Suggestions, Feedback & Bug Reports (OOC) > Module Feedback and Suggestions
Suggestion - Bashing Locks
Yep, Drudoc bashes stuff in bear form.
^^^ Like Frank. ;P
Yes, it was bear form. That has a set STR, as opposed to a modifier then?
DM Shadowspawn:
The bearform adds a HUGE str bonus and she is far from considered a halfing sized bear. she's the size of a Ancient Dire bear with, I think, a 28 str from that form. Since she is a cleric she can also buff her str with spells to boot. ;)
--- Quote from: Negnar on June 25, 2008, 08:19:56 AM ---
--- Quote from: failed.bard on June 25, 2008, 07:50:58 AM --- Saw Drudoc get a 36 or 38 on a STR check, and she's short.
--- End quote ---
Max str here is 34 far as I know (or at least thats what neg maxes out at)
And Neg only gets taht through greater rage (+6 str)
--- End quote ---
Depends what your base strength is. I'm not sure how shifting works (for druids, not werewolves). I guess it changes their base strength.
Shape Str Dex Con Temp HP AC
Badger 8 17 15 +10 18
Brown bear 27 13 19 +10 12
Boar 15 10 17 +10 15
Panther 16 15 19 +10 16
Wolf 13 15 15 +10 16
Dire badger 14 17 19 +20 23
Dire bear 31 13 19 +40 16
Dire boar 27 10 17 +20 20
Panther (improved) 25 15 17 +30 20
Dire wolf 25 15 17 +30 20
As you can see, with proper buffing, STR 36 is possible.
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