Port-à-Lucine. Governor's Hotel Ballroom. Les Chats Noirs are glad to present:
COLOURS FROM ABROAD -Exposition artistique- In the magnificent frame of the Ballroom of Governor's Hotel in Port-à-Lucine some of the best productions of the most promising young artists in the Core will be displayed. You will be able to admire the portraits of Mademoiselle La Marquande and of Mademoiselle Espelth and some art displays of the reknowed Mademoiselle Stanga and the exibitions of Mademoiselle Valentine.
-The guests can require portraits to the artists who will challenge each other for the best painting or sketch-
-The guests will be delighted with soft background music performed by other excellent young artists-
-The guests will be involved in the dancing shows prepared by Mademoiselle Valentine and Mademoiselle Elle-
-The guests can relax with the best fish of the Sea of Sorrows, with the best wines of Dementlieu, and the exotic honey sweets from Barovia-
It is not required an admission fee. It is required an invitation. It is required a proper and formal clothing.
For further information (and how to obtain an invitation) ask to Mademoiselle Isolina Lerminie.
Be our guest and you will not repent.
§ Les Chats Noirs §
// OOC: The event will be run all the day long, you'll find always someone dealing with it or parts of it to try to cover all the timezones. So feel free to join, or to ask.