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Suggestion - Bashing Locks

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Or we could just make offhand attacks not have the same bashing power.

Better Idea.  CROWBAR Item. 



--- Quote from: kenpen on June 24, 2008, 04:33:09 PM ---I mean, why not implement a steel crowbar too, while we're at it.
--- End quote ---

I think he meant it as a joke, not sure what Rex meant.  I'm going for gameplay, not for realism.  For the sake of gameplay, it's stupid that you can bash faster by holding a dagger in your left hand.

Crowbar item could be a simple Equipable thing, that gives you a Boost or a multiplier to your STR bonus for the purpose of opening the door.  It could be constructed as a crafting item, made heavy, and in a few different varieties from Pry Bar to Breaker Bar to Fubar (Yes there is such a thing as a Fubar).

Work in construction so actual TOOLS like this would make me very happy.


I'm sure it could be done. After all, a similar system is in place for woodaxes and mining picks. Have it give you a +3 modifier to your STR checks or something.

Rename a club. Make it a bit heavy, with -1 or -2 to attack or something.


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