Are we necessarily and specifically Gundarakite in origin?
Yes, the majority of the Ghosts of Zeidenburg are Gundarakite patriots. While there may be rare exceptions, such individuals will never attain leadership roles within the cell. Gundarakite applications will be given priority over any non-Gundarakite applications.
Can we be certified rebels already, instead of just strangers or mercenaries looking to join the cause?
Yes, your character can already be a part of the resistance. The Ghosts are made up of highly trained operatives, some of whom may have been handpicked or recruited from other cells or organizations. However, keep server rules in mind - your character’s background should reflect what can be reasonably accomplished by 2nd level (no overpowered backstories).
Do we need both Balok and Luktar as starting languages (requiring 12+ intelligence scores or early language skill investment)?
Yes, Luktar is required.
Will trappers be useful for the plotline?
Yes, trappers will be potentially useful.
Will heavy magic use be appropriate? (e.g., Ranger/Beguiler/Bard transitioning to Wizard/Sorcerer/Warmage)?
Yes, magic use is appropriate.
Does the human race limitation include Half-Vistani?
Half-Vistani are acceptable, but note the preference for Gundarakites (see #1).
Will guns be off-limits as part of the Ghosts' modus operandi?
Yes, guns and sapper explosives conflict with the Ghosts' focus on stealth operations. They prefer silent weapons. While black powder may be used for specific objectives, it's not typically deployed in regular combat.