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Author Topic: Ravenloft Languages Resources  (Read 97941 times)

Soren / Zarathustra217

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Ravenloft Languages Resources
« on: January 02, 2010, 10:28:45 AM »
Flavouring your roleplay with language-specific words can be an excellent way to add a sense of ethnicity and depth to the world. However, always keep in mind that not everyone may be familiar with these vocabularies, so use them in moderation - primarily for flavouring - and be prepared to explain what your character is saying if there’s any doubt.

Below is a list of the main languages spoken in the Core and elsewhere in the Mists:

    * Abber (Nightmare Lands) – Native American inspired
    * Akiri (Har’akir) – Egyptian
    * Avergnite (Staunton Bluffs) – Probably English
    * Balok – Romanian
    * Darkonese – Latin
    * Dwarven – Norse
    * Elven – Welsh
    * Falkovnian – German
    * Forfarian (Forlorn) – Gaelic (Scottish)
    * Farellian (Farelle) – ?
    * Gnomish – Greek/ Latin
    * Grabenite (Graben Island, Nocturnal Sea) – Nordic
    * Lamordian – Plautdietsch
    * Luktar – Hungarian
    * Mordentish, Low & High – Anglo-Saxon & French (Regional specificities Mordent | Dementlieu | Richemulot)
    * Nosian (Nosos) – ?
    * Odiarian (Odiare) – Italian (it's the actual Italian language)
    * Old Kartakan – Serbian
    * Patterna – any and all
    * Pharazian – Arabic
    * Rajian (Sri Raji) – Hindi
    * Rokuma (Rokushima Taiyoo) – Japanese
    * Sithican – Silvanesti Language (Krynn)
    * Souragnien (Souragne) - Cajun
    * Tepestani (Tepest) – Gaelic (Irish)
    * Vaasi – Norwegian/ Danish (Regional specificities Nova Vaasa | Hazlan | Kartakass)
    * Vos (Vorostokov) – Russian
    * Zherisian (Paridon) - ?

A pronunciation guide for domain and darklord names is also available.

The list of corresponding supported prefixes for the language system can be found here or in-game by typing @lang help.

A Few Tips

Just a reminder: please use these foreign words in moderation. A little goes a long way. When used sparingly, they add flourish to your roleplay; when overused, they become a crutch. While there’s no hard and fast rule, a general guideline is that no more than one-third of the words in a sentence should be foreign.

:arrow: Avoid direct translations: Many of these languages have different grammatical rules and slang than English. You don’t need to take a course in these languages, but if you’re unsure about a phrase or word, avoid using it. Tools like Google Translate or ChatGPT can produce inaccurate results.

:arrow: Don't invent hybrid words: Translating English composite words (e.g., "anyone") into a mix of English and another language (like "anyunu" for Romanian) sounds awkward. Instead, use the correct term (e.g., "oricine" in Romanian, meaning "whoever").

:arrow: Use context clues: The foreign words you use should be easily understood from the context of your sentence. Pick a few key terms (e.g., "da"for "yes") and use them consistently. This helps others infer their meaning without confusion.
« Last Edit: December 25, 2024, 01:44:58 PM by EO »

Soren / Zarathustra217

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« Reply #1 on: January 02, 2010, 10:29:13 AM »

The predominant language of Barovia, Balok is often described as having thick, guttural consonants and is not particularly pleasant to the ear. It is the language of ethnic Barovians, but is also the primary language of Borca and Invidia. The real life counterpart of the language seems to be Romanian.

Primary Language in: Barovia, Borca, G'Henna, Invidia
Secondary Language in: Hazlan, Kartakass, Richemulot, Sithicus, Verbrek

Sample Vocabulary

good morning; good day: bunã ziua
goodbye: adio
yes: da
no: nu
help!: ajutor!
go away!: se duce!
night: noapte
gypsy; thief: tigan
ceatsã: mist; fog
om, oamensc: man
femeie: woman
child: copil
life: viata
death: moarte
love: iubire
poison (noun): méreg
conspire: comploia
money: bani
day: zi
sun: soare
moon: luna
town: oras
inn: han
betrayal: tradare
jealousy: geloize
scarred: tepurich
mayor: burgomeister
rural landowner: boyar
heaven: refugiu
hell: iadul

Common Sayings, Adages & Proverbs of Barovia

“Never Again Conquered, Home Forevermore” - an expression of pride in the realm of Barovia, also written in Balok on the tail side of Barovian coin.
“Nothing can kill a man as quickly, or as slowly, as the Balinoks.” - the Balinoks are the jagged, breathtakingly-high, mountain chain that Barovia straddles, impassable and snow-choked nine months out of the year. The highest peaks are Mount Baratok, Mount Sawtooth (surrounded by a ring of fog near its peak), and Mount Ghakis, all over 7000 feet tall, among others.
“The Devil Strahd” - nickname for Count Strahd von Zarovich XI, Lord of Barovia.
“Devil’s Descent” - nickname for the Old Svalich Road leading east out of the village of Vallaki, twisting and descending through the Old Svalich Forest toward the village of Barovia in the shadow of Castle Ravenloft, looming over top the village from a 1000-foot cliff
“The Eyes and Ears of Strahd” - reference to the wolves of Barovia.
“The Sheriff” - reference to renowned and feared Barovian soldier/killer, Sheriff Von Zarovich
“The Zarovan can be sought by anyone, but they can only be found by those whom they themselves seek” - the Zarovan are a tribe of Vistana. The expression refers to the Tser Camp, a semi-permanent vistana camp outside the village of Barovia’s ring of fog

Standard phrases
Common Romanian phrases to help flavour the native roleplay further.

Breakfast: "micul dejun" (MEE-kool deh-ZHOON)
Buddy / Friend: "prieten" (Pre-Eh-Ten)
Bye: "Pa" ("PAH")
       "Servus" [sehr-VOOS] (in informal occasions in Barovia (/Transylvania))
Damn it!: "La dracu!" (la Drah-coo)
Devil: "Drac" (Drahc)
Excuse me. (Getting attention): "Pardon" (pahr-DOHN) or "Vă rog" (vuh ROHG)
Excuse me. (begging pardon, moving through crowd): "Pardon" (pahr-DOHN)
Fine, thank you.: Mulţumesc, bine." (mool-tzu-MESK BEE-nay)
Go away!: "se duce!" (se du-ssa)
Go to the devil!: "Dudevilte dracului!" (Doo-Devil-Te Drah-Cool-e)
Good-bye: "La revedere" (lah reh-veh-DEH-reh)
               "adio" (ah-dio)
Good day: "Bună ziua" (BOO-nuh zee-wah)
Good evening: "Bună seara" (BOO-nuh syah-ruh)
Good morning: "Bună dimineaţa" (BOO-nuh dee-mee-NYAH-tzuh)
Good night (to sleep): "Noapte bună" (NWAHP-teh BOO-nuh)
Hello!: "Salut." (sah-LOOT)
         "Bună!" (BOO-nuh)
Help!: "Ajutor!" (ah-zhoo-TOR)
Hi!: "Ha!" (Hah)
Horse: "Cal" (cal)
How are you?: "Ce mai faci?" (cheh my FAHTCH)
I can't speak Balok [well].: "Nu vorbesc [bine] Balok." (NOO vor-BESC [BEE-nay] Bah-lohk)
I don't understand: "Nu înţeleg" (NOO oohn-tzeh-LEG)
I'm Hungry: "Mi-e Foame" (Me-ae fo-ah-may)
I'm Thirsty: "Mi-e Sete" (Me-ae set-te)
I'm Tired: "Mi-e Somn" (Me-ae sohm)
I'm Scared: "Mi-e Frica" (Me-ae fri-cah)
I'm sorry: "Îmi pare rău" (oohm pah-reh RUH-OH)
Is there someone here who speaks Balok?: "Vorbeşte cineva aici Balok?" (vor-BESH-teh CHEEH-neh-vah AY-eetch Bah-lohk)
Job: "ocupaţie" (ohcoo-pah-te-eh)
Knight: "cavaler" (Kah-vah-lar)
Lady: "doamnă" (Doam-nah)
Left: "stânga" (STOOHN-gah)
Look out!: "Atenţie" (ah-TEN-tzee-eh)
Lunch: "dejun" (deh-ZHOON)
Miss ______: "domnişoară _______" (DOM-ne-SO-ahra)
Mist / Fog: "ceatsâ" (seh-ah-tsa)
Mister ______: "domn ______" (DOMN)
My name is ______.: "Numele meu e ______." (NOO-meh-leh MEH-oo yeh ______.)
Name: "nume" (noo-me)
Nice to meet you.: "Încântat" (oohn-kahn-taht) or "Îmi pare bine" (OOHM pah-reh BEE-neh)
No: "Nu" (NOO)
Please: "Vă rog" (vuh ROHG; usually follows the request.)
Right: "dreapta" (DRYAP-tah)
See you soon: "Pe curând" ("peh cur-OOHND")
Straight ahead: "drept înainte" (DREHPT oohn-ay-EEN-teh)
Temple: "templu" (tem-ploo)
Thank you: "Mulţumesc" (mool-tzoo-MESK)
Thank you very much: "Mulţumesc mult." (mool-tzoo-MESK moolt)
What is your name? (formal): "Cum vă numiţi? (coom vuh noo-MEETZ)
What's your name? (informal): "Cum te cheamă? (coom teh KYAHM-uh)
Witchcraft: "vrajă" (vrah-jah)
Yes: "Da" (DAH)
You're welcome: "Cu plăcere" (koo pluh-CHAIR-eh)


Am I under arrest?: Sunt arestat? (SOONT ah-rest-AHT ?)
I'll call the guards.: "Chem garda." (kem Gahrd-ah)
Guards!: "Garda!" (Gahrd-ah!)
I haven't done anything wrong.: N-am facut nimic rău. (NAHM fah-COOT nee-MEEC RUH-oh)
I lost my bag.: "Mi-am pierdut valiza" (mee-AHM pee-ehr-DOOT vah-LEE-zah)
I lost my wallet.: "Mi-am pierdut portmoneul/portofelul." (mee-AHM pee-ehr-DOOT POHRT-mohn-eh-ool/POHRT-o-FEH-Loo)
I'm lost.: "M-am rătăcit" (mahm ruh-tuh-CHEET)
I'm sick.: "Sunt bolnav." (SOONT bohl-NAHV)
I need your help (formal "your").: "Am nevoie de ajutorul dumneavoastra" (AHM neh-VOY-eh deh ah-ZHOO-tohr-ool doom-nyah-VWAH-strah)
I need your help (informal "your").: "Am nevoie de ajutorul tău" (AHM neh-VOY-eh deh ah-ZHOO-tor-ool tuh-oo)
It's an emergency.: "E o urgenţă" (YEH oh oor-JEHN-tzuh)
I've been injured.: "Sunt accidentat." (SOONT ahk-chee-dehn-TAHT)
I need a priest.: "Am nevoie de preot" (AHM neh-VOY-eh deh preh-oth)
It was a misunderstanding.: A fost o neînţelegere. (AH fohst oh neh-uhn-tzeh-leh-geh-reh)
Leave me alone.: "Lasă-mă în pace" (LAH-suh muh oohn PAH-cheh)
Stop! Thief! : "Stai! Tigan!" (STAAY! HOHTZ!)
Where are you taking me?: Unde mă duceţi? (OON-deh muh DOOH-chets)


1: unu (OO-noo)
2: doi (doy)
3: trei (tray)
4: patru (PAH-troo)
5: cinci (cheench)
6: şase (SHAH-seh)
7: şapte (SHAHP-teh)
8: opt (ohpt)
9: nouă (NOH-uh)
10: zece (ZEH-cheh)
11: unsprezece (OON-spreh-zeh-cheh, usually shortened to just unşpe, OON-shpeh even in formal speech; similarly, for all numbers up to 19)
12: doisprezece (DOY-spreh-zeh-cheh)
13: treisprezece (TRAY-spreh-zeh-cheh)
14: paisprezece (PIE-spreh-zeh-cheh)
15: cincisprezece (CHEENCH-spreh-zeh-cheh)
16: şaisprezece (SHY-spreh-zeh-cheh)
17: şaptisprezece (SHAHP-tee-spreh-zeh-cheh)
18: optsprezece (OPT-spreh-zeh-cheh)
19: nouăsprezece (NO-uh-spreh-zeh-cheh)
20: douăzeci (DOH-uh ZETCH)
21: douăzeci şi unu (DOH-uh ZETCH shee OO-nu)
22: douăzeci şi doi (DOH-uh ZETCH shee DOY)
23: douăzeci şi trei (DOH-uh ZETCH shee TRAY)
30: treizeci (TRAY ZETCH)
40: patruzeci (PAH-troo ZETCH)
50: cincizeci (CHEENCH ZETCH, but often more like CHEEN-zetch)
60: şaizeci (SHAH-ee ZETCH)
70: şaptezeci (SHAHP-teh ZETCH)
80: optzeci (OHPT zetch)
90: nouăzeci (NO-uh ZETCH)
100: o sută (OH SOO-tuh)
105: o sută cinci (OH SOO-teh CHEENCH)
200: două sute (DOH-uh SOO-teh)
300: trei sute (TRAY SOO-teh)
400: patru sute (....)
500: cinci sute
600: şase sute
700: şapte sute
800: opt sute
900: nouă sute
1000: o mie (oh MEE-eh)
2000: două mii (DOH-uh MEE)
1,000,000: un milion (OON mee-LEE-ohn)
half: jumătate (joo-muh-TAH-teh, often shortened to joo-MAH-teh)
less: mai puţin (MY poo-TZEEN)
more: mai mult (my moolt)
number: numărul


day: zi (OH ZEE)
hour: oră (OH OHR-uh)
midnight: miezul nopţii (mee-EHZ-ool NOHP-tzee)
month: lună (OH LOO-nuh)
night: noapte (no-ahpte)
noon: prânz (proohnz)
today: astăzi(ah-STUHZ)
tomorrow: mâine (MUY-neh)
week: săptămână (OH suhp-tuh-MOOHN-uh)
year: an (oon AHN)
yesterday: ieri (yehr)


black: negru (NEH-groo)
white: alb (ahlb)
gray: gri (gree)
red: roşu (ROH-shoo)
blue: albastru (ahl-BAH-stroo)
yellow: galben (GAHL-behn)
green: verde (VEHR-deh)
orange: portocaliu (pohr-toh-KAH-lee-oo)
purple: mov (mohv)
brown: maro (mah-ROH)


cornmeal mush: mamliga
pork wrapped in cabbage or grape leaves: sarmale
pork stew with onions and garlic: tocana
grilled pork and lamb meatballs: mititei
grilled sausage: patricieni
pastry and fruit turnovers: placinte
plum brandy: tsuika

Monsters / Foes

a beguiling woman who tempts men to drown themselves: veela
a bloodsucking crone: nocnitsa
hag: hârcă (hahr-kah)
ghost: strigoi (strii-goi)
gypsy: tigan (tih-gan)
moth demon: mahr
orchard nymph: orchard nymph: poludnitsa
phantom: fantomă (fahn-toh-mah)
undead: imorţii (e-mor-tee)
vampire: vampir, vrolok  (vam-pihr, fro-lohk)
werewolf: vârcolac (wahr-coh-lahk)
wolf: lup (loop)
« Last Edit: September 30, 2021, 10:37:00 AM by MAB77 »

Soren / Zarathustra217

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« Reply #2 on: January 02, 2010, 10:31:58 AM »

Luktar is the native tongue of the Gundarakites, the realm annexed by Barovia during The Great Upheaval in Year 740 Barovian Calendar. The language of the ethnic Gundarakites has alternately been described as having a sing-song cadence or a hive of angry wasps. The real life counterpart is Hungarian.

Primary Language: ethnic Gundarakites in Barovia and Invidia
Secondary Language in: Borca

Luktar Primer
szervusz! - cheers
viszlat - goodbye
igen - yes
nem - no
segitseg! - help
utazik messze! - go away!
fellazad - to rebel
zsarnok - king; tyrant
szabadsag! - freedom!
voishlacka - vampire

Standard phrases

Cheers!: "szervusz!" (sar-voos)
Do you speak Luktar?: Beszél luktarul? (BE-seyl look-tahr-ool?)
Excuse me. (getting attention): Elnézést. (EL-ney-zeysht)
Excuse me. (begging pardon): Sajnálom. (Sai-nah-lom)
Fine, thank you.: Köszönöm, jól. (KØ-sø-nøm, yoal)
Freedom: "szabadság" (sczah-bah-dsahg)
Goodbye: Viszontlátásra. (VEE-sont-la-tash-rå)
Goodbye (informal): Viszlát/Szia. (VEES-lat/SEE-å)
Good morning. (before around 9 AM): Jó reggelt! (yoa REG-gelt)
Good morning. (after 9 AM): Jó napot! (yoa NÅ-pot) 
Good afternoon.: Jó napot! (yoa NÅ-pot)
Good evening.: Jó estét! (yoa ESH-teyt)
Good night.: Jó éjt! or Jó éjszakát! (yoa eyt / yoa EY-så-kat)
Hello.: Szervusz. (SER-voos)
Hello. (informal): Szia. (SEE-å) [like English "See ya!", (what a coincidence!)]
How are you?: Hogy vagy? (hodj vådj)
I can't speak Luktar.: Nem beszélek luktarul. (nem bas-ce-lag look-tahr-ool)
I don't understand.: Nem értem. (nem EYR-tem)
I'm sorry.: Bocsánat. (BO-cha-nåt)
My name is ______ .: "______ vagyok." ( _____ VÅ-djok.)
Nice to meet you.: Örvendek. (ØR-ven-dek)
No.: Nem. (nem)
Please.: Kérem. (KEY-rem)
Thank you.: Köszönöm. (KØ-sø-nøm)
to rebel: "fellázad" (fa-la-zscahd)
tyrant / king: "zsarnok" (szcahr-nok)
What is your name?: Hogy hívják? (hodj HEEV-yak?)
Yes.: Igen. (EE-gen)
You're welcome.: Szívesen. (SEE-ve-shen)


Go away!: Menjen innét! (man-jane enat)
Help!: Segítség! (SHE-geet-sheyg!)
Look out!: Vigyázz! (VEE-djaz)

Source: Wikipedia Hungerian Phrasebook; Ravenloft Gazetteer I
« Last Edit: September 30, 2021, 11:21:04 AM by MAB77 »

Soren / Zarathustra217

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« Reply #3 on: January 02, 2010, 10:37:08 AM »

The spoken language of Falkovnia. Falkovnian is notable for its ability to evolve new terms and to convey complex nuances in a single word. The real life counterpart of the language is German.

Primary Language in: Falkovnia

Falkovnian Primer
arayngeyn - enter
abrieisan - leave
yo - yes
neyn - no
hilf - help!
zutsuruckziehein! - withdraw!
soldat - soldier
krieg - war
imstechen - impaled
falk - hawk
zweifalk - two-headed hawk
wursts - sausages
lager - beer
abfalduz - an addictive chewed herb from a vine that causes one to become shiftless and glassy-eyed, staining the teeth green.
brandtoffizir - a notary who signs marriages into law, hence the marriage is formally recognized by the state (required).
Talon - elite soldier of the Falkovnian army
Kingfuhrer - king, proper title of political ruler Vlad Drakov
Falkfuhrer - the proper title of a minister, such as Falkfuhrer Vigo Drakov, Minister of the Central Prison
Stadtfuhrer - the proper title of the governor of a city
Wachekapitan - the proper title of the captain of a city watch
Silberkudexa - the oldest known written text with reference to Falkovnia
Zeitsgraeng - name of the scriber of "The Silberkudexa"
Silberkopf - the Drakov family’s summer palace in the southwestern city of Silbervas, Jewel of Falkovnia
Weissfalkund - the wooded slopes of northwestern Falkovnia at the southern tip of The Sleeping Beast Mountains of bordering Lamordia
Dunkelhertzwald - the thickly forested area in northern Falkovnia, an extension of The Forest of Shadows from neighboring Darkon.
Seelewald - the ancient forest that encompasses Falkovnia’s heart, its interior never seen by human eyes.
Nachtfliegen Woods - dark bat-infested woods northeast of the city of Silbervas in southwestern Falkovnia
Bralgaoljanglangzeit Bridge - bridge-prison of jangling chains, the western gate of the city of Lekar
"Vigilia Dimortia" - “Sentries of Death”. Also the name of a slowly expanding blighted forest along the southeastern side of Falkovnia as it approaches The Shadow Rift, Borca, and the northern tip of the Balinok Mountains.
frau - mrs
zauberkunst - magic
zauberei - sorcery
zauberer - sorcerer
zauberin - sorceress
hexenmeister - wizard
hexe - witch, hag
schwert - sword
untermensch(en) - subhuman(s), derogatory for any non-human

Common Sayings, Adages, and Proverbs of Falkovnia
“Sacrifice Formations” - vanguard of physically capable but dismally armed and armored prisoners forced into service by the army during wartime, often used for suicide charges or human shields for officers
“Breed out the taint” - in reference to Vlad Drakov’s decree that any with even a taint of elven blood in their veins be enslaved or slain
“The Granite Ramparts” - a euphemism for the cemetaries that dot the forests at Falkovnia’s northern border, a legacy of the Dead Man’s Campaign, Vlad Drakov’s failed invasions of Darkon.
“The Silver Hawk”, “The Crimson Hawk” - invocations of the memories of the old gods by the superstitious
“The Hawk” - nickname of Kingfurer Vlad Drakov
“Breadbasket of the Core” - referring to Falkovnia’s climate conducive to extended and clement spring planting and fall harvesting seasons. Due to its size and rich soil, Falkovnian exports of grain serve the role of feeding many of the poor in other realms
“Scythe’s Crescent” - the vast, waving golden fields of wheat of central Falkovnia
“Spawn of the Lizard” - reference to the kobolds of the Crumbling Hills in southeastern Falkovnia
“The Basilisk” - the notorious leader of the Spawn of the Lizard
“The Hawk-Winged Butcher” - an old nickname of Vlad Drakov, known only to old timers, mostly
“The Jewel of Falkovnia” - nickname for the city of Silbervas in southwest Falkovnia, overlooking Lake Kriegvogel fed by the Scharhag River
“Year of the Grey Wyrm” - in reference to the year 741 BC (about 40 years ago) when a leviathan resembling a monstrous gray, winged eel rose from Lake Kriegvogel, swallowing several boats and rampaging through the city of Silbervas

Standard phrases
Breakfast: "Frühstück" (fruee-shtueek)
Buddy / Friend: "Freund" (froynd)
Bye: Tschüss" ("tshueess")
Damn it!: "Verdammt!" (fair-dahmt)
Devil: "Teufel" (toy-fel)
Excuse me.: "Entschuldigung" (ant-shuhl-dee-goong)
Fine, thank you.: "Gut, danke" (goohd, dank-a)
Go to the devil!: "Zum Teufel mit Dir!" (zom toy-fel meet deer)
Good day: "Guten Tag" (goohten tahg)
Good evening: "Guten Abend" (goohten ah-bent)
Good morning: "Guten Morgen" (goohten morgen)
Good night (to sleep): Gute Nacht" (goohte na-ch-t)
Hello!: "hallo" (hah-lo)
Help!: "Hilfe!" (hee-lfe)
Horse: "Pferd" (pfa-rd)
How are you?: "Wie geht's?" (wee gayt's)
I can't speak Falkovnian.: "Ich kann kein Falkovnianisch." (Ichh kahn kighn Falkovnianish)
I don't understand: "Ich verstehe nicht" (Ichh fair-shtay-a nichht)
I'm Hungry: "Ich habe hunger" (Ichh hahb-a hoon-gar)
I'm Thirsty: "Ich habe durst" (Ichh hahb-a doorst)
I'm Tired: "Ich bin müde / muede" (ichh been muy-da)
I'm Scared: "Ich fürchte / fuerchte mich" (ichh fuyr-chta meechh)
I'm sorry: "es tut mir Leid" (as toot meer layd)
Is there someone here who speaks Falkovnian?: "Ist hier jemand, der Falkovnian spricht?" (Ist here ie-mahnt dar Falkovnian spreechht)
Job: "Arbeit" (ahr-beyt)
Knight: "Ritter" (reet-air)
Lady: "Dame" (dah-ma)
Left: "links" (links)
Look out!: "Achtung" (achh-toong)
Lunch: "Mittagessen" (meet-ahg as-ssen)
Miss ______: "Fräulein / Fraeulein _______" (froy-leyn)
Mister ______: "Herr ______" (hair)
My name is ______.: "Mein Name ist ______." (meyn nahm-a isst ______.)
Name: "Name" (Nahm-a)
No: "Nein" (neyn)
Please: "bitte" (beet-a)
Right: "rechts" (ra-chhs) (direction)
         "richtig" (reech-teg) (correct)
See you soon: "Bis bald" ("beess bahlt")
Straight ahead: "geradeaus" (ga-rah-da-ou-ss)
Temple: "Tempel" (tem-pal)
Thank you: "Danke" (dahn-ka)
Thank you very much: "Vielen Dank" (veel-an dahnk)
What is your name? (formal): "Wie ist Ihr Name? (wee isst eer nah-ma) (old fashioned)
What's your name? (informal): "Wie heißt Du? (wee hey-sst doo)
Witchcraft: "Hexerei" (hex-a-rey)
Yes: "Ja" (ia)
You're welcome: "Bitte" (bee-ta)

Am I under arrest?: Bin ich unter Arest?
I'll call the guards.: Ich werde die Wache rufen!
Guards!: Wache!
I haven't done anything wrong.: Ich habe nichts Falsches gemacht!
I lost my bag.: Ich habe meine Tasche verloren.
I'm lost.: Ich habe mich verirrt.
I'm sick.: Mir ist schlecht.
I need your help (formal "your").: Ich brauche Ihre Hilfe!
I need your help (informal "your").: Ich brauche Deine Hilfe!
It's an emergency.: Es ist ein Notfall!
I've been injured.: Ich wurde verlezt!
I need a priest.: Ich brauche einen Priester.
It was a misunderstanding.: Es war ein Missverständnis.
Leave me alone. (spoken to one person): Lass mich alleine!
Leave me alone. (spoken to a group): Lasst mich alleine!
Stop! Thief! : Halt! Dieb!
Where are you taking me?: Wo bringt Ihr mich hin?

At your comand! - Zu Befehl!
Attack! - Angriff!
Army - Armee
Battle - Schlacht
Battlefield - Schlachtfeld
Captain - Hauptmann
Destroy them! - Vernichtet sie!
General - General
Honor - Ehre
Impale - pfählen
No sir - Nein, Herr!
Officer - Offizier
Sergeant - Unteroffizier
Soldier - Soldat
Staff Sergeant - Feldwebel
Torture - Folter
War - Krieg
Yes sir! - Jawohl!

The Umlauts, ä ö ü, can be written ae oe ue, respectively.
ß can be written as ss. Not all instances of ss are appropriately written as ß, however.
« Last Edit: September 30, 2021, 12:36:45 PM by MAB77 »

Soren / Zarathustra217

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« Reply #4 on: January 02, 2010, 10:41:34 AM »

This language is described as having harmonious vowels.

Primary Language In: Hazlan, Nova Vaasa, Kartakass, Valachan

Secondary Language In: Barovia, Darkon, Invidia, Mordent, Graben Island, Liffe, Sithicus, Tepest, Verbrek

Sample Vocabulary:

good day: godaag
goodbye: afsked
yes: jao
no: ikke
help!: jaal!
leave this place!: afgaa herfra opstille!
magic: trolddom, trylleri
wizard: trolddommem
fire: skyde, arfbrand
man: mennekene
woman: kvinde
child: barn
life: liv
death: endeligt
love: elske, have kaer
music: musik, noder, tonlist
timber: tømmer
day: daag
night: natten
sun: solen
moon: moarne
town: byan, plads
inn: kroen
thank you: takk
spirit: spøkelse
tax: skatt
horse: hest
horseman, rider: hestmand
cat: kat
crime: forbrydelse
grass: graes
nobleman: ædelmand
commoner: lavmand
merchant: købmand

Use these links for additional on the Nova Vaasan, Hazlani and Kartakan dialects.
« Last Edit: September 30, 2021, 12:23:23 PM by MAB77 »


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Re: Ravenloft Languages
« Reply #5 on: January 02, 2010, 09:08:28 PM »

This language is separated into two distinct dialects with entirely different vocabularies and even different grammar. "High" Mordentish is spoken by the nobility, while "Low" Mordentish is spoken by the common folk. The mingling of these two dialects has created an incredibly flexible language that is widely regarded throughout the world as the language of literature.

While the two dialects mostly blend, a good number of phrases can still be misunderstood. This experience can come as a surprise to the traveler who thinks themselves fluent in the local tongue, only to occasionally find large gaps in their understanding of the speaker. As for the tongue itself, it is a deep, rather guttural language whose dichotomous origins are clearly evident with shorthand expressions and rather standoffish utterances, used liberally throughout everyday life by even the most refined aristocrats. On the other hand, Mordentish is also the language of great literature. Mordentish folk in a formal environment can summon up concise but eloquent language to rival any orator.

In comparison to real world languages, "Low" Mordentish is analagous to Anglo-Saxon or Old English, while "High" Mordentish is comparable to French.

Primary Language in: Borca, Mordent, Dementlieu, Richemulot, Verbrek, Ghastria

Secondary Language in: Darkon, Dominia, Falkovnia, Invidia, Lamordia, Sithicus, Valachan

"Low" Mordentish Sample Vocabulary:
"Low" MordentishEnglish
wes thu halgreetings, farewell (lit. "be you well")
Ia! eala!ah! alas!
faran aweg!go away!
heathusigel, sôl, sunnesun
hûs, inn, tôcirhûsinn
feorh, gâst, scuccaspirit
holm, mereocean, sea
lyfthelm, mist, nipmist, fog
æthelingnoble (noun)
bôkere, scôlerescholar
byrde, weligaffluent
begietan dun!get below! (a common curse)
carl, mann, rincman
fæmne, wif, æwewoman
feorhgedal, swyltdeath
ator, lybbpoison (noun)
mynett, sceattmoney
bealudangerous, unwise
ceasterbuendfool, outsider, civilized person

"High" Mordentish Sample Vocabulary:

"High" MordentishEnglish
oh! hélas!oh! alas!
en allez vous!go away!
océan, merocean, sea
brume, brouillardmist, fog
savantnoble (noun), scholar
malinaffluent, astute
decendre!get below! (a common curse)
poison, toxine, veninpoison (noun)

Use these links for additional on the Mordentish, Dementlieuse and Richemuloise dialects.
« Last Edit: September 30, 2021, 12:22:19 PM by MAB77 »

Bluebomber4evr: The Justice, not you, since 2002


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Re: Ravenloft Languages
« Reply #6 on: January 02, 2010, 09:11:48 PM »

The language of Darkon is both complex and highly structured. It has not spread far from Darkon's borders, but the immense size of the kingdom and its huge population are enough to ensure the significance of the language. Since Darkon has a large demihuman population, many of them mix Darkonese with their racial tongues. Many wizards have found that the precise definitions found in the language make for ideal magical writings.

In comparison to real world languages, Darkonese is analogous to Latin.

Primary Language In: Darkon, Necropolis

Secondary Language In: Falkovnia, Lamordia, Nova Vaasa, Liffe, Dominia, Tepest

Sample Vocabulary:

adiuva me!help!
abi!go away!
miraedivine magic, wonders
« Last Edit: January 02, 2010, 09:14:52 PM by Bluebomber4evr »

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Re: Ravenloft Languages
« Reply #7 on: January 02, 2010, 09:14:08 PM »

Lamordian is a flat and guttural language which superficially resembles a mixture of Darkonese, Falkovnian, and Mordentish. The Lamordian alphabet has hundreds of sounds such as dipthongs and slurs that would be considered entirely new letters in other languages. Lamordian has euphemistic compound words, odd idiomatic expressions, and a needlessly complex system of tenses and genders. Lamordians are very proud of their language and make it a point to correct foreigners who mispronounce a word or make a grammatical error.

Lamordian is analogous with the Plautdietsch (low german) language of the real world.

Primary Language In: Lamordia

Secondary Language In: Darkon, Falkovnia, Dementlieu, Dominia

Common Sayings, Adages, and Proverbs of Lamordia
“Deaf as a braceman” - referring to the hearing loss common to the second man helping to operate a two-man teamed blunderbuss or artillery installation
“Peasant-sense” - referring to a belief in simple, pragmatic, rational, practicality. often used as witty repartee to counter or trump an over-analyzation or tyrade of muddled academic jargon

Lamordian Primer
goodendach - greetings; good day
aufscheet - goodbye
jo - yes
na - no
halpe! - help!
aufriese! - go away
oatst - physician
fe’nunft - rationality; reason
stiem - blizzard
je’spanst - phantom; bogeyman
schloss - castle
stautshuss - town hall
kjleen flocke - children; little snowflakes; little sister
schlade - wooden sleigh
autknosse - skis
schneeschoo - snowshoes
je’stuckt - culinary tradition of bland meat, heavy and tasteless potatoes, and hearty vegetables
worscht - sausage with dumplings
suarefleesch - pot roast marinated in vinegar
schnad - fried veal cutlet
kommkje - finely chopped trout, perch, or sole, with red cabbage
suarekomst - salted and fermented cabbage
kjnipse - a strong, dry liquor
dakj fe’nunft - the smothering of reason
Groot Tankjet Raut - The Great Clockwork; “time” in a philosophical sense
feftelstoff - The Mists; viewed as an enigmatic substance binding the cosmos together
easchtwolk - mercurial but everlasting pool of creation
weltaulkugel - the cosmic orb
schult - mayor
schultebott - a town council
stautsrote - member of the schultebott
putsendoona - troublemaker; one who has no pride
schepvangek - a captain of a unit of a Lamordian militaman ski patrol
Riefa Spandwaw - The Cobweb River
Riefa Schwoat - The Black River
Riefa Riepje’buare - The Rimeborn River
Maa Trua - The Sea of Sorrows
Essenboch Somp - Heath of Fevered Tears
Finja - The Finger, a collective term for string of islands off the coast of Lamordia in The Sea of Sorrows, including The Isle of Agony
Schlaptia - The Sleeping Beast Mountains
"Oatst Wonsennijch" - “The Mad Doctor” (Victor Mordenheim)
"Insel Weedoag", or, "Wonhuss Deiwel" - "The Isle of Agony", or, the “Devil’s Domicile”

A Plautdietsch Lexicon (Low German Dictionary) is available at
« Last Edit: September 30, 2021, 12:39:09 PM by MAB77 »

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Re: Ravenloft Languages
« Reply #8 on: January 02, 2010, 09:18:09 PM »

Forfarians in Forlorn speak this language in exclusion to any other. Forfarians in other lands are taught this language alongside the native tongue of their adopted homeland. The Forfarian language is often described as "brogue."

In comparison to real world languages, Forfarian is analogous to Scottish Gaelic.

Primary Language in: Forlorn

Secondary Language in: Barovia, Hazlan

Sample Vocabulary:

daenacht haelgreetings
beannachd leatgoodbye
màs e do thoil eplease
taing thuthank you
rach air falbh!go away!
saoghal ceòmists
càite bià an òsdaWhere is an inn?
car fiacail margoblyn
màgl corlich
rinn deuinegolem
seann bàsancient dead
fìrinneach meirleachVistani
bean marhag
craobh coisichtreant
« Last Edit: September 30, 2021, 11:02:48 AM by MAB77 »

Bluebomber4evr: The Justice, not you, since 2002


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Re: Ravenloft Languages
« Reply #9 on: January 02, 2010, 09:21:06 PM »
Old Kartakan

Kartakass possesses its own, entirely distinct language known as Old Kartakan. This difficult language was apparently the common tongue of the Kartakans prior to the Occupation (Kartakans claim that they were once occupied by Invidia), though today it is all but extinct, spoken only by the elderly or to add an air of dignity to formal affairs. In a sense, it has become a language of secrets.

In comparison to real world languages, Old Kartakan is analogous to Serbian.

Primary Language In: none

Secondary Language In: Kartakass

Sample Vocabulary:

Old KartakanEnglish
poctde stran!go away!
loviti volkovewolf

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Re: Ravenloft Languages
« Reply #10 on: January 02, 2010, 09:23:51 PM »

This elven language is noted for its sibilants, which earns the Sithicans the derogatory nickname of the "hissing elves." To the learned ear, numerous Sithican words and phrases seem oddly dissonant, hinting that they may have been borrowed from languages otherwise unknown in these lands.

Sithican has no real world analogue. It is identical to the language spoken by the Silvanesti elves of Krynn.

Primary Language In: Sithicus

Secondary Language In: Barovia, Kartakass, Valachan, Verbrek

Sample Vocabulary:

e'roessthe sun rises (common greeting)
e'naessthe sun sets (common farewell)
kelos!go away!

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Re: Ravenloft Languages
« Reply #11 on: January 02, 2010, 09:27:00 PM »

The Tepestani language is composed of harsh, phlegmatic sounds, making it sound as if the speakers are constantly clearing their throats. Until recently, it had no written form. Wyan of Viktal has now come up with a written text of the Tepestani language to be used for the Inquisition's court records.

In comparison to real world languages, Tepestani is analogous to Irish Gaelic.

Primary Language in: Tepest

Secondary Language in: Nova Vaasa, Darkon

Sample Vocabulary:

déicht duitgods save you (common greeting)
beicht/is líom/is eayes (I will/it is/I am)
aon, nílno
imigh leat!go away!
draíochtwitchcraft, arcane magic

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Re: Ravenloft Languages
« Reply #12 on: January 02, 2010, 09:28:41 PM »

The native language of Rokushima Táiyoo has an open-syllable sound pattern, so that most syllables end in a vowel. In Rokuma, a person's speech depends on his or her present surroundings and his or her social status. Compared to many languages of the Core, Rokuma grammar is relatively simple. Complicating factors such as gender articles and distinctions between plural and singular are missing almost completely. Conjugation rules for verbs and adjectives are simple and almost free of exceptions. Nouns are not declinated at all, but appear always in the same form. It is the written form of Rokuma that many foreigners find difficult. There are no less than three different written forms of the language: two sets of phonetic characters (one for native words, the other for foreign words), and one set of symbolic characters. The language is written vertically, from right to left, another factor which many foreigners find confusing.

In comparison to real world languages, Rokuma is analogous to Japanese.

Primary Language in: Rokushima Táiyoo

Secondary Language in: none

Sample Vocabulary:

konnichiwagood day
konbanwagood evening
átchini ike!go away!
gaijinforeigner, barbarian
shimin sensocivil war
gomennasaiI apologize
« Last Edit: January 02, 2010, 09:30:51 PM by Bluebomber4evr »

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Re: Ravenloft Languages
« Reply #13 on: January 02, 2010, 09:34:12 PM »

The language of the Vistani is a strange one, being a mixture of the common tongue, several humanoid dialects, and a unique slang, unspoken by any race other than the Vistani. Many non-Vistani find the language maddening, because patterna is conveyed more by context and intonation than by meaning or root words. Many ordinary words in the common tongue have no translations in patterna. In fact, Vistani dialect appropriates non-Vistani words when needed, without interrupting the rythm of speech.

Patterna may not be chosen as a spoken language by a player character without DM approval.

A giorgio may specifically be taught the language as a gift, but such gifts are hard to come by. Ravenloft native half-Vistani PCs cannot have been raised within a Vistani tribe and therefore were not taught the language growing up. Gothic Earth native half-Vistani are usually raised within their Vistani tribe, but only their elders still speak a variant Patterna dialect. That dialect is unrecognizable from the one spoken in the Demiplane of Dread. The Vistani have been present on Gothic Earth for over 4000 years and their language evolved in accordance to their surroundings.

Though the language itself may not be widely spoken by non-Vistani, the words below are common enough that their meanings may be known by Ravenloft natives.

Primary Language in: none; only spoken by Vistani

Secondary Language in: none; only spoken by Vistani, although Barovia has many non-Vistani speakers of patterna due to the special status the Barovian government has given the Vistani.

anda l themathe lands beyond
bourdada dry, red berry wine, imbibed upon solemn occasions
braxata Vistani poison wine which slowly immolates its imbiber
captainmale leader of a caravan, though vistana tribes are matriarchal
darklinga Vistani karash who develops an evil twisted mind and is no longer of the natural
doroqthe ritualistic telling of legends and stories around the campfire
dya-lahgleave the fire; to break camp
endari-vitir! all paths converge!; a vistana farewell
etherola Vistani poison which slowly traps the imbiber in an ethereal state.
feeshkalittle lie
giamargahalf-Vistani, half-elf
giogoto"enlightened, but not of the blood"
giorgioone not of vistani blood; unnatural
hamishagosmeddle, disturb
karasha Vistani banished from his tribe
kir-yahgset up camp (lit. "make fire")
koorahexclamation of agreement (lit. "utterly true")
lunadiit shall be done (lit. "by the moon")
mishamelterrorizing torture in payment for heinous crimes, body melts
mortuundead; a vistana who does not wander
paaternssecret symbols left from one vistana to another
pordaa natural curative which either heals or nauseates the imbiber
prastonagypsy dancer who dances around the fire
rauniematriarchal leader of a tribe
shalach-tiexiled from a vistana tribe
tarokkaVistani decks of cards that can reveal the past and future
tasque one of the three types of Vistana tribes, but these are also catergorized further
The Dukkara Vistani abomination in the form of a male seer, who is prophesized to bring doom upon all Vistana tasques
tralakssigils carved in trees Vistana rangers use to communicate with other Vistana tribes regarding safety of campsite and clues of surrounding area
vardovistani wagon
vishnaaddark blade; justice; vengeance; an obsidian knife
vista-chiribirds that follow vistani tribes
Vistanthe name of a mythic conquerer who the Vistana are forced to follow in their eternal wandering
zvaleva quasi magical, intangible essence which hunts down a victim and hovers by him, radiating a fear effect

Common Sayings, Adages, and Proverbs of the Vistana
"Of the blood": to have Vistani blood.
"The ignorant know not how to address their betters, and there is little profit in correcting them": on the subject of accepting the term vistani from giorgios.
"Path to the Home Forge": the destination at the end of the Vistana's eternal wanderings.
"The Splintering": a song played on gypsy violin sung by the Boem tasques.
"The War For All Time": a creation myth song sung by the Manusa tasque.
"The Tale of Vistan": a Vistana history tale told by the Manusa tasque
"Fulltide" - the three nights of the full moon
"A person is Vistani by right of birth"
"Blood Rite" - A mingling of the blood, spiritually joining two people. A giorgio invited to complete the blood rite becomes a giogoto when the ritual is over (p. 19)

Vistana Tasques and Tribes
The Kaldresh - suppliers of services, blacksmithing, cursed items
  • The Kamii Tribe - excel in forging metal
  • The Equaar Tribe - animals for sale, mystical figurines, familiars
  • The Vatraska - restorations, curatives, poisons
The Boem - entertainers, enchanting, trinkets, elixirs
  • The Nalat Tribe - troupes of musicians and actors; carnivals, bear wrestling, musical instruments for sale
  • The Corvara Tribe - tinkers, jacks of all trades, vagabonds
The Manusa - the workers of arcane powers, mist navigation, anti-social, tarokka reading
  • The Zarovan Tribe the spirit of all vistana, ties to von Zarovich family
  • The Canjar Tribe - moon jewelry, evil eye amulets
« Last Edit: September 01, 2022, 03:50:27 PM by MAB77 »

Bluebomber4evr: The Justice, not you, since 2002


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Re: Ravenloft Languages Resources
« Reply #14 on: September 30, 2021, 10:40:50 AM »
Vos (Vorostokov dialect)

Stuck in the Dark Ages and with no contact with other realms, the hardy survivalist folk of the scattered hamlets of the sub-arctic forests of Vorostokov speak Vos

Common Phrases, Adages, and Proverbs of Vorostokov
"The Eternal Night" - reference to the decades of time that the sun has not risen in frozen Vorostokov

Vos Primer

boyar - ruler
boyarsky - militiamen; enforcers; bodyguards of the boyar
arayashka - snow wraith; snow-people
yeneskyy - forest-haunts; snow cloakers
zilinya neshka - blizzard; black-ice storm
marshkovik - village leader; First Ranger of a village
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Re: Ravenloft Languages Resources
« Reply #15 on: September 30, 2021, 11:05:36 AM »

Quote from: Lockleed
This is a briefly compiled list of "phrases" I've gathered, all in (quasi-) Ancient Egyptian; intended for Akiri natives.  Its important to first bear in mind here, that Ancient Egyptian is no longer a spoken language, therefor spelling and pronunciation are all over the place.  Combinations of culture clashes and adaptations have further altered it.  A good example of that is the name of the god "Thoth."  Thats actually the Greek version, his name seems to have been closer too "Djehuti" originally.

This is just meant to be an aid.  Bear in mind I am in no regards a linguist!  Most of what I've brought together here is from other sources, and I can't guarantee much (if any)  accuracy.  However, it does give at least something to work with.

Phrase   Meaning  
Yeh.Hi.  Informal greetings.
Em Hotep.(Greetings) In Peace, often used as a formal greeting.
Em Hotep Nefer.(Greetings) In great peace, often used as a formal greeting.
Em Hotep Nefer Weret!        (Greetings) In very great peace, often used as a formal greeting.
Senebty. / Senebti.Farewell, or "Be well."
Em heset net Ra.Be in favor of Ra. (or replace Ra with another deity)
Dua Netjer en ek.Thank you or "Thank God for you." to a man.
Dua Netjer en etj.  Thank you or "Thank God for you." to a woman.
Nefer sedjmek."May you hear only good things." to a man.
Nefer sedjmetj."May you hear only good things." to a woman.
Aw ibek."May your heart rejoice." to a man.
Aw ibetj."May your heart rejoice." to a woman.
Ib. / Ab.Heart.
Nefer.Beautiful or good.
Neter. / Netjer.God.
Ebien.Wretched, poor man.
Eibata.Servant, slave.
Nti hati.Senseless man, or fool.
Ha-her.Foul face.
Ntui.Worthless ones.
Deshr.Red, connotation with Set and evil.
Ankh.Life, and the symbolic reference (Ankh) means the same.
Neb-i.My Lord.
Nebet-i.My Lady.
Niwty.Townsperson/Citizen of the town.
Rmt niwt.Person of the town.
« Last Edit: December 24, 2024, 02:43:44 PM by EO »
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Re: Ravenloft Languages Resources
« Reply #16 on: September 30, 2021, 11:33:00 AM »
VAASI (Nova Vaasan Dialect)

Nova Vaasans insist that their dialect of Vaasi is purer than those of Kartakass, Hazlan, or Valachan, and none care to argue. Nova Vaasans take great pride in their language, and by law it is the only language that may be used in legal proclamations and historical records. The Church of the Lawgiver in Nova Vaasa has similar laws, requiring that all religious recitations and holy scripts be in Vaasi.

Common Sayings, Adages, & Proverbs of Nova Vaasa
“A Man without a mustache is like a Horse without a tail” - Nova Vaasan proverb regarding men’s pride in their long mustaches.
“A Catnip” - the insulting act of snipping or cutting off a man’s mustache in his sleep
“The Lawgiver meant for Nova Vaasans to ride, and He provided a horse for each of us” - often said at the sight of a Nova Vaasan horse, or a wild herd thundering across the grasslands.
“A thundering sea of horses riding waves of shyning green” - prideful words of an ancient, famous Nova Vaasan poet; reference to the vast beauty of The Thundering Plain and its herds of wild horses.
“Rider’s Dilemma” - reference to any sort of indecision; an adage coined by the alienist Dr. Gregorian Illhousan in reference to reflect the whole of Nova Vaasan culture.
“Hojplad’s Carpet” - slang for The King’s Plain boasting short golden grass with royal purple seeds.
“Tenant Farmers” - polite term for serfs
“Pioneer!” - a compliment to someone trying to settle in the remote regions of the plains; or someone who has delved into an ancient tomb and lived.
“Talking about the The Three Sisters” - reference to one overboasting his romantic conquests; also The Three Sisters are a trio of Nova Vassa’s largest lakes in the northwest of the realm.
“Dyrskov the Centaur was here!” - reference to the finding of a large, dead, half-eaten animal. Dyrskov the Centaur is the subject of a folktale in which it does such in Nova Vaasa.
“The Blood-Cat” - reference to the legend of the most feared and dangerous of all of Nova Vaasa’s predatory midnight-black plains cats that stalk the plains.
“Blood-Cats” - the midnight-black panther-like plains cats with bobbed tails that crouch in the tall grasses, ready to pounce upon their prey.
“As thick and red as blood” - a derogatory, cursing reference aimed at the Vistana
“Catspaw” - one who has been poisoned. Catspaw is also a Nova Vaasan cactus with poisonous spines, easy to not see and step on.
“Land of Painted Warlocks and Foul Treachery!” - a derogatory reference to the realm of Hazlan to the south.
“A Saddling” - a long, restful sleep.
“A Credit” - in the criminal underworld of Nova Vaasan cities, a murderer who got away with a crime.
“Bow-legged Swagger!” - a good-natured, mocking insult to someone in a jolly mood.
“Rope-Skipping” - jump-rope, a popular children's game and passtime
“Rider’s Stew” - pork or sausage vegetable stew
“The Epic Poem” - “that’s life”, a reference to legendary Nova Vaasan author Ansgar’s stirring fictional poems, tales and literature.
“Fraternization” - the illegal act (by Nova Vaasan law) of social interaction between races. A very small population of dwarves, gnomes, and elves dwell in the ghettoes of Nova Vaasan cities.
“Viggo’s Folly” - reference to the act of talking to a caliban, dwarf, gnome, or elf
“Heretic” - one who performs a miracle (a spell) in the name of a god other than The Lawgiver
“In the name of the Eternal King, by the will of the Lawgiver” - a common ceremonial proclamation
“The Whip of Right and Rod of Might” - traditional symbols of Nova Vaasan Kingship.
“The Nova Vaasan Navy” - yes, there’s a Nova Vaasan Navy that defends the realm along the long coast of the The Nocturnal Sea to the east.
“Trying to Civilize Tepest!” - “a hopeless pursuit!”
“The Shambling Mud-Monster” - a fabled creature that stalks the streets of the city of Bergovista at night
“The Kantora Strangler” - an infamous madman who strangled dozens of people over six years, now undergoing treatment at the santitarium called The Clinic of the Mentally Distressed founded by Dr. Gregorian Illhousen
“The Nightmare Lands” - the fabled place that half the population of the city of Ergertus forever vanished to on a particularly misty night in Year 753 BC.
“Iron Paradise” - where the god The Lawgiver reputedly dwells. Princes who die or are killed during their term are said to be taken there to rule alongside him.
The Straffers - Prince Othmar’s personal police force
“The Black Duke” - the fictional main character in author Armond Ironhand’s famous saga “The Beast of Ehrendton”
“The Five Families"; "The Ordained Cycle” - the historical (but now abolished) tradition of aristocratic rulership of Nova Vaasa being passed off between the five most influential noble familes every five year cycle.

Noble Family Mottos of Nova Vaasa
“Unity from us, power for us” - family motto of the Bolshniks
“Gripped in warning, drawn in anger, raised in triumph” - family motto of the Chekivs
“Duty from without brings honor from within” - family motto of the Hiregaards
“The death of our enemies is the seal of our authority” - familty motto of the Rivtoffs
“Faithful no matter the risks” - family motto of the Vistins

Vaasi Primer, Nova Vaasan dialect
hest - horse
hestmand - horseman; rider
kat - cat
forbrydelse - crime
graes - grass
aedelmand - nobleman
lavmand - commoner
kobmand - merchant
de rigueur - valuable and trendy (in other lands) pistol holsters or scabbards made from Nova Vaasan horsehide
kilbaasa - spiced pork sausages
golaabki - meat-stuffed cabbage rolls
pirogi - pockets of dough stuffed with anything from meats (pork, chicken, fish) and cheese, to fruits (apples, pears and peaches) and vegetables
pollo - a horse-riding sport like polo
hestberore - a horse-riding sport where riders attempt to snatch streamers from other riding horsemen
klaebegribe - a horse-riding sport where riders take turns attempting to pull short stakes from the ground at a gallop without falling from their horses
"Storsortstenstol" - “Great Blackstone Throne”; the throne in the Prince’s Palace, yet no prince dares sit in it.
jernryge - “Iron-Blacks”, a major bloodline of Vaasi horses, prized for being the largest. Black coats.
rodbuge - “Red-Bellies”, a major bloodline of Vaasi horses, prized for strength, intelligence, spirit, and their noble beauty. Black coats with red bellies.
vindhare - “Wind-Manes”, a major bloodline of Vaasi horses, prized for their speed and notorious for their ill temper. Blue-black coats with white markings on face and legs, sometimes streaks of white in their manes.
gedfrode - “Goat-Foots”, a major bloodline of Vaasi horses, prized for being surest of foot, the smartest, and loyal. Black coats and slightly smaller than the other major bloodlines.
vaamgaare - “Heat-Walkers”, a major bloodline of Vaasi horses, coats lack the luster of the other breeds, but are rugged and nearly tireless, and can go long distances without food or water, and are not bothered by extremely hot weather. Black coats without the sleek luster
hvile - resting; repose; also, the process of carving out a stone wall or digging a grave.
sortvingbute - tiny black fairies said to carry off lumberjacks
hestdricker - “horse-drinker”; fey creatures rumored to stalk horse ranches at night, sucking their blood and leaving them ill and dying
doedridere - mythic undead horsemen that silently roam the Nova Vaasan plains, seeking company.
niksiee - fabled spectral and malicious horse creature
skarphove - fabled malicious flesh-eating horse
hestskaerer - goblin-like creatures that slit open the bellies of sleeping stallions and climb inside, slowly driving the horse mad
forventetaarn - watchtower; a watchtower that stands watch over the high quarried bluffs of Nova Vaasa where mining commences and ancient tombs are unearthed
vingraes - a short golden grass with royal purple seeds
knivgraes - a strain of grass with cruelly sharp blades
hestgraes - a knee-high grass with seeds of rich brown and white.
havgraes - a sun-yellowed stalk of grass that grows high as a man’s chest.
dodmandgraes - “Dead Man’s Grass”; folktales say this sickly white grass grows over unmarked graves only.
vaamgaaer - the wild herds of black steeds of the plains of Nova Vaasa
handelkonduktors - “Trade Guards”; “Caravan Guards”; mounted swords-for-hire in the cities of Nova Vaasa.
"Himmelsk Naeve" - “Divine Fist”, a high-ranking Priest of the Church of the Lawgiver.
"Vaasimark" - “The Vaasi Plateau”; the plains in which most of Nova Vaasa sprawls across.
"Elendigighedmark" - “The Plains of Misery”; northwestern Nova Vaasa, due to their proximity to the Mountains of Misery.
"Kesjermark" - “The King’s Plain”; the plains along the King’s Road.
"Dommark" - “The Plain of Judegement”; the hottest region of Nova Vaasa’s plains.
"Tordenmark" - “The Thundering Plain”; a plain where roaming herds of Nova Vassan horses are more common.
"Dyrskov" - “The Beastwood”; a major forest in Nova Vaasa next to The Shadow Rift.
"Graenseskov" - “The Borderwood”, a major forest in Nova Vaasa, spills over into Barovia.
"Skyggeskov" - “The Shadowwood”, a major forest in Nova Vaasa, straddles border with Hazlan and is said to in many places straddle The Mists.
"Storkaskete" - “The Black Caps”, Prince Othmar Bolshnik’s personal gaurd.
"Slangtunge" - Prince Othmar’s network of spies and informants
cyhmist - an alchemist seeking horse hoof powder to create adhesives
« Last Edit: September 30, 2021, 11:41:43 AM by MAB77 »
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Re: Ravenloft Languages Resources
« Reply #17 on: September 30, 2021, 11:35:14 AM »
Vaasi - Hazlani Dialect

The Hazlani dialect of vaasi emphasizes some of the language's harder aspects. In Hazlani Vaasi, the normally sibilant 's' is instead pronounced much like  the buzzing 'z' and the Hazlani tend to cut short vowel sounds that would be prolonged in the 'pure' Nova Vaasan dialect.

Vaasi Primer
Godaag: Good Day
Afsked: Goodbye
Jao: Yes
Ikke: no
Jaal!: help!
afgaa herfra opstille: leave this place
Trollddom, Trylleri: magic
trolddommen: wizard
skyde, afrbrand: fire

Geography and Places
Itu Skoven: the broken forest, where the lowlands of Hazlan meet the highlands of Forlorn.
Black Spire: a spire of purplish-black glassy stone along the southern edge of the Black iron shield along the misty border. A remnant from when Hazlan bordered Bluetspure, with a number of corresponding tales about it.
Road of a Thousand Secrets: the misty border and route to Pharazia.
Iron Sanctum: A monastic retreat in the mountains.
Skraplans: the foothills west of the Balinoks
Beni Gigantsmark: another name for the skraplans, known for the giant bones found there.
Negerjern Afsaerme: the black iron shield, area along the southern border of the gigantsmark. named for the iron ore deposits found there and the land's harshness
Warlock's Road:The road from Immol to Toyalis
den Forhenvaerendman: The ancient ones, foothills on the Balinok's eastern side
Ensommark: the lonely plain, beyond the den Forhenvaerendman. The Ensommark is divided in two by the flow of the Saniset River.
Ufrugtbarlan: Barren lands, the northern part of the Ensommark
Hoj i den Safdrede Sti-Naavne: the hill of a hundred paths, a feared site in the Barren lands near the Nova Vaasan Border. Rashemani believes this hill to be home to vengeful ghosts who strike dead any who walk upon it without knowing the secret path the dead use.
Dunlan: Dun Lands, the southern part of the Ensomark.
Red Highway: road that branches off the Warlock road that goes to the village of Ramulai.
Iron Road: the road from Toyalis to Sly-Var and the border with Nova Vaasa, stopping at Arbora in Nova Vaasa.
Felgrmosge: The Mistmoss river, a tributary of the saniset river
Genspejile: Mirror river, a tributary of the saniset river, known for its silvery purity and tendency to take on a reflective quality at sunset.

Gronsamkore vulk: terrible and wise fey that call the mineral springs on the Balinok mountains home.
Krenshar: Plains predatory cats twisted by magic.
Chuul: hideous water-dwelling beasts that lurk beneath the surface of the Saniset river
Ghost Eaters: Also known as Ethereal Marauders, they are strange behemoths who dwell in the Gray Realm or spirit World and feed on restless spirits, legends say that if there are no ghosts nearby they will instead step into the world of flesh to feast upon the unwary.
El-Koth: a spiny Chitinous race long dead in Hazlan who are said to be the original inhabitants
Duruun: a previous civilization that ruled Hazlan, known for their barbarism.
Quelshar: a previous civilization that ruled Hazlan, known for being fey.
Yath: a previous civilization that ruled Hazlan, known for being stunted.
Vossath nor: the non-human race that ruled Hazlan at the time of the Nameless King's invasion 1,100 years ago

Proverbs, and other words and phrases
Fanes: Temples to the Lawgiver
Quovusp Root: A root plant that is smoked by the Rashemani and used like snuff by the Mulan.
Nameless King: the king that brought the Mulan and Rashemani to Hazlan and conquered it.
Dannouth Dynasty: Second Hazlani Dynasty after the Nameless King's death
Shadasinet Dynasty: Third Hazlani Dynasty
Fangtor Dynasty: Fourth Hazlani Dynasty
Warrowdine Dynasty: Fifth Hazlani Dynasty.
Yorne of the Weeping Eyes: last Warrwdine King, died in 661 BC and his death began the Years of Tattered Banners.
Years of Tattered Banners: a period of warring states as Mulan families waged warfare on each other to become the sixth Hazlani dynasty.
Veil of Sleep: the border that separates the waking world from the world of nightmares

Hazlani culture
Kaftan: Rashemani garment that is a loose fitting ankle-length shirt with long sleeves. Men often wear a belt with their kaftan while women do not.
Zarongs: ankle-length cloth wraps, somewhat like long skirts worn by the Mulan.
Haebstzarn: Traditional Hazlani theater performed with two actors for one character(one ontop of another), it uses masks for its acting.
Haebstza: the Haebstzarn masks, they are often prized as works of art.
Abhaebstza: Puppet theater, with shadow puppetry being the most common tradition.
Vosshik: Rashemani folk hero
Berineth Waeysdottir: Rashemani folk hero
Stalker-of-Deamen: Rashemani folk hero
Kiva Erdru: Mulan folk hero
Gemeyes the white: Mulan folk hero
Dolma: stuffed vegetables, often stuffed with corn and nuts though rice and meat are popular among those who can afford them, a rashemani dish.
Kebab: a rashemani dish of an assorted of cooked meats and vegetables served on a stick
Boza: Alcoholic drink made from fermented wheat berries
Frikadeller: Mulan dish of rolled balls of chopped meat served with creamed vegetables.
Spandauers: a mulan dish of sweet pastries topped with nuts and jams.
Vraylok: Mulan Governors who enforce the law and execute Hazlik's will.
Satraps: land owning Mulan nobles who answer to a Vrayloks.
Rishad: Family head, all Vrayloks are Rishads.
Governor's council: the council of Vrayloks that serve and advise Hazlik on running matters.
Soulorb: Gold coin, its shape is circular with the center for a colored glass piece.
moondagger: silver coin, its shape is triangular with the center for a colored glass piece.
Bloodpenny: copper coin,its shape is square with the center for a colored glass piece.

Hazlan towns
The tables: A squat domed stone fortress surrounded by towering minarets that sit at the heart of each settlement, resembling prisons more than the laboratories of a wizard. They are Hazlik's palaces when he is away from veneficus.
Toyalis: the center of Mulan Society in Hazlan.
Creschcen Hall: the most famed Haebstzarn and Abhaebstza theater in Hazlan, located in Toyalis.
Iron Citadel Fane: The fane of Toyalis and the seat of the Iron faith in Hazlan.
Blushing Swan: the best inn of Toyalis that caters to Mulan and wealthy foreigners. Every room is spotlessly clean, white with wilks and ivory, and the beds are feather soft.The inn has no dining but meals are delivered to guests rooms with free pitchers of sweetened tea.
Kreshnar's cub: Toyalis inn where merchants and satraps in need of able bodies frequently post employment notices.
Sorcerer's Head: Toyalis inn that is a dusty den filled with Rashemani thugs, harlots, and bandits, and features a variety of vices including opium.
Veneficus: Hazlik's center of power.
Sly-Var: merchant town where nearly all trade to and from Nova Vaasa comes through.
Hacking Mule: the most popular inn of Sly-Var. It is a Rashemani establishment that boasts fine food and a secluded location at the edge of town.
The Painted Man: an inn near the marketplace of Sly-Var that the mulan frequent almost exclusively. It is a lavish inn though small, with an open air atrium at the center which guests use as a lounge during clement weather.
Ramulai: center of power of the Red Academy. It only came into existence in 740 BC following the great Upheaval.
Zragev: Ramulai's sole inn. It is luxurious in mulan style, unlike other inns in Hazlan, the inn is not separated into mulan and rashemani wings.
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Dev. Relationist for the Dark Powers.
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Re: Ravenloft Languages Resources
« Reply #18 on: September 30, 2021, 11:44:38 AM »
Vaasi - Kartakan dialect

The Kartakan tongue incorporates many synonyms and Kartakans typically use whatever word produces the most melodious effect. Their voices have a musical quality often said to be siren-like or angelic. The most dominant language of the people is Vaasi but a great deal of elven has been assimilated from their Sithican neighbours giving them a distinct dialect with a lyrical cadence that sounds best when sung.

They possess an older language, very complex and difficult which was the former common tongue of the Domain before the Occupation. Largely spoken by the eldery, at formal occasions to give an air of grandeur and as a secret tongue.

Common Sayings, Adages, & Proverbs of Kartakass
Logger's luck - Said to have incredible luck. Originates from the fact that Kartakan lumberjacks seem to never get attacked by wolves.
"Joined the choir" - To die, to join the Ancestral Choir.
Ulvskoven - "the Wolfwood" one of the three great forests of Kartakass and also the largest
Bedstefader - "Grandfather Tree" A great tree in the center of the wolfwood said to be the gathering place of wolves every night beneath its branches. Believed to be a blood-drinking, undead horror by some.
Rodskoven - "The Redwood" one of the three great forests of Kartakass named for the reddish tint found on the bark of its trees.
Fekleskoven - "The Mistwood" One of three great forests of Kartakass, has an omnipresent fog that permeates it.
Livlos Bakker - "The dead hills" The Arkalias Hills where the  mistress of the undead Radaga was said to live.
Morkendre - Black Heart. Lake in the Wolfwood. Rumoured to harbour strange, scaled monsters.
The Crimson Road - Road that south into Kartakass to Skald from Barovia. Notable for a lack of banditry due to high wolf populations.
Road to Harmony - Road from Skald to Harmonia
Redcap - To be well off. Comes from the name given to wealthier Kartakans, able to afford tiled roofing. Thatched roofing is under constant assault by nesting birds and must be tended constantly.
The Crystal Club - Establishment in Harmonia carved directly into a natural cavern of glittering crystals secretly staffed by wolfweres and shapechangers.
Amphitheater - All communities are built around one to house the annual singing contests.
Meekulbern - Flowering plant that bears sickly-sweet berries.
Meekulbrau - Intoxicating drink made from meekulbern berries favoured by bards of the region. for its qualities.
Nightblight - Herb that repels wolves who dislike its scent. Dies quickly when picked.
Grandfather Animals - Legendary animals said to grow abnormally large in the deeper, untamed parts of Kartakass that form part of their folklore.
Bedstedfader Ulv - Grandfather Wolf, the trickster anti-hero of Kartakan folklore.
Bestedfader Rad - Grandfather Boar, the stubborn and dim-witted character of Kartakan folklore
Bedstefader Ugle - Grandfather Owl. The selfish, manipulating character of Kartakan folklore. Often referred to in the same disdain given to Vistani.
Narrulve - "Trickster Wolf" Fearsome wolfweres of Kartakass, said only to be able to detected by their dark hair. This is why Kartakans mistrust anyone with black hair.
Anen Prima - The Ancestral Choir, the revered ancestors of the Kartakan people. Kartakan human "heaven".
Mora - Fable-like divine songs written by the ancestral choir. There's a song for literally every single occassion and facet of day-to-day life. 
Feeshka - "Little lies" - Night time tales told to while away the nocturnal hours. Often spun to gullible friends and strangers to lead them on wild goose chases.
Mork Skov - "The Dark Forest". Kartakan animal's afterlife. A form of purgatory for human souls unfortunate to be trapped in it.
Engelulve - "Angel Wolf". Said to hunt for human souls to drag back and strand in the Dark Forest forever.
Meistersinger - Mastersingers, the 'mayors' of Kartakan settlements chosen for their skill at song and tale.
Pimae Consularae - Weekly public forums held by the Meistersinger to address the concerns of a community and to entertain them.
Midsummer's Day - The day of the year the Meistersinger contests are held, open to anyone including outlanders.
One Voice Among Many - Round that takes place during the annual meistersinger contests, the goal of which to win as much of the audience's appraise as possible compared to their competitors.
War of Words - Second round of Meistersinger contests, a duel of clever jibes and insults which can often be quite cruel.
Dueling Hearts - Final round of meistersinger's contest where the final competitor faces off against the current Meistersinger.
Teksel - Long taile breed of sheep noted for its fine wool.
Afsyngesang Floden - Sing-song River. River that flows past Skald into a basin called the Cauldron.

Vaasi language primer, Kartakan dialect
Menneskene - man
kvinde - woman
barn - child
liv - life
endeligt - death
elske, have kaer - love
musik, noder, tonlist - music
tommer timber
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Re: Ravenloft Languages Resources
« Reply #19 on: September 30, 2021, 12:12:18 PM »
High & Low Mordentish (Mordent's dialect)

There are two similar yet subtly different dialects of Mordentish, one spoken by the nobility and another, coarser version spoken by the common folk with a more cockneyed accent. While the two dialects mostly blend, a good number of phrases can still be misunderstood. This experience can come as a surprise to the traveler who thinks themselves fluent in the local tongue, only to occasionally find large gaps in their understanding of the speaker. As for the tongue itself, it is a deep, rather guttural language whose dichotomous origins are clearly evident with shorthand expressions and rather standoffish utterances, used liberally throughout everyday life by even the most refined aristocrats. On the other hand, Mordentish is also the language of great literature. Mordentish folk in a formal environment can summon up concise but eloquent language to rival any orator.

Common Sayings, Adages, & Proverbs of Mordent
“Evil watches / Evil waits / Goodness stumbles / Evil takes” - Mordentish proverb
“Gone to Tumbletown” - gone mad
“The Other Side” - the afterlife world where ghosts dwell
“Old Jack”, “Mad Mary Bones”, “the Devil Douglas” - popular, old fearful ghosts often mentioned during Mordentish funereal customs: to say the “full” name of the dead (recently dead or otherwise) at a funereal is to beckon spirits to come and take revenge from The Other Side
“Dogs can be trained to behave in public, but children are another matter” - a saying used to express a successful fox-hunt, or, as an expression of exasperation regarding an unruly child
“Don’t visit evil, and evil won’t visit you” - a common response to the mention of magic
“Spin a good yarn” - gossip, superstition, and storytelling around the hearth
“Reconcile by the fire” - a civil plea to sit down and settle a dispute by the warmth of a hearth
"A Nice Cup of Wraithroot Tea" - a popular tea in Mordent; also, the tiny white flower is notable as the only plant Mordentish folk trust near a cemetary.
“Putting on Airs” - someone who is not Mordentish trying to be over eloquent in speaking High Mordentish
“Country Life” - retiring to the woods to live out one’s final days alone in a cabin
“Wig’s Breakfast” - Mordentish working-class folk’s mocking term for a Mordentish noble’s additional meal during midmorning consisting of tea, cold drinks, and toast
“The sea simply got a taste for that family, and wouldn’t let go” - a summary at the end of any tale of a doomed sea voyage upon The Sea of Sorrows
“Children of the Mist”, or, “Children of the Wind” - Mordentish babes born with grey eyes
“Wailing Ones” - babes born caliban
“Spirit-touched” - a sorcerer
“Fey-touched” - all-inclusive term for elves, dwarves, gnomes, and halflings
“Day curtains”, “Storm Curtains” - windows in Mordent typically have two sets of curtains: thin curtains for allowing only bleak sunlight into a room when closed during the day, and curtains of heavier fabric for ill weather
“The ceremony” - when an alchemist is at work
“The Damnable Lot” - alternative name for the noble Gauldamon family of Mordent

Noble Family Mottos of Mordent
“The land knows its true master” - motto of the noble de Boistribue family
“The water of knowledge sates only those who drink the deepest” - motto of the noble Blackburn-Bruce familty
“Approach friends and enemies alike with a smile; they both are equally deserving of it” - motto of the noble Gaulamon family
“Those that are strong survive to lead” - motto of the noble Godefroy family
“Only by action does any man succeed” - motto of the noble Halloway family
“Cradles by the waves, guided by the light” - motto of the noble Holsworth family
“Death makes all men equal; Life makes all men brothers” - motto of the formerly noble Mournesworth clan, who’s descendents are now in willing servitude to the Godefroys
“The work of the hands is the joy of the soul” - motto of the noble Scottmatter family
“None would survive but for the efforts of those whom history has forgotten” - motto of the noble Weathermay family
“Those who are righteous receive what they deserve” - motto of the noble Wescote family

High Mordentish Primer, Mordent dialect
jour - day
nuit - night
soleil - sun
lune - moon
ville - town
auberge - inn
fantome - spirit
mer - ocean, sea
brume - mist
brouillard - fog
noblesse oblige - the practice of aristocratic families working peacefully together side-by-side along with the common folk

Low Mordentish Primer, Mordent dialect
daeg - day
niht - night
heathusigel, sol, sunne - sun
mona - moon
tun - town
hus, tochirhus - inn
feorh, gast - spirit
scucca - evil spirit
holm, mere - ocean, sea
lyfthelm - mist
nip - fog
« Last Edit: October 06, 2021, 07:14:58 AM by MAB77 »
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Dev. Relationist for the Dark Powers.
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Re: Ravenloft Languages Resources
« Reply #20 on: September 30, 2021, 12:13:09 PM »
High & Low Mordentish (Dementlieuise dialect)

Mordentish is the primary language of Dementlieu. It is a curious tongue, in that it has two quite distinct dialects. There is no obvious explanation for the two diverse dialects and one can only assume they are the result of some long-forgotten merging of two separate languages. In total, the language is very flexible, with a wide vocabulary. Generally, class defines the use of the two dialects: High Mordentish is spoken by the upper classes and the wanna-be’s, while Low Mordentish is reserved for peasants and farmers. High Mordentish is a very soft language, forsaking the harsh consonants of a language such as Lamordian for rolling vowels, silent consonants, and a structure that seems to string words together together seamlessly in a lyrical, amorous and sensuous cadence.

Common Sayings, Adages, and Proverbs of Dementlieu
“The only language in which love can truly be expressed” - a dote over the artistic beauty of the language of High Mordentish
“Went to Widow’s Walk” - “went to commit suicide”; Widow’s Walk is the boardwalk along the docks of Port-a-Lucine, where the distraught sometimes give their lives to the sea.
“The faint scent of Dapplewort is in the air” - “One is hopelessly in love”; Dapplewort is also an annual herb that produces bright pink plowers with a yellow center and grows on Dementlieu’s coastal sand dunes
“He is Severely Limited” - reference to someone not worthy of knowing your secrets or the secrets of the person you’re conversing with
“Backwards Man” - condescending term for a person from sleepy Mordent, invoked with mocking pity implying people from Mordent seem to ultimately lack success in all matters
“Make a donation to Richemulot” - slang among Dementlieuise nobles to throw out their old clothing from their closets once the latest fashion of the season is becoming out-of-date
“As boring as a Lamordian” - a mocking joke about Lamordians, used in an effort to get everyone to settle down
“The Dead Travel Fast” - the title of a roaringly popular series of cheap tawdry literary romance novels
“Dirty Little Secret” - a common claim to know something about someone that no one else knows which could be used against them
“Cry no more, for I will cry for you” - a sympathetic sentiment that also implies one is faithful to the goddess Ezra
“The Little People” - reference to the very small population of halflings living in the city of Port-a-Lucine

High Mordentish Primer, Dementlieu dialect
bonjour - greetings
adieu - farewell
oui - yes
non - no
oh! helas! - ah! alas!
s’en aller - go away!
peinturex - painting
ecriture - literature
presentation - performance of any art
cafe - social establishments serving food with tables set up outdoors on the premises

Low Mordentish Primer, Dementlieu dialect
bearn - child
myrthra - murderer
bearn-myrthra - child murderer
wes thu hal - greetings; “be you well”; also “farewell”
giese - yes
nese - no
la! eala! - ah! alas!
faran aweg! - go away!
searo - painting
bokcraeft - literature
plegende - performance

Universal Mordentish, Dementlieu dialect
“Dementlieu” - “mad place”
“La Counseil Eclat” - “The Council of Brilliance”, the Lord-Governors council of five advisors selected personally by the Lord-Governor
“Palais Dirigeante” - “Ruling Palace”, where The Council of Brilliance formally meets.
“Pronouncer” - major or judge of a Dementlieuse town
“Cour du Justice” - the high court where serious public crimes are heard and judged by the Lord-Governor and The Council of Brilliance
“Place de Leon” - the place in the city of Port-a-Lucine where death is publicly meted out by guillotine, most often applied to traitors and captured Falkovnians, often attracting crowds of spectators.
“La Lamenteer” - a sea captain claiming to have the skill/ability to sail “Mistways” upon The Sea of Sorrows to reach the lands of Sri Raji and Rokushima Taiyoo
“Gendarme” - town guard; policeman
“Monsieur” - mister
“Perruques” - white, curled wig, immaculately made for both genders
“L’Ordures” - refuse; trash; foul smell; often invoked as the cesspool scent of the Vuchar River that borders Falkovnia blows across Dementlieu.
“Fois Gras” - goose liver
“Escargot” - snails
“Jeu Force” - a popular game using round markers on a board marked off in squares (like backgammon), played late into the night
“La Grande Opera Nationale” - “The Port-a-Lucine Opera House”
“La Mort de Mon Coeur” - “The Death of My Heart”, an annual entertaining tragedy traditionally performed first to kick off each opera season at the opera houses of Port-a-Lucine.
“Musee du Port-a-Lucine” - a large civic, public art gallery featuring works from Dementlieu, Richemulot, Mordent, and more.
“Theatre de la Baie” - an open amphitheatre in Port-a-Lucine known for its dramas
“Grande Bibliotheque” - “The Great Library” in Port-a-Lucine
“Voix de l’Ame” - “Voice of the Soul”, a famous, intimate venue for poetry readings in Port-a-Lucine
“Maison de Cire” - the famous wax museum in Port-a-Lucine
“Puits d’Orchestre” - the most famous, illustrious pit orchestra of Port-a-Lucine’s theatre and opera houses.
“La Universite de Dementlieu” - “The University of Dementlieu”, courses and degrees available in Arcane Science, History, Military Studies, Divinities, Medicine, Physical Sciences, Poetry, Painting, Sculpture, and Music.
“La Societe de Legerdemain” - the entertainers guild of Dementlieu consisting of conjurers, escape artists, mesmerists, painters, stage magicians, etc.
“Domaines de la Vie Eclairee” - "Estates of the Enlightened Life"; the wealthy estates along the shores of Pernault Bay in Port-a-Lucine
“Boite de Bijou” - “Jewel Box”, also the name of the multitude of brilliantly-tinted owbow lakes nestled aside the Musarde River, a popular bath/vacation destination for nobles during the summer months
“Avenue de Progres” - the bustling highway connecting the towns of Chateaufaux and Port-a-Lucine
Best Regards!

Dev. Relationist for the Dark Powers.
1 Old Svalich Stradă, Castle Ravenloft, Barovia


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Re: Ravenloft Languages Resources
« Reply #21 on: September 30, 2021, 12:15:35 PM »
High & Low Mordentish (Richemuloise dialect)

The Richemuloise speak a High Mordentish dialect similar to that spoken in Dementlieu. To the horror of Dementlieuse nobility, however, Richemuloise speech is sprinkled with bastardized Balok and Falkovnian words, as well as the occasional Halfling expression.

Common Sayings, Adages, and Proverbs of Richemulot
“Pont-a-Museau this fall, Port-a-Lucine last spring” - reference to the tendency of Richemuloise fashion and cultural trends to model the latest fashion and culture trends of Dementlieu, a season later
“Snatchings” - cases of infants vanishing in the night from securely locked homes
“Carte Blanche” - reference to the tendency of Richemuloise to accept nonhumans into society more readily than other folk...though they feel that this openness gives them “carte blanche” to treat such outsiders with persistent “good-natured” cruelty
“Tabula Rasa” - reference to the phenomena that there is no recorded history of Richemulot prior to 694 BC, less than 100 years ago
“Tunnel Stalkers” - scouts and survivors of the sewers of the cities of Richemulot, skilled in subterranean exploration and reconnaissance and valuing stealth and cunning above all else
“Daggernails” - sadist subterranean sewer dwellers that delight in slaughter
“Filth Breeders” - deranged sewer dwellers claiming to be holy men
“Skin Twisters” - wererats who have mastered the art of human society and venture forth from the sewers to live among the surface world
“Plague Kings and Queens” - masters and mistresses of wererat warrens
Grimetrekkers - Loose banding of adventurers and monster hunters who specialize in sewer exploration.

High Mordentish Primer, Richemulot dialect
ville - city
egout - sewer
salaud - rat
les intruses - the wererats
intruse - trespasser
savant - noble or scholar
chapradeur - traitor
malin - affluent, astute
decendre! - get below! (a common curse or insult)

Low Mordentish Primer, Richemulot dialect
burg - city
adelscath - sewer
raet - rat
werraet - wererat
forgaegend - trespasser
aetheling - noble
bokere, scolere - scholar
laewend - traitor
byrde, welig - affluent
searocraeftig - astute
begietan dun! - get below! (a common curse or insult)

Universal Mordentish, Richmuloise dialect
La Grande Dame - political ruler Jacqueline Renier’s formal title
La Mascarade Argente - the annual masquerade party thrown by the Renier family
Les Harpies - derogatory term for particularly vicious, tongue-wagging Richmuloise noblewomen
Casques Safran, Soleils Craimoisi, Lions de la Rue, La Serrure et Cle - four traditional companies of Richmuloise watchmen fort hire, known for their strong sense of honor, duty, and pomp
“L’Essai des Revelations Exquis” - “The Trial of Sweet Revelations”, a tradition where a Richemuloise maiden presents a suitor to her father, who formally and vigorously quizzes the youth (Richmuloise tend to marry young after a whirlwind courtship lasting less than a month) on family facts over a sumputuous feast. It is intended to test the suitor’s character by discerning how much familial lore he has ferreted out of the bride-to-be. Truly savvy suitors tend to smugly reveal their knowledge of the most shameful family secrets by the time the table is cleared.
melancolie - powder blue glassware blown in the city of Mortigny and prized throughout many lands.
prosperite - a Richemuloise maiden who is the personification of wealth
herbediable - native Richemuloise pipeweed
warrens - subterranean colonies where wererats feed, breed, and lair
ratatouille - vegetable omelets with soft cheese
millas - cornmeal and butter with honey
cassoulet - white beans with olive oil, with spices (rosemary, sage, basil, or thyme) and meat (pork, lamb, venison, goose, duck, or pheasant). Controversy swirls around this dish, as each city insists its signature preparation is the definitive recipe.
pastis - an herbal cordial liquor with a heady aroma of anise
"Danseurs Divin" - “The Divine Dancers”, a thriving mystery cult offshoot of the Dementlieuise sect of the Church of Ezra, that has a presence in Richemulot
"Echansons" - “The Cupbearers”, a secretive but notorious offshoot of the Church of Ezra whose tenets remain ambiguous (though there are many rumors, including one regarding fabulous treasure of some kind)
Le Mulet de Villet - a famous local ferry that runs between Richmuloise cities along the Musrade River
"Les Champs Silencieux" - “The Silent Fields”, the wooded floodplain west of the Musarde River near the forest of Verbrek
"La Lac Haletements" - “The Gasping Lake”
"La Maison des Savants" - “The House of the Sages”
"La Route des Chuchotements" - “The Road of Whispers”, the highway leading north into Falkovnia
"L’Abbeye de Fleau Luisant" - “The Abbey of the Bright Scourge”, a church of Ezra near the city of Mortigny who’s anchorites have taken a strict vow of poverty.
Le Grande Theatre de Musarde - the most prestigious theatre in the city of Pont-A-Museau, overlooking La Place d’Etoiles
"La Place d’Etoiles" - “The Plaza of Stars”, the thronging market of Pont-A-Museau where Vistana can often be found tarrying.
"L’Academie de Richmulot" - "The University of Richemulot" (for the elite), offering classical training and courses in Philosophy, Literature, Linguistics, and Natural Science
"La Cathedrale de Destine Peste" - “The Cathedral of the Ordained Plague”, the Church of Ezra in the city of Pont-a-Museau built from the remains of an ancient bathhouse.
"Les Jardins Vieux" - “The Old Gardens”, an area of ancient, monumental archways amidst the city of Ste. Ronges.
"La Maison des Cent Papillons" - “The House of a Hundred Moths”, a private astronomical observatory in the city of Mortigny.
"La Sanctuaire de la Dame Oubliee" - “The Sanctualry of the Forgotten Lady”, a church of Hala just shy of the Richmuloise border with Borca
Best Regards!

Dev. Relationist for the Dark Powers.
1 Old Svalich Stradă, Castle Ravenloft, Barovia


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Re: Ravenloft Languages Resources
« Reply #22 on: September 30, 2021, 12:42:14 PM »
Pronunciation guide

Barovia = \buh-ROH-vee-uh\
Strahd = \straahd\ (rhymes with "pod")
Von Zarovich = \von ZAHR-oh-VICH\
Talena = \tah-LEE-nuh\
Lyssa = \LIHS-uh\
Vallaki = \vuh-LAK-ee\
Krofburg = \KROF-berg\
Krezk = \krehzk\
Immol = \IHM-ahl\
Zeidenberg = \ZEY-dehn-berg\
Teufeldorf = \TOO-fuhl-DORF\
Balok = \BAY-lok\
Luktar = \LUHK-tahr\
Iadul = \YAH-dool\
Refugiu = \reh-FYOO-jee-YOO\
Svalich = \SVAHL-ich\
Vistani = \vih-STAHN-ee\
Giorgio = \JEE-oor-JEE-oh\
Gundarak = \GUHN-dur-AK\
Boyar = \BOY-ur\
Borca = \BOR-kuh\
Dilisnya = \dihl-ISS-nyah\
Boritsi = \bohr-EETZ-ee\
Levkarest = \LEHV-kuh-REST\
Dementlieu = \DAY-mon-lyoo\
Port-a-Lucine = \POOR-ah-LOO-seen\
Ezra = \EHZ-rah\
Ivlis = \IHV-lihss\
Romulich = \RAHM-yoo-LICH\
Jezra = \JEHZ-ruh\
Wagner = \VAHG-nur\
Baratak = \BA-ruh-TAK\
Balinok = \BA-lih-NAHK\
Bluetspur = \BLOOT-spur\
Blaustein = \BLOW-steen\ (the "OW" in the first syllable rhymes with "now")
Tepest = \TEHP-est\
Tepestani = \TEHP-eh-STAHN-ee\
Viktal = \VIHK-tuhl\
Azalin = \AZ-uh-lihn\
Avernus = \AV-ur-NUS\
Il Aluk = \IHL-ah-LOOK\
Souragne = \SOOR-awn-yuh\
G'Henna = \guh-HEN-uh\
Zhakata = \zuh-KAT-ah\
Yagno = \YAG-noh\
Petrovna = \peh-TROHV-nuh\
Misroi = \MIHZ-roy\
Richemulot = \REESH-muh-loh\
St. Ronges = \SAYN ROHN-jay\
Van Richten = \van RIK-tehn\
Valachan = \VAHL-uh-KAHN\
Sri Raji = \sree-RA-jee\
Har'Akir = \har-ah-KEER\
Akiri = \ah-KEER-ee\
Zherisia = \zair-ISS-ee-ah\
Paridon = \PAIR-ih-DUN\
Graben = \GRAY-bihn\
Nebligtode = \NEHB-lihg-TOHD\
Todstein = \TAHD-steen\
Vechor = \VEH-kor\
Easan = \EE-suhn\
Liffe = \lihf\
Forfar = \FOOR-far\
Tristenoira = \TRIHS-tehn-OY-ruh\
ApBlanc = \ap-BLAHNK\
Nova Vaasa = \NOH-vuh VAH-sah\
Hiregaard = \HY-ur-GARD\
Malken = \MAHL-kihn\
Hazlan = \HAZ-lun\
Invidia = \in-VID-ee-ah\
Falkovnia = \fol-KOV-nee-ah\
Kartakass = \KAR-ta-kass\
Lamordia = \lah-MOR-dee-ah\
Markovia = \mar-KOH-vee-ah\
Mordent = \MOR-dent\
Sithicus = \SITH-uh-cuss\
Verbrek = \vehr-BREHK\
Pharazia = \fa-RAZH-ee-ah\
Sebua = \SEHB-oo-ah\
Sanguinia = \sahn-GWIN-ee-ah\
Vorostokov = \VOR-oh-STAWK-awv\
Avonleigh = \AV-on-LAY\
Nidala = \NAI-dahl-ah\
Saragoss = \SAHR-a-GAWSS\
Timor = \tim-OR\
Odiare = \oh-dee-AR-ay\
Rokushima Taiyoo = \ro-koo-SHEE-ma TA-EE-oo\
Souragne = \soo-RAW-nya\
Best Regards!

Dev. Relationist for the Dark Powers.
1 Old Svalich Stradă, Castle Ravenloft, Barovia