[ Balok | Luktar | Vaasi | Mordentish | Darkonese | Lamordian | Forfarian ]
[ Old Kartakan | Sithican | Tepestani | Rokuma | Patterna ]


The predominant language of Barovia, Balok is often described as having thick, guttural consonants and is not particularly pleasant to the ear. It is the language of ethnic Barovians, but is also the primary language of Borca and Invidia.

Primary Language in: Barovia, Borca, G'Henna, Invidia

Secondary Language in: Hazlan, Kartakass, Richemulot, Sithicus, Verbrek

Sample Vocabulary:

Balok English
bunã ziua good morning; good day
adio goodbye
da yes
nu no
ajutor! help!
se duce! go away!
noapte night
tigan gypsy; thief
ceatsã mist; fog
om, oamensc man
femeie woman
copil child
viata life
moarte death
iubire love
méreg poison (noun)
comploia conspire
bani money
zi day
soare sun
luna moon
oras town
han inn
tradare betrayal
geloize jealousy

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The language of the ethnic Gundarakites has alternately been described as having a sing-song cadence or a hive of angry wasps.

Primary Language in: ethnic Gundarakites in Barovia and Invidia Secondary Language in: Borca

Sample Vocabulary:

Luktar English
szervusz! cheers!
viszlát goodbye
igen yes
nem no
segítség! help!
utazik messze! go away!
fellázad to rebel
zsarnok king; tyrant
szabadság freedom
bábu man
no woman
gyermik child
élet life
halál death
szerelem love
elárulás betrayal
féltékenység jealousy

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This language is described as having harmonious vowels. Outlanders who claim to be from a place called "Faerûn" say that it is a variation of the trade language or "common tongue" of their homeland. Naturally, most people do not take the tall tales of outlanders seriously.

Primary Language In: Hazlan, Nova Vaasa, Kartakass, Valachan

Secondary Language In: Barovia, Darkon, Invidia, Mordent, Graben Island, Liffe, Sithicus, Tepest, Verbrek

Sample Vocabulary:

Vaasi English
godaag good day
afsked goodbye
jao yes
ikke no
jaal! help!
afgaa herfra opstille! leave this place!
trolddom, trylleri magic
trolddommem wizard
skyde, arfbrand fire
mennekene man
kvinde woman
barn child
liv life
endeligt death
elske, have kaer love
musik, noder, tonlist music
tømmer timber
daag day
natten night
solen sun
moarne moon
byan, plads town
kroen inn
takk thank you
spøkelse spirit
skatt tax
hest horse
hestmand horseman, rider
kat cat
forbrydelse crime
graes grass
ædelmand nobleman
lavmand commoner
købmand merchant

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This language is separated into two distinct dialects with entirely different vocabularies and even different grammar. "High" Mordentish is spoken by the nobility, while "Low" Mordentish is spoken by the common folk. The mingling of these two dialects has created an incredibly flexible language that is widely regarded throughout the world as the language of literature.

Primary Language in: Mordent, Dementlieu, Richemulot, Verbrek, Ghastria

Secondary Language in: Borca, Darkon, Dominia, Falkovnia, Invidia, Lamordia, Sithicus, Valachan

"Low" Mordentish Sample Vocabulary:

"Low" Mordentish English
wes thu hal greetings, farewell (lit. "be you well")
giese yes
nese no
Ia! eala! ah! alas!
faran aweg! go away!
searo painting
bokcræft literature
plegende performance
daeg day
niht night
heathusigel, sôl, sunne sun
môna moon
tûn town
hûs, inn, tôcirhûs inn
feorh, gâst, scucca spirit
holm, mere ocean, sea
brim seashore
lyfthelm, mist, nip mist, fog
burg city
âdelsçath sewer
ræt rat
werræt wererat
forgægend trespasser
ætheling noble (noun)
bôkere, scôlere scholar
læwend traitor
byrde, welig affluent
searocræftig astute
begietan dun! get below! (a common curse)
carl, mann, rinc man
fæmne, wif, æwe woman
bearn child
lif life
feorhgedal, swylt death
cwealm murder
lufræden love
ator, lybb poison (noun)
reonian conspire
mynett, sceatt money
weald forest
éa river
hunta hunter
ulph wolf
worulph werewolf
bealu dangerous, unwise
ceasterbuend fool, outsider, civilized person

"High" Mordentish Sample Vocabulary:

"High" Mordentish English
bonjour greetings
adieu farewell
oui yes
non no
oh! hélas! oh! alas!
s'en aller! go away!
peinturex painting
écriture literature
présentation performance
jour day
nuit night
soleil sun
lune moon
ville town
auberge inn
fantôme spirit
océan, mer ocean, sea
brume, broulliard mist, fog
égout sewer
salaud rat
intruse trespasser
savant noble (noun), scholar
chapradeur traitor
malin affluent, astute
decendre! get below! (a common curse)
homme man
femme woman
enfant child
vie life
mort death
meurte murder
amour love
poison, toxine, venin poison (noun)
comploter conspire
argent money

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The language of Darkon is both complex and highly structured. It has not spread far from Darkon's borders, but the immense size of the kingdom and its huge population are enough to ensure the significance of the language. Since Darkon has a large demihuman population, many of them mix Darkonese with their racial tongues. Many wizards have found that the precise definitions found in the language make for ideal magical writings.

Primary Language In: Darkon, Necropolis

Secondary Language In: Falkovnia, Lamordia, Nova Vaasa, Liffe, Dominia, Tepest

Sample Vocabulary:

Darkonese English
salve! greetings!
vale! goodbye!
ita yes
minime no
adiuva me! help!
abi! go away!
mirae divine magic, wonders
mors death
nuntius information

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Lamordian is a flat and guttural language which superficially resembles a mixture of Darkonese, Falkovnian, and Mordentish. The Lamordian alphabet has hundreds of sounds such as dipthongs and slurs that would be considered entirely new letters in other languages. Lamordian has euphemistic compound words, odd idiomatic expressions, and a needlessly complex system of tenses and genders. Lamordians are very proud of their language and make it a point to correct foreigners who mispronounce a word or make a grammatical error.

Primary Language In: Lamordia

Secondary Language In: Darkon, Falkovnia, Dementlieu, Dominia

Sample Vocabulary:

Lamordian English
goodendach greetings (good day)
aufscheet goodbye
jo yes
halpe! help!
aufriese! go away!
oatst physician
fe'nunft rationality, reason
stiem blizzard
je'spanst phantom, bogeyman

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Forfarians in Forlorn speak this language in exclusion to any other. Forfarians in other lands are taught this language alongside the native tongue of their adopted homeland. The Forfarian language is often described as "brogue."

Primary Language in: Forlorn

Secondary Language in: Barovia, Hazlan

Sample Vocabulary:

Forfarian English
daenacht hael greetings
beannachd leat goodbye
nae no
seadh yes
cuidich! help!
rach air falbh! go away!
bòcan ghost
ghaidhealtachd highlands
nàdur nature

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Old Kartakan

Kartakass possesses its own, entirely distinct language known as Old Kartakan. This difficult language was apparently the common tongue of the Kartakans prior to the Occupation (Kartakans claim that they were once occupied by Invidia), though today it is all but extinct, spoken only by the elderly or to add an air of dignity to formal affairs. In a sense, it has become a language of secrets.

Primary Language In: none

Secondary Language In: Kartakass

Sample Vocabulary:

Old Kartakan English
pozdrav greetings
zbogom goodbye
o yes
ne no
pomoct! help!
poctde stran! go away!
lubezen love
loviti volkove wolf
glasba music

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This elven language is noted for its sibilants, which earns the Sithicans the derogatory nickname of the "hissing elves." To the learned ear, numerous Sithican words and phrases seem oddly dissonant, hinting that they may have been borrowed from languages otherwise unknown in these lands.

Primary Language In: Sithicus

Secondary Language In: Barovia, Kartakass, Valachan, Verbrek

Sample Vocabulary:

Sithican English
e'roess the sun rises (common greeting)
e'naess the sun sets (common farewell)
s yes
ust no
aos! help!
kelos! go away!
loth darkness
nelin stranger
sereon forest
rothihir tyrant

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The Tepestani language is composed of harsh, phlegmatic sounds, making it sound as if the speakers are constantly clearing their throats. Until recently, it had no written form. Wyan of Viktal has now come up with a written text of the Tepestani language to be used for the Inquisition's court records.

Primary Language in: Tepest

Secondary Language in: Nova Vaasa, Darkon

Sample Vocabulary:

Tepestani English
déicht duit gods save you (common greeting)
slán goodbye
beicht/is líom/is ea yes (I will/it is/I am)
aon, níl no
fóir! help!
imigh leat! go away!
draíocht witchcraft, arcane magic
cailleach/draíodóir witch/warlock
tástáil trial

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The native language of Rokushima Táiyoo has an open-syllable sound pattern, so that most syllables end in a vowel. In Rokuma, a person's speech depends on his or her present surroundings and his or her social status. Compared to many languages of the Core, Rokuma grammar is relatively simple. Complicating factors such as gender articles and distinctions between plural and singular are missing almost completely. Conjugation rules for verbs and adjectives are simple and almost free of exceptions. Nouns are not declinated at all, but appear always in the same form. It is the written form of Rokuma that many foreigners find difficult. There are no less than three different written forms of the language: two sets of phonetic characters (one for native words, the other for foreign words), and one set of symbolic characters. The language is written vertically, from right to left, another factor which many foreigners find confusing.

Primary Language in: Rokushima Táiyoo

Secondary Language in: none

Sample Vocabulary:

Rokuma English
konnichiwa good day
konbanwa good evening
sayonara goodbye
hai yes
ie no
taskete! help!
átchini ike! go away!
giri honor
oni demon
obake ghost
gaijin foreigner, barbarian
shimin senso civil war
gomennasai I apologize

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The language of the Vistani is a strange one, being a mixture of the common tongue, several humanoid dialects, and a unique slang, unspoken by any race other than the Vistani. Many non-Vistani find the language maddening, because patterna is conveyed more by context and intonation than by meaning or root words. Many ordinary words in the common tongue have no translations in patterna. In fact, Vistani dialect appropriates non-Vistani words when needed, without interrupting the rythm of speech.

Primary Language in: none; only spoken by Vistani

Secondary Language in: none; only spoken by Vistani, although Barovia has many non-Vistani speakers of patterna due to the special status the Barovian government has given the Vistani.

Sample Vocabulary:

Patterna English
endari-vitir farewell (lit. "all paths converge")
kir-yahg set up camp (lit. "make fire")
koorah exclamation of agreement (lit. "utterly true")
lunadi it shall be done (lit. "by the moon")
vishnadd justice (lit. "dark blade")
giorgio non-Vistani
giomoto half-Vistani
giamarga half-Vistani, half-elf
spiuni spy
marhime unclean
vujo pure
baxt luck
armaya curse
lowe money
trampa barter
tshorav steal
hamishagos meddle, disturb
pamintean native
anda l thema the lands beyond

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Sources: Ravenloft 3rd Edition Campaign Setting, Ravenloft Gazetteers I-V, Van Richten's Guide to the Vistani