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Local Gossip / A Day of Aid - OPEN!
« Last post by Famous Seamus on February 08, 2025, 10:08:53 PM »
//The sign is removed.

//A sign is placed on the door.

Spoiler: show
A Day of Aid -- Warehouse Two!


Chapter-House ◙ Chapel ◙ Infirmary ◙ Confessional ◙ Public Library ◙ Public Kitchen ◙ Bath & Laundry ◙ Guest Quarters

are presently OPEN to those needing a dry space, aid, succor, or a warm meal! Folk in good standing with the law are welcome to visit!

-- Christ's Church, Warehouse Two --

Dinner today is Spiced Salmon Pie, Mushroom Pie, Bounty of the Field, Mashed Potatoes, Egyptian Blend Tea, and Chateau Malaturno wine.

The bath and laundry basin are also drawn and warmed for those needing such. Copies of our scripture are on hand for those with an interest in them.

--Prelate V. Carro--

//Open now until about 11:30 p.m., U.S. Eastern! As always, RP need not be heavily or expressly religion-themed. Closed! Thank you to those who visited!

Spoiler: show
//The original foodstuffs served at the church are based on or lightly modified from authentic medieval recipes or, in a handful of cases, more modern dishes with long historical traditions. Interested parties, see below.
Bounty of the Field (Wortes):
Mushroom Pie (Mushroom Pasty):
Spiced Salmon Pie:\
Module Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Enable scribe scrolls smartly
« Last post by Anarcoplayba on February 08, 2025, 08:37:53 PM »

Even without UMD in the picture.
high level mentor wizards would just copy their entire spell book for their apprentices, any amount of gold cost you could come up with, would be trivial to a high level character as this.

I think it is better as it is now.
Having to hunt down scrolls, from various obscure shops and getting those last few rare spells through dungeons and from friends and/or a mentor makes it feel special, where as simply getting your entire spell loud out from one person would not.

Just to make sure everyone knows it ans is in the same book: up to lvl 9 a wizard can easily fill their spellbook.

From the sixth circle beyond it needs to hunt for scrolls in the many shops AND get lucky at the vendors AND dungeoneer a lot AND invest a few millions in gold.
Bug Reports / Re: Huge Increase in NPC Perception Radius
« Last post by Darkthrasher on February 08, 2025, 08:30:13 PM »
I have noticed this most notably with wolves, worgs, werewolves, and any other wandering spawns that occur in outdoor areas. As soon as you are able to register them in view, they are on you.
Module Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Enable scribe scrolls smartly
« Last post by Bobking on February 08, 2025, 07:43:07 PM »

Even without UMD in the picture.
high level mentor wizards would just copy their entire spell book for their apprentices, any amount of gold cost you could come up with, would be trivial to a high level character as this.

I think it is better as it is now.
Having to hunt down scrolls, from various obscure shops and getting those last few rare spells through dungeons and from friends and/or a mentor makes it feel special, where as simply getting your entire spell loud out from one person would not.
Yea agree too.. I don't know what i was thinking lol
Dementlieu / Aaru Reviews
« Last post by Security Badger on February 08, 2025, 06:53:46 PM »
A review may catch your interest at noticeboards.


House Aaru with Hatatsu Marcelia Vitro and several of esteemed extra guests, recently visited The Oasis.
From the moment we arrived, we were warmly welcomed by an energetic and friendly staff, happy to provide us an
unforgettable experience in their warm rooms. Their dedication to excellence were obvious right away, they introduced
us to a variety of luxurious services designed to pamper and rejuvenate the body.

Among the selections, we found particular delight in the manicures which left everyone satisfied, other was the thirty
minute massages, meant  to help muscles by removing tension and restoring vitality. Mademoiselle Rochefort serviced
the Hatatsu, and Vitro said:

"The experience was only enhanced by the comfort of her company, the to-be-wed with Lady Blackstar got an aura of
undeniable charisma. After the massage all the soreness from my travels was gone. Madmoiselle Rochefort also praised
the work environment, stating it was far more than just a job to her, she loves working there."

The Oasis also advertised a fine selection of refreshments, maintaining a refined Har’Akir theme in both drinks and
food. We were happy to find that special requests were met. The staff showed commitment to hospitality, allowing the
guests to request anything from the realm of reason.

The next high of the visit was the hair treatment session. Led by Ciel Blackstar, who proved to be the most experienced
of the Oasis staff, it is worth saying we chosefor hair dye rather than haircuts, but are convinced she can do both
equally excellent. The process became a game of chance with natural colors selected, except for one bold choice of
green, determined by a dice roll. All had their hair dyed in turn. Ciel with care and expertise ensured that the dyeing
process was safe and not damaging to all guests. All was happy and well informed with satisfying results.

Beyond the services, the Har’Akir themed aesthetics and decor were nothing short of stunning, adding the right feel
to the experience. Waters of their fine spa  clear and perfectly temperatured. It is without doubt we wholeheartedly
recommend The Oasis to all seeking a good relaxing experience, whether visiting just a few or with a larger group.

House Aaru along with their guests was thoroughly impressed by the exceptional service. As a token of our gratitude
Hatatsu Marcelia Vitro provided a generous bonus of 150,000 on top of the establishment’s regular service costs.

A sincere thank you to the entire team at The Oasis for a truly relaxing and comfortable time.

Module Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Trash barrel requested in....
« Last post by Flat Cap on February 08, 2025, 06:29:44 PM »
Iliescus Brothers Smithy in Zeklos Outpost?

People are just mass dumping swords and armors on the ground after crafting because theres no trash barrel, thank you.

IMO all crafting areas should have a trash barrel
+1 to this
Module Feedback and Suggestions / Trash barrel requested in....
« Last post by Destinysdesire on February 08, 2025, 06:24:54 PM »
Iliescus Brothers Smithy in Zeklos Outpost?

People are just mass dumping swords and armors on the ground after crafting because theres no trash barrel, thank you.
Module Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Enable scribe scrolls smartly
« Last post by Bounty on February 08, 2025, 06:07:17 PM »

Even without UMD in the picture.
high level mentor wizards would just copy their entire spell book for their apprentices, any amount of gold cost you could come up with, would be trivial to a high level character as this.

I think it is better as it is now.
Having to hunt down scrolls, from various obscure shops and getting those last few rare spells through dungeons and from friends and/or a mentor makes it feel special, where as simply getting your entire spell loud out from one person would not.

Module Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Make the Mercurial longsword craftable ?
« Last post by Bounty on February 08, 2025, 06:02:22 PM »
If there is even ONE powerful mercurial LS on the loot tables I rest my case.

It's a really good one too

1d4 bonus magical damage and 2d8 extra critical damage, with negligible downsides

Theatre de la Cathedrale - Announcements / ೀ ࣪ ˖ ⭑
« Last post by bunnie on February 08, 2025, 04:48:19 PM »

The Rose Day Ball

Le Théâtre seeks the aid of performers, pâtissiers, and
other interested parties to facilitate the hosting of the
annual Rose Day Ball. Sponsors are also welcomed.

Contact the Seigneuresse de Boie,
Rosalie Détourné.

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