The Forgotten Realms setting is the most known and developped setting for D&D. The continent of Faerūn figures prominently in the product line, but the setting was expanded to include several other continents through the Kara-Tur, Maztica and Al-Qadim settings. The setting is host to a variety of deities and faiths worshipped in numerous different ways. The following section does not focus on all faiths found in the setting, but on the deities that are valid options as patron deities to PC races.
are also suitable options for Faerunian clerics.
If a particular deity is not listed it may not be used as a patron deity. These gods are either dead in 3e FR, do not have official 3e stats, or would not be worshipped by a PC race.
The most common pantheon of gods worshipped by people of Faerūn.
Deity [gender] | Domains | Alignment | Favored Weapon | Portfolio |
Akadi [m] | Air, Travel, Trickery | N | Heavy Flail | Elemental air, Flying creatures, Movement, Speed |
Auril [f] | Air, Evil, Water | NE | Battleaxe | Cold Winter |
Azuth [m] | Magic, Knowledge, Law | LN | Quarterstaff | Shining Hand monks, Spellcasters |
Bahamut [m] | Air, Good, Luck, Protection | LG | Heavy Pick | Good Dragons, Wind, Wisdom |
Bane [m] | Destruction, Evil, Law | LE | Morningstar | Fear, Hatred, Tyranny |
Beshaba [f] | Chaos, Evil, Luck, Trickery | CE | Scourge (Whip) | Accidents, Bad Luck, Misfortune, Random mischief |
Chauntea [f] | Animal, Earth, Good, Plant, Protection | NG | Scythe | Agriculture, Crops, Farmers, Gardeners, Summer |
Cyric [m] | Chaos, Destruction, Evil, Trickery | CE | Longsword | Deception, Illusion, Intrigue, Lies, Murder, Strife |
Deneir [m] | Good, Knowledge, Protection | NG | Dagger | Cartography, Glyphs, Images, Literature, Scribes |
Eldath [f] | Good, Plant, Protection, Water | NG | Net or Unarmed strike | Quiet places, Springs, Pools, Peace, Waterfalls |
Finder Wyvernspur [m] | Chaos, Knowledge | CN | Bastard Sword | Cycles of Life, Saurials, Transformation of Art |
Garagos [m] | Chaos, Destruction, Strength, War | CN | Longsword | Destruction, Plunder, Skill-at-arms, War |
Gargauth [m] | Evil, Law, Trickery | LE | Dagger | Betrayal, Cruelty, Political Corruption, Powerbrokers |
Gond [m] | Earth, Fire, Knowledge | N | Warhammer | Artifice, Construction, Craft, Smithwork |
Grumbar [m] | Earth, Time | N | Warhammer | Elemental Earth, Solidity, Changelessness, Oaths |
Gwaeron Windstrom [f] | Animal, Good, Knowledge, Plant, Travel | NG | Greatsword | Rangers (particularly of the North), Tracking |
Helm [m] | Law, Protection, Strength | LN | Bastard Sword | Guardians, Protectors, Protection |
Hoar [m] | Law, Travel | LN | Javelin (Spear) | Poetic Justice, Retribution |
Ilmater [m] | Good, Healing, Law, Strength | LG | Unarmed Strike | Endurance, Martyrdom, Perseverance, Suffering |
Istishia [f] | Destruction, Travel, Water | N | Warhammer | Water |
Jergal [m] | Death, Law, Repose | LN | Scythe | Fatalism, Guardian of Tombs, Proper Burial |
Kelemvor [m] | Death, Law, Protection, Repose, Travel | LN | Bastard Sword | Death, the Dead |
Kossuth [m] | Destruction, Fire | N(LN) | Spiked Chain | Elemental Fire, Purification through Fire |
Lathander [m] | Good, Protection, Strength, Sun | NG | Mace | Athletics, Birth, Creativity, Dawn, Renewal, Self-perfection, Spring, Vitality, Youth |
Lliira [f] | Chaos, Good, Travel | CG | Shuriken | Dance, Festivals, Happiness, Joy, Freedom, Liberty |
Loviatar [f] | Evil, Law, Strength | LE | Scourge (Whip) | Agony, Hurt, Suffering, Torment, Torture |
Lurue [m] | Animal, Chaos, Good, Healing | CG | Spear | Intelligent nonhumanoid creatures, Talking beasts, |
Malar [m] | Animal, Chaos, Evil, Strength | CE | Claw Bracer | Bloodlust, Evil lycanthropes, Hunters, Marauding beasts and monsters, Stalking |
Mask [m] | Darkness, Evil, Luck, Trickery | NE | Longsword | Shadows, Thievery, Thieves |
Mielikki [f] | Animal, Good, Plant, Travel | NG | Scimitar | Autumn, Dryads, Forest Creatures, Forests, Rangers |
Milil [m] | Good, Knowledge | NG | Rapier | Eloquence, Poetry, Song |
Mystra [f] | Good, Knowledge, Magic | NG(LN) | Shuriken | Magic, Spells, the Weave[ |
Nobanion [m] | Animal, Good, Law | LG | Heavy Pick | Royalty, Lions and Feline Beasts, Good Beasts |
Oghma [m] | Knowledge, Luck, Travel, Trickery | N | Longsword | Bards, Inspiration, Invention, Knowledge |
Red Knight [m] | Law, War | LN | Longsword | Strategy, Planning, Tactics |
Savras [m] | Knowledge, Law, Magic | LN | Dagger | Divination, Fate, Truth |
Selūne [f] | Chaos, Good, Protection, Travel | CG | Heavy Mace | Moon, Stars, Navigation, Navigators, Non-evil Lycanthropes, Questers, Wanderers |
Shar [f] | Darkness, Evil, Knowledge | NE | Chakram (Cutting Wheel) | Caverns, Dark, Dungeons, Forgetfulness, Loss, Night, the Underdark, Unrevealed Secrets |
Sharess [f] | Chaos, Good, Travel, Trickery | CG | Claw Bracer | Cats, Festhalls, Hedonism, Sensual Fulfillment |
Shaundakul [m] | Air, Chaos, Protection, Travel | CN | Greatsword | Caravans, Exploration, Miners, Portals, Travel |
Shiallia [f] | Animal, Good, Plant | NG | Quarterstaff | Growth, the High Forest, Neverwinter Wood, Woodland Fertility, Woodland Glades |
Siamorphe [m] | Knowledge, Law | LN | Light Mace | Nobles, Rightful Noble Rule, Human Royalty |
Silvanus [m] | Animal, Plant, Protection, Water | N | Maul | Wild Nature, Druids |
Sune [f] | Chaos, Good, Protection | CG | Whip | Beauty, Love, Passion |
Talona [f] | Chaos, Destruction, Evil | CE | Unarmed Strike | Disease, Poison |
Talos [m] | Chaos, Destruction, Evil, Fire | CE | Spear | Conflagration, Destruction, Earthquakes, Rebellion, Storms, Vortices |
Tempus [m] | Chaos, Protection, Strength, War | CN | Battleaxe | Battle, War, Warriors |
Tiamat [f] | Evil, Law | LE | Heavy Pick | Chessenta, Evil Dragons, Evil Reptiles, Greed |
Torm [m] | Good, Healing, Law, Protection, Strength | LG | Greatsword | Duty, Loyalty, Obedience, Paladins |
Tymora [f] | Chaos, Good, Luck, Protection, Travel | CG | Shuriken | Adventurers, Good Fortune, Skill, Victory |
Tyr [m] | Good, Knowledge, Law, War | LG | Longsword | Justice |
Ulutiu [m] | Animal, Law, Protection, Strength | LN | Spear | Arctic Dwellers, Glaciers, Polar Environments |
Umberlee [f] | Chaos, Destruction, Evil, Water | CE | Trident | Currents, Oceans, Sea Winds, Waves |
Uthgar [m] | Animal, Chaos, Strength, War | CN | Battleaxe | Physical Strength, Uthgardt Barbarian Tribes |
Valkur [m] | Air, Chaos, Good, Protection | CG | Cutlass | Favorable Winds, Naval Combat, Sailors, Ships |
Velsharoon [m] | Death, Evil, Magic, Undeath | NE | Quarterstaff | Liches, Necromancy, Necromancers, Undeath |
Waukeen [f] | Knowledge, Protection, Travel | N | Nunchaku | Trade, Money, Wealth |
In the distant past, the Faerūnian deity Savras divined that, when the Doom of Abeir-Toril would arrive, Dendar the Night Serpent would come to Faerūn through a portal beneath the Peaks of Flame. To prepare for that day, the god Ubtao volunteered to stand guard until this ominous day occurs in exchange for exclusive dominion over the lands surrounding his post. The other gods agreed and Ubtao become the head, and sole member, of the Chultan Pantheon with complete dominion over the peninsula. The only other cult established in Chult is that of Sseth, an interloper and snake-god who had managed to entice some of the human populations to his worship.
When the Imaskari captured the Mulan people and brought them to Toril, the slaves also brought the worship of their deities. With help from Ao, these deities were able to follow their worshipers and end their servitude.
Deity [gender] | Domains | Alignment | Favored Weapon | Portfolio |
Anhur [m] | Chaos, Good, Strength, War | CG | Falchion | Conflict, Physical Prowess, Rain, Thunder, War |
Bast (Sharess) [f] | Chaos, Good, Travel, Trickery | CG | Claw Bracer | Cats, Festhalls, Hedonism, Sensual Fulfillment |
Geb [m] | Earth, Protection | N | Quarterstaff | Earth, Miners, Mines, Mineral Resources |
Hathor [f] | Good, Luck | NG | Shortsword | Dance, Fate, Folk Music, the Moon, Motherhood |
Horus-Re [m] | Good, Law, Sun | LG | Khopesh (Scimitar) | Life, Rulership, the Sun, Kings, Vengeance |
Isis [f] | Good, Magic, Water | NG | Dagger | Agriculture, Good Magic, Love, Marriage, Rivers, Weather |
Nephthys [f] | Chaos, Good, Protection | CG | Whip | Trade, Protection of Children, Protection of the Dead, Wealth |
Osiris [m] | Death, Good, Law, Plant, Repose | LG | Flail | The Dead, Death, Harvest, Justice, Vegetation |
Sebek [m] | Animal, Evil, Water | NE | Spear | Crocodiles, Rivers, River Hazards, Werecrocodiles, Wetlands |
Set [m] | Air, Darkness, Evil, Law, Magic | LE | Spear | Ambition, Betrayal, the Desert, Destruction, Drought, Evil Magic, Hate, Murder, Night, Poison, Rot, Snakes |
Thoth [m] | Knowledge, Magic | N | Quarterstaff | Invention, Knowledge, Neutral Magic, Scribes, Secrets |
Deity [gender] | Domains | Alignment | Favored Weapon | Portfolio |
Moradin [m] | Earth, Good, Law, Protection | LG | Warhammer | Dwarves, Creation, Metalcraft, Protection, Smithing, Stonework |
Abbathor [m] | Evil, Luck, Trickery | NE | Dagger | Greed |
Berronar Truesilver [f] | Good, Healing, Law, Protection | LG | Heavy Mace | Safety, Honesty, Home, Healing, Records, Marriage, Faithfulness, Loyalty, Oaths |
Clangeddin Silverbeard [m] | Good, Law, Strength, War | LG | Battleaxe | Battle, War, Valor, Bravery, Honor in Battle |
Deep Duerra [f] | Evil, Law, War | LE | Battleaxe | Psionics, Conquest, Expansion |
Dugmaren Brightmantle [m] | Chaos, Good, Knowledge | CG | Shortsword | Discovery, Invention, Scholarship |
Dumathoin [m] | Earth, Knowledge, Protection | N | Maul | Buried Wealth, Ores, Gems, Mining, Exploration, Shield Dwarves, Guardian of the Dead |
Gorm Gulthyn [m] | Good, Law, Protection, War | LG | Battleaxe | Guardian of All Dwarves, Defense, Watchfulness |
Haela Brightaxe [f] | Chaos, Good, Luck, War | CG | Greatsword | Luck in Battle, Joy of Battle, Dwarven Warriors |
Hanseath [m] | Chaos, Strength, Travel, War | CN | Greataxe | Alcohol, Carousing, War |
Laduguer [m] | Evil, Law, Magic, Protection | LE | Warhammer | Artisans, Gray Dwarves, Magic, Magic Weapon Creation |
Marthammor Duin [m] | Good, Protection, Travel | NG | Heavy Mace | Expatriates, Guides, Lightning, Travelers |
Sharindlar [f] | Chaos, Good, Healing | CG | Whip | Courtship, Dancing, Fertility, Gaiety, Healing, Mercy, the Moon, Romantic Love |
Thard Harr [m] | Animal, Chaos, Good, Plant | CG | Spiked Gauntlet | Wild Dwarves, Jungle Survival, Hunting |
Tharmekhūl [m] | Destruction, Fire, War | N | Warhammer | Fire, Forge, Warfare | |
Vergadain [m] | Luck, Trickery | N | Longsword | Chance, Luck, Negotiation, Non-Evil Thieves, Sly Cleverness, Suspicion, Trickery |
Deity [gender] | Domains | Alignment | Favored Weapon | Portfolio |
| |
The Seldarine | |
Corellon Larethian [m] | Chaos, Good, Magic, Protection, War | CG | Longsword | Arts, Crafts, Elves, Magic, Music, Bards, Poetry, War |
Aerdrie Faenya [f] | Air, Animal, Chaos, Good | CG | Quarterstaff | Air, Avariels, Avians, Fertility, Rain, Weather |
Angharrad [f] | Chaos, Good, Knowledge, Plant, Protection | CG | Spear | Birth, Defense, Fertility, Planting, Spring, Wisdom |
Deep Sashelas [m] | Chaos, Good, Knowledge, Water | CG | Trident | Oceans, Sea Elves, Creation, Knowledge, Beauty, Water Magic |
Erevan Ilesere [m] | Chaos, Luck, Trickery | CN | Shortsword | Mischieve, Change, Rogues |
Fenmarel Mestarine [m] | Animal, Chaos, Plant, Travel | CN | Dagger | Druids, Elves, Outcasts, Scapegoats, Isolation |
Hanali Celanil [f] | Chaos, Good, Magic, Protection | CG | Dagger | Romance, Love, Beauty, Enchantment, Fine Arts, Artistry |
Labelas Enoreth [m] | Chaos, Good, Knowledge, Time | CG | Quarterstaff | Time, Longevity, History, The Moment of Choice |
Rellavar Danuvien [m] | Good, Protection, Water | NG | Spear | Frost Magic, Frost Sprites, Protection from the Elements |
Rillifane Rallathil [m] | Chaos, Good, Plant, Protection | CG | Quarterstaff | Woodlands, Nature, Wild Elves |
Sehanine Moonbow [f] | Chaos, Good, Knowledge, Repose, Travel | CG | Quarterstaff | The Moon, the Stars, the Heavens, Dreams, Mysticism, Journeys, Death, Moon Elves |
Shevarash [m] | Chaos, War | CN | Longbow | Hatred of Drow, Crusades, Loss, Vengeance |
Solonor Thelandira [m] | Chaos, Good, Plant, War | CG | Longbow | Archery, Hunting, Wilderness Survival |
Tarsellis Meunniduin [m] | Chaos, Earth, Plant, Water | CN | Spear | Mountains, Rivers, Wild Places |
Vandria Gilmadrith [f] | Law, Protection, War | LN | Longbow | War, Guardianship, Justice, Grief, Vigilance, Decisions |
| |
Drow Pantheon | |
Lolth [f] | Chaos, Darkness, Destruction, Evil, Trickery | CE | Dagger | Assassins, Chaos, Darkness, Drow, Evil, Spiders |
Eilistraee [f] | Chaos, Good | CG | Bastard Sword | Beauty, Dance, Hunting, Moonlight, Song, Swordwork |
Ghaunadaur [m] | Chaos, Evil | CE | Warhammer | Oozes, Slimes, Outcasts, Rebels, All thing subterranean |
Kiaransalee [f] | Chaos, Evil, Undeath | CE | Dagger | Slavery, Vengeance, Undeath |
Selvetarm [m] | Chaos, Evil, War | CE | Heavy Mace | Drow Warriors |
Vhaeraun [m] | Chaos, Evil, Travel, Trickery | CE | Shortsword | Drow males, Evil activity on the surface, Thievery |
Followers in one of the listed heresies must adhere to one of the specified alignments.
The Maztica setting was not updated to 3rd edition D&D. The pantheon is made of 11 divinities: Kukul (god of the stars), Maztica (goddess of the earth and life), Qotal (god of creation, freedom, and pluma magic), Zaltec (god of war, violence, and hishna magic), Azul (god of water and rain), Tezca (god of fire, heat, and the sun), Plutoq (god of stone, clay, and mountains), Kiltzi (goddess of love, fertility, and healing), Watil (goddess of plants and agriculture), Nula (goddess of animals), and Eha (goddess of wind and air).
The male deities are known to be bloodthirsty and demanding of many sacrifices. The female deities are seen as weaker and lacking the gods' thirst for human blood. Of these deities, only Azul has been officially adapted to 3rd edition D&D. The druid class is recommended for any players wishing to play priests of the other deities.
The Celestial Empire, also known as the Celestial Heaven or the Empire of Heaven, is the dominant pantheon of the continent of Kara-Tur, especially in the empire of Shou Lung, and the overarching spiritual state managing its gods, immortals, spirits, dragons, and millions of other creatures, all through the Celestial Bureaucracy. All these entities are paid homage through a faith the Shou call the Path of Enlightenment. The path extoll a series of nine virtues that should be pursued to reach enlightenment. Priests of the Celestial Bureaucracy are not dedicated to a particular power of the pantheon, but to all of them as the situation dictates.
There are no clerics of this faith. Shamans make up for an important part of the priesthood. The rest of the priesthood is made up of sohei, an unsupported warrior-monk class.
The Al-Qadim setting was not updated to 3rd edition D&D. It is host to a wide variety of deities and faiths divided into the Enlightened and Savage faiths. The enlightened deities are grouped into major or Great Gods, worshiped throughout Zakhara, and local or common gods, worshiped only in a certain region, sometimes just a single town. Savage gods are those opposing these virtues.
The eight great gods are: Hajama (God of bravery), Hakiyah (Goddess of honesty and truth), Haku (God of freedom), Jisan (Goddess of fertility and productivity), Kor (God of wisdom), Najm (God or goddess of adventure), Selan (Goddess of beauty), and Zann (God of knowledge, learning, and intellect). Of the Zakharan pantheon, only Haku, a god of Freedom, has been updated to 3rd edition D&D.
Sources: Faiths and Pantheons, Lost Empires of Faerun, Races of Stone, Races of the Wild, Serpent Kingdoms, Dragon Magazine #236 (The Seldarine Revisited), Kara-Tur the Eastern Realms, Elder Evils.