Author Topic: A simple leather journal.  (Read 1704 times)

Head Trauma

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A simple leather journal.
« on: February 05, 2018, 02:40:12 PM »
My twin brother Vasile has been missing for over two months now, mother and father are worried sick. I have no idea where he might be or how it happen, we went to bed and the next morning he wasn't there. No clues were left behind, his belongings were still there, and his bed looked like he had slept in it, but there was no other sign. I've been looking for him but there is very little to go by.

I met a particularly interesting outlander the other day named Zachary. We talked long into the night about vampires, necromancers, the misuse of witchcraft, and the evils that plague theses lands. I learned quite a bit from him that will aid me in my hunt against the undead in Barovia and the other monsters that roam the land.

There is something wrong in the Lady's Rest. A unnatural darkness cloaks the whole place. On our way out, I noticed a line of garlic cloves littering the ground near the door. Some one must think a vampire is luring there, or trying to keep one out. I'll have to look into that.

Head Trauma

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Re: A simple leather journal.
« Reply #1 on: February 06, 2018, 08:21:01 PM »

I had a horrible nightmare last night, I was sleeping in the room I shared with Vasile when something woke me up. At first I didn't move, I felt paralyzed with fear. Moments passed when I heard a moan coming from the other side of the room, "Simple Simon, help me." I mustered all the courage I had to roll over in bed to see what was wrong with Vasile and to my horror I saw him. He was sitting in a chair surrounded by three females dressed in long flowing gossamer gowns. I saw that the window to the room was wide open and the curtains were blowing inward from a cold gentle breeze. The horror at the sight of these three females woke me up. A cold sweat enveloped me, and I trembled with fear.

[Lucian sat back in the chair and pinched the bridge of his nose between his thumb and forefinger, he sighed. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath and counted to ten in Balok. Feeling a little calmer, he sat forward and placed quill to parchment once again.]

I can still hear my twin brother's voice call out my nick name. Maybe I had that nightmare because of all the vampire sightings we're having here.

Zachery found a teacher for me, a druid named Theoron Thornclaw. Zachary discribed the man to me and said he can often be found in the Outskirts selling items in the day, so I'm likely to find him there at some point. Zachary said that the druid was interested in my drive to hunt the night, for he too understood the land was corrupted.

Well the day is young and I have research to do.

[Lucian put the quill down and shut his journal. He sat back in his chair once again and picked up a bottle of beer, he drank half of it with one swallow and sat it back down. He than stood up and walked over to the bed and put his leathers on and cloak. He took one slow look around the room and place his journal away in his backpack. He headed for the door and went out into the rain of a new day.]

Head Trauma

  • Undead Slayer
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Re: A simple leather journal.
« Reply #2 on: February 08, 2018, 08:14:01 PM »
Theoron was a wise interesting man. We didn't speak much but it seems I'm in his circle now, or soon will be. I met two others in his circle, a man named Janjak (whom I think just might be a little touched in the head.) and a pitic named Kali.

I don't think Janjak trusts me overly much, but than I can't say I truly trust him that much either. Truth be told, I don't really trust any of them that much. . . yet. But they all seem to have a connection to nature and want to cleanse it of the taint it has upon it, which is a huge plus in my book.

Theoron asked if I wanted to go on a great hunt and I excepted the offer and headed off with him, Jakjan, and Kali. Turns out our prey that night would be werecreatures. More specifically. . . werewolves. I wont lie, I was terrified. But Theoron and Jakjan were good at defeating the werewolves while I watched and studied the creatures. I've decided that they are yet another abomination that I will have to learn about in order to better hunt them.

I met a woman today in the Outskirts her name was Ajda and she was selling wares, she seems to be a Barovian but I'm not entirely sure. She came up behind me in the night and nearly scared me out of my leathers. After calming myself internally (I hope she didn't notice that she frightened me) we talked well into the night about the undead that plague Barovia. Just as we were getting ready to part ways, a man came up and asked us if we had anything to eat. He said it was rude not to offer food when it is asked for. Next thing I remember I'm standing on the other side of the Morninglord temple, whip in hand, and there was a dead Caliban under a tree with several arrows sticking out of it. Of the man that talked to me and Ajda, there was no sign.


Head Trauma

  • Undead Slayer
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Re: A simple leather journal.
« Reply #3 on: February 20, 2018, 12:29:22 PM »
It has been some days since last I wrote here in my journal, a lot has taken place. Quinn has taken me on as a student in alchemy, sadly I am not that good at it yet, only time and patience will get me through this. Quinn has also given me books to read on the evils that dwell in these lands, they keep me up at night. . . I'm so tired.

Quinn took me on a hunt for fire beetle mandibles, I guess they are one ingredient to make something in alchemy. I tried using them, I had twenty, and all I got was nineteen failures and one success. Not to bad I guess, but I failed at making it into a varnish, oh well. He also gave me some green slim residue, with those I had two successes! Yet I failed at making them into varnishes as well.

The other night Quinn showed up in the Morninglord temple and was soon followed by caliban that appeared out of nowhere. Needless to say I was quite shaken by this and viewed him with distrust. But Quinn vouched for him, so I let my guard down a little.

I soon found out the caliban was named Sam, which he was more than happy to tell anyone and often. He accompanied us on our hunt for the fire beetles. On our way toward the hole where the fire beetles lair in, we came upon another man, his name escapes me, why is it I can read a book from cover to cover recall every word in it and yet I simply cannot remember the names of people I meet? At any rate, the man came with us on the hunt as well.

Quinn told me that Sam would accompany us the Sullen Woods for my research into the place. Perhaps we will have better luck this time in that cursed forest. I still don't know if the shadows that lurk there are drawn to the shadow wood trees, or if they guard it. Perhaps I shall find out on our expedition.

I was denied membership to the Wayware Kinship, but I was told I could try again later when the kinship know me better. Enough for now, I'm tired and need rest.       

Head Trauma

  • Undead Slayer
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Re: A simple leather journal.
« Reply #4 on: February 22, 2018, 05:41:52 PM »

There are three types: The Annis, The Green, and The Sea Hags. They gain their witchcraft from using natural circles, which they corrupt and then draw their power from. They use witchcraft that corrupts and despoils human beings. Witchcraft such as Hold Person, Bestow Curse, Sleep, Charm Person,Summon Creature Spells, Ray of Enfeeblement, Scare, Invisibility, and Animate Dead. Supernatural abilities are but not limited to, Corrupting Aura, Cursed Glare, Horrific Appearance, Soothing Song, and Weakening Touch.  Although the supernatural abilities Depend on age and type.

Hags mate by changing form into a beautiful woman and then procreating with a unsuspecting man. Upon birth of the new hag baby, which looks no different from a normal female baby, the Hag trades it with a normal newborn girl. The Hag baby grows up with no outside appearances that it is truly a child of a Hag. It is not until it reaches a older age, approximately around the age of sixty, that it's true nature is revealed.

[Lucian stops here for a moment and pats the book next to him, Van Richten's Guild to Witches. He smiles slightly, thankful for the Doctor for his research and the knowledge that he has gained through reading all these volumes. He sits back up, takes up his quill and begins to write once again.]

I must get this knowledge to the Kinship, so that it might be of aid to them in their battle against the Hag they fight.   

Head Trauma

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Re: A simple leather journal.
« Reply #5 on: May 28, 2018, 08:15:06 AM »
The Ancient Dead

I have moved to Har'Akir to study the ancient dead phenomenon. I know very little about mummies other than what I have read in Van Richten's Guide to the Ancient Dead.

My only problem is, I have no idea how they are created, be it a curse a dark ritual, or merely a force of great will. Unless I find a way to learn the language of this land I fear I shall near know. But I will be diligent and stand firm in my convictions to learn all I can in the mean time. Perhaps one of the locals can teach me the language so I can translate the hieroglyphs in the tombs and temples in the desert.

The night is much cooler than it is during the day, so I shall have to do most my research at night, but I must be careful even then because the dead walk the sands at night and other perils. Truly a dangerous land I find myself in.   

Head Trauma

  • Undead Slayer
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Re: A simple leather journal.
« Reply #6 on: May 29, 2018, 12:05:03 PM »

After investigating the village for a while I came upon a pristine temple and decided to enter to see what I might learn. There I met a priestess and engaged her in conversation.

Spoiler: show
Snefru: [Snefru gives you a faint, smirking smile] Em hotep nefer weret. Greetings of very great peace, foreigner. I welcome you to the Temple of Muhar.
Simon Slabu: [Ask for information]
Snefru: [She sighs.] So it shall be. What would you ask of?
Simon Slabu: [Ask about the area]
Snefru: This is the Village of Muhar, of Har'Akir. You will find little else in Har'Akir beyond our village, though this was not always so.
Simon Slabu: [Ask her to explain further.]
Snefru: Centuries ago, Har'Akir was a far greater realm. Our nation encompassed the entire Abal River valley of the great Akiri desert. Our pharaohs ruled us, for in our belief the pharaoh is the divine link between men and the gods. Pharaoh's ruled by the grace of Ra, the sun god. [She makes a gesture of supplication, skyward.] The pharaoh himself is a god of this land.
Simon Slabu: [Let her continue.]
Snefru: Then came the reign of Anhktepot as pharaoh. [She glances about briefly, as though fearful, before continuing.] For some unknown reason, Anhktepot did not want to die and become a servant of Ra. He commanded his priests to find a way for him to cheat death. Many slaves and prisoners died horribly in Anhktepot's gruesome experiments in immortality.
Simon Slabu: [Let her continue.]
Snefru: Frustrated by his lack of success, Anhktepot blamed his priests, and had many temples burned and razed. He stalked into the Kham temple, the greatest in all of Har'Akir, and cursed the gods for not granting him his heart's desire. Ra answered Anhktepot. He told the pharaoh that when he died, he would live, though he might wish otherwise. However, for cursing the gods, Anhktepot would suffer eternally.
Simon Slabu: [Let her continue.]
Snefru: That was the beginning of Har'Akir's downfall. The pharaoh's touch became death, and he killed his wife Nephyr and eldest son discovering this. After this, Anhktepot's reign grew only darker. He used his power to kill many priests. What grew worse was that those he killed would return, abominations of the undead. At last, the priesthoods could take no more, and they rebelled and murdered Anhktepot in his sleep.
Simon Slabu: [Let her continue.]
Snefru: The priests still buried Anhktepot as befitting a pharaoh. Shortly after the funeral rites ended, the Wall of Ra descended upon us, cutting us off from the rest of Har'Akir. All that remains of what was Har'Akir is here, in Muhar. All I have told you happened many generations ago. The villagers believe Anhktepot lives on in death, and fear and curse his name. They believe that even now, he only slumbers...
Simon Slabu: [Ask what she believes.]
Snefru: [She sighs.] I believe Anhktepot's deeds broke the cycle of Ma'at, and as he was god of this land, so now it, and us, share in his curse. But we shall endure, and follow the old ways, and the gods shall smile upon us once more.

Head Trauma

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Re: A simple leather journal.
« Reply #7 on: June 04, 2018, 12:19:12 AM »


Anubis, is the jackal-headed god of mummification, I found this out at the Temple of Mahur. But any other information is hidden from me at this time. I must find out more. In the mean time, I search the sands for Scarab Caps.