« Last post by Flat Cap on October 08, 2024, 09:46:45 PM »
Adding yet another layer for players who are playing an authority figure to add to summons isn't a huge ask, but it is additional work. I do try to add summons to the in game notice boards, but the forums are, and should be, one of the main sources to gain this information outside the client. If players do not wish to utilize the forums, they probably shouldn't be engaging in antagonistic or conflict roleplay IMO. The forums are the only official place for IC communications that happen outside of the game client and so rather than creating more work for those players who are already using them approprately, we should be encouraging those who have not, to join the forums because there is a wealth of information to be found there which are both IC and OOC.
I can't think of a very good reason not to use the forums.
Players should expect to use the forums as part of the game.