Author Topic: Gambler's Fallacy  (Read 2100 times)


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Gambler's Fallacy
« on: January 28, 2018, 06:48:26 PM »
Poison - Two and One

"Daggers beat wits, poison beats daggers and lower rolls of each are best. Got all that?"

As the older gnome spoke he counted off the types of roll on his fingers. He had chains tattooed on them that ran up his arms. Rhea liked the look. She'd not listened to most of what he was saying but the details of the game didn't really matter. You roll dice and fate picks the winner.

"Alright, Galyn, let's play."


Rhea frowned at Galyn's dice. Two and one. Poison. She was pretty sure that was a good roll. He'd been getting it all night.

"My round again."

Galyn's voice had a smile to it as he slid the last of Rhea's bone across the table and into his pile of coin. The flickering candlelight of the tavern shadowed his yellow toothed grin and wrinkled features, giving them an otherworldly look. Rhea dropped out of her chair, pausing to return the grin.

"That's me for the night, mate."

She could hear the creak of Galyn's chair as he got up himself, unsteady from the drink. He mumbled something after her but she wasn't listening. Time to move on. As Rhea approached the thick doors to the tavern they slid open slowly, the muffled clinking of the mechanism heavy and regular. Rhea hated waiting on these things. As soon as the doors were opened wide enough to slip through, she stepped out into the night.


With a muffled bang, the mechanism failed. The heavy inn doors slammed closed on Galyn's outstretched arm with a sickening crunch. A pair of dice fell from the inked hand and clattered to the cobblestones. Rhea paid them no mind as she rushed to the door, doing her best to ignore Galyn's shrieking as she and several patrons within worked to free him.


"One of the gears got loose, it looks like. Wouldn't normally fail like that otherwise."

It had been only a few minutes since Galyn had been taken to a healer. It didn't feel right to Rhea that Zoltan sounded so excited to have found the fault.

"Guess it was his bad luck, then."

The dice Galyn dropped still lay where they fell. Her dice or his? She couldn't recall. Even in the gloom of the street, his roll was clear.

Two and one.



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Re: Gambler's Fallacy
« Reply #1 on: January 29, 2018, 08:04:25 AM »
Five Knives - Five and Five

"Five and five again. Huh. Yeah, alright. The Burgomaster's Peace it is."

It was a clever name for the drink, even if it might ruffle a few feathers. Lucía could be pretty cutting at times. Rhea scooped up her dice, frowning thoughtfully.

"What is it?"

"Same thing came up for the wolves. I figure maybe it was because of that creep. The powerful one that helped out."

Rhea wasn't sure what, but it had to mean something.


"...maybe, Rhea, maybe... It's one huge coincidence and you shouldn't put things up to a roll of dice?"

Rhea flicked her pentacles. Lucía might be right. She usually was. But Rhea wasn't feeling it. There was no making sense of the chaos. No direction to be found. Dice simplified it all.

"What's the difference between deciding with dice and anything else?"

"Are you going to compare the workings of your mind and your ability to make decisions with how a die rolls on a mostly flat surface? That is insulting to yourself."

It did sound pretty stupid when she put it like that. Cutting.


"I don't know, mate. I think you're right about finding purpose. I think it's better than living with none."

She hoped it was, anyway. Lucía's purpose felt right. Rhea liked that.

"And once you find it, will you discard the dice?"

Once something stuck? A focus like Lucía's?

"I might. I don't think about it much. Figure I'll know what I want when I hit on it."

Maybe something had stuck already? Just a little. The five pair's meaning was clearer now.

Five and five.

« Last Edit: January 31, 2018, 10:35:52 AM by PlatointheCave »


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Re: Gambler's Fallacy
« Reply #2 on: January 31, 2018, 11:04:34 AM »
Thirty Five Wits - Three and Five

"I find a lot about this world is a big riddle. We get clues, but not the whole answer. Sometimes it's very easy to find the last piece of the puzzle and fit them together to get where you like to be. Sometimes it's hard. Sometimes there is more than one answer."

Martha's voice got increasingly enthused as she spoke. The old human was definitely passionate, but it seemed like a lot of words for an answer Rhea still couldn't figure out. Someone else was saying something but Rhea wasn't really paying attention. She had to focus on this.

"You put the right things together and the world changes. It is not as outlandish as people think."

That was starting to make sense. Felt right.

"Like. Working out how a little bit of the chaos fits together?"

The old woman smiled at that. Lucía was looking uncomfortable. She excused herself. Rhea was pretty sure she'd be alright. This was important.

"That a yes, then?"

"You could say so. Chaos is defined by our inability to grasp it. Ever changing. So it is not quite as simple. What we can hope for is understanding how to fit it together in a very brief moment. "

Rhea was nodding now. Some things just made sense. Put all the chaos in some kind of perspective.

"Yeah. Yeah, exactly. Everything's got a cause. But it's too much to know. Every chain of causes has too many links, stretching too far back."

She traced one of her inked chains. Maybe this old human had figured it out? Martha had come pretty far for someone so old. Fate might bend to them.

"Constant work, Rhea. The riddle does not end, but we can learn how to find clues more quickly. If you try to learn, accepting this is where you fail or succeed. It never comes down to a simple recipe."

Rhea frowned at that, chewing on her words. It wasn't an out. Not even close. But it was something. Better to do and be.

"Could you show me?"


"Hey, you know anything about spirits?"

They'd been talking for a long time. Martha knew a lot. Maybe she could settle Rhea's mind on this.

"Spirits, hmm. I know tales, folklore and told by witnesses."

"Do they suffer? "

"No one can tell for sure. In theory? Likely."

Martha was frowning.

"As far as we can grasp what suffering is without a body and without change."

This was settling her head, but not the way she'd hoped. Rhea was starting to feel ill.

"There's a place nearby, I break into it sometimes. Full of spirits. Stuck there, then? Could you free them somehow?"


"I don't think that I could. I would that I could."

Rhea couldn't accept it wasn't possible. Wailing like that for the rest of time. Stuck. Chained.

"Is it possible, though? "

"Spirits are said to be bound by feelings. You may know stories of tragic death and hauntings to follow them. One way that is said to help is to resolve these feelings, but whether that is the truth or not, I never dared to try. There may be other forces binding a soul in place, those have a chance to be abjured. "

With the relief came a certainty Rhea didn't feel often. One clear purpose.

"So if one could find out what feelings are keeping them there, and address them, they'd be free?"


Martha had explained a lot. Rhea figured it was important to get clear on the theory but it was time to figure out the practical work.

"The place I been to is full of old notes and stuff. If I slip in and fetch copies we could look at them and work out what might've happened? Maybe stop it?"

"Therein may be answers."

Martha was nodding. The sick feeling wasn't gone, but it was changed. This was more like anger. She wasn't sure when she'd be done with this feeling. Maybe never. Guess she'd find out.

"Good deal, mate."

Time to get to work.

Three and five.

« Last Edit: February 21, 2018, 05:31:30 AM by PlatointheCave »


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Re: Gambler's Fallacy
« Reply #3 on: February 21, 2018, 05:29:41 AM »
Thirty Four Wits - Three and Four

"Hello there."

It took a moment for Rhea to process the words as she stumbled back. Where once there had been only a bat and the still night, there stood a man.

"I'm sorry. This is going to be a bad night for you."

She'd seen this man before. Heard others talk about him. Allek. Vampire.

She needed a plan. Candle first, then escape. Simple plan. She pushed down the panic and focused on it.

As she yanked the candle and strike stone from her belt, the vampire made as if to parry a blow.

Probably figured she was stupid or desperate enough to attack him.

She lit the candle, holding it tight to her chest.

Time to get away. How? Distraction? Talk.


The vampire shoved her hard into the wall behind her with his boot. Hurt. Hard to focus.

"I sense your evil. It pours off you like a rancid stench."

Some guy. Couldn't see him. It was drawing Allek's attention. Escape, right? Right.

She downed and orange and legged it.


"Your god is not here. Only the darkness is."

Allek hadn't chased her. He'd struck that guy down. Spoke to him now. Maybe he'd survive. Probably not. Wouldn't feel right leaving him. Maybe with a red she could outrun him? No more time to decide.

She shot once at the figure.


It turned to focus on her. This was a bad plan.

"Weren't we-"

She just spoke. Her chest felt light. Stepping back she yanked a red from her belt and downed it. Would it follow?

"Gonna 'ave-"

It was definitely following. Okay. Good.

Then it melted into the night.

"Pike, pike, pike..."

She didn't have something for this. Try to make out the mist, maybe? Or should she run now?

She could see something swirling around here, then it was back. All around her. Too fast to escape.


She was very cold. Everything ached. Her neck burned. Couldn't move much. Still breathing.

Was it done?

Then a warmth blossomed from her throat. Where it faded, the pain was less.

She raised her eyes. Allek was offering a hand.

"I am sorry."

She couldn't think. She took it.

"Please go see if that man is alive. "

She nodded a little. Maybe this was death? Yeah, probably.

"And tell him to not interrupt my meals. Bad things happen when people try that."

That sounded more vampiric.

She said something agreeable.

It took her a long time to process his response. Two words stood out.

"Forgive me."


"He had to feed. Wanted me to forgive him."

Rhea couldn't meet Lucía's gaze. Hadn't been able to for most of the story. She had to be-

Lucía slammed her fist into the table, jolting it.

Rhea flinched. She couldn't look up.

There was the clink of metal as Lucía rose, the clinking continued as she made for the door.

After a long pause, Rhea drained her mug and made after the woman into the night.

"Going to burn that thing to embers."

She spoke forcefully, not looking back as she walked. She said something else.

Sounded like cursing.


Now seemed like a bad time, but Rhea couldn't think of why.


Lucía repeated.

It was gonna be the second long night in as many days.

Maybe she deserved it?

Three and Four.



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Re: Gambler's Fallacy
« Reply #4 on: March 23, 2018, 10:43:36 PM »

Sixty One Wits - Six and One

"This the way forward for you, then? The only way?"

"I don't know. Other than... The obvious... Do you think anything is wrong with doing this?"

"I dunno. What if we mess up?"

"Then we kill it."

Six and one.


The Wurtbeicher Heresy:

June 764: Ezrites of von Zeklos keep declared part of heretical Wurtbeicher sect. Dunno when they had adopted his beliefs. At some point Lilas Wurtbeich came to join the heretics at the keep.

August 764: "Bastion" Wurtbeich leaves keep with followers. Unclear if other recorded heretical faithful at the keep left with him. Not long after this the first slaughter at the keep happens. Vincent von Zeklos dead for good.

September 764: Second slaughter. Nicoleta von Zeklos dead for good. Last of von Zeklos line. Good riddance.

July 765: Every Bastion of orthodox church of Ezra has publicly condemned Wurtbeicher heresy.

October 765: By this time 'Saint' Marle has been publicly renounced by Wurtbeich. Seen Marle's death documented multiple times earlier, but she keeps coming back up. 

April 767: Laboratory under theatre discovered. I've seen it; definitely seems like it was used during the Executioner's campaign. Looks like some junk for making created down there. It's claimed Lilas Wurtbeich was involved in experiments there. His arrest is sought. The same year his sect's headquarters in Ouvrier is torched.

Seems like the heresy died there. Still figuring out how it factors into the history of the keep.


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Re: Gambler's Fallacy
« Reply #5 on: October 21, 2018, 05:08:10 AM »

Curse of Shadow - Apep

"You're right."

"I just."

"I just hurt a lot. I didn't want to be a bleedin' burden."

She felt Lucia's hand on her cheek, already wet with tears.

"This world... Is dying. We're all hurting. Every last damned pile of flesh with a brain and a heart."

"You gave me warmth when that was all but snuffed from my life."

"I'm sorry."

She couldn't breath. The burdens of the preceding weeks seemed so trivial now.

"Don't leave me behind this time. I'll keep up."

"Only if you are with me forever."

She felt nothing but bitterness for the rest. She did not need their burdens.


"I've done enough for them all."


God of Strife.


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Re: Gambler's Fallacy
« Reply #6 on: December 01, 2018, 05:17:46 AM »

The Way of the World - Fate

"I aint patching shite."

"The others are. They're idealists."

"No? Then what was the point of ensuring I dance to your tune?"

She paused, removing the cigar from her lips and squinting at it.

"You ever think about 'ow many intricate, interactin' causes there are out in the world?"

"Like links in countless chains. Too many to comprehend."

They grunted. It wasn't clear they were getting it but she figured it didn't really matter. It just had to be said.

"None of us can make sense've it. Missfortune jus' 'appens. No rhyme of reason to it. 'S cruel an' random an' y'can't really do anythin' about it."

"S jus' Fate."

"But /I/ don't like Fate. An' I'm still drawin' breath."

"I jus' aint capable of givin' up. We're never gonna rebuild the world. But what's the alternative?"

"Givin' up? Rollin' over?"

Their lip curled in a sneer. It hurt.

"Try living long enough to enjoy what you can. You're talking about bleeding yourself for a grudge at nothing more than a toss of the dice."

"Y'know... I drink. I get 'igh. I 'ave strappin' men."

"But 'S always there."

"The truth've it. You unnerstand it."

"It don't make you angry? The cruelty of it all?"

They laughed. Not an amused laugh, either. A grating, joyless thing.

"If I let that happen then I would be just one more zealot beating my fists against the wall."


Days later there was an offer. A dangerous one. To become a part of something - maybe something that could truly change Fate. Probably not. But how could she not try?

She smiled, raising her glass.

"I accept 'en. To a brighter future."

"To a very bright future."

She drank deeply of the wine.


The Great Enemy.


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Gambler's Fallacy
« Reply #7 on: December 20, 2018, 06:09:18 AM »

The Truth - Betrayal

"I'm sick. I need help."

She'd long ago abandoned trying to keep her composure. Tears flowed freely.

The beast stirred. It crawled about the margins of her heart, waiting, watching.

They were stone faced. Apathetic. Cold.

"Y'r can't be helped. Y'r die."

They would not or could not understand.

She had had such Faith in mortal compassion. In Ezra's gift.

Where was She now?

"I can fix this. I can fix it all."

They had to see the plan. To understand.

She could still serve. She could get better.

"No. Y'r done."

She felt so small.

So alone.

The beast crept closer. It slithered about her heart.

She could not die here. She would not die here.

The change was coming.

The door was open.

She fled.

The rat was free.


The catalyst.


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Re: Gambler's Fallacy
« Reply #8 on: January 02, 2019, 05:06:20 AM »

The Cure - Faith

The pain was unbearable. The fabric of her being burned. But she did not waver. She did not let it out until darkness claimed her.

"Ah, Rhea... Been awhile, you don't write eh?"

Even with the hideous choice of facial hair, she recognised the handsome young Kingpin.

"Been busy... An' it aint like much 'S new in the Gray."

"That's fine. We're doin' jus' fine, little one. Y'come here for a favour... ?"

Why had she come here? She tried to concentrate, but couldn't make sense of anything but the man and his desk. Such a pretty desk.

"Can't think've anythin' I need from you. I kinna figured this was a trip from summink stupid I jus' done."

The young man leaned forward. He was grinning, like always. Didn't reach his eyes, like always.

"You don't smell right. You backin' out on me...?"

She scowled.

"An' what, give up what I got left? I bled f'what's mine."

"Did you try 't /cure/ yourself?"

His tone dripped with disdain.

"I did what I said I would, mate. I fixed myself."

He bristled at that, straightening in his chair.

"You think you're better than me, little one?"

She tilted her chin up, leaning forward and planting her hands on the desk. Everything felt so suddenly clear.

"I am better 'en you, Boss. I wouldn't 'ave let my rival escape. But it aint cos 'm a gnome."

He cackled at that.

"Howssat then?"

"S cuz 'm a better rat 'en th' rest've you."

He looked thoroughly amused, tone light.

"Did y'think the servant of God could help you be rid of the gift? Did you really think that deep down?"

He rose, seeming to loom unnaturally large as he leaned over the table to peer down at her.

"Ard t' say. I think... Yeah, 'e 'ad a shot. I 'adda try."

"Of course it wouldn't work, even if it did; who'd believe you? All those people you've killed! All those people you've /eaten/. Nothin' but rot and filth left of 'em. The power o'er others, the fear they have when cornered... It's addicting. Control. Order. It's good."

He spread his palms, his tone bright.

"It's good 't be king. Mheheheheheh!"

She looked down at his glittering table, responding quietly.

"Everyone'll get what they deserve."

"Y'know what? Y'right. Th' takings belong t' us!"

The young man began to warp and twist unnaturally, until a wererat stood before her. That suit of his looked a lot like Maxim's. She liked it. As he went on, it was not in his usual musical Balok, but a harsh Darkonese.

"You are more 'o a rat than I am. One day this'll be yours. The successor's always got t' be better then the one before 'im. Innit right?"

She bared her teeth in something like a grin at that. Rats were gathering in the shadows.

"It's like I said, Boss. Everyone'll get what they deserve in the end."

"You 'ad such lofty goals, little one. Th' Core deserves better 'en it gets. A new Order. It deserves someone like... Us..."

The Kingpin cackled and twisted, shrinking to a new form. Another Rhea, eyes alight with her power and authority.

"Th' new Order begins 'ere. Let's build a brighter future, f'us."

She stood behind the desk, now. Addressing the Family.

"The rest'll get what they deserve."




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Re: Gambler's Fallacy
« Reply #9 on: January 22, 2019, 01:18:03 PM »

The Greater Good - Compromise

"What use 'S the law if it does not serve what 'S right? This "honour" stuff 'S insane. It will limit you. You fink your enemies will limit themselves? Them what'd 'urt th' people f'personal ambitions?!"

"Rhea, you can try to convince me but I have violated my own conscience. You aren't going to understand it. I know. But I have err'd. I have let zhe depravity of Port-a-Lucine affect my judgement."

That hurt.

"So 'm depraved, huh? /Beneath/ you an' your 'onour?"

"No. Not in how I have err'd. I have done ziss for my own benefit. You believe you act for othzers. I cannot leave ziss on my conscience, ziss dark bargain I have struck. You believe in zhe Greater Good do you not? Zhe ideal, of small compromises for the best outcome."

She swallowed. A stiff nod.

"Ziss is /my/ Greater Good. ..It must be ziss vay."

"The compromise I make f'your vision."

There was something sickening about the notion.

"Vun of us must for zhe othzer. I cannot compromise. I must be unfaltering, unerring in my conviction. Duty, Rhea. As I said before. Are you going to make me choose?"

She exhaled heavily.

"No. I damned myself doin' what I would never subject another to. I will not make you choose, my friend. I wont go through wiv it."


"Zhe Law, in vun manner or anothzer, came zthrough, for Leomont... But you have muddied your hands in zhe process, Rhea. Have you ever considered ceasing zhe trade.. ? Even if your targets are criminals. Spying, perhaps, but killing? Vun never truly returns from it zhe same. Even yourself. you have felt zhe... Corruption."

"Of course I 'ave. Killin' 'urts, Joachim. It burdens me. But if I don't do it, 'oo does? 'Oo acts when th' law will not? 'Oo acts when th' /law/ 'S unjust?"

"People like myself do; or ve die, for a better vorld. I admit, society is not perfect. Und some laws... Some are unjust. But a faith in mutual duty, in zhe outcome, given time, is vhat adheres society together. If nobody has faith in zhe Cour de Justice, zhere vould be no trials, Rhea. I know it is not easy to understand for you. But it is clear to me."

She scowled.

"Wiv enough work, power an' will you could fix it all. You an' I are more alike 'en your conscience would allow, Joachim. You're smart. You see fings could be made better wivout strict adherence t'flawed rules."

"Could it? Maybe. Or perhaps it vould become zhe norm, all men fend for zhemselves, und zhe stuff zhat holds society togethzer falls apart. I believe in changing zhe rules; making zhem better."

"One fing 'olds society together Joachim: fear. Fear of punishment f'wrong. Fear of loss of status or property. "

"I do not operate on fear, Rhea. I operate on Justice. Yes. Zhey need fear zhe hand of the righteous, but zhey also need see zhe error of zheir ways."

"They only fear an 'and what can strike them down. Th' nobility 'ere abuse their power because there's no one t'old them to account. Because th' corrupt system shields them. They fear nuffin', so they are cruel."

"Zhe system is only as corrupt as you let it be."

"Exactly! You can cut it all out. Every snake. Every enemy of th' people."

"If you murder zhe 'corrupt', Rhea, outside zhe Law, nobody vill fear zhe Law, zhey fear you."

"If they fear you, 'en they will follow your law. You know what's right f'them."

"Zhey vill fear vhat zhe hand of Justice shall do vhen zhey err. But not fear zhrough brutality, tyranny or underhanded murders. Zhey need fear zhe State, for zhey vill have betrayed its true values. Not vhat snake lies vithin, pulling its strings."

"Do you really fink this corrupt place can be cleansed this way?"

"I do believe so. Yes."

"I don't fink so, Joachim. I fink all this sufferin' y'goin' through, these idealistic compromises, will amount t'nuffin' in this world. 'S too cruel. Too chaotic. Too corrupt. But..."

She exhaled, exhausted.

"Y'delusional idealism reminds me of 'ow I felt when I started. An' I guess I 'ope I'm wrong. Because it'd be real bleedin' nice."

"I hope zhe vorld I build vill never rekvire zhe kind of 'Justice' you zhink is apt. Zhat nobody feels zhe urge to kill, to save somevun else zhey believe right. Zhat I can build a better tomorrow. But I cannot make ziss vorld better if I compromise my beliefs on zhe vay."

She shook her head slowly, sadly.

"/I/ will build it, Joachim. An' when I am done, men like you will lead it. But it's too broken not t'compromise."


The necessary Evil.


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Gambler's Fallacy
« Reply #10 on: February 25, 2019, 02:38:50 PM »

Violence - Education

"I take no pleasure in this lesson, old man."

She peered down at the older gnome as he gasped for breath. She was pretty sure she'd felt a rib break.

"Fate 'S cruel. It will 'urt you until you 'it back."

"You're... An arrogant... Girl. Suffering... For my sins... That you... Imagine."

She hissed in irritation.

"You 'ave no idea what I 'ave done f'this city. F'the Core. Fwhat's right. Some day, you will fank me for this lesson."

He laughed, hoarsely, features creasing in pain.

"Do you think... You're Ezra? 'Cry'..."

The old gnome coughed hard.

"Cry no more. For I shall... Cry for you.' Oh I'm /very/ sure... It will hurt you... More than it hurts me."

She growled.

"What 'S Ezra 'f not our will t'defy th' 'ollow? Th' precious few what impose 'Er Order where chaos reigns? You 'ave a duty t'do more 'en enjoy th' journey."

"I'd... Love to... Argue with you Rhea... But I might... Be dying."

Briefly, the older gnome's eyes flared pink. She felt a pang of guilt as she set to tending him.

"What a waste 'at'd be..."




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Re: Gambler's Fallacy
« Reply #11 on: May 29, 2019, 08:38:03 AM »

Loss - Loneliness

"I killed her because- I asked for her to be found. It was... Her, Rhea. She knew who I was."

"It make th' 'urt any less?"

The woman hunched forward, clutching her head, anguish to her tone.

"...No. Not... Even... A /little/."

"Yeah. Yeah, I know."

"It's worse... It's so much worse , knowing... That it didn't matter. Nothing I did to her could have mattered... Nothing will fix me. How can I rest... ? How can I stop /hurting/?"

"You don't. It never comes. You just keep goin' forward."

"What's the point-?"

"I used t'think it was so that no one else 'as t'suffer like you did. So 'at it never 'appens again. But uh... 'Onestly 'S jus' spite f'me. If you give up, Fate wins. An' I aint much for givin' up."

"I can't- I can't make sense of it... Why?"

"You could blame it on the compromises you made to get here. Like I could blame it on the blood. But I fink it's jus' 'at there's no makin' some fings better. Whatever broke 'S gone, an' it aint comin' back."

The woman remained hunched there, fingers clawing into her scalp.

"I'd hold y'and but you made it pretty clear wot cold comfort I am these days."

"I don't think... That I'm much better."

"Probably not, but uh... I 'ad this mate wot used t'say there was two great pains. Hunger and loneliness."

The rat held out a hand.

"You don't gotta be alone right now."

The woman looked up slowly. After a moment she seized the hand, drawing her into an embrace.

"I'm sorry. For everything. I wish we could have been somewhere else. Somewhere... Where we are not /this/."

The rat clung to her, a sob escaping her lips.

"I can... Stomach dying for you, Rhea. I can stomach losing everything I am if it sees your pain relieved. But it would be... Selfish."

Panic gripped the rat. She clung to the woman more tightly, desperation to her tone.

"You said you would."

She paused. The mask had slipped. She exhaled and added.

"How would it be selfish... ?"

The woman slowly pushed away from the rat, looking her over with a stormy expression. Her eyes were dark. Too dark.

"I... Figured it would come to this."

The rat's breathing picked up.

"Pry and pry, eventually what's been ruined will surface out of its shell."

She didn't feel shame. Only panic and desperate need. The woman rose.

"If I must burn for you, I will. And when your tainted blood leaves your body... I truly hope that your love for me will be gone."

The rat felt relief, but could not meet the woman's gaze.

"I don't love anymore. I jus'... I jus' 'urt an' need. But I still need you."

Her shoulder's sagged.

"Anything's better than this."


The great pain.


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Gambler's Fallacy
« Reply #12 on: June 05, 2019, 04:52:35 AM »

Fate's Due

"Even without this contract, your soul will be coming to the Hells already, Rhea. How does that make you feel?"

Her fear of the fiend forgotten, she raised her voice in anger, eyes red.

"Wot d'you mean?!"

"Your soul is destined for the Hells. You are beyond redemption. The ancient Pact... Gives you to us, in your death."

"I have defied injustice. I have punished the wicked. I have imposed Order where chaos reigns."

"Have you?"

It utters a booming laugh.

"Why do I go to 'ells? Wot'd I do t'deserve 'at? Wot ancient gets t'define my fate?

"Your life is one cruel action after another, your imposition of law and corruption leading you nowhere else... But the grasp of Asmodeus."


The great fiend scooped up a fist full of dirt, letting it fall through its claws.

"You have until the last grain falls to discuss my offer."

"We wanted to rid you of a hunger, not give you a new one... I've failed us."

The deal was bad. This was a mistake. She spoke to the fiend.

'Is her soul going to hell yet?"

"Not the same hell, no. She goes to a separate, more dangerous place... The Abyss. I think, for her dealings with us, she will be most definitely tortured in spirit and mind for all eternity."

"Can she escape 'at fate, still?"

The fiend laughed, but offered no response. Rhea placed a hand on the hilt of her hammer. Lucia was shouting, but she wasn't listening.

"If you couldn't get better, 'e wouldn't take y'soul. Sorry mate."

She lunged at the fiend's attendant.


"I have a... A new pl- Nngh."

"No more plans."

"These were- They were the wrong ones."

"Nah. Nah, there's no right ones."

"...No, no, of course there aren't. But there's ones that'll accept."

Lucia fell to her knees. Rhea placed a hand on the side of her head. Tears fell freely.

"You're gonna give up on this. You're gonna destroy 'at fiend. An' y'gonna escape eternity in th' Abyss. Butcha aint gonna make me better."

"I have to. What other point is there to my life? And after what I've heard in there? Sinners go to Iadul. What greater sin is there, Rhea, than letting evil take its course? I did what I did... What I had to do... To clear the greatest mortal evil I know."

Rhea laughed bitterly, her voice breaking.

"Ey, me too. But I figure I screwed 'at up somewhere."

Lucia rose, pacing away. Rhea drew a knife. The rat screeched.

"I... This- This can't continue. I can't..."

"Ey, I know. An' I 'ope y'find y'way back."

"YOU DON'T /KNOW/! You... CAN'T know."

She turned the knife in her hand, securing it in an ice-pick grip.

"What I have given up for the chance- The sliver of... Opportunity, to bring you back to me. What I consigned myself to knowingly, willingly... And now you are telling me to back out?! What difference is this life to the Abyss, Rhea-? How is losing everything you have, again, and again, and again... To have it slip out of your grasp... Any different to torture?"

"I don't really plan on giving you an option, mate. 'S like I said; 'S th' struggle wot matters. Defyin' Fate."

She frowned down at herself, critically.

"Don't screw it up."

The gnome plunged the knife into her chest. The armour clad woman leapt at her, too late.

"You can't... You CAN'T LEAVE ME!"

The pain was immense.

"S... Nghm... Better this ends here..."

"Pull it out. I have... I have tonics..."

"...Nah. Fink I'll... Get this one fing... Right."

Her vision dimmed, then all was darkness.


The chamber was familiar. Where the fiend had stood there was a contract. The edges were whispy.

Rhea scowled, then approached the altar. The stink of brimstone seeped into the air, the mists closed in. She reached out, as if to sign.

"Anything you want, boss. The world is yours."

"Anyfing, huh?"

She glanced around, then lowered her arm, turning away from the contract to face the encroaching mists.

"Fink I'll stick wiv wot I set out for, hngh?"

No more deals.

Fate could take its due.

"Yeah. Let's do it."

The mists engulfed her.

Fate's due.

The end.
« Last Edit: June 05, 2019, 04:55:11 AM by PlatointheCave »