Life in Rokushima Taiyoo. For one who is not born to wealth or an honorable lineage, life is needlessly difficult. Born to a fishing village and orphaned by a local barbarian raid, Kagami only escaped the confines of Tottorido Prefecture by gaining attention for her singing voice. Shortly after, other attentions would follow.
She fell into a very dark, addled world. A world of conmen and tricksters, sellswords and merchants, and worse. She learned much from her constant exposure to the underworld of Rokuma society. Many Gokudo families emulated, in a lesser way, the ongoing conflicts plaguing the lands as a whole. The struggle for power, the need for examples in a changing world, and constant deception carved Kagami from her old life into one she couldn't fathom.
She was now a prostitute.
At the age of seventeen she would do all she could to be noticed as a genuine artist. But bruise marks and shabby clothing kept her to the scummy quarters of the larger towns her business took her too. Old fat merchants would lie through their yellow teeth, to dress her nicely, to showcase her talent. But not a single one of them proved trust worthy.
It took several years, with very harsh and hardening times. But eventually she figured out how to escape her second life. She had a customer who always returned to her and decided to declare her love for him. It was a lie, but as she expected he took her away, much to his own endangerment with the local Gokudo family at his heels. With good fortune, they escaped only to seperate from one another. When Kagami took her fine clothes from his wagon and took to the forest to elude him, a strange mist crept up around her...