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Author Topic: The Industry of Mankind  (Read 779 times)

Subversive Author

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The Industry of Mankind
« on: February 18, 2018, 10:14:40 PM »
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A small portion of what appears to be a larger manuscript has been floating around Barovia.

The Industry of Mankind: An Epitath Of Our Self-Destruction

Volume One:

In society only minimal effort is necessary to satisfy one's physical needs. It is enough to submit to a person in a position of power and assign yourself to their industry to obtain security. The only requirements are a moderate amount of intelligence and your obedience. Those that would be otherwise culled by natural selection are allowed to form a symbiotic relationship with those of better merits; providing menial labour in exchange for permitting their weaker bloodline to continue and thusly causing the entire human race to enter into decline.

 We as a species are growing weaker as what we have begun to refer to as the Industry of Mankind becomes more dominant. We do not claim that symbiotic relatioships have no place in nature, simply that the Master/Servant Dichotomy within our society is counter-productive to our indivualism in the long term and the result is that as a whole we have relinquished our potential. It is true that some of weaker bloodline may have merits beyond what can be considered evident or "of merit," but these concepts in themselves are only proof of our decline as these beliefs are merely social constructs. When we establish these values in our young and in each other, we only support the current social idiology, forcing our own evolution down upon a set path, culling those that may have been able to contribute to our evolution in ways that can not be predicted. These noble beings are branded contrary or undesirable.

An example of this would be the Caliban, and in societies they are considered to be lesser than man. In some cases, this is certainly true; but it is no more true than a Caliban is lesser to man than it is possible that one man may be lesser than another. As we evolve there will always be those that are intended to be killed by natural selection, but there is a certain evolutionary footnote in the evolution of the Caliban. Yes, there are shortcomings, but there are also traits within them that, if perpetuated, would be the future of the species of man. Calibans often possess an incredible strength unrivaled in that of his human counterpart.

As it is so, man must not be permitted to master another. The weak are to be consumed for the purpose of ensuring that only the strong propogate their traits onto their offspring. This power process has become diluted as industrial society has evolved, stripping man of their personal autonomy and self-reliance. Slavery in and of itself we condemn, not for moral reasons but because we recognize that while it strengthens the Industry of Mankind, it weakens the indiviual within. The Industry of Mankind forces our evolution down the same path as our technology, asurring that the system is never disturbed or overthrown by evolution or contrary ideologies.

It is true that some individuals seem to have little need for autonomy. Either their drive for power is weak or they satisfy it by identifying with some powerful organization to which they belong. And the there are unthinking, animal types who seem to be satisfied with a purely physicial sense of power. (Take the futile Vallaki Guard, who gets his sense of power by developing fighting skills that he is quite content to use in blind obedience to his masters.) While it is wholly intended in nature that these individuals do not reach their potential, it can be argued that they do possess some value in limited capacity and quantity. These indidivuals may serve a purpose but it should be recognized that permitting these lesser beings should be culled when they are of no further value.

Those empowered by this master/servant relationship inherently know that the power they wield is superfluous, and yet it is perpetuated because ideologically they are inherently aware that their power is an illusion. When an indivual of limited evolutionary is permitted to perpetuate themselves upon the world, their only recourse is to strategize ways to become superior to those of greater potential to the species. Thus, they insist on the propogation of society as it is their security. They create social structures such as laws, and partake in morality value assignment to certain behaviours or ideologies, which they then find means to socially condemn if they are disempowering to their own survival. In their weakness they developed the antithesis to evolutionary progress, The Industry of Mankind. The strongest of men in this way are "defeated," through the social construct.

We have traded our own personal freedom and potential for security and control. Roads have been paved to allow the Industry of Mankind to expand itself upon more primitive societies, and while this is done under the pretense of technological advancement and the liberation of man from our baser instincts, we as a species have become neither more advanced or free.  Those empowered by the Industry of Mankind intentionally subvert others from education and create systems to such knowledge unattainable without what they have labelled "currency." This currency, regardless of nation, can be translated simply into a physical representation of permission. An individual must be obedient to the social construct that is the Industry of Man and in return they are awarded with a level of permission represented in the form of coins. This system is advertised as opportunity, but it is the literal opposite. It is means to assign the value an individual has within the Industry of Man, and it's sole purpose it to ensure that the weak can remain in a position of power, granting them the authority to determine who else may have dominance over others within society, and to subvert individuals who possess the ability to destabilize this delicate balance of power.

It is important to understand that the Industry of Mankind assigns positive value to the ideologies that perpetuate it while disempowering those that would partake in it. This practice extends to material possessions and beliefs. To demonstrate that this is a falsehood I again refer to the common Caliban, who dwell within the sewer system and build their society from the sheer refuse of our social structure.return to the trade of things that contain intrinsic value, such as pelts, food, and building materials. Those that are Caliban are to have their merit recognized, as they have demonstrated that it is entirely possible to free ourselves from the shackles of our disempowering society.
The Caliban and their strength are forced underground, and even in the face of their adversity they have developed eyes that see in the dark. The Gundarakite Rebel has been outlawed to wield martial weapons, their people persecuted and yet have becomes masters of subterfuge and assassination. Our evolutionary betters are apparent and yet the von Zarovich's have sat within Castle Ravenloft for generations wholly uncontested and without proof of merit. Their dominion is only based upon the pretense that their dominion is necessary, for without that illusion they lack the ability to enforce it. The belief that we as human beings require society to attain fullfillment is simply a deception. It is our participation in this lie that empowers and perpetuates it.

There is only one solution for man to return to his natural state, and that is the destruction of the Industry of Man. This includes the destruction of the ideology of currency, this includes the destruction of the tools of industry, such as road, bridges, or fortresses, as well as a form of ideoological warfare: we must begin to assign moral value on a personal level and not partake in conformity. We must refuse to participate in the trade of currency, and taxation, and the Free Man should recognize there is no place for him within the enslavement camps referred to as "Cities."

There is a natural balance within our humanity in that we are consumers. We consume food, nature, each other. To ensure that society does not become the snake that devours his own tail, it is important to understand that in our sentience that we must cull these baser instincts to a degree, and return to non-society as much as we take. The primary candidate for this exchange is the full-scale destablization of government, which will be addressed in the next volume.

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Subversive Author

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Re: The Industry of Mankind
« Reply #1 on: March 10, 2018, 08:39:12 PM »
The Domestication of Mankind:
The Necessity of Decentralization.

Volume 2:

There was a period of time, in the beginning, when the potential of men was determined by his ability to exceed his inferiors. The weak were consumed, empowering the offspring. Each generation of man improved as the weak were culled and consumed for the betterment of mankind. We as a species evolved from what I can only identify as primordial, as I do not claim to be a person of science. For age upon age, our bodies developed to better withstand the hardships of the natural world. We adapted to our environments and for it we were bettered. We began to walk on two legs, developed opposable thumbs, became self-aware and developed strong familial relationships to ensure our survival.

There was a clear point in our history where man began denying his potential. We reached a point in our evolution that we stopped adapting ourselves to the environment, and began adapting the environment to us. Instead of becoming more resistant to weather related sickness, we built domestications to shelter us from the rain. Our teeth flattened to consume the same food our prey eats, relying on our crafted spears and various weaponry to protect us from danger. We entered into a state where we no longer sought to compete with other species for evolutionary dominance, thinking that our industry would be our safeguard against becoming prey.

This was a logical fallacy, as while this state allowed us to protect what we had from current adversaries, it was short-sighted and effective only for the period of one generation. As we as a species failed to adapt and evolve, other species continued along their evolutionary path growing to similar levels of self-awareness and developed traits that could compete with our own. Elves became slender and quick, while dwarves became hardier and insurmountable. We as man no longer evolved at all, and as a result we find ourselves inferior in each category to other species. It is clear even in our own evolutionary path that our species is trying to develop traits to compete with other races. From human wombs come forth what has been deemed a Caliban, creatures of various shapes, sizes, and deformities that despite their erractic evolution have universally developed superior strength to all current predators. As stated in the previous volume, we have traded our potential for security and it has become our nature to fear change, overanalyzing and rationalizing with logic that the Caliban is a threat to our security and society. It has become common practice to cull the very evolutionary traits that made mankind the alpha predator supreme in the first place. We kill them when possible, and if not we force them to serve us in capacities that limit their ability to pose a threat. We consider them inferior in intellect, and yet it is through our own “superior” Intellect that we have entered this predicament. Our rationalizing of our own lack of evolutionary ambition has demonstrated that we have denied instinct for too long and that our natural instincts are still supreme to our ability to self-reflect. Eventually, given enough time, all species will become as us, and their sheer number will become our destruction.

It is without a heavy hand that I state that we must be rid of our false sense of security and cease to allow the weaker of us their time in this life. It is unfortunate that inferior bloodlines have been allowed to congregate into centers of social dominance. These centers of power are called cities, towns, or even at their height, nations. If we are to not be consumed by inferior species that seek to become the alpha predator of our world, we must be rid of these centralized governments and means of population control. We must be rid of centralized currency. Established society is the slow death of Mankind, and we as a species are short on time. It is my prediction that as a species we have little more than a half dozen generations remaining before we enter into our extinction event, give or take six generations. Given the state of the world, perhaps the Time of Unparalleled Darkness is indeed upon us.

This brings us to the topic of currency, which I have touched on in the previous volume. In no uncertain terms it is social slavery, a means to control the population. All is required of a government is to ensure there is less gold in the world than debt to ensure that the subject cannot become autonomous. For a centralized currency to function, it is a requirement that the subject be convinced that it is necessary. The very moment mankind ceases to believe in its value and no longer participates, it becomes worthless.

And yet, even in these circumstances, the items for which were once purchased with that gold still hold their inherent worth. Food can be traded for clothing, or shelter. By denouncing currency, you lose nothing and your masters lose everything.

Cities must be laid to waste. Governments must be overthrown and the blood of their leaders spilled atop their mountains of golden slavery. The weak can no longer go without culling, for they will be our destruction. Take your torch to the walls of Vallaki, your knife to the soft spot between the shoulderblades of their soldiers. Hang the Count from the monument of Castle Ravenloft, along with his so many long-lost cousins, as a testament to our rebirth as a species. Smother the Tyrant Mages in their sleep. Use their own industry against them. Use the black powder of Dementlieu and set it ablaze underneath their castles. Savage their crops and slaughter their livestock.

Throw their children from the parapets as their delusions of power burns behind you, as nature intended.

If this ferocity is considered too harsh or beyond your capabilities, there are indeed lesser means to assist in the deconstruction of modern society. If you farm, grow only enough to feed your family and leave nothing else for the Tax Collectors to take. If you live by barely any means at all, begin a self-analysis of what you invest your time in and compare that to your basic living requirements. Consider what is previous considered without value and find use in it. In a state of self-reflection, man becomes aware that anything of value in modern society can be found in its garbage. Own no lands, keep no gold, free your slaves, and denounce all titles. Without your participation, your masters hold no power over you. Their only means of recourse is to threaten you with death, a bluff at best, as your participation is a necessity of their survival and killing you is counterproductive for their purposes. It is possible that lives may be taken in hopes of instilling fear in the people, but they do not have the means to do this in more than a limited capacity and do not let this weaken your resolve. Men have died in the name of far less worthy causes and your sacrifice will leave behind a legacy few ever amount to. Injustice will always inspire the masses to bring justice upon the aggressors.

It is only when society has been smashed, when the weak have been culled, that we as a species have a chance of survival. And we do this absolved from morality, the final social construct that must be destroyed. This topic will be discussed in the next volume.

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« Last Edit: March 10, 2018, 10:24:23 PM by Subversive Author »