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I was going to leave this thread at the 'Vaasan Courage' line but you know what I think we can add more.

Since we insisted on having a cooking system, why not a sub-system of brewing?

If we're going to start putting the mechanics of alcohol under a microscope then we may as well make it interesting rather than "+1 Saves vs Fear"

and finally why not segue over to this amazing thing then: Drunken Master

I still want the words 'Vaasan courage' written somewhere on this thing if something like it were implemented.
Hold on I need to bang my head :banghead:

Who said anything about alcohol needing an additional debuff?
Alcohol already gives a debuff. Your argument of it needing more debuffs doesn't make sense.
Liquid courage is a well-known thing. You do stupid stuff when you're drunk.
OK duel is off then. Was totally joking about that btw. My regrets though, heh.
That is exactly what I said. I said the thing you said I should say, even if it HAD to be fleshed out in the course of the discussion.

Give +1 to Fear checks with alcohol.
Give -1 to Fear checks across the board server-wide.
Ah I see what you mean now. Sorry for the misunderstanding.

Give +1 to Fear checks with alcohol.
Give -1 to Fear checks across the board server-wide.
It has to balance in a way that favors Fear mechanically.
I agree 100% but you were irrationally shooting down this perfectly logical and fun suggestion cold turkey saying things like "it makes sense generally to let alcohol reduce or to get rid of Fear. But I am still against it" with no rational follow up.
Also you're still arguing in bad faith by continuously ignoring the fact that this suggestion for alcohol's fear resistance should also come with several debuffs, pretending it's only being suggested to buff fear resistance.
That's not constructive at all. That's pretty much just repeating "no" to a perfectly good suggestion like a broken record.

Like alcohol gives bonus against Fear but then there's a server-wide -1 to ALL fear checks.
If you're assuming that, were this suggestion to go through, suddenly every character would decide to be drunk 100% of the time, sacrificing several of their other stats just for some slight fear resistance, you're just wrong.
It's completely dishonest to claim it would be a "server wide -1 to all fear checks."

Again, probably should have said something constructive like "it makes sense generally to let alcohol reduce or to get rid of Fear. But there are too many methods of fear resistance currently in PotM, so I suggest also increasing fear spells and abilities along with this suggestion."
Hey that was rough, no worries

Was gonna reply that I agree with you but I want to worry about making Fear too easy. It has to balance in a way that favors Fear mechanically. Like alcohol gives bonus against Fear but then there's a server-wide -1 to ALL fear checks.
Module Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Dirgist Requirements
« Last post by Di Infernis on Today at 03:55:59 PM »
Because it gave spells up to level 8 with the possibility of having almost the full bonus of bard songs without any real sacrifice, people played the class mainly to be a kind of wizard-singer without really playing the dirgist.
Module Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Dirgist Requirements
« Last post by Lurch on Today at 03:37:07 PM »
Not sure that dirgist would make for any broken builds even if it was just lvl 2 bard casting requirement, which would be closer to pen and paper. Still 4 bard levels minimum, and would therefore remove any chance of 9th level spells from wizards, much the same as other multiclassing options.
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