Greetings all fellow prisoners of the mist,
As you are probably aware, this project rely solely on voluntary work. As such, all what we are is what's been freely contributed. Our only pay for this is the enjoyment of working with it, along with the sense of fulfilment by experiencing the outcome along with people from around the globe. We offer this freely and without prior condition, but under the philosophy that people will themselves have interest in lifting the effort as they can and feel able.
In other words, our strength as a server relies on the continued motivation and devotedness of those revolving it and our community as a whole.
There are many ways you can take part in contributing to all this. First of all, you can be friendly and build a positive atmosphere. Be helpful to others within the community - either by just introducing them to the setting and setup, or provide feedback and information to help inspire their play. You can also help by joining either the team of
DMs or
developers, to take a more active part in building the scenery in which the IC experience unfolds. Or help by
advertising or generally just recommend people to try us out.
Lastly, we have also decided to open a PayPal account for those willing to donate by simple cash. As much as we appreciate when people show their support in this way, we want to stress that no one is in any way obligated to pay anything to play here. It is and will always remain free of charge. Nor should donating be considered a way to acquire any form of claims to the server, favour, goodwill or special rights. As such, we will be handling all donations anonymously, even among the team itself.
That said, it is something that will help improve the experience for all, allowing us to continue to run under best possible conditions and a simple way of showing appreciation for the large effort that goes into this project. It doesn't have to be anything extraordinary as it all adds up. Money will exclusively be spend on upgrading hardware and covering the expenses of running the server and community.
To donate, use either of these PayPal links (you can use credit card using these links too):
Australian Dollar |
Canadian Dollar |
Danish Krone |
Euro |
New Zealand Dollar |
Norwegian Krone |
Pound Sterling |
Swedish Krona |
US-DollarsThank you for reading this, taking part in our community and helping us grow,
On behalf of the project, community and server-Søren