Within the swirling Mist (IC) > Biographies

Barovian Outcast - Valko M. Stravokov

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Valko Milen Stravokov

The Beginning
Valko Milen Stravokov, was born in Zeidenburg in Barovia.
Valko was born into a wealthy family and is noble of blood.
Being the son of Milen Stravokov, a merchant known for his exporting and importing of goods.
Valko grew up often travelling to many different country's all over the core, but the one country valko loved the most was  Dementlieu, for its music, art and definitely the romance.
Being a noble Valko often had to go with his parents to balls and party's,
Valko did not mind it at all, having a passion for dance, music and of course the lady's it was like heaven for him.
It was also the time he would see his cousin Vincent.

But Valko had a secret love, a gunderakite girl named Jusztina Varga.
The love of his life, the one thing that made him feel special and not just a spoiled noble’s son.
He risked everything for her, sneaking out of the house at night to be with her.
But that was no easy task, he had to stay out of sight so no one could see him leave the house.
So he was bound to use the shadows and the darkness of the house to move from point A to B.
They would meet in abandoned house in the city, but what Valko did not know that a servant of the house saw him sneak out of the house.
The servant informed Valko’s father, and ordered the servant to follow Valko the next night.
The next night Valko snuck out the same hour as he usually would, heading to the abandoned house to meet his love, with the servant following him a couple of feet behind him.
When the servant peeked true some cracks of walls he saw Valko kissing his love Jusztina.
And ran back to the house, to inform Valko’s father.
When Valko snuck back in the house his father with the servant where waiting on him in his room.
His father with a angry look on his face demanded for an explanation.
When Valko refused to tell the truth, his father threatened to disown him and make his secret known to the public.
Valko still refused to tell, to which his father said that he was never to meet the girl again.
Valko ignored his father and went to bed.
The next night snuck out of the house again, but when he arrived at abandoned home, Jusztina was not there.
He waited for a few hours and returned to his home.
Heading there the night after also, but still no Jusztina.
When he returned home he stormed in his fathers room and asked him where she was, his father said it was for the best that they would not meet anymore.
Valko left the room.

Valko felt lost and alone and felt like only thing he could trust was his own shadow. 
He sat alone in his room in a corner where it was dark, the darkness and shadows giving himself a comforting and warm feeling.
It felt like they where embracing him in his time of mourning.
Making him feel safe and not alone.
~To be continued...

Arrival in Vallaki

A carriage arrived at the Blue Water Inn bearing the Stravokov coat of arms.
"We arrived Domn Stravokov"

A young man exited the carriage wearing a fancy outfit and a hat with a large feather.
He looked around and smiled "A new start" he said, while already receiving the looks of the local nobles.

He entered the inn and wrote his name down in the guest book.
With a smile on his face he went upstairs, there he saw his cousin Vincent. 
"Hello cousin"

A smile grew on Vincents face and pulled him into a hug.
"Welcome to Vallaki, Valkoslav"
~To be continued...


"Everywhere there are girls."

In Vallaki he met a lot of girls of his interest, girls he felt attracted to.

The serious girls.
"Ruxandra and Lavinia are probably the most typical noble girls, all they want is wealth and power."

The pleasure girls.
"Olivia and Joey, mmm what a good time I had with those two."

The sweet innocent girls.
"Valentina so sweet to bad my cousin fancies her.
"Alexandra easy to tease, making her blush has become one of my favorite sports."

"They are all beautiful and young ladies."
"But the search for the one continues."
"My wish to meet another Jusztina has to come true"
~To be continued...

A new love...

Valko found a his new Jusztina, her names was.

She made his heart beat faster and the love grew stronger.

They made a promise not to leave each other.

Together they played music and danced around.

Always a smile never a frown.

Hunting together on the open ground.

Tucking each other to bed at night.

Sleeping under the tree near the water.

Hugging, kissing and loving each other.

A dream they thought would last.

~To be continued...

Letters of approval.



~To be continued...


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