Within the swirling Mist (IC) > Biographies

Experiment #1: Saoire Ronan

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Impotent Collateral:
Experiment Number 1

The Test


Saoire Ronan



Both subjects were placed in chairs, with their arms manacled to the walls behind them by heavy chains. Saoire was cut first. Eventually, Lorcan wouldn't stop speaking, so I used a decayed foot to gag him. Lorcan further tried to communicate through foot contact, so I blindfolded Saoire. Torture ended with Lorcan's right eye gouged, his right hamstring severed, the nerves in his knee damaged. Saoire's right ear was clipped, her nose sawed off, and her left arm left half severed.Subjects displayed clarity of memory, before, during, and after the Test. Further studies will be necessary, and more drastic measures. No deaths via drowning ensued, as that will be part of later experimentation. Details on Phase 3 in further reports.


Direct psychological and physical attrition to the humanoid body will not produce immediate amnesiatic effect.

Impotent Collateral:
[Jeffron reclines in the Sepulchre, scrivening calmly]

Experiment Addition:

Subject #3

Name: Izabel Milosovici

Race: Human

Gender: Female


A woman of prime age, with blonde hair, pale skin, who wears red clothing. She professes inadvertantly to following the Lawgiver.

More information to be gathered later, as well as specific role in the Experiment.

Impotent Collateral:
Subject #3

Izabel will be used to operate on Saoire in Phase Two. Her hands will evidently be steadier than my own, and I will guide her through the surgery with my knowledge I am to learn from Jusuf.

Regarding the education I am to receive, another mortal will be used. Graven Wolff, will help me obtain my learning material.

To obtain the bodies and first subject for Jusuf, I will use a poison to be found at a later date. For the first subject, my educational one, it will be a narcotic to render him or her unconscious. All the others will be a lethal dose.

-the Recorder

Impotent Collateral:
A new development. Jote Bassag, who was used as a paranoia inducer for Subject #1, wishes to become romantically involved with her. This may take place, and he may or may not become emotionally attached. If not, then things will proceed as planned. If so, then he may be used to hurt her, if his loyalty is unmoving. More later.

-the Recorder

Impotent Collateral:
[Jeffron inserts a few notes into the Dossier]

Jote is noting that Saoire's mental state may be detiorating. He has lost interest in her, romantically, which is a boon and a hindrance. Apparently she has taken to the habit of pulling out her own hair.

The drug I requested from Jote, the Hazlani Opium, is in Vallaki, pending my purchase.

The Experiment will continue once the substance is mine.

-the Recorder


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