These tasks tire me longer do i have the time to keep notes of my activities.
Days turn into weeks...i must see these weeks do not further into months, notes must be kept incase someone finds my journal one day.
I took myself to the lodge on the lake Zarovich to meet with my Apprentice Zervo, whilst awaiting i saw Maria, it has been a while...
She travelled with another fair dame, although they had been seperated by a fine clothed man, he spoke to Maria alone.
Atlast my student had arrived, but before we could even discuss the tasks at hand a blood curdling scream erupted from the night.
Curriosity or merely the sight of someone less fortunate than me alured me outside, Maria and her associate followed.
A wretched undead wanderd the docks, he was swiftly struck down...
Blood trails lead to a ship, the crew hung from its mast, the captain virtually lynched to his ship.
Pale...drained, i had not the time to check for puncture marks to the neck before one stirred...
The captain spoke, meek as he was, it was evident he could no longer be part of the living.
The sun began to rise...the captain began to burn, it did not take long for the first sun rays to render him to ashes...i wonder if it hurt...
Maria's associate, appealing to the eye as she is, was quite ignorant, she attempted to call back the spirit of one of the fallen crew.
She was a way, it arose as a undead, a ghastly sight to behold...but a moment of learning nonetheless.
Upon that moment i decided it was best to see the bodies burnt, with a swift Firebrand incantation...the bodies were inflamed, their ashes swiftly being carried across the lake by a stiff wind coming from the mountain slopes....
We parted our ways there, myself and Zervo continue'd to the Templars for payment of the delivery.
We were invited deep into their temple, as darkness incrotched around us...i felt at ease, unlike when i first arrived when it was quite unnerving...
The darkness seems more welcoming, it brings me fortune...i have decide to pay homage to the night, a coin sacrificed to the lands each dusk to bring me more buisness aswell as my search for greater powers.
My payment was a promised, but hardly to my taste..i decided to purchase some books from them, i received tales of The Whisperd One...more of that later.
They set out a task for me, to return to Hazlan to retrieve the ring of Spellbending...i accepted in the promise they would teach me of bloodrunes and the ceremonies to taint and corrupt humble steel.
Unfortunately the directions i received for this artifact lead me to the garden of my associate Yussuf, reluctantly myself and Mister Tannal pushed onto to escavate his garden under the cover of darkness. Deciding it was to dangerous i saw Mister Tannal away safely and continue'd into a cavern, there i encounterd an Ancient beast, a Medusa, a gaze that can turn any being to stone and a scalp riddled with forked tongue'd serpents, quite a foe...
I controlled the beast and took its prized possesion, the ring...
I find myself unable to relinquish such a powerfull ring, i find myself impervious to that what i feared so long...the strikes of another Magi. But...the power, it strikes awe into my very soul, it will be the tool wich will rise the Red Order from the ashes, much like a pheonix...once risen we shall be unstopable.
With this new found power i found myself furthering aswell, the dropping of a coin at dusk brings me more fortune...
I returned to the grey city to rest...all of this trechory and tasks after my visit to the wretched port has not given my mind any rest.
I took some time to study and test my new powers, see how far i can bend the weave to my willing...
Whilst testing the Planar call, and observing closely how a Slaad Of Death works...i found myself being spied upon, the audacity...
Another one laying a task in my lap...i reluctantly accepted it as i had grown inpatient...two birds with one stone...
As promised i met up with Inquisitor Poisson, i allowed him to read my valued parchments, he was interest...a man of intellect, or so i thought.
And yet my offers did not bring me a step closer to what i was sent to patience faded.
I dusk i was ready, the old Black Robes, rarely used since i started Alchemy...with the drop of the gold shilling at dusk, i set intent was not murder...but merely to complete my tasks at hand.
With my way of the weave these material buildings posed little trouble to pass threw, i found myself in the private library the inquisitor spoke of...but i was not alone for long.
He, himself enterd the room, i was reluctant to lay my powers upon him...but as he caused a ruckus i could not hold back.
I silenced the man, rendering him blind at the same time...the illusion held fast while i collected the documents i was sent to retrieve.
He was not still for long, quite a spirit this Inquisitor...his pleads for help did not appease me, i renderd him dead for that.
Still unwilling to kill him i bound, gagged and healed the man.
Continue'ing my work in peace atlast i found the Ezrites hold quite a collection of knoledge. Worth its weight in golds i piled up the parchments of knoledge and filled my bag...surprising it held all that knoledge.
As a offering of good faith i ungagged the Inquisitor whilst stripping him of his keys, he queried who i was...the fool, asif i would anwser...
Continue'ing my gathering the Inquisitor managed to wriggle free of my bounds, he made a strike for me to no avail...i rended him petrified for his bold action.
I retrieved all i sought and left him with the bag of parchments, upon my return he held a alchemists fire varnish over the bag...i attempted to petrify him before he could lay ruins to my work...alas i was not quick enough, i saved what i could and imposed my revenge upon him.
For his attempt to burn the knoledge i would leave him to burn with what remainder i left in the library, he was quick, he escaped the room after i set it ablaze..almost knocking me over in his fury i renderd him blind and deaf once more...leaving him to his fate and took my leave....
Upon the delivery, another task awaited me...inpatience and fatigue begin to take its toll...