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Author Topic: Varmathus Vonovich, the Beginning  (Read 1178 times)


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Varmathus Vonovich, the Beginning
« on: October 03, 2008, 03:02:04 AM »
16 years....

to some people it means nothing. but to Varmathus.... it was the 16 years of pain and the start of his living hell.

it all started on a cold October sunset outside the Vonovich's house located east of Baroiva Village. the vonovich family was going about their daily routines. Giorgi, the man of the house had just came in from a hard days work, working at the Burgomaster Mansion as a personal Bodyguard. his wife Marcella was in the kitchen unpacking food she brought home after leaving her shift at the Blood o' the vine tavern. their first Born Varmathus, was heading back from the well carrying a pale of water. he was strong for a nine year old boy and full of life. for nothing did Varmathus treasure above all else then his Sister Mina.

Mina was a Beautiful 5 year old little girl. if anything held this family together in this dark world it was her. she was the glue between them. her smile lit up the family with joy, in a world where joy was a hard thing to come by.

Varmathus had just set down the pale of water inside the family home when his father told him to find his sister as dinner was almost ready. and so he went outside looking for her calling out her name in the night sky. a storm had just started to move in. the thunder claps were getting louder as the wind began to pick up. he went looking around the house in the usual spots she would play near, but could not find her.

just then lightning lit up the sky revealing the countryside for a brief moment, and there it happend....

Varmathus saw in that brief moment a man holding a small girl in a yellow dress. the little girl was kicking and flailing her limbs at the man to no effect. as the flash of light ceased, two glowing red eyes could be seen starring back at varmathus in the pitch black night. Varmathus froze and could not breath from the shock that slowly corrupted his face. the eyes faded into the darkness and young Varmathus ran into the family home screaming to his parents of what happened just moments ago.

his father grabbed his sword and lantern and darted out the front door screaming back at his wife to get help from the local guards. Varmathus ran in his room swooping under his bed covers shaking and mumbling uncontrollably from shock and fear. Giorgi went into the nearby woods just east of the home. knowing of the werewolf that reside there, he pushed on looking for his daughter.

Marcella made it to the Guard house and was screaming uncontrollably to the guards. to help her and her husband find their daughter. the men just looked at her like she was crazy. and told her they will not go into the woods after midnight. she then ran back to the house screaming for her daughter and now her Husband.

after only an hour Giorgi came running back to the house, screaming at his wife to get inside. a huge werewolf was giving chase to him from behind. Marcella's eyes widened with suprise and ran in the house screaming. as Giorgi got inside, he slammed the door behind it locking it. his wife running through the house locking all the window shudders.

after an hour or so of snarls and growls outside the home. the werewolf ran back into the woods. giorgi was on the ground panting from exhaustion and fear as his wife was in Varmathus's room holding and comforting him. as they both sat there on his bed crying.

16 years...

over the course of 16 years Varmathus grew into a man. his life changed forever in a single night. and as the boy became the man, something was lost within him forever. no longer did he have joy in his heart. no longer did he want love or companionship. the only thing that remained was a bitter hate for life, and a unquenched thirst for revenge.

so after a painful 16 year, he had enough. a large portion of his life was taken from him. a portion he wanted back. he wanted to forget the past but not forgive it. he wanted a fresh start at life...

and so he decided to leave his home for the city of Vallaki. a place where the ghosts of his pasts could no longer Haunt him....

or could they?.....