Author Topic: Vallaki - Southern Forest - Degannwy  (Read 43137 times)


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Re: Vallaki - Southern Forest - Degannwy
« Reply #100 on: January 16, 2020, 02:11:13 AM »
The Morninglord acolyte Sasha Sorokina spends the night(s) by the prisoners' shackle post, keeping watch over the two caliban and trying to provide them some company and comfort. She makes sure the living one is fed and the deceased one is tended to, and can be seen praying and singing soft hymns nearby.
Sasha Sorokina: Devoted to the Morninglord
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Alan Hunter

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Re: Vallaki - Southern Forest - Degannwy
« Reply #101 on: January 16, 2020, 07:38:35 PM »
Once more the Braovian Oaf returned to find his works changed and battered. When told whom did so he flew into a rage battering down the newly placed defenses before several people calmed him down and ask him to be at peace before swearing in balok. Eventually one close to the oaf calmed him and asked him to work on the defenses again. The kaf swearing if the person or persons did so again his aid to Degannway was done. Many gave the oaf space. Many elves frowned or scolded the oaf in which many spoke they couls not afford to lose allies. The oaf kept his distance in the camp working alone in the wood tables in Dehannwy making bows.
"For Evil to win is for good men to do nothing."


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Re: Vallaki - Southern Forest - Degannwy
« Reply #102 on: January 16, 2020, 08:02:25 PM »
And as the man left, a morninglordian priest rose up again to organize the defenses, her form moving all around the camp, to every man and woman present, until she finally fell to exhaustion. As she left, others took her place to continue the defense of Degannwy.


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Re: Vallaki - Southern Forest - Degannwy
« Reply #103 on: January 18, 2020, 10:24:56 AM »
Despite the rumours of the capture & upcoming judgement of some of Degannwy's aggressors, the amount of guards posted and the patrols & supply runs do not shrink as if the conflict were ending.

In fact, the camp is seen to sustain its activity, if not grow. One night, the cooking fire smoke rising over the camp thickens, and the sounds of laughter and celebration echo through the forest, taunting the darkness until sunrise, perhaps suggesting these rumours of recent successes have some truth to them after all, or some milestone had been reached in their common mission to free the settlement of its need for such an encampment.

The situation overall seems less tense, for a little while at least, as the elven enclave's benefactors continue to dare the night for the sake of entertaining themselves and spreading cheer to raise morale. Just days ago, orders were barked to cover every angle in camp, and now that was replaced with the sounds of lighthearted jubilation. Even still, if ultimate victory was upon them, surely the camp would have been disbanded, and its armed guards & magical glyphs of protection would have dispersed already...
« Last Edit: January 18, 2020, 10:38:12 AM by SardineTheAncestor »
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Re: Vallaki - Southern Forest - Degannwy
« Reply #104 on: January 18, 2020, 01:17:35 PM »
Still, a woman in Morninglordian garbs keeps around, giving tasks and orders, struggling to keep the defense standing.


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Re: Vallaki - Southern Forest - Degannwy
« Reply #105 on: January 23, 2020, 10:09:15 AM »
A woman possessed, with several kegs strapped to her body, wanders into the encampment outside Degannwy some hours before daylight. There are shouts for her to stop and explain her strange behaviour, but she wordlessly shambles on until a massive explosion occurs. She may have been the only permanent casualty of what is rumoured to be a suicide attack, but several of Degannwy's defenders are injured and the outer fortifications were reduced to ashen debris. A contingent of them breaks off from the rest of the defence and marches into the night after everyone's on their feet, prayers of protection from the Morninglord and the spirits of nature following them into the fog.
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Re: Vallaki - Southern Forest - Degannwy
« Reply #106 on: January 23, 2020, 08:37:16 PM »
A sudden scream is heard in the southern forest in broad daylight not too far from Degannwy's defense camp, something considered the norm in recent times, in what was once a peaceful forest.


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Re: Vallaki - Southern Forest - Degannwy
« Reply #107 on: January 24, 2020, 12:45:32 AM »
As the eve turned to dawn in the camp, a lone figure stumbled toward the entrance. The Silver-Errant Senna clutched a bloodied bandage to a wounded stomach, dropping her blade and collapsing not soon after her arrival. Healed, and brought to consciousness, she spoke of a sudden attack, memory failing her on detail.
Abigail Shuttleworth - Active

Senna Merula - Shelved


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Re: Vallaki - Southern Forest - Degannwy
« Reply #108 on: January 24, 2020, 12:23:14 PM »
A brunette bard who introduces herself with dramatic flair has taken it upon herself to provide cheerful, upbeat music to the defenders of Degannwy as much as possible. She's oft positioned near the main entrance and greets everyone in her flirtatious, over-the-top manner.

~*~ OOC ~*~

Want to listen to the music Mhairi plays? Click below!

YouTube: Renaissance Lute, John Dowland
YouTube: Paul O'Dette, John Dowland Complete Works

Spotify: Paul O'Dette Plays Lute - Playlist

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Mhairi Merula Shuttleworth - Portrait


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Re: Vallaki - Southern Forest - Degannwy
« Reply #109 on: January 24, 2020, 05:28:32 PM »
A tall, hooded woman in a dark dress seems to come and go as easily as she might have been witnessed in her travels to and from camp.  In her time spent, she would converse with the other local magi educating and idenitfying where could expertise could lend fit.


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Re: Vallaki - Southern Forest - Degannwy
« Reply #110 on: February 01, 2020, 04:48:40 AM »
A simple note on mulberry bark paper is affixed to the wall in the woodworking room.

I would like to bargain for good quality arrows that have an elemental core, and potions of 'ghostly visage'.

Furthermore, I require a capable and well-supplied warrior to assist me with a task.

Find Ólendin of the Bower, white of hair and with two points on each ear.

Na'vel auris ireth la leitra vourin!

Caerylia Durothil

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Re: Vallaki - Southern Forest - Degannwy
« Reply #111 on: March 05, 2020, 03:03:07 AM »
[A note in crisp Elvish script is pinned upon a wall in Nant Gaerwyn.]

Unto my Brothers and Sisters who call Degannwy home,
Does Caerylia Talan’dir, Magus of the Autumn Grove,
Send Her Greetings and Salutations!

To my beloved kin,

I invite you to celebrate the life of Sister Simona Savu of the Morninglordians, one of the truest friends of Degannwy and a marvelous woman who dedicated the final days of her life protecting our most sacred grove. In the War of the Black Rose, she had sworn to defend our home and fought fiercely to keep the darkness at bay.  When a battle camp was erected in front of Degannwy as the war raged, she worked tirelessly day and night, ever vigilant for the dangers that threatened the glade. And as our allies dwindled, ever was she the elves’ steadfast ally.

She died as she lived—an unsung hero. May it be that the People never forget her bravery and devotion to be a beacon whilst all other lights went out. May it be that we forever honor her sacrifice.

Attached is the announcement of the Morninglordians:
« Last Edit: March 05, 2020, 03:26:49 AM by Caerylia Talan'dir »


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Re: Vallaki - Southern Forest - Degannwy
« Reply #112 on: March 21, 2020, 03:29:43 PM »
The tranquil forest bore witness this day to an elaborate hand-fasting ceremony! Conducted by the regal elves Caerylia Talan'dir and Eruheran, the Elven tradition forevermore bound Mhairi Merula and Arthur Shuttleworth together as a married couple. Even though the cozy, intimate affair saw only a few guests, the celebration seemed to be a joyous one. The happy newlyweds eventually said their farewells and departed, telling their well-wishers that they would be traveling to Mordentshire to spend some time with the groom's family.

Player of:

Éverine Beaulieu - Portrait
Mhairi Merula Shuttleworth - Portrait


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Re: Vallaki - Southern Forest - Degannwy
« Reply #113 on: April 08, 2020, 05:47:47 AM »
During the night, a wan and feverish elf was aided into the sanctum by another, pink-of-hair. Agonized moans come from the middlemost resting chamber, and after a couple of hours, the latter fey departs hurriedly: perhaps he is seeking medicine, or outside assistance.

Spoiler: show
(( If you wish to interact with the sick/injured character, send me a ping on Discord: Septhocil#6977 - good opportunity for practical healers!))
Na'vel auris ireth la leitra vourin!


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Re: Vallaki - Southern Forest - Degannwy
« Reply #114 on: April 12, 2020, 07:33:15 PM »
A red-haired elf clad in well maintained, tight fitting leathers has been spotted painting the surrounding scenery of the southern forest, as well as inside of Degannwy. Often carrying with him various painting tools, while humming a gentle tune to himself.
Liudward Engelbrechts
Silviu Banin


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Re: Vallaki - Southern Forest - Degannwy
« Reply #115 on: April 26, 2020, 09:54:36 AM »
As the appointed date for the festivities approaches, a white-haired elf, his apron covered in flour and food stains, has been seen bustling about the kitchen quarter. Countless pots bubble and broil on the stove, and a myriad of pleasant scents escape the room. Each time the elf goes to fetch water from the stream, he is hassled by a large male hawk who seems intent to use him as a perch...
Na'vel auris ireth la leitra vourin!

Sinful Mystic

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Re: Vallaki - Southern Forest - Degannwy
« Reply #116 on: May 16, 2020, 01:21:09 AM »
To those who pay attention to these things, activity in Degannwy has increased of late. An influx of old faces returned and new ones just arrived has seen spontaneous banquets, gatherings to discuss Elven history, and most importantly, friends reuniting and enjoying the time to get caught up with their loved ones. More so these Elves are making plans. There is talk of a Summer Solstice Festival, the opening of a War Academy and much, much more.
Celynna of Elevashe
Daly'rae of Zau'duis-inactive
Erika Tinescu-inactive

Sinful Mystic

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Re: Vallaki - Southern Forest - Degannwy
« Reply #117 on: May 21, 2020, 09:13:56 PM »
A Flyer written in elegant Elvish script placed in Degannwy.

All those of Elven heritage and their partners are invited to the Summer Solstice Festival at Degannwy this Saturday.

It is to be a light affair with a raffle and some games planned. Good food, good cheer, good company.

// OOC Saturday May 23rd Noon EST
Celynna of Elevashe
Daly'rae of Zau'duis-inactive
Erika Tinescu-inactive

Sinful Mystic

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Re: Vallaki - Southern Forest - Degannwy
« Reply #118 on: May 23, 2020, 11:01:39 AM »
A Flyer written in elegant Elvish script placed in Degannwy.

All those of Elven heritage and their partners are invited to the Summer Solstice Festival at Degannwy this Saturday.

It is to be a light affair with a raffle and some games planned. Good food, good cheer, good company.

// OOC Saturday May 23rd Noon EST

//OOC 1 hour until event
Celynna of Elevashe
Daly'rae of Zau'duis-inactive
Erika Tinescu-inactive


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Re: Vallaki - Southern Forest - Degannwy
« Reply #119 on: June 07, 2020, 03:12:16 AM »
At dawn, two diminutive elven men set out from the settlement, leaving many of their belongings behind, and carrying only a cooking pot, some rope, a bundle of fire-wood, and a few others bits-and-bobs. They began hiking northward, into the heart of Winter. In the skies above, a hawk circled the pair, careening and soaring between falling flakes of snow.

They do not return the next day, nor the day after...
Na'vel auris ireth la leitra vourin!


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Re: Vallaki - Southern Forest - Degannwy
« Reply #120 on: July 05, 2020, 12:40:37 AM »
The study carrel upstairs has often been occupied by Ólendin of the Bower. He pores over canvas and paint pottles, producing dozens of simple works. His technical skill is poor, at best.
When he departs, the watercolor paintings are strung from twine to dry. Most of them depict pastoral scenes and meadow vistas, but there are a few of an unsettling nature: dreary sloughs interspersed with lanky and pallid humanoid figures. Their eyes are hollow black pits, and their mouths are gaping voids.
Na'vel auris ireth la leitra vourin!


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Re: Vallaki - Southern Forest - Degannwy
« Reply #121 on: August 13, 2020, 03:35:36 PM »
*A ragged-looking man, familiar to some, returns to Degannwy after some time away. A hawk returns to its rightful perch on his shoulder upon spotting him entering the safety of the small settlement. Blood would soon drip into the small creek behind Nant Gaerwyn as he tends to his wounds, removing broken arrows and reopening older, poorly-healed scars.*


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Re: Vallaki - Southern Forest - Degannwy
« Reply #122 on: September 06, 2020, 05:24:15 PM »
A bald, palid, bearded, business-dressed man's invisibility fades as he enters Degannwy, and finds a comfortable spot in one of the rooms upstairs. He's a look on his face and composure in his posture like he's planning on being there a while.


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Re: Vallaki - Southern Forest - Degannwy
« Reply #123 on: September 17, 2020, 10:40:40 PM »
Two Elves come to Degannwy, their manner and dress marking them as outsiders to the Forest Realm.

One is short, dressed in clothes of black, blue and silver, grey skin, amber eyes and silver hair shining out from beneath her hood, a book never far from their hand. The other woman is tall near as tall as an Elf woman can be, her skin fair with a golden-bronze tinge, her hair orange and eyes golden; dressed in bright blues and reds, a quiver at her hip and a harp strapped against her side.

It is not their first visit to Degannwy. Indeed, when last they were here, they spoke with Gwerydd by the riverside

Then enter. Some while later, the tall woman with orange hair and golden eyes emerges with a White-haired Elf. They sit and take for a while, and then she shoots arrows at an archery butt erected by the White-haired Elf, demonstrates a few tricks of magic. He blindfolds her, and then she shoots again at the target, over and over, with the occasional spell mixed in, trying to... It is not clear, but it is not accomplished.

Eventually, Olendin removes the blindfold from her. They talk a short while, interrupted when the woman scorches the butt with a ray of fire from her eyes, letting cry to a noise of frustration and anger. They return to Degannwy proper, the woman tired and dejected.


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Re: Vallaki - Southern Forest - Degannwy
« Reply #124 on: April 10, 2021, 12:18:21 PM »
At the witching hour, a small explosion is heard in the Degannwy area coming from what seems to be the wolf den.   The aroma of sulfur and death permeates the area outside of it, though what happened within still seems to be quite the mystery...