Within the swirling Mist (IC) > Biographies

Hor Amosis


Cor Reale:
Hor was a child of the desert, and he lived in the far distant lands in the Amber Wastes with a twelve days' walk of Har'Akir. The days
he counted everywhere to keep safe travel on a given cycle, and began each before the sun was in the east and are ended in the west.
On the brightest afternoons Hor was a boy laying on his back on the desert sands, and stared at the sun. Those journeys to the market-
He had Amosis' herd of cattle, sheep and goats. Her sheep, her goats were of the farmers' herd. Hor was a market haggler, oil salesman
argued at the merchandise sold him was a 'snake' and his blood boils with Set's venom to make profit he had to be an asp, and bite first.
Monochromaticly he was not of his lot, he bargained gold alembic for his mother, Amosis. Amosis begged her son for she was a peasant,

a merchants' lot, as was he.

He bought her beaded necklaces strung out of pearls with the teeth of wild beasts... her son... Hor, she gave him her name Amosis
as she to her honor him had been adopted the next summer by priests of Ptah. Hor's piety to the sun Re, and his patronage to the mud
god, Ptah, he was trained as a churgeon to the dead to prepare remains for the afterlife, the afterkingdom, which was ruled by Osiris-

His mother aged to become an old wretch but he had the means to give her eternal rest. She first took chores as a housemaid, of peasantry no longer. If her chores became a burden to the housemaids... they had her fate woven for her. Amosis was fed to float on a river to be, her son prepared her casing pass into the realm of Osiris... amosis was gifted repose. She was aghast a floater. Hor asked the demiurge to be allowed to travel afar. Hor traveled the Amber Wastes to walk absently a priest of Ptah. He cast off his ties to the mortal silt bed, and chased the ethereal cuffs of Set. In Ptah's tomb she is kept incased in solid gold, a repose for those eaten by the crocodiles.

In the Barony of Count Strahd Hor woke in a surly mood. He laud the jangling strings of the vistani campers.
The dew on the grass and the songs are of Tefnut, and at night the howling mad winds are of Shu. There-in
is a groundling cave in Geb's realm where Apshai keeps his insectoid minion millions, where seekers have hid
from the wrath of Apep, where they have bargained with Anubis the gatekeeper to the underworld petty gold
gifts. Amosis awaits his returning to see her son, as Ra pardons Geb his son Set. Re forgives Osiris. He gave.
Hor was feasted on by rats. To see there is no way out of the mist, the cloud, there is no way out of the evil
life he must be a keeper of light, feeder of flames eat-and-illuminate the deathly wraps.

To be truly indifferent, a reconciler by means of heart and tongue. Hor is the concept in the heart, the speech of the tongue
determines the action of every limb. He scribes ancient hieroglyphs, and at the Lady's Rest Inn tells a fable of the universe of
the heart and mouths of all beings. By pronouncing the identity of those things of the barony, his utterance was of Ptah's
eyes see, the ears hear and the nose breathes goes straight to the heart and the vision by the heart spoke by the tongue,
tongues removed of the tonsils, the organs of the monochromatic in the patients on the churgeon's table to complete
synthesis of mind, matter, the amalgamated denizens.... to be a goat herder is a task- Hor saw catty women with silver
duck-n-fight by the trees, the jabs of the victor witness her wounds seal whole entirely. She arose to flaunt at her.
Hor bended to heal mightily the victor, whose wounds bleed, blood flows in the barony of conquered nightmares...


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