Within the swirling Mist (IC) > Announcements and Notices

A message from the Church of Ezra

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DM Tarokka:
Dear sisters and brothers,

you are all invited to a celebration of the Fifth Day in the Redoubtable Chapel of Our Guardian, which will be exceptionally anticipated of one day. After the celebration Toret Rovana Stanoiu will offer her help to know more about the ruins of the Keep, and to explain anything you may wish to know about the teachings of Ezra, Our Guardian in the Mists.

Sentire Mugur Costinus

// The event is starting now.

DM Tarokka:
Dear sisters and brothers,

you are all invited to a celebration of the Fifth Day in the Redoubtable Chapel of Our Guardian. After the celebration Toret Rovana Stanoiu will offer her help to know more about the ruins of the Keep, and to explain anything you may wish to know about the teachings of Ezra, Our Guardian in the Mists.

Sentire Mugur Costinus

// This is happening now.

DM Tarokka:
Dear sisters and brothers,

you are all invited to a celebration of the Fifth Day in the Redoubtable Chapel of Our Guardian. After the celebration Toret Rovana Stanoiu will offer her help to know more about the ruins of the Keep, and to explain anything you may wish to know about the teachings of Ezra, Our Guardian in the Mists.

I will also invite all those who wish to enter the ranks of the Church here in Barovia, to leave a message for me, or showing interest during the next celebration

Sentire Mugur Costinus

//30th June starting from 20 GMT+1, that is one hour from the time of this post.

DM Tarokka:
Dear sisters and brothers,

you are all invited to a celebration of the Fifth Day in the Redoubtable Chapel of Our Guardian. After the celebration Toret Rovana Stanoiu will offer her help to know more about the ruins of the Keep, and to explain anything you may wish to know about the teachings of Ezra, Our Guardian in the Mists.

I will also invite all those who wish to enter the ranks of the Church here in Barovia, to leave a message for me, or showing interest during the next celebration

Sentire Mugur Costinus

//5th July starting from 19 GMT+1. More or less 7 hours and a half from this message.

DM Tarokka:
Dear sisters and brothers,

you are all invited to a celebration of the Fifth Day in the Redoubtable Chapel of Our Guardian. After the celebration Toret Rovana Stanoiu will offer her help to know more about the ruins of the Keep, and to explain anything you may wish to know about the teachings of Ezra, Our Guardian in the Mists.

I will also invite all those who wish to enter the ranks of the Church here in Barovia, to leave a message for me, or showing interest during the next celebration

Sentire Mugur Costinus

//10th July starting from 19 GMT+1.


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