, Destruction
ThunderAir, Chaos, Good, LuckCGHandaxeGood Fortune
RavenChaos, Good, TrickeryCGDaggerTrickery and Deception
CoyoteChaos, TrickeryCNDaggerThievery
SnakeAnimal, Good, TimeNGShortbow (poisonned arrows)   Reptiles and Aging

Native American Deities
Note: If you select an actual Native American deity, you may change its alignment if the one listed above would not fit your chosen patron's behavior. The chaos, evil, good and law clerical domains are dropped if they do not correspond to the new alignment, all other clerical domains remain unchanged.

  • The Great Spirit: Areskoui [m] (Wyandot), Dayunsi [m] (Cherokee), Hahgwehdiyu [m] (Iroquois), Manitou [n/a] (Algonquin)
  • Sun: Alkuntam [m] (Nuxalk), Hisakitaimisi [m] (Creek/Muskogee), Tamit [m] (Tongva), Tsohanoai [m] (Navajo), Unelanuki [f] (Cherokee), Shakuru [f] (Pawnee)
  • Moon: Abaangui [m] (Guarani), Aningan [m] (Inuit), Moar [f] (Tongva), Pah [m] (Pawnee), Snoqualm [m] (Snoqualmie)
  • Earth: Hayicanako [f] (Tlingit), Nokomis [f] (Algonquin, Ojibwe)
  • Morning Star: Gendenwitha [f] (Iroquois)
  • Wind: Ahsonnutli [m] (Navajo), Gaoh [m] (Iroquois)
  • Fire: Anaseski Anayehi [f] (Cherokee)
  • Thunder: Asgaya Gigagei [m] (Cherokee), Ehlaumel [m] (Yuki), Haokah [m] (Sioux), Hinu [m] (Iroquois), Kapoonis [m] (Nisqually)

Sources: Legends & Lore, Native American Pantheons Database
« Last Edit: February 13, 2024, 09:41:06 PM by EO »
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Dev. Relationist for the Dark Powers.
1 Old Svalich Stradă, Castle Ravenloft, Barovia