Within the swirling Mist (IC) > Biographies

Teli's story so far

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Aldabreck Stone Helm:
It was raining the morning Teli Caightankil and thirteen other dwarfs left Kilnmore keep. The road that was usually hard packed dirt now was more like sludge.Teli scoffed as the left out the gates "Dis gonna be a funs one" so off they go.Teli looked up to see the light grey shine of the sun behind the thick clouds."Wells I bets we nots be attacked dis times eh?"Being a guard of the caravan he wasn't sure if that idea was good or bad. When dwarfs fight they forget how bad things are at least when they win the fight.
By mid day there was not a kind word spoken by anyone.The mud weighed down the wagons and the dwarfs some times the dwarfs had to push and lift the wagons out of the mud.One thing a dwarf is not is a mule boy anger was welling in everyone. By night fall the rain let up and spirits rose a little.

"We camps ere fer da night" says Stolz the leader of this caravan.the clearing they camped in was not the normal one but because of the mud they were behind schedule. We went to setting up camp and prepairing our food.We drank allot of ale that night and sleeped  hard. (Well most of us anyways).
Teli was not sure what woke him this night but he startled awake.At first he thought the ale was still affecting his sight but as he stood he realized there was a light fog on the ground.Looking around he noticed he was the only one awake. Thinking to himself "I bests nots wakes any ones yet" A visual of Teli strapped to the front of a wagon invaded his thoughts."I coulds sees it meself Why ya wakes us fer a coon ya whelp" Shakes the thought out of his head. He dawns his armor and quietly looks around better have something to tell before I alert any one.

Teli heard the rustling in the bushes ahead of the camp before he saw anything. He crept up to the bushes looking around intently in the dark. He hears rustling again farther down the hill so he moves on knowing the camp is close he can yell to get help if he needs to.The hill was covered in tall wet grass between tall wet trees.And the fog was getting thicker."fine mess ya gets yerself in ta ya oaf"Thinking to himself again. Stepping of a rock he slips and rides down the hill on his arse.How long he fell or how far he didn't know But when he stopped He stood up right away and the hairs on the back of his neck were prickling.He found himself in a small clearing of trees the grass was tall about to his waist but the fog was almost to his shoulders. He had an unnerving feeling that he was not alone but all he could see was fog.

Teli woke again this time face down in the grass with a good portion of snow building up on his body cold and confused he stood. He turned to see a thick swirling fog behind him he tried to enter but could not after lowering his head in defeat he knew he was in trouble. Off in the distance he saw a camp fire and decided it was time to get some answers There he learned very Little bot where he was but he learned he was not any where near home. the strange folk at the camp told him about a town close by here so off he went.

Aldabreck Stone Helm:
It did not take long for Teli after arriving in town to realize that dwarfs are not well liked in side the gates of Valaki. He found refuge in the out skirts of town though.The lady's rest and the church of the coming dawn seemed the closest thing to home he has. Now all he needed was some money.So he goes into town to find a job there he met a person offering money for rat corpses.Accepting the job was one of Teli's biggest life changes.

 He entered the sewers disgusted with himself for being so petty."I cant's believe I be doing dis fer monies place smells worse den a dead ogres arse" It wasn't pleasent but after a few trips back and forth he was getting enough to sustain himself and live comfortably. On one such evening Teli left the sewers after dark and exchanged his corpses for fang and headed to the Lady"s rest. "Ner'er I sees such a thing" an upright walking rat horrible sight tall as a man and mean too.Well Teli stood off with the creature and realized that his hammer wasn't even touching the thing."what my weapon cant's touch it' So he ran from the streets of town with this creature close behind.

 He arrived at the inn safety but beaten badly.Some patrons looked at him in wonder as he tried to patch himself up and stop the wounds from bleeding.'What has happened to you?" one patron asked well after he cleared his head he told the patron"Der be a big uprights walkin rats in da town tougher den all I er'er sees."That's when a giggle comes from a table in the back of the room."were rat I bet'. Looking around to see who said that he was shocked to see the beautiful  lass sitting there all dressed in blue with stunning eyes the color of sapphires. Curious of her words and wanting to know more about her and these were critters he approached her and smiled."Hm? Cans I buys ya a drink malady I be likin ta knows more iffin ya gots time." She accepted and there they talked for a long time That is were he learned he needed a silver type weapon to fight these horrible critters.

Denalie was a wonder to Teli very informed of the land and a merchant to boot. Teli looked over his weapon and asked."ya knows were ya gets a silver ammer malady." She giggled again" I can get you one Teli for a price." He looked at her filled with joy and handed her a pouch of coins. "Half now half on delivery okay" she said.Teli replied "Aye dats be fine malady fer me purse be a bits light anyways." While he waited he took to exploring the land.

Aldabreck Stone Helm:
Before Denalie entered the tavern that evening Teli was siting alone at a table in the Lady's Rest.He had his back to the wall and was facing the door.He was drunk and brooding about being locked in the inn.Every time the sun goes down Teli"s heart sank because he new that no matter what, there was nothing he could do but hide from the creatures of the night.When Denalie entered  the inn that evening Teli's spirits lifted high.

He stood there aw struck at the perfect craftsmanship of his new war hammer. A feeling of freedom and new life came over him that instant,because now he had a weapon that could stand up to the might of the were creatures.With these feelings and his own determination to survive. He knelt down holding his hammer tightly above his head.'Ons me honnor I swears ta  swings dis ammer ats all da evils I finds in dis new place,ands iffin I falls den I opes dat dis ammer be only in da ands of someones wits honnor ands goodness in der earts". I can't remember the oath word for word but that is pretty close to what was said. Kneeling there on the floor of the rest Teli's hammer was given a name and almost a life it's own.You could almost say it was another sign from the morning lord.

Aldabreck Stone Helm:
With his new hammer and sense of freedom he went to exploring the land. During the day he would search around and at night he would go back to the Lady's rest and boast about his adventures. It's here he would see Denalie often and here Teli would share stories and drink with any he found in the rest. Teli often found Denalie here as well always he enjoyed her company and even took pride in giving her gifts and poetic words of kindness.

Teli thought hard as to why he felt so strongly about Denalie and one evening it came to him. Denalie was a woman merchant taking on the world of the mists alone. She had friends but never traveled with them often usualy she just bartered and talked with every one. Her courage was unmatched in the mists and Teli thought even together they would always be alone. Teli new that a relationship would never work but he could not help how he felt. She inspired him to keep going and have hope that things could get better. Every time he saw Denalie his spirits would raise and that in turn would cause him to raise someone elsses spirits     

Aldabreck Stone Helm:
The sun would rise and Teli with it, Eager for adventure. Adventuring was Telis most predominant calling to the church of the Coming Dawn. Countless times he fell in battle and found himself laying at mother Lizuca feet. Always she was there to heal him and offer her blessing of hope and healing. That meant so much to Teli though he never really talked about it. It was not long into his adventuring career that he too took up faith. He would go out in the morning and pray to whomever was listening. His prayers were always answered and he was always granted blessings. He always assumed it was Moradrin but the more he thinks about it the more he wonders if the dawn bringer wasn't always watching over him.


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