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Author Topic: Vianna Coroni's Short Biography  (Read 1830 times)


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Vianna Coroni's Short Biography
« on: June 17, 2008, 07:02:36 AM »
Vianna Coroni, warrior and follower of Lord Kelemvor

Vianna was born at a farm near Waterdeep in 1346 DR. She was a single child. Her mother died in childbirth, her father in a plague, eight years later. She was adopted by the church of Kelemvor, as it usually happened to orphaned children of that region. She received general priestly training there. The man who played the most important role in her growing up to an adult was Father Kalatio. He was her mentor, who taught her to fight with a sword and developed her personality and judgment.

Father Kalatio died of old age when Vianna was 17 years old. She has decided to leave the monastery and travel south. She wandered the lands for three years, until she met a Tethyrian soldier named Ulen Taussant whose personality reminded her of that of her mentor's. They have fallen in love with each other. He convinced her to join the Tethyrian military. She received further battle and military training, and spent much time with Ulen. That all ended when the Tethyrian Reclamation Wars began in 1367 DR.

Vianna and Ulen were fighting in battles together. The cruelness of the war and the horrors of the battlefield made Vianna want nothing more than to desert with Ulen and escape the country. She was unable to convince him to do so however, he would not sully his honor by abandoning his duty. He still loved her, and one night asked her to marry him. Vianna said yes, and later that night she decided to leave for Calimshan alone.

She was successful in escaping the Tethyrian law. She settled in Calimport, where she made a living of copying books. The Reclamation Wars ended in 1369 DR, and as news of this reached her, Vianna went back to Tethyr to find Ulen. She found him, and realized that the war has changed him for the worse. He had exited the military. A short and bitter conversation took place between them, Ulen blamed her for leaving him to fight alone. He then tried to arrest her for deserting, and Vianna was forced to leave the country again and go back to Calimport.

In 1372 DR, Vianna had an unpleasant surprise when Ulen arrived to her home. He was deranged and furious, he tracked her down and wanted to kill her in the name of the law he was no longer serving. Vianna, lacking both a weapon and the willingness to fight her beloved one, barely managed to escape with her life. She was hiding in the wilderness for several days. It was night when the mists have come for her.
« Last Edit: July 07, 2008, 02:56:49 PM by Adul »


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Vianna's Struggle of Faith
« Reply #1 on: June 21, 2008, 07:03:12 PM »
After arriving, Vianna was still overwhelmed by what had happened in the past few days in Calimshan. Soon, she had realized that she would never be able to go back to her previous life. She was a fugitive trying to make a living, just like as she had been in Calimshan a few years before.

Several days after her arrival, she went down to a tomb and was killed by undead. She would have welcomed death, but soon found herself alive, at the same place she had arrived to the realm the first time. Vianna fully remembered what had happened, but her faith couldn't deal with it. She made up panicked theories regarding her resurrection, and came to the conclusion that she was now an undead and had failed her Lord Kelemvor. She lost the will to live.

While lying almost lifelessly in the grass behind the Lady's Resting Place, a shapeshifting beast had found her and dragged her off to the woods. It was Nara'ia and her travelling companion who found Vianna before the beast could devour her. They chased it off and carried the injured and bleeding woman to the temple, where the priests healed her. Upon regaining her conscience, Vianna was astonished by this selfless act of goodness.

During the next months, she found shelter in friendship, and had her faith fully restored. She became more devoted to Kelemvor than she ever was before, and had found that his Lord answered her prayers even there, in the Land of Mists.
« Last Edit: July 07, 2008, 02:58:00 PM by Adul »


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Husband, Love, Endless Suspense
« Reply #2 on: July 03, 2008, 07:04:52 PM »
Vianna had never come around to clarifying her feelings towards her husband. She wasn't sure whether she wanted Ulen to be with her in the Land of Mists. The main reason for that was obviously that he had lost his mind and tried to kill her previously. Furthermore, she was sure that in Barovia, there was no place for his strong sense of honor and duty. However, she had encountered others who had slipped into dementia, and while Barovia wasn't exactly kind to them, they seemed to nestle in the country like as if they were at home. But there was one thing that made Vianna mostly uncertain about her feelings towards Ulen: he was alive.

One of her loved ones was alive somewhere else, a thread of her life left running into the misty suspense called future. Everyone else she had ever loved or cared for were dead: her father, her mentor, the old lady in Calimport. The sole exception was her husband, and Vianna wasn't prepared for that.

At night, he haunted her dreams, at day, he was giving her worries. And she couldn't ever stop thinking about him.
« Last Edit: July 07, 2008, 03:01:09 PM by Adul »


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Unborn into the Afterlife
« Reply #3 on: July 09, 2008, 07:13:50 AM »
After witnessing a mother miscarry her child in the wilderness once, Vianna had begun to center her thoughts on the fate of those who died before they had a chance to live. She however could only pose questions, and provide no answers.

Was that baby alive? It was growing, but had it got feelings, emotions? Would its forming soul have a place in the afterlife, or would it decay back into nothingness? Would it be able to break free of the Land of Mists, or would it hold its soul prisoner, like it had happened to many others? Would it be judged by Kelemvor? What fate would he assign it? Would it become part of the Wall of Souls until its soul disappears forever, like those who deny the gods? Or would it receive special treatment, maybe going to the plane of a god one of its parents was serving?

In the next few days, Vianna was praying frequently for its soul to find final rest. She trusted that Lord Kelemvor will find it and assign it the just fate it was worthy of.
« Last Edit: July 09, 2008, 07:24:46 AM by Adul »


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The Final Episode
« Reply #4 on: September 09, 2008, 04:11:46 AM »
Smiling, Vianna looked upon the stars of the night sky to remind herself of the insignificance of existence. The flow of life and death were strong in the Land of Mists, and she knew her actions hardly made a difference. However, she found comfort in believing that maybe, some people's lives have become better when the mists have taken her to her new home. She knew for certain that it was true for at least two people.

It was almost dawn, and the water of the lake was clear and quiet. Vianna decided to act and please her Lord Kelemvor and herself the only way she had it in her power: by destroying undead. She made her way to the temple of the Morninglord in the town outskirts, and entered the catacombs. She didn't know it was her last trip, but as always, she imagined final death waiting for her below, and welcomed the thought. Vianna Coroni fought her way to the bottom levels, and despite her desperate attempt to destroy all of the walking dead, the zombies have overcome her. When she realized her wounds prevented her from holding a sword anymore, she laid back in the chaotic sway of battle, awaiting Kelemvor's judgment.

Somewhere, a madman mourned that day.

// shelved, feel free to comment if you want to
« Last Edit: September 09, 2008, 04:13:19 AM by Adul »