Threefold CurseToradh an chrainn a thuitfeas an duilleabhar.Features:
Domains: Barovia, Haslan and a couple you have not yet encountered.
Levels: All Level
Classes: Any, there is no Alignment Restrictions
Alignments: Any, survival is never subject to alignment
Risk Level:
Stage 1 - Low, there is always a chance of course
Stage 2 - Medium, risk is only high if your an idiot
Stage 3 - Very High, tread carefully a mistake can be your end
Themes: Stuck between the frying pain and the fire, which has the moral high ground, which has the low, betrayal and guilt, Natures vengeance on civilisation
How to Get Involved: Small adventures all over the server, key NPC's will request aid.
% until plot is ready: 100%
% of plot completed in game: 5%
Keep your eyes open and tread carefully, things are not always what they seem even in the most well travelled locations.
Things have started, some places have been found and some plants that are not very nice encountered, initial players that have had the encounters are researching what they have found.