So many people look outwards for something to save them. Ideas, other people, "Gods". There are so many extroverted ideas that those who need it find comforting. I suppose I needed something. I wanted a way to protect those I cared about, and there are so many more of them than there used to be. There used to be only one. That grew in to two. Now I cannot even count. I mask myself with my quick wit, and my snide remarks, but in reality for most there is nothing I would not do. But the only one who holds my heart, body, and soul is Johanna, my wife. And it is no longer just to save my sanity...I am starting to believe it.
I have accepted that of which I have found, which has become a part of me. A month ago, I could feel it clawing behind my eyes, and whispering in my ear, taking on the voice of whoever it felt could impress upon me the most. It was becoming so corrupting that I could not bare it. Other people do not see the true shadow within them. To them, shadow is something that is always there, never vigilant and simply follows behind. But I know different. Perception is something people take for granted. The way we percieve something makes it real to us, and I suppose that is how I've learned what I have. I have learned to change other people's perception with enough concentration and effort.
I indeed joined the slaving masses in searching for something externally. Some form of salvation, yet only finding a way to numb the pain life has to offer. And why should I do that? There are only two things in this world that truely make someone strong. One is pain, and the other is love, and both can coexist equally within one's being. Yin and Yang. It is quite impressive how things are starting to fall into place with my training and study of the martial arts. It has only been a few months since I learned of Reiho and Ki. I feel regretful that I did not persue such a path in the first place, but like most people, I sought to be saved by something outside of myself. Not knowing there was power brought on by focus within myself. And not realizing that my sword, while being rather large, thick, and impressive in stature was not just a tool...but an extension of my will that has always been at my side. Regardless of my past, I can only look to the future. And the more pain that I fight through, the more love and respect I will find. Even just within myself...
Regardless of what I am fighting, in the end it is only myself and the sword.
I fear Johanna is losing herself to struggle. She is slowly becoming wild, and sometimes I see a hint of madness. When she is with me, she is as sweet as ever. We do not bicker as much as we used to, and this makes me happy. We do fight, but it is enjoyable because I feel that she shares my beliefs of pain and love. I could not have found a better lifelong companion. There is balance in our relationship. From the passionate, unbridled sex, to the warmth we share when we cuddle, to the struggle we share when we hit one another. I could not ask for more. But I must find a way to focus her. She can already release the anger she lets build up quite well at times, but if she were to learn how to focus it, I think I would no longer need to fear. I don't want to lose her.
I sit atop the hill for the fifth time this week, with four fires lit pointing each direction. The moon sets, and the sun rises as I begin my practice. The fires flicker and as light fills the outskirts my shadow is always centered beneath me as I train. That is where it belongs. But while I feel this way, I respect what a shadow truely is, which is the negative aspect of light. There must be light for there to be shadow, and without either there is only nothing. Yin and Yang. I had forgotten this respect I held for shadows months ago when Nameless appeared...but I respect it once more.
I push my body past exhaustion, using adrenaline and inner focus to strengthen my resolve. Occasionally the blade sings, and when it does I quickly take note of it as the fires flicker with the force created. But I do not let it interrupt my concentration. When I am baptized in sweat, and my muscles ache, I lower myself to my knees slowly. The blade, which is an extension of me I hold upwards. My hand graces along the side of the edge as I extend my arms, fighting the fatigue I feel to begin my ritual of Reiho. The Bowing to the Sword. I extend the blade palms up at eye level, lowering my head and shutting my eyes. In my mind, everything else fades away. Only My sword and Yin and Yang remain. Once I catch my breath, my mind is clear, and I have attained a focused state, I repeat my mantra once more attempting to ingrain it into my subconscious.
"You are my sword. There are many like you, but you are mine. And I am yours. You have seen me through the best, and worst of times, never more than an arm's length away. Without me, you have no purpose. Without you, I am incomplete. I will constantly let the knowledge and enlightenment in learning from my experiences with you strengthen my resolve. Together, you and I will face any obstacle that will appear. Whether in front of us...or within me..."
I get up flourishing the blade slowly and sliding it into it's home on my back.
And as the sun rises, it is just us, and the sword. It is a new day.