Author Topic: Calson Adams - A Hero but Not wanting to be one  (Read 5260 times)

Ryltar/ Robert Archer

  • The Cult of the Morninglord
  • Dark Power
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  • Posts: 3128
  • The Chuck Norris of RP -Eraldur
Re: Calson Adams - A Hero but Not wanting to be one
« Reply #25 on: September 08, 2008, 07:05:52 PM »
The next few days were nothing but pain to Calson the vroloks that had captured him didnt feed on him just used them for there own pleasures of the flesh and to inflict pain.

Eventually he escaped by the aide surprisingly of a victum of one of the vroloks who asked Calson for aide in reversing her afflication of undeath. "...Sorry lass only cure I know of is staking ya..." he said readying himself for a fight but surprisingly for once found the woman kneeling to accept her coming fate.

"I are in many ways Sir Bolson like a knight, a dark knight though that does what he can for others yet so rarely is it the honorable justice of a true knight." She said lowering her head. "...Make it swift then dark knight Bolson..." Calson then took a breath and swiftly did so for the woman her coffin he cound located in a old graveyard near the Zeklos lands.

The weeks passed but family life found Calson trouble. His wife had given birth again only to find her and the new born daughter slain by vengeful Vroloks it sent Caslson into a horrified comatose state but one that from his friends among the Ezra clergy brought him out of. The end result was blame being placed and arguments between Calson and his wife.

Calso knew that deep down he was a Hero to so many but he kept blankly refusing to accept the compliments he gave others he said as such curtly to the Toret one day upon reporting of a group of vrolok clans he and others slew. "...I ainta hero Toret, I was mearly doing wha I could to aide others at a certain time when it was needed." He said then turned and left with a curt nod to the Toret not waiting for a reply.

"That in itself is a defination of a hero Templar..." The toret said which Calson caught on his way out.

"...Not to me..." He said softly to himself as he faded into the night.

Ryltar/ Robert Archer

  • The Cult of the Morninglord
  • Dark Power
  • ******
  • Posts: 3128
  • The Chuck Norris of RP -Eraldur
Re: Calson Adams - A Hero but Not wanting to be one
« Reply #26 on: October 07, 2008, 01:59:19 PM »
Calson spent the following days alone mostly. With his wife gone and his chance at a normal life also gone with it her perhaps saw that there was a void in his life. He had so little to show for his life beyond a pile of dead vroloks and undead plus a few nerui as well. True he knew things about the land that few others likely knew. Knew the truth of other things and had suspsions about still others and what they did.

Calson though didnt care really. What others did to further there own secretive groups goals was none of his business after all who was he to talk he himself had such a group granted one that worked more in a loose affilation torwards a common goal rather then as a focused group as the others like Dorin, Elsin, and Soren were plus perhaps another one or two as well Calson wasnt sure yet. He knew those three definetly knew more then they let on plus did more then they let on as well. He had followed them many times to certain places from the shadows or from being invisible. In truth it wasnt surprising to a man like Calson having done the things he did but the fact that they didnt trust him did annoy him some but then again who could blame them?

Calson shrurged then to himself as he wandered aimlessly through Valiki. He got scowls from many and even vulgur words from still others due to him being an Ezrite but such jibs didnt bother him anymore. All what Calson wanted now was to find something to leave his mark on the land and be remembered for it somethjing more then defeating some great legion horde or vrolok or whatever. Something where it would benifit others. He felt that Ezra was calling to him to perform a journey alone. To travel somewhere else in the Core for some mission only he could feel.

And so with in the next two days Calson planned and after saying his good byes he wandered first north then East content for the moment to head for the lands of Mordent and then from there to see where the trip took him. Only once he settled this feeling inside him would he return till then the Hero would need to be taken up by someone else.