Within the swirling Mist (IC) > Biographies

Dark Elves and Dark Dreams

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The caverns of the underdark passed rapidly, the lizard mount easily moving across the broken and uneven environment. The dark armored knight upon the reptilian steed pushed the beast hard, nothing would stop him. Over crags and sometimes across the tunnel ceiling to avoid impassible obstacles in the passage. The tunnel came out into a vast cavernous void, it's bottom was too far to see and the ceiling was hidden far above in the darkness. With natural agility, the lizard's suction cup like feet pulled itself along the cavern walls effortlessly. In the distance could be seen a long bridge,  lit by purple farie fire. Guards stood alert and ready along it's length, it would be a hard fight, but the knight knew he would prevail. He went higher, into the depths of the darkness above. He continued his pace toward the bridge and the closer he got to it, the more he could see his final goal. An enormous stalagmite protruded from the bottom of the void and disapeared into the shadowed ceiling, like a dark skeletal finger. Balconies wrapped around it in rings, decorated with glowing railings in the shape of webs and spiders. His goal was at the top most room of the tower, for their slept the matron.

He analyzed the situation. 30 guards on the bridge, an unknown amount within, and then there were the towers defenses. The Knights sensitive Drow eyes could see that upon the balconies were archers and not all wore armor, nor had bows. Some wore robes and held wands, house wizards. He drew his rapier and short companion sword, the runes along their blades whispering of great enchantment. With three squeezes from the knight's legs the lizard knew what the silent command meant. It released it's hold from the ceiling and twisted and spun in midair as it fell. The beast spread out it's powerful legs and stretched the loose skin attached to its body tight, into sail like flaps that slowed it's decent. The air whistled past as the rider and mount rapidly floated down toward the unsuspecting guards below. The lizard hit hard, crushing the first two guards under its weight. the fall was jarring but both the mount and rider had trained in this tactic. From it's back the knight went into a deadly scything whirlwind of sharp blades. Steel struck flesh and claw tore through armor. Like a well choreographed dance, but beast and knight worked together in devasting efficency. The defenders fell to the assault, but the Tower was far from won. In the distance above, the twanging sound of bowstrings firing was heard.

The knight knew that this would come, the rain of piecing arrows. Without missing a beat, he severed the belt that held him in the saddle. Up he went, envoking the dark elven natural ability to levitate, and kicked off his mount on an angle. As the arrow struck, enchantments on the lizards armor took most of the sting from the attack. It quickly disappeared over the side of the bridge and made its way along with his master from underneath. The Knight had travelled weightlessly about 15 feet then released the leviation and fell into a roll back down to the bridges surface coming up with his swords at the ready. Magical runes flared on his helm as the arrows approached. A bubble of inpenetrable energy encased him and deflected the missiles in all directions. He knew the enchantment would not last forever, so he ran as fast as he could, cutting down any who dare stand in his way.

The knight nearly made it to the main gate when crackling lightning struck at him from the house wizards above. He rolled and dodged, avoiding the worst of the magical assault, and the magical immunity of the drow race dealt with the rest. One guard came in with a low attack with his long sword then quickly reversed high in hopes of catching the knight of guard. The feint was obvious and the attack was turned aside by the rapier followed by a downward slash with the short sword. It caught the guard across his full face helm, the enchanted blade splitting it in half. Down fell the guard, the helm falling in two halves when he hit. There the pale face of a human looked back at the knight. The blue eyes looked up for mercy just before they went dead.
"What was a Human doing down here?" he thought, but he was not given the luxury of time to contemplate it further. Lightning and arrows now came at him, and he was running out of tricks, but not completely. More rolling and acrobatic flips avoided the assault, but took him to the edge of the bridge. He looked down into the deep chasm and grinned knowingly behind his helm. The Tower's gate was only 30 feet away. He did a dash for the gate and waited for the sizzle and twang of the released spells and arrows. As quick as he started he did a reversal and did a flip off the side of the bridge into the waiting darkness.

With grace, the knight grabbbed onto the saddle horn of his mount that hung upside down on the bridges side. With haste and skill, he pulled himself into position and kicked into the sides of the armored reptile. With a hiss, the lizard lept with it's powerful legs and landed securly onto the side of the Tower. Up they climbed, zig zaging back and forth to avoid being an easy target. Arrows wizzed by as they approached the first of the balconies. The knight called again upon his innate abilities and envoked a globe of darkness, engulfing the archers. This was followed by a toss of a multi-facetted bottle into the darkness as they passed and continued their assent. The bottle broke on the stone and the liquid inside detonated into a fiery inferno. The screams of the archers and wizards caught in the conflagration brough a satisfied grin to the knights lips.

the battles raged at each of the platforms, and with each victory was had. The knights dark chainmail was torn and blackend by his attackers and the powerful lizard was blinded in one eye and bled from many wounds. Finally they reached the top chamber, a pale blue glow eminated from the massive arched window. No guards were near the matron's chamber, like a queen spider left to her territory. The knight dismounted his steed, his one leg barely supporting his weight, an arrow's shaft protruded from it mid-thigh. Curtains spun of spider silk billowed in unseen or felt breezes as he undid the latch and opened the dual windows. He limped toward the bed, there she slumbered, awaiting her knights kiss. Her golden locks cascaded down along her body, framing the black web patterned gown in golden contrast. As he approached, her delicate elven features gave him pause.
"Delicate elven features?" he thought, "A Matron with golden locks?"

The room changed before his eyes, the carved stalagmite walls shifted to white painted walls. The wispy white curtains to deep red velvet. No longer did he stand in a tower in the underdark, but a lavishly decorated room with gray stone walls. The balcony no longer over looked the great void, but instead a blue sky and in the distance, dark mountains loomed. The woman who slept was no longer elven, but a raven tressed beauty, He knew the human woman, and he knew her voice was equally beautiful. He came along side the bed, and removed his helm, freeing his white hair that was braided down his back and then tied with a black ribbon. Her lips called to him, and he leaned down and kissed them gently. Her eyes opened, and she looked upon the dark elf with affection. He never saw the dagger coming till the pain burned in his side.

Thraxys looked down, 4 inches of a waved blade was buried into him, an evil crimson energy leached his lifeforce. He felt weak, he felt confused. He looked around and in the shadows was the hooded man that had followed him throught the Realm. The Man with the dagger.

[With a gasp, Thraxys sat up, and looked around the cave. Trish had already left to her day.]

"What the hell was that?" he said aloud, "A dream?"

[He never had a dream before, drow did not sleep, they rested themselves in reverie, a meditative state. But he had slept, and he had dreamt. After an extensive search of the cave to assure himself he was truely alone. The drow dressed and began his day, the memories of his dream still bothering him as he walked.]

A white void is where he stands, there is no ceiling or floor, only stark whiteness, yet he stands as if upon solid ground. There is a wind, and the sound of thunder in the distance, and there is the Drow, Thraxys Chaz'al, his long white hair dancing softly in the breeze. He wears plain gray robes, of little decoration. The robes of a scholar, or monk.

Another appears, also Thraxys, but dressed in Black and Crimson, the colors of Lolth. The spider adorns his surcoat, and his face is set in a scowl, his eyes burning with hatred. He looks about for any threat, his hand always on the hilt of his sword, flexing in anticipation.

On the opposite side appears yet again Thraxys, but he wears fine elven chain, polished and proper. His stance is confident and proud, but his red eyes reflect loss and sorrow.

"A fine mess Thraxys!" says the scowling Lolthite warrior, "Hune taught you nothing! let yourself care for a world that does not care for you, fool!"

"Easy now brother," Replies the heroic mailed Thraxys, "He has found a greater path to walk, one with love and passion, one with friendship and honor."

"HONOR?!" Shouts the dark Thraxys, "What a pathetic Drow you are. Honor has not allowed you to survive till now! Murder, ingenuity, stealth, these things keep you alive you dolt! Honor is for those who would cut down Drow for the greater good," he says while accentuating the words, greater good, with a two fingered quoting gesture, "stick to what you know boy, change is bad, you know that! change will get you killed!"

Thraxys in the gray looks back and forth between the two sides of himself, confusion evident on his coal black face.

"Thraxys, think of the world you left behind," The Drow in the elven chain looks upon the gray Thraxys with sympathy, the reflection of the confused drow caught in the glistening metal links, "That was not survival, that was death. Here you have found how to soar and live each day with exuberance and excitement. The changes you have experience have been wonderful, if I say so myself." He smiles charmingly.

"BAH! I will cut your heart out do-gooder. It is that thinking that has landed Radu's hammer upon your head repeatedly. You want excitement, gut that human bully alive and dangle him from a tree by his entrails. Throw some healing droughts down his throat, just enough to keep him kicking and breathing. NOW! that is exciting!! Would it not be fun to hear him plead for mercy? Wouldn't it be justice for all the pain inflicted by his hand?" The scowl curls into a sinister grin.

Thraxys in the gray begins to smile as well, when the Knightly thraxys speaks, "What would Muse and Ruse think? You would break their hearts, hearts that have been very kind to you and have shown you love. Is this how you repay them for their risk and sacrifice?"

"Use their bodies! Enjoy them repeatedly, but then cast them aside like the others." The Dark Thraxys waves his hands dismissively. "All this talk of love, you are not some pansy flower eater elf, you are a Dark Elf, a Drow, and people respect that!"

"Respect, or fear?" says the other half.

"What's the difference?" replies the dark.

"ENOUGH! You make my head spin!" finally speaks Thraxys the gray, "I am learning much of this world, and I am seeing things can be different than in Ched Nasad." The spider adorned Drow rolls his crimson eyes, and the one in brillant armor smiles proudly, "But, if they come for Muse and Ruse, because of their involvement with me, my choices are limited. There is not justice for a Drow here, except that which I wring from their necks." The smile drops from the heroic face and the scowling Drow smirks in the small triumph.

"But Thraxys, do not let their deaths be remembered in genocide..." Pleads the knight

"Better yet, kill them both in the throws of passion, do yourself a favor and rid yourself of these two breeders", cuts in the hate, drawing his sword to make his point a clear as possible. "Then do genocide just for fun!"


"Why Not?"

"Love is greater than hate!"

"You're boring me pasny!"

"You disgust me fiend!"
[With a start, Thraxys sits up, the smoke of the fire long dead slowly curling toward the sky. Ruse had long left his side, the real world calling her home. He rubs his bleary eyes free of sleep dust. "Why did I ever have to start dreaming?" ]

The darkness consumed all sight, sound and mind of the Dark Elf. It was all he could see, and it rolled like black billowing smoke. Purple lightning crackled about, sometimes only a suble glow deep within the cloud and sometime bright arcs on its surface. A deep voice boomed from within the cloud, and it spoke his name.

He could not move nor speak, only observe.

"Wretched thing you have become Thraxys Chaz'al of Ched Nasad! How will you unseat the humans from their throne if you focus all your time and energy on... them?!"

Two faces illuminate upon the rolling darkness, one of Trish and one of Suzette. With in moments of their appearance, brillant lightning forks out and strikes each, their faces fade into the smoke.

"STRIKE THEM FROM YOU MIND THRAXYS!" The overwelming feeling of dread waves over him, "DO NOT give into to their seductions! Do not be their pawn! You are the manipulator! You are the murderer! You are the DROW!"

The Last word rings loudly, like a massive wave crashing against his psyche, bowling him back mentally. Somewhere he finds his voice. It starts soft with a single word,


He sees himself crouched before the darkness, rising to his feet and standing in defiance. Lightning arcs out toward him, threatening to destroy him. The firey pain courses through his body and mind. He resists, the flesh burned to the bone in spots, but he yells to the billowing mass,

"...I am Thraxys Chaz'al!, and I am free to do as I will!! I will walk the path of my chosing, and of no others! You cannot command me!"

The Cloud grows still... the lightning all but cease, except for the deep flashes within. There is a moment of silence, but it is split with a Femine shrill incect like voice.

"CAN'T I?!"

From the cloud leaps forward a hideously massive spider, with the face of a beautiful female drow, landing upon the defiant drow!
Thraxys sits up in the cave, looking around in a panic. He breathes heavily, his body covered in a soaking sweat.
"No! she is not here, she is not!" he says like a mantra as he hold his knees into his chest and tries to focus on calmness, "You said none of them are here Jinx, please, let you words be true! She cannot not be here!"

Sleep having been torn from him, Thraxys gathers his things and leaves the cave in search of a cool stream to wash the sweat from his body and the horror from his mind.

Sleep was fitful for Thraxys as always after a trip to the other side. The nightmares came calling and replayed the horror to his minds eye.

The Dark elf made the mistake of exiting the Church of the Dawn when the guards were looking for blood and in force in the outskirts. How he hated the words "Take off your helm!", for the moment his appearance was revealed, all his good deeds meant nothing. It did not matter that he fought with a massive wererat in the Governement district, only yards from the Citadel during his nightly patrol of the Vallaki streets. He had made a habit to take up the slack where the Guards chose to hide. It was the hunt, a practice of Eilistraee followers, so it please the Silver Lady as well as kept the streets safer. It did not mater that a few weeks before he entered the Werewolf Lair seeking a fallen companion of Teli the Dwarf. All the risks he took to help those in need where shattered with the crack of a massive chain whip.

The heavily armored guard struck at him without mercy. Even though his hands held no wepaons, the whip crashed against him again and again. Taken completely unaware and trying to explain himslef, Thraxys lost his footing. Down to the grass of the courtyard he fell, the crack and sting of the whip following brutally. Other guards joined in the beating, calling him a shadow fey and a thing of evil. The crushing blow of the chain whip slammed into his throat and blood sprayed from his mouth. Every breath was laborous as he struggled to stand. If only he could call upon the darkness to hide him, perhaps he could escape, but his mind could not focus. Pain from behind sent him to the ground again, the last words of "Throw it down the well!" echoing in his ears as death claimed him.

There he sat, in the darkness, the three aspects of the Thraxys looming above him. The knightly drow, his glossy black armor seemed dented and worn. The Impassive shadow hidden Thraxys stared forward not even acknowledging the drow beneath him. The third aspect grinned with a smug and confindent smirk. He was dressed in his red trimmed black tabbard with a spider in red adorned upon the front. With venom in his voice he spoke.

"How many times will you be fooled? How long till you learn that, you cannot live amoung them?"
What would you have me do? Kill them, and bring down the legions of humans upon me?! You are the fool! not I" replied Thraxys to his darkself.
"No you dolt! a few winters amoung the soft headed surface elves and you forget what and who you are." The darkself paced above and grumbled on with his insults, "If it would not be my own destruction I would pray Loth come and take you now! Drow do not frontally attack, leave that to Orc and goblins. Manipulate, control and stay low, have father's lessons all been forgotten? Remember how you survived... I survived...  all those years as a Mercenary in the slums of Ched Nasad? Convince the Orc that they are the true leaders, let them crash into the magic and defenses while you stay back, safe, and picking your fights. Oh how far we have fallen." the darkself finished with a scowl.

The knightly drow could only shake his head and tend to the wounds that had pierced through his normally immacualte armor and the shadowed indifferent dark elf that sat between them continued to show no emotion or care.

"I have really had enough of your judgement!" said Thraxys to the Lolthite self. "I do not serve Lolth, I walk the way of the Silver Lady, Eilistraee, and she does not murder for revenge. Death is for the things of evil that prey upon the innocent, and for her I hunt them down." Thraxys was confident in his stance. but the Drow that he once was, the dark mercenary of Lolth's armies just laughed.
"You hunt the Evil things that prey upon the innocent, excuse me while I lose my lunch!" he said while sticking his finger in the mouth and mimicing vomit, "Perhaps you have not been keeping track, those so called innocent whipped us to death and dumped us in a well to rott in the sewer! Thraxys, will you pay attention!! They hate you, they will always hate you, and until you dominate the situation, you will be nothing to them but an evil thing that stalks the night. No better than a werewolf or goblin. Stay low, manipulate them and let the lambs slaughter themselves against the many dangerous things waiting for them."

"Those so called Lambs are why we are having this conversation. It was the Morning Lords that returned us from the dead!" he replied to the dark self.

"Hear hear" came the weak cheer of the knightly self.

"I am done with this..." before the darkself could reply, Thraxys turned into a back kicking and perfect spin, leaped into the air and vanished into the shadows. The dark self gaped, the Knightly self pondered and the Shadowed and nomally impassive self grinned.

Thraxys awoke and with a start for the private room in degannwy was inverted in tones and all the bright colored pillows were shades of gray and black. His anger of the night before was also muted and his intital fear subsided to calm. Next to him was his Shadow, who reflected Thraxys's expressions like a dark mirror. they both grinned and the shadow world passed away to reality. Isal'wyn must have gone to the tavern to entertain the humans, as Thraxys was alone. He looked down at the floor, where his shadow was cast by the candles light and smiled, for he knew he truly was not.

Dry cracked earth plumbed red dust with each of his steps as Thraxys approached the 3 tiered black and green marble dias. Two of the platforms rested lower with a taller one inbetween them. On the two lower tiers, were 2 aspects of the Dark Elf, one dressed in polished chainmail, in the common style of the Drow, but instead of black and red, it was brillant steel with blue accents. He wore a plumbed helm, the full feather dyed a royal blue to match the other blues in the armor. The Knightly Thraxys puffed out his chests as the drow approached. To the other side was another ascpet, dressed in torn and battered leathers. He paced like a wild cat in a cage and moved with the same dangerous grace. Worn over the leather armor was a black tabbard, adorned with the red spider symbol of Lolth, demon goddess of the Drow. He gave Thraxys a sideways glare and then smirked as he approached. Finally upon the talled pedestal was also an aspect of Thraxys, but this one was shrouded entirely in shadow. It was sitting cross legged as if in meditation, silent and unemotional as ever.

First the Knight spoke, "Children Thraxys, CHILDREN!, murdered and used in horrible experiments by the Zeklos! We must do something!" He stood with an air of superiority and self righteousness, but the Dark Thraxys simply chuckled and responded with a sarcastic tone. "HUMAN children... Who cares what horrible humans do to their human offspring, make for less work for us. Kill them while they are weak and harmless, doesn't matter who does it, just as long as they do not grow up to be superstitious fearful natives, we all know how they love us!"

Thraxys looked back and forth between the opposing aspects, the Knight glared over at the Darker twin, who was obviously very please with pushing the buttons of the noble warrior.

"Come on Thraxys!" said the knight, "Redeem yourself for killing those Drow children, make amends. You were under orders then, but it does not change the end result. Here's your chance, save them! Clear your conscience!"

"CONSCIENCE?!" Shouted the dark aspect, "Do not tell me you still regret that act. You know the laws, all of a house's members must cease to exist, from matron to children. You did your duty as a proud member of Bregan D'aerthe and made the Mercenary band look good in the eyes of the triumphant house. Besides, This Zeklos Keep sounds like a tomb, a place for mushroom headed heroes to throw their life away upon. Your ally, Arianna, she is dead from that stronghold. A perfectly good waste of prime female sexuality, why you never bothered is beyond me, but, she is Dead, lost and gone. Might as well learn from her mistakes."

"Don't listen to this lolthite!" Replied the knight, "Eilistraee would be pleased with such a victory! Evil overturned and exposed, innocent youth spared the horrors that were doomed as their fate. You would be a hero!"

"Savior of the Children, Sounds good for on your tombstone." The Dark Thraxys chuckled, "Oh I forget, they don't give you tombstones, they just toss your fetid corpse into the sewers to be eaten by rats!"

A whispered voice from above, silenced both of the aspects. The Shadowed Thraxys stood up from it's lotus position. It vanished form the top dias, and appeared behind the lolthite. It's speed was lightning quick as it passed it's hand through the chest of the Dark Aspect. With a agonizing growling groan, the evil side of the Drow crumpled, as the knightly beemed happily, "Bravo!" it said haughtily. The Shadow vanished again and moments later appear next to the knight. He too crumpled, the shock of betrayal still locked on it's once smiling face.The shadows hand passed through the body like a knife through a running stream, when it fell.

It vanished again and appeared infront of Thraxys. "Do what thy will" hissed the shadowy aspect and it stepped forward, and merged with the Drow. He stiffened at first, expecting the same as his other components. "Are they gone?" was the only thing he could ask.
From within, three voices answered, the proud knightly voice, the cynical dark voice and the whisper. They spoke in unison.
"Never gone, but no longer apart. We are you, and you are us." then the voices spoke separately. First came the knightly voice, arrogant and proud, "I am here, to show you the path of a hero, to remind you of compassion and honor." then the bitter tone of the Dark Ascpect spoke, "and I will be here when there is no room for such things! There are times you must be ruthless, you must be Drow! I will keep you focused, remind you that compassion will not be offered to you for your noble acts. I will keep you Drow! not some weak willed surfacer, but a hardened and deadly Dark Elf." Then the Whipering hiss of the shadow spoke, "And I will keep them in check. I am the balance in the chaos, as with the realm we are bonded to. You cannot be at odds within yourself. You are a leader now, a husband, and a dancer of the shadows. You are Thraxys Chaz'al, murderer and hero. I am not your judge, I am not your conscience. I am your inner peace, your most loyal, for no matter where you go, your shadow is with you."

Thraxys stood before the now empty dias. He looked to the storm cloud churning sky which parted to the moonlight, and there he saw the red haired beauty, that was his partner in life. Next to her was a silver haired Drow elven woman, who seemed sad, but understanding in her gaze. He was filled with peace, then winced as pain lanced up his spine. There was a burning in his veins, poison, and it was like fire. It was with great effort to even remain standing, as he staggered into the dias, which cracked and shattered, the black and green marble chunks falling to the ground. As each peice fell, they sprouted eight shiney onyx legs, and turned into hundereds a various sized spiders. His legs went weak, and refused to obey his will. Down he went, hitting the dry red dirt with a billow of dust. The spiders swarmed over him, spinning strong silken binding around his legs and hands, then began wrapping him up like spiders do. The clouds closed, and blocked out the moonlight, curning more violently, glowing with random purple lightning flashes.

The air grew heavy, and it was becoming harder to breathe as the darkness deepened and seemed to almost become tangible. The first massive foreleg stepped out of the gloom, then the next, and then six more carrying a massive spider with the face of a female Drow. The Spider Queen, Lolth, loomed above the caccooned Thraxys, her 1000s of arachnid minions gathering at her feet. She smiled a evil fang filled grin and crouched down to eye level witht he drow.
"You... are still mine!"
Thraxys sat up with a cry of fear, or at least tried, but his blankets had wound themsleves about him tightly, hindering his movement. Drench with sweath the cloth was strong and unyielding. His eyes were wild, but after a moment the common room of Degannwy came into focus.  With his senses returned, the drow freed himself from his covers, and focused on calming his beating heart. Slow deep breaths, and closed eyes brought his mind and soul back into balance. He stood and made his way outside, to let the cool night air refreshen him. There was something about the night that had always felt right. The moon shined above and broke through the tree tops in bluish white beams. He stood within one of the rays and basked in the pale light. After a minute of that, he stepped into the dark again and passed into the shadow realm. He felt his feelings muted and it gave him a deeper peace, making the nightmare seem far away.


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