Module Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Making alcohol give minor bonus vs. Fear
« Last post by Alcoholic Squirrel (Birdman) on Today at 07:12:09 PM »I was going to leave this thread at the 'Vaasan Courage' line but you know what I think we can add more.
Since we insisted on having a cooking system, why not a sub-system of brewing?
If we're going to start putting the mechanics of alcohol under a microscope then we may as well make it interesting rather than "+1 Saves vs Fear"
and finally why not segue over to this amazing thing then: Drunken Master
I still want the words 'Vaasan courage' written somewhere on this thing if something like it were implemented.
Since we insisted on having a cooking system, why not a sub-system of brewing?
If we're going to start putting the mechanics of alcohol under a microscope then we may as well make it interesting rather than "+1 Saves vs Fear"
and finally why not segue over to this amazing thing then: Drunken Master
I still want the words 'Vaasan courage' written somewhere on this thing if something like it were implemented.