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Suggestion - Bashing Locks
Two suggestions for bashing locks:
1) Give two handed weapons a bonus when bashing locks.
2) Give offhand attacks a penalty when bashing locks.
#1 is not a very important suggestion, because while a realistic idea (and follows damage patterns), it would take a retweak of bash DC's and wouldn't really regulate bashing, because everyone would start carrying around a spear or something.
#2, however, I think should definately be implemented. Offhand attacks recieve no penalty when bashing. I even set up a slot on my quickbar with dual wielded weapons so that I can bash things faster when I hit barbarian rage. I don't think it should be that way. It's an extra bash attempt with no strings attached.
So, maybe the bash modifiers should be akin to your STR combat modifiers? I think that makes sense and also may give straight fighters a better chance of smashing the more difficult locks without buffing.
Two handed weapons should be 1.5x your STR modifier.
One handed weapons should be 1x your STR modifier.
Off-hand weapons should be .5x your STR modifier.
Yeah, that's what I was suggesting. But like I said, for two handed weapons, I don't think it's all that important, because people will just start carrying the lightest two handed weapon they can find around if they don't normally use one.
Almost anyone who isn't a straight fighter has levels of rogue and can pick locks... or is a cleric that can buff their strength, THEN use a two handed weapon anyway.
You ever tried to whack something with one hand or two on an object? Even if the two handed weapon is light, and a one handed weapon is heavy, it'll be easier to bring the brunt of your strength down on an object with two hands to support and swing that weapon.
Sure, everyone may suddenly start packing that DnD standard 10 foot pole, but hey, I think its a reasonable improvement on the bashing system anyways.
Eh. Seems overly complicated for a system that really has too many variables to take into account. I mean, why not implement a steel crowbar too, while we're at it. There's next to nothing a troll with the system-maximum of 30 strength and a long steel crowbar - with plenty of leverage - shouldn't be able to crack open (and this while without any significant chance of damaging the goods inside. Or, while not allow someone w/ a high strength to wrap a chain around it and swing it around overhead and hurl it into a wall. Or, why not allow two PCs to somewhat combine their strengths in an effort to open a chest. With the forging methods available to artisans at this time, most chests that weren't magical would be toast if put up against the strengths of some of the PCs out there.
And, if you want to bash two handed... use the death-shards. No damage. ;) I've never destroyed a chest using them. ;)
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