I would love it if Har-Thelen gets flashed out more, I have only explored it ones but it seems a bit lifeless (although I love the layout and overall design). There are not a lot of places to visit/enter into (if any), no inn as far as I could find, no shops, temples or mage guild, restaurants or wine bars where the elf's can cry into their wine and just one stall that sells only a few simple items at ridiculous prices.
As the people of Har-Thelen are mostly from the House of Nobles (they have the money, power, organizational skills and traditional aristocratic authority and sort of hold Sithicus together) I would think they would have some culture, maybe not like in port, but in their own way. And speaking of the houses, maybe there can be someone from the House of Wizards or the House of Rangers around complaining about the dominant house, maybe something nice for a inside area?