Within the swirling Mist (IC) > Biographies

The chaos theory


Two dark figures are sitting in a lonely place the fire camp in all it glory while the fire help to cook a delicious boar meat....

The second turns to the first and says...

"Ah... My lord and Master of Chaos. Tell me has chaos been served this day?"

not yet [turns tot eh noble man] but the night is young and the opportunity of corrupting the the order of the world will be possible i bet, maybe a sacrifice will be in order to serve and quench the thirst of chaos!... [looks around sweeeping the surroundings for a suitable victim]

i wonder who may be a perfect choose maybe that young women?

or that defenseless old man....

something will come to our way I'm sure....

Hmmmm... Sacrafice you say? I cannot not help but think what you may have mind. [He ponders for a moment] So tell me what manner of sacrafice would satisfy the forces of chaos this night?


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