Originally written description: (can totally be skipped) // The part that likely sucks most
"The man stands tall and muscular, with agile position. Dark red hair and beard covers some of the friendly face, with pair of brown eyes deep inside, tense eyebrows above.
His somewhat understanding eyes peer the surrounding and a smile is easy to be provoked to appear his face, which is somewhat not-so-clean, often accompanied with a slight smell of sweat and hard work - Indeed, this man is not the number one fan of bath.
Often his position is relaxed, hands old on side and far from hilt of his sword. He listens to as much as he talks.
"This man is usually rather friendly and understanding. Tho unfortunately he holds slight fear and hatred towrads arcane, one of the reasons that lead to leaving his tribe at age of 20. He has basic understanding on different 'magicks', as big part of his life was spend with druids and shamans. He holds no grudge against means of divinity or magic drawn from nature, but wizards and sorcerers he holds in great dislike. Often he needs every bit of his will to ekep himself still on sight of arcane, and may enter furious rage in which his self control is almost fully lost - Like a red curtain falling infront his eyes.
Despite this, he has strong views to morale and is overall a good man. In battle he is still furious man to face, but, while not provoked, he's a rather friendly man.
He finds his best enjoyment from bottle of beer, relaxed environment and bunch of friends to spend his time with."
History bit:
Hailing from plains north from Calimport, before the great deserts, Ramonius had partly been forced to leave, partly voluntarily left his tribe. A love to an young human - But turned out that he was not the only one to be charmed to her beauty; A witch appeared at dark night, desiring for his former girl. Such is the nature of tribesmen, that two fell before the witch was forced to escape - however, a less than accurate fireball had undesired effects. That night, the beauty of the woman the two both desired was buried under the flaming tent..
..Later, in Calimport, where he had tracked the witch. Had he arrived earlier and the revenge could been his. But the hand of law is strong and the sorcerer met the gallows, accused from several murders.
Now undesired to return to his tribe and without revenge and finding the pleasure of limitless ale, he had became one of the local thugs. Working as a bouncer in low-life bars and drinking his wages, the life didn't seem too good..
However. The will of clansmen is not to be underestimated. Half of a year before Ravenloft, he had managed to reduce his drinking and went far enough to join the local militia.
But it all changed one night, following a criminal to a dark alley..
Today:Ramonius has been a member of two different guard organizations. First did he work for the Boyar Zeklos and later to the guard of the City. The job for Zeklos was definitely his happier time in the mists. He had his share on most interesting friends and venture.
Things changed tragically after first did Esmeralda pass, one of the two dearest friends of his; Driving his another good friend, Willem, mad, he's now using most of his time seeking enjoyment from a bottle. Soon after Willem had disappeared, did Ramonius join the guard; This gave him one more excuse to live, to get to shout at people without much of a reason.
But again kicks the will of a barbarian in. Lately he has left the guard and again set some boundaries to his drinking, slightly raising from the pitch he was in..