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Author Topic: Kyorlin Vrammyr - A Different Perspective  (Read 1500 times)


  • "Evil is a thing of perception, it depends on which end of the sword you're on"
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Kyorlin Vrammyr - A Different Perspective
« on: September 16, 2017, 08:41:59 PM »
*As the nights activities settle, an elf finds himself a corner in the Morning Lord Church. He produces a dark unimpressive leather bound journal, quill and ink and beings to write*

"Freedom... in a land that I have heard many call a prison, I have found freedom. Drow males can only hope to rise so far in the ranks of the Priestess controlled society of Mennzobarranzan and that is only IF they belong to one of the houses in or near the Ruling Council. Males of the 32nd house have little hope of ever penetrating that political world, with first born sons competing for the greatest weapons master and archmagi, what hope did the second son of a unknown house have. If not for my house's much sought after mushroom ale and secret recipe, we would be no better than Rothe herders or servants to the ruling houses. Merchanting and sales, that is what my house did well, with highly profitable deals made among the Brothels, bars and noble houses and even some deals with the surface brokered through Skullport, one of my favorite places to visit. The many races, merchandise, and the smells of exotic foods and perfumes. Something about the trading port called to me. Strange that it was on one such visit that my path would become so different.

My brother, Brax'l, he was an accomplish spell sword, something I had hoped to one day achieve as well, but the gods... fate... random chance... had other plans. Now I am in this new land, or realm, or plane of existence. Merchants sell everything from armor to arrows, but it all seems so common. Granted with my meager personal wealth, the common is all I can afford. The effort to profit matrix of selling furs to Vistani is too low for the big plan. The land needs some exotics, and I intend to bring to the people what they have only dreamed of... for my own profit and gain of course.

Luckily a fine group of adventure seekers and explorers have included me into their expeditions, and this has developed many quantitative and qualitative benefit. Camaraderie, something foreign in sincerity to my people is something I find most enjoyable. There is definite value to having allies and... friends. Magical shields will fend of injury or ward off enemy magic, but the shield of friendship is far more powerful. They will take injury willingly that was intended to for you or when you fall, they are quick to heal your injuries and help you.

It is such a wonderful tool, friendship, but it does require maintenance. One cannot simply receive aid and support and help and expect that the friendship will last. The same must be given in return to these people, they must believe that you are there for them when they need you to, and... you must commit with actions to prove that the contract between both parties is strong. I don not mind, in fact the bonds that are created through these ventures are quite pleasing, especially compared to the brutality of my kind.  The only way a Drow group  would raise a finger to help another is if there was something to gain from the action, some sort of advantage that they could exploit later in their own personal journey to power and renown. The Return on Investment for Friendship is, loyalty, safety, protection, and camaraderie. It has been a worthy investment of my time and resources to cultivate these bonds. They will only continue to strengthen over time, something I hope shall be invaluable  when I launch my big plan.

For now... I need the capital to invest, but I also must have the strength and power to compete with others. Once the pie of economy is being shared, others will want to protect their piece. I shall continue to invest in my own abilities and equipment to ensure that should these competitor chose to take my piece, I shall leave them dead and their piece shall be mine as punishment for their actions.

At least for now, I am no one's competition, just a Drow... in a land that knows not Lolth... That surface elves do not shoot you on sight... that people chose to judge your actions, even after they know your race. It is a simple task of adjusting my actions to be what they want to see. Yes, there are those that I would gladly kill slowly and painfully for their ignorance and superstitious foolishness, but, that is not acceptable behavior. Adaptation is not required, but neither is survival. I am one Drow surrounded by potential allies and enemies. It is up to me to determine which shall be my greatest commodity. So far... guards... ignorant Barovian peasants... one particular Banite... or ex-Banite... or follower of Cyric... it matters little... the guard proved useful and killed him for threatening the Vistani. This is my list of enemies, that I currently know of.  The guard will be a challenge. They are not without their uses as any of society's enforcers are, but these react poorly, simply because they are filled with superstitious drivel and fear. Can they be put on a payroll of bribes? Can they be swayed to trust, and become valuable tools, especially in legal matters? They are mortals, and they are poorly equipped and paid, so, I think yes. 

My Allies include:
Kaine, a rather impulsive but effective soldier. He says he was a leader in his land, but this is something he struggles with daily. I hope he finds a balance between impulsive actions and actions of inspiration. A good sort, but I think he may not be all there in the mind.

Lady Dennith, a fine warrior priestess or paladin and leader to our rag tag group. She has grace, power and a keen mind for strategy and leadership. It is her intention to train Kaine and turn him into a true leader of men. I think she has her work cut out for her. She never took a mate, belonging to a religious sect in her previous land and continuing to pursue such endeavors here with the Church of Ezra. She could have any male she wanted, as inspiring as any Matron Mother, but she chooses the remain solitary. An understandable choice considering the potential risk and vulnerability a family or mate could generate to those that may seek to do her harm. Such religious minded folks have little regard for their personal welfare, but the suffering of those that she may care for or love, is something that can be used against her. What she does not realize is anyone she calls friend could be just as much of a liability. Investing in friendship does come with it some risk to oneself, but to chose not to, can be just as detrimental.

Dryjka, I profoundly effective soldier, but he has a generous heart and a past that haunts him. He speaks of a wife that he lost, a daughter perhaps. his memory is not complete since transitioning to this land. The mists seems to have impaired him cognitively. The other day while battle the frost queen in the mountains he contracted frostbite, but resulted in damages to his ability to feel pain. The loss of sensation is usually consider a bad thing, but Dryjka sees it as a perk. Perhaps more was scrambled by the mists than just his memory.

Miss Aziza... such an innocent soul. She said that I possessed the most beautiful soul she has ever seen. Considering my past, I highly doubt her assessment, but there is something I find about her that inspires a protectiveness. She was a slave... forced to do things against her will and the weight of that life she is hiding from rest upon her shoulders. Perhaps it is the freedom I have found from a similar life as a Drow male that makes me wish it for her as well. Should these slavers come for her, I promise this... she will be their last slave. Sometimes I entertain my mind with all the ways I could kill these slavers, slowly, quickly, poison, fire... ah... such dalliances. I have not seen her in awhile, I hope she is well.

Friends and allies... a worthy investment.

Well... Reverie is needed to restore my mind and magic. I shall be investing in the big plan soon, and Exotics will become available to those that have not the means to travel and procure them for themselves. tomorrow... I travel to the tower of Arcane in the mountains. There are a set of robes sold there that I simply must have!

~ KV


  • "Evil is a thing of perception, it depends on which end of the sword you're on"
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Re: Kyorlin Vrammyr - A Different Perspective
« Reply #1 on: September 17, 2017, 05:04:37 PM »
*After checking on the progress of his recent injuries and seeming satisfied, Kyorlin picks up his quill, ink and nondescript journal and begins to write*

The robes are a fine fit though some minor tailoring is a must. It is a shame such an expedition for Lady Deneith, Dryjka and myself was so difficult for just a piece of, albeit useful, clothing. I must question, how is it an animal as large as the Barovian wolf can be so quiet. It seemed as if they were on us before we even noticed their presence. For their size, it is remarkable, even unnatural. And the damnable Crag Cats. that breed constantly and their numbers seem endless.both Lady Deneith and Dryjka, for all their might, suffered under the claws and teeth of those formidable felines. I think I shall join Lady Deneith's quest to make them extinct. Regardless, the trip was a high cost in resources, resources that will need replenished come the spring and the surge in plant growth.

The Robes cost near 5000 wolf fang... a necessary investment, but still costly. Speaking of investments, I wonder how Mishandra fares? I neglected to list her among my allies. I must admit, considering a Darthiir an ally is something I thought I would never do. I really must avoid that word for them, I am sure they would not appreciate it's connotation. Mishanadra and her friends seemed a wonderfully pleasant and attractive group. She call us family... *a drop a ink mars the page where the quill hovered a moment* ...Family is something I am very unfamiliar with. I know I had brothers, sisters, a mother and even a father, but to put them into the category of Family is difficult at best. Matron Mother Valthress would strike me with her vile whip for speaking out of turn, and threaten me with sacrifice to appease Lolth saying she could always make another second son. My sisters were no less abusive. Kassyna, Eisandryn and Shilathra were all brutal at times.

Kassyna even once tried to seduce me, my own sister. One of the few times I was thankful for my brother Braxy'l and his annoying habit of bursting into my chambers unannounced. Her affections immediately turned to him, strangely something he did not mind. The mixing of same bloodlines can lead to abominations and corruption of generations to come. It is unwise. She was very open with her affection to many Drow males, and delighted in pain in the bed chambers, so I am told. An experience I am glad I never had.

Eisandtyn paid me little mind, as if I did not exist. A second son, with no desire to be first son, what use was that to her? I was not better than a servant, to fetch for her what ever she needed. When I was not longer of use, she dismissed me as if I were no better than a common slave. Her taste for brutality was tempered, but she had a habit of experimenting new spells upon me without my awareness. She needed a target and wanted to know how it affect our kind. I would here her mumble in her studies about how lesser races were insufficient as proper test subject since they lack the resistance to magic the Drow have. When I heard her mumbling, I knew that one day soon I would be targeted. Sometimes my resistance helped me, other times the magic took hold. She always healed me afterward, it would not due to have her test subject die on her.

Only Shilathra ever treated me with some respect. She liked my whit and enjoyed philosophical conversations on sorcery, the other houses and what life would be like outside of Mennzobarranzan. She had her limits mind you, and would not tolerate when my tongue grew sharp in her direction. I remember spending a week recovering from one of her fits of anger. I deserved it I am sure, though the conditions of that day seem rather fuzzy. Perhaps it is a memory best left in the fog.

Braxy'l, my "superior" bullish brother who bragged constantly of his battle and female conquests. Yes, a fine weapons master he will make, but as a brother, a complete buffoon. He was sure I intended to kill him to take his place as first. My ambitions lay in other places, not in moving up the house hierarchy. He would attack me verbally to diminish my image in the eyes of others, so that he could shine all the brighter. I think he once tried to poison my meal, I was sick for several days, but luckily I had a potion of curation stored that was able to counter the most likely fatal effects.

I wanted to be more like Q'aren, the House Sorcerer and rumored to be my true father. He had a charm and whit, much like my own, and could perform marvelous feats of illusion and magic. He always knew how to step carefully with the Matron Mother and other House Matrons, charming them, and sometimes insulting them in his humor without them even realizing. Yes, if there is anyone I can say I truly miss it is Q'aren. He revealed his true fellowship was not with Lolth, but with Vhaeraun, a male god of the Drow that wished only for the Drow to return to the surface and live side by side with the Darthi... Surface elves. The Drow would of course be the leaders of this new partnership, something I doubt the surface elves would appreciate after so many centuries of hate for our kind. But... to be seen a equals to the females, that is something about Vhaeraun that did appeal. Being the rulers of all elves seemed a stretch of possibility, but to at least stand a equals, profiting and growing from our own individual skills and contributions to one elven society, now that is a reality I could get behind. I wonder if Q'aren survived the attack from the Elistreean witches that happen just before I stumbled into the mists of this world?

I think that is the vision Mishandra has, when she calls us all family not like that of a Drow House. One elven society, strong and able to stand against the superstitious idiots and the evil powers of this land. She was willing to invest 20,000 wolf fang into my business plans as long as I worked within the laws of the land. Exotics take the form of many things, from fine wine and clothing to enchanted items not available in Barovia. But I see a true gap, there are no guns in Barovia. No source of black powder or ball and patch. It is technically illegal, but the sales could take place outside of the land, what the buyer does afterward is on their conscious. And since the Drain is technically beyond the reach of the law and the inhabitants without rights, then is it illegal to sell to them? Imagine the uprising the sewer dwellers could have armed with proper Dementilue firearms. In war and revolution there really is only one true winner... He who supplied the weapons.

Well... Reverie shall help for these wolf bites and Crag Cat wounds heal faster. Tomorrow is another day and another step toward the big plan.



  • "Evil is a thing of perception, it depends on which end of the sword you're on"
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Re: Kyorlin Vrammyr - A Different Perspective
« Reply #2 on: September 17, 2017, 07:17:48 PM »
*Waking mid-day, the elf stretches the hardness of the Morninglord Church floor from his body and prepares a breakfast of dried deer venison and berries. He takes his Journal, quill and ink out and begins to write while eating.*

The Revenant

Such a being of hate and anger, dressed in ancient armor and professing a need for vengeance upon the Vallaki guard. It would be for crimes the current guard have not committed to this ex-guard spirit. Not that I have any love for these human thugs and armed peasants, but, they are ill equipped to handle such a creature. Their aversion to magic will be their very undoing unless they employ the aid of the Priests of Ezra or the very outlanders they claim to hate and distrust. Lady Deneith wants to help them, to which I will aid, but why? The world without these humans will be at no loss and there will be more peasants willing to fill the ranks that will be emptied by this creature. It just seems so... inclusive, why all the guards, and not the ones that betrayed the Revenant? Or perhaps their descendants. According to Barris , the human that claims it is his duty to guard the night, the armor of the spirit was very old, maybe the ruling family of Vallaki can shed light on the crimes that were suffered by the being? Maybe the Count for there is no other than he that has such a lineage to have recorded the history of this horror that has risen.

Lady Deneith asked, why now? This too is puzzling. If the crimes happened long before the current authorities even were born, what has inspired the creature to take their revenge now? What would it take to put it to rest? What justice would ease the creature's unrest and allow it to find peace.

Part of me wants to sit back and watch the fun and games. It is not my business, nor do I desire to be caught in the path of the Ex-Guard of Doom. But... opportunity also pulls at my attention. Save a few guard lives, and improve relationships for future endeavors. Yes! that's it, keep the bigger picture in mind. I think I shall assist, but it is going to require some research and time, something I feel the Vallaki Guard have little of.

« Last Edit: September 17, 2017, 07:21:53 PM by LawfulJoe »


  • "Evil is a thing of perception, it depends on which end of the sword you're on"
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Re: Kyorlin Vrammyr - A Different Perspective
« Reply #3 on: September 23, 2017, 03:09:35 AM »
*blood stained bandages, their white contrast stark against the dark onyx like skin of the Dark Elf. The crimson stains in the pattern of wolf bites on his leg and arm serve as a token of remembrance of a night that could have gone better. Gingerly he opens his plain dark leather journal, dips his quill in the ink and begins to write.*


I find them fascinating and reckless. Kaine suggested that we hunt wolves, due to the new, though cheap, bounty on their pelts placed by the guards. Coin is coin, and Vallaki guard coin spends as well as any, so I agreed. Kaine is known for his... rash and impulsive decisions and strategies that have left him bleeding and battered. One would think that by doing something over and over again, a person would learn or at least do it better. The night started well enough, several wolf pelts gathered, but then we found a pack of wolves that were actual werewolves. Three brutes, fast and hulking attacked Kaine and I aided with spell and bow. Alas my aim is not as good as I would want, and Kaines battle proess is not as good as he thinks.

The beasts wore at him, a claw slash here, a bite there but he wore at them as well with his blade working furiously to defend and strike. my arrows made their mark as often as possible, but with caution so not to hit Kaine in the fray. Aziza, a delightful young human girl from the desert, joined us and added her spells to the mix. It seemed a hard battle but one I felt was assured victory. One werewolf fell and then the second, but the third struck Kaine a savage blow that dropped the warrior. It's feral gaze turned on us then, and Aziza ran as the beast chose to hunt her. I used a spell to hide my presence, and administered a healing elixir to Kaine, who awoke upon drinking it. As soon as I saw that he was alive, I went to find and help Aziza. I looked around, but saw no sign of her nor any sign of a fight or attack. Feeling that I may have passed her, or her body in the dark, I doubled back only to find Kaine, engaged in combat with the werewolf again. Seeing him torn, bleeding and fighting for his life, I took aim and shot an arrow, hoping to end the beast life before it ended his. Unfortunately, it was not enough and Kaine went down. Now the werewolf turned to me, my spell gone with the action of aggression. I remember that I ran and tried to drink a potion of invisibility in mid step. My fingers touched the bottle when the pain of the werewolf's claws lanced through my back.

Next thing I know, I feel gentle hands touching me. I hear Aziza's voice but see nothing. Quickly, and painfully, rising, I realize she was telling not to move... sadly, I already did, but immediately I called on my magic to hide me again. Kaine is still, not breathing, dead. I hear Aziza, she tells me to run, and that she would get the "idiot". The body of the fallen warrior was picked up with great effort and then engulfed by her invisibility as well. I lost them in the night, but knew that she would make her way to the Morning Lord Church to bring Kaine back from the dead.

She is mad at us. Understandably, but more so at Kaine. He lives again, and Aziza will come around I hope. Which brings me back to my musings on Humans. These beings have such short lives, a blink in the life of an Elf, but yet they take the greatest risks. Aziza is young, perhaps not even fully mature, but she dares to trust a Dark Elf, and journey into the night to hunt wolves, knowing that there is a risk a werewolf or a pack of them could find us.

Kaine, knowing that he most likely will die, fights on with abandon. Takes risk after risk at his own pain and suffering and in this case his death. For what reason? Five wolf fang a pelt? To prove his passion to a female guard that would as soon put him in a dank cell as take him up on a proposal of potential intimacy? What makes humans so... brash? I know my motivations, coin, and a lot of it to start my business. But what makes a human that has already burned through a third of their life in years, take such incredible risks, regardless of the consequences?

Fascinating, that is what they are. Entertaining to be sure. Loyal to their allies and friends to a fault. Drow have no such bonds. Brothers kill brothers, Houses destroy other houses, often with inside betrayal being key to their victory. The loyalty of some humans is... exploitable, but also valuable. I must say I like the impulsive creatures, they bring me endless curiosities and ponderings. I only hope they do not end up bringing me an early grave.



  • "Evil is a thing of perception, it depends on which end of the sword you're on"
  • Dark Power
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Re: Kyorlin Vrammyr - A Different Perspective
« Reply #4 on: September 24, 2017, 07:31:43 PM »
*The fire inside the cave burned brightly and Kyorlin made use of some of the furniture he found there. A desk and chair, next to a small shelter and several wardrobes seemed out of place in a cave, but obviously someone had made a comfortable hide-a-way, which serve to warm the chill out of the Dark Elf's body. He opened the plain leather journal that had become a place for his thoughts and then took the ink and quill and set them on the desk. A  cup of the finest wine from Port-a-lucine served in a silver goblet graced his hand as he sat, took a sip and began to write with the other.*

Mt. Ghakis

The mountains of this land are inhospitable and cold, not fit for man, elf nor beast and yet at the top of this monument was some sort of building. Who built it? For what purpose? Vile spirits, perhaps of those that perished in the bitter cold while cutting the stairs leading to the edifice, attacked Lady Deneith relentlessly. She would be a fine Drow Matron to follow in my homeland in strength and power, but lacking the cruelty and foul disposition of most I grew up with. Her empowered blade took down the apparitions with little difficulty as we ascended the mountain stairs. Once at the top, a building greeted us. It was not accessible through the main doors, but upon the roof was a hole, most likely used to illuminate the inside during its construction. Strange demonic looking creatures roamed the inner chambers and Lady Deneith prepared for the worst. Spell after spell strengthened her defenses and battle ability and without hesitation, she leapt into the hole. The battle was short and fierce, but soon the word "Clear" came up from the depths of the chamber. I used a rope that had conveniently been left there, perhaps by some previous tomb raider that did not dispatch the creatures with such ease as Lady Deneith and met an untimely doom. Inside looked very tomb like with strange statues of a man I did not recognize. This is not surprising considering my limited knowledge of the ancient history of this land. At the center of the chamber was a pyramid that had stairs cut into it leading to a flat top. My initial thought was that it was perhaps a ceremonial platform for rituals, but instead there were two heavy rune covered slabs of stone that served to block a hole. The sheer weight of the slabs prevented any attempt to move them, but I believe the runes were a seal to keep something from ever escaping that tomb. What lay beneath those slabs? Was it a being of immense evil or ,knowing this land, of incredible good? Whichever, I am more than willing to error on the side of caution and meddle not with the wards holding the stones in place. Whatever is there is best left there, for better or worse.

Earlier, Dryjka had joined us as we explored a very cold cave. Upon entering I saw Dryjka examining a frozen corpse of an elf. Probably some poor fool that thought this frigid cave would be shelter from the cold, only to find it colder yet. We delved deeper and encounter giant hulks of ice. I have no name for them, but they almost seemed elemental in nature. Lady Deneith and Dryjka made short work of them while I added my arrows to the fray. Not hard to find a mark on the ice behemoths, but my arrows often skipped off their ice hides and rarely made any damage. Thankfully both of my companions were highly trained warriors. Deeper in, the dead walked, but they were frozen, and the cold around them was unbearable, even at a distance. Both Dryjka and Lady Deneith felt the cold bite of that aura. Luckily I found a safe distance not to be affected and used magic against them. While frozen and deadly, the sting of my spells were most effective. Not so much as the sword and hammer of the front line, and we made our way though the mass numbers of the dead. I could not help but wonder, what animated these creatures? Would we find a Liche at the end of these caves for what other creature could suffer the cold of the Ghakis and these chambers? We went deeper and deeper into the caves until finding a massive underground land of ice. It reminded me of the Underdark, only frozen, and more of the denizens of the cave were found. More Ice Behemoths, and frozen dead surged forward, but now small blue fey like creatures were added to our enemies. They commanded the cold and electricity, but they too fell to the might of our group. Their tears, frozen as they were, were valuable as an alchemical agent, so we collected them.  The last chamber held a strange glowing orb and some powerful undead, different from that we had already encountered. Lady Deneith lead the charge and beings were destroyed. I inspected the orb, cold and reflective. Was it a scrying device? Was it the power that kept the dead animated? Without thinking I stroked the surface of the orb, which release a burst of hyper-cold energy. My wards took the worst of it, but for a moment I felt frozen in place. Once regaining my senses, I backed away from the source of power in these caves. How foolish to touch it, the irrational behavior of my companions must be wearing off on me.

We found some treasures, an ax made of Mithril and I acquired several new scrolls and two new magic wands. As we made our way out of the cave I examined the frozen elf corpse more closely. To my utter surprise, the elf was Drow! The Tattoo of a spider displayed upon his forehead. The dark skin had been frosted over and I did not realize the true nature of the corpse upon first entering. This opened many questions for me. Was this orb the creation of the Drow and if so, for what purpose? Lolth is pleased by Chaos, as it is her domain, so could this random artifact simply be here to serve as a chaos generator? The random creatures, the undead, it all would fit the logic. Seeing so few Drow in this land, to find one in this remote cave on the side of a dark frozen mountain seemed truly surreal.

As I write this, I have never been more grateful for a warm fire and fine wine. Over 100 fangs for this bottle, and it was worth it. I miss the luxuries of a profitable noble house, even one a low as House Vrammyr. The sale of mushroom ales and distilled drinks from various poisons kept the coffers full and the comforts high. I do not miss however the life of servitude that came with the luxuries and the constant reminder that as a male, I would never be treated as an equal in the house. I have to again chuckle at the irony of this strange land I now come home. For all the horrors and bizarre things that I find here, nothing compares to where I came from. Mennzobarranzan was a hell with very little future. This is a land of opportunity and possibility. It is new and fresh and free. This is my home, I will never leave it.

« Last Edit: September 24, 2017, 07:57:34 PM by LawfulJoe »


  • "Evil is a thing of perception, it depends on which end of the sword you're on"
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    • Joe Kellerman - Graphic Artist
Re: Kyorlin Vrammyr - A Different Perspective
« Reply #5 on: September 24, 2017, 08:04:52 PM »
Side note:
I can enchant weapons now, if only temporarily and infuse them with a kiss of flame. The other accomplishment that I must record is I can, with a little more effort, cast magic without the detailed and sometimes problematic somatic gestures. While this may not seem all that important, it will be once I start practicing my martial skills. Sword and spell will work in harmony, but armor will no longer be a burden to my magic. This new development is the key to my progress as a battle mage. I believe this deserves another glass of wine.

« Last Edit: September 24, 2017, 08:07:02 PM by LawfulJoe »


  • "Evil is a thing of perception, it depends on which end of the sword you're on"
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Re: Kyorlin Vrammyr - A Different Perspective
« Reply #6 on: September 27, 2017, 07:40:59 PM »
*The gentle sounds of Degannwy were calming to the Dark Elf. Menzobarranzan had many sights, both beautiful and horrible, but nothing peaceful. The waterfall, running brooks, wind in the trees and the occasional yip from a Cooshee all complimented the feel of this place. Kyorlin rests at the edge of the settlement, looking out across the far drop that the waterfall spilled over, he held his journal, opened to a fresh page. With a dip of his quill into the dark ink, he began to write.

Friendship maintenance

Friends and Allies are something I am new to. I have known useful acquaintances, but one would not trust them to lay down their lives for you. This is the value of a friend. They will risk great harm to come to your aid, and will support you both monetarily and emotionally when you are in need. This relationship is not without its maintenance costs and investments. Friends, need to know they they too can count on you to do the same should they be in a situation requiring assistance.

Recently, Kaine fell into a dark mood, claiming that he had no true friends. Seeing that there was a risk of loss of a valuable resource, an investment of time and energy as well as a small amount of coin was necessary. I remember that he once said that he would defend all of Vallaki to his last breath for no other reason than to protect the local baker, Marisha I believe. Collaborating with Dryjka and Aziza, a plan was put into motion that would be a pleasant experience for Kaine and the rest of my companions, and further strengthen the bonds of friendship.

As luck would have it, the guard woman, Revenka, happened by. Kaine has express a romantic interest in the guard woman, so I took the risk to invite her as well... without revealing my heritage. She accepted and the plan took shape. A Halfling, Emma, and new friend of Kaine's also came along as we made our way toward Degannwy where Aziza was secretly waiting with baked pies and delights from the local baker. An alluring woman joined the group, introduced as Rav, and Kaine also knew her as well. A potion maker. More the merrier, and she too came along.

Upon arriving to Degannwy, I had some concerns that the Revenka would change her mind. The Elven settlement is not lacking in its mystical nature. Barovians are not please with open displays of magic, or as they call it, Varja. While she seemed strained by the experience, to her credit, she remained. Aziza had set a path of candles and flowers that lead us to a very nice setup. Tents, carpets and fresh baked wonders greeted us next to a comforting fire. She really out did herself and truly put the perfect touch to the evening.

As people gathered around the fire, I removed my cloak, to reveal myself for what I was. Both Rav and Revenka indicated some discomfort in the body language, but Rav put voice to it as she began to inquire, in fluent elven no less, what my plan was. She thought is could be a trap, but Degannwy is a neutral ground, and I assured her that it was not. Of course it was a trap, but not one designed to harm or kill, but one to capture something much more valuable, Loyalty. We sat next to the fire, and I thought that there could not be a better time to uncork a fine bottle of wine from Port-a-Lucine. The bottle easily cost over 100 wolf fang, but it was an investment worthy of this cause with an expected return of added allies and new friends.

With the wine flowing and the bottle being passed in a most barbaric, though not unpleasant way from person to person, the event began to become more social. Dryjka did not partake claiming that the wine was far too high of quality for him. Aziza  also chose not to, but Kaine, Revenka and Rav did, most liberally. Surprisingly the guard woman produced a lute and Dryjka sang a most interesting tune. Kaine poured more wine into the mouth of Revenka as she played and I had a most entertaining discussion with Rav.

Rav is an intriguing woman. Human, rugged and alluring. I found her delightful, tattoos, athletic, red hair, and a certain level of aggressiveness to complete her. A fine specimen of human females.

As the night progress, Revenka began to feel the effects of the Port-a-Lucine wine, as well as a ales she drank afterward. She played her lute with passion, and found that Aziza was beginning to become overwhelmed with all the activity. In an act of jovial teasing, she played her lute loudly and vigorously close to Aziza's ear, which unfortunately was more than the desert flower could handle. Such a sensitive soul, but for all she has seen in her young years, it will take many moons, if not her entire life to overcome all of the traumas she has experienced as a slave. Dryjka, in a most fatherly way, comforted her and the two of them made their way to the sleeping rooms inside the main building. The party did not end, and Rav and Revenka were enjoying themselves and Kaine was enjoying the more personal time spent with his Beau. I was please to see the plan come together so well and with the success I had hoped for.

The alcohol eventually lulled the two women to sleep and Kaine and I sat up through the night talking. He held the guard woman's hand with a nervous caution while she slept off the effects of her indulgence. Rav also slept in another tent, and I did not envy the morning for these two woman. For all their might, the alcohol sickness would visit them once they awoke.

As expected, they felt the pain that accompanies the pleasures of too much drink and found their ways to the stream with some difficulty. Kaine went to help to ladies as did I. He is an odd sort. Throughout the night he never took off his armor and there, in the morning light, he stood shin deep in the stream while we had our morning discussions. Revenka asked if he owned clothes, to which Kaine showed us, but stripping down from his armor and modeled his entire wardrobe for us. He change multiple times, in front of the ladies and myself. For a man that claims not to have experience with women, he is not shy to expose himself. I am not sure how it was taken by the ladies, but I felt there was a measure of amusement.

The plan was well executed, the bonds have been maintained and strengthened and new ties have been developed. A successful night all around. I do hope Aziza enjoyed herself up until she left the party. Something about her makes me want to protect her. Odd... especially considering Drow parenting is many things, but nurturing is not a word that comes to mind. She possesses an innocence that intrigues me. So easy it would be to exploit and manipulate her, but I find I do not have the desire to. I want to ensure her comfort and safety. A genuinely difficult feeling to process, but not unpleasant, just, different.

A trip to the Port is in my future. More wine, and perhaps other exotics to bring back to Barovia. For now, I need to contemplate these new ties and opportunities with the guard of Vallaki. Revenka agreed to form a mutually beneficial venture of information trade with me, which can only serve to develop other opportunities as well.

« Last Edit: September 27, 2017, 07:49:08 PM by LawfulJoe »


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Re: Kyorlin Vrammyr - A Different Perspective
« Reply #7 on: September 28, 2017, 08:45:22 PM »
*The tavern at Midway was a simple but welcome establishment, especially since they did not seem to mind that a Drow Elf drank with them. While not offering much in the lines of beverages, there was an Ale, a choice of wine and some distilled spirits. I half finished bottle of spirits sat next to Kyorlin as he wrote in his journal. He seemed calm and at peace as the quill scritched along the page.*

Kindred Spirits

I have heard of the term, Kindred Spirit, but rarely does a Drow Elf dare to get close enough to anyone to discover if you have a rapport with. A fleeting fondness might develop but there was always the lingering thought that at any moment, the ruse would be discovered and the betrayal exposed. Drow are not their true self, we dare not be for a potential exploitable weakness must not be allowed!

Coming to this realm, I have changed in many ways and I am still very much my kin in many ways as well. I have learned that I do not need the familiar structure of a House, nor do I need to follow old traditions, set by a Goddess that I was force to worship. I can perform acts of on the surface selflessness to gain a commodity completely foreign to Drow, and that is trust. giving someone a loaf of bread or a healing elixir creates leverage and repeated acts gains boons and favors. Part of me enjoys the act of helping, and part of me sees it as short term investments for long term goals. I am very Drow in many ways as well. The Gnome Zealot of Ezra, I so did wish to see the Matron tear her diminutive form limb from limb. The Gnome was so sure that the Midnight Cat was a creature of Evil and wanted to dispatch with it, even thought it had done nothing to earn such hatred other than be what it is. It brought forth a rage in me, an hate and a desire to see the Gnome Zealot suffer. When the Matron walked away, it was not satisfying. I wanted gnomish blood spilled! I imagined capturing the gnome, and taking her far into the mountains, away from people, to tie her down and slowly flay the hide from her, for no other reason than to hear her beg and plead to Ezra. I would heal her, just enough to keep her from expiring, just to draw out the torture more... *Drop of Ink*

But I didn't... I wanted to, and still do, but, it would ruin everything I have accomplished. Friends and allies would turn on me, for their hearts are good in nature, and such an act would shock them, and I would be shunned. I have... yes... I have grown fond of these people and their stories and camaraderie. They have become more than assets and resources, they are partners in this new journey.

I like that word... Partners. Some more than others come to mind, which brings me back to my original point. Kindred spirits. Could I have found someone that shares my mind. Rav is a free spirit, we toasted to Independence over the half-assed attempt at a form of Whiskey offered in this tavern. We drank... share stories... opened up, a little, and showed a level of trust that can only lead to more. I could see travelling this realm, seeing the exotic lands with her beside me. He business mind is in tune with my own, a perfect match when seeking a business partner. Is that what I am seeking? Or is it more? I would never dare to hope for such relations in Mennzobarranzan. Relationships of convenience and mutual benefit were the best you could dream of. Am I wanting too much? Is there more to be had, or will it be years of two friends drinking and enjoying each others company, but never crossing certain barriers? Would that be so terrible?

There is something in her past that haunts her, I saw it play across her features for just the briefest moment.

Perhaps it is this backwater swill, as Rav called it, that is making me sentimental. I will say, I did enjoy my time with her, and I look forward to doing it again... Hopefully soon.

« Last Edit: September 28, 2017, 08:51:01 PM by LawfulJoe »


  • "Evil is a thing of perception, it depends on which end of the sword you're on"
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Re: Kyorlin Vrammyr - A Different Perspective
« Reply #8 on: October 01, 2017, 04:24:26 AM »
*The elven community of Degannwy a place of rest and neutral ground to most, even a Drow Elf. Kyorlin Vrammyr sit before the fire in the main common room and write will sipping glass of wine. He cringes at the lack of quality in the beverage, but drinks it anyway. Setting the glass down her turns to his weathered journal and begins to write*

Rav and Fears
These two woman are most entertaining. A finer couple I have never known. free spirits, savage, delightful in every way. I tried a mind altering herb here called opium with the two. It is most calming and allowed us to become closer, a bond written in the smoke of the poppy. While I am more accustom to alcoholic beverages, this plant based expansion of the mind has it's own appeal, once you grow used to the smoking of it. This took some time and the first two attempts resulted in severe fits of coughing. Miss Fears showed me a better way to have the smoke delivered, by mouth. A opiate smoke filled kiss, most detectable, and containing just the right amount of the smoke, delivered by one of vast experience in the matter. The remainder of the evening was a blur... rum, vodka, opium, and sleep.

So strange, I have never slept in the sense that humans do. I have always used a meditative trance known as Reverie where the events of the days are analyzed and let go. It refreshes me, and to that my magic as well. This was different, like being unconscious, but without  needing a severe knock on the head to get there. The opiate allowed for this to occur. I must say, being tucked in with the two ladies, was a definite benefit. Rav curled up beside Miss Fears and I next to Rav, like three pack mates of wolves, using the comfort of each other to feel warmth, safety and peace. Wolves... an interesting analogy. I watched Miss Fears leap upon a stag and kill it with her bare hands, then eat specific organs raw. As I said... savage and feral, yet something beautiful as well. Rav seemed quite pleased by Miss Fears hunting techniques.

I spoke to Aziza, the polar opposite of Rav and Miss Fears. She brings out a part of me I did not know existed. True caring for her welfare, without any designs or plots, just  a genuine need to know she is well. It is her innocence and the horrors she has seen. She told me of her mother, and how her slave master murdered her and made Aziza watch. Such cruelty, something a Matron Mother would do. This master was also her father... and the father of a child that was still born to Aziza. These stories pulled at the very fiber of decency within me, which is not much to be honest. But something... her tears... her broken spirit... fuels a anger for this man that hurt her so. She prays for his redemption... that is far to kind for her master. If I had the chance, I would ensure I would elevate his suffering to an art form. One method I know of is to trap a rat and starve it for many days, then place the trap upon the stomach of the man. With the opening of the trap firmly placed against his flesh the cage opening is slid open, with only the soft flesh of Aziza's master being the easiest route of escape. Oh how he would scream as the rodent tore and fed upon his innards. Redemption for men that would be so evil to one so kind as Aziza is not acceptable. Not to me.

I remember... as a young child, wondering why my mother hated me. There was no nurturing, no kindness or love. I was a slave, serving mother and my sisters. Shilathra was closest to my age, but she was always in prayer or learning of the teaching and laws of Lolth. We were not siblings or even friends, even though our mother was the same. She was kept separate from me, as was expected of males and females. I was beaten... whipped... and despised as a male.

I see Aziza weep while speaking of the horrors of her life... and I cannot help but wonder when I lost the ability to do so. I remember as a child crying in a dark corner wishing for a mother's love that never came, or a father's guidance from a man I did not know. It was not till I was near 70 years old that I began to suspect that Q'aren was my blood father. So many decades of torture... of existing as the second son of House Vrammyr... a second thought. Somewhere along the line I stopped crying... I just existed... accepted and learned to hate as most Drow males do. I hid these dark feelings behind sarcasm, and barbed comments. I tested my mother's patience often, to see how much I could get away with before she lashed out. I took many beating for my comments, but sometimes... it was worth vexing the cruel Matron.

Q'aren  was a huge influence later in life. Even though he was not a nurturing father while I was younger, when I began developing my magical ability, he took me in as a student to help me master the magic in my blood. He too had a sharp whit and keen mind. We were much alike, and when the females were not around, we were equals, master and student, but more... friends... perhaps. My lessons with him were my favorite memories growing up in Mennzobarranzan. I never knew for sure that he was my blood father, but servants spoke of the timing from when the Matron Mother chose Q'aren as her mate and my birth. They seemed sure enough, but then it was only gossip.

Oh... the roads of the Memory... leads us down dark paths and forgotten times. Might be the residual effect of the opium... or sentimental rubble of my childhood. Regardless... it made me who I am today. A strange mix of generosity... and  cruelty. I cannot truly look into myself and see goodness, not like Kaine or Lady Deneith or Aziza. But I find that in being kind... more is gained than being cruel. But there is a time for cruelty as well, especially for those most deserving of it. I wonder if I will meet Aziza's Master... one can only hope.

« Last Edit: October 01, 2017, 04:43:28 AM by LawfulJoe »


  • "Evil is a thing of perception, it depends on which end of the sword you're on"
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Re: Kyorlin Vrammyr - A Different Perspective
« Reply #9 on: October 11, 2017, 11:24:29 PM »
*A fresh bottle of wine, candles and the floor of a crypt, Kyorlin, Dark Elf sorcerer, calls this miserable place his home for the night. The rain, wind and wolves howl outside the ancient doors while he sits with his back to a sarcophagus and a warm cloak wrapped around him like a blanket. Only his arms are out of the wool draping as he writes in his journal. The quill scratches across the page, only stopping when the wine calls to his hand.*

I am on the cusp of another magical discovery, I can feel it... something is not quite right, the magic will not release properly, sparks, smoke and not much else.  So close and yet without success it might as well be years away. Perhaps it is my mind is stagnating, these superstitious ungrateful locals are beginning be found... dull and uninteresting. Perhaps I just miss the companionship of the ladies. Yes... human... and so full of life, and the need to live it in the edge and for the moment. I received a letter informing me that Vallaki was not safe and that I should stay in Krofburg. It was fine, but after a week of not hearing any updates, I had to find out for myself. They are no where to be found... I hope they are well. If these peasants harmed them, they will pray to their mist goddess for death, but I shall not be so kind as to let them go to her easily. Only on my terms!

Business plans
More stagnation. Investors have fallen through, or at least disappeared. Mishandra has not been to Degannwy, or in the outskirts, day or night. 20,000 fang would have gone a long way to getting my exotic import business up and running. I have the gear and spells to make it to and from the Port without issue, but it has left me low on coin. Travel expenses are a drain on profit, damnable Vistani milk the coin out of you at every step of the journey. Not that there is an alternative, traversing the mists on my own are not worth the risk, so the gypsies will be well paid. 400 wolf fang if I take the ferry across the lake per trip. I need the capital to purchase enough inventory to soak the shipping and handling costs without out-pricing my goods out of the market.

I can shave 200 fang off if I take the land route through Barovia. Dangerous, I have seen bandits and ogres in the pass, but thankfully my magic has allowed me to bypass them without issue. Night travel is worse... this land crawls with the undead after dark. Damnable creatures can sense me it seems through my magic. I have been attacked by Skeletal bats that focus on me as if if was not cloaked in invisibility. The were-beasts are easily bypassed, feral, dumb and unable to piece the magical veil.  If only I had an army of these beasts... or a few ogre slaves to use as muscle. Fodder was such a good tactic to take the brunt of an enemy's attacks while supported by archery and magic. Alas... those days are gone, not that I miss them. Yes, slave fodder was a perk, but the life of a Drow is not healthy. At least I will not be sacrificed to Lolth here by my own mother.

*He drains his chalice of wine and pours another pausing a moment to listen for possible threats. Once satisfied that all is safe the quill again dances across the page*

Enough dwelling on the set backs, I shall succeed and make my mark on this realm. Perhaps the ladies would like to piece of the action... Exotics.. legal and illegal. Yes the garda will be in an uproar... and in search of a neck to stretch. Perhaps a middle man... someone to sell the illegal goods, maybe through the Drain or another discreet location. They would take a cut, 30% of all sales, but then they are taking the risk. A pistol can cost 2000 wolf fang, they would take 600 fang from every sale of a pistol. Would that be enough to buy loyalty? It would not matter... They would never see my face... or have a name to put to what they would know. If the ladies partnered with me, we could change out who the supplier would be to the dealer. Sometimes they would see an elf, other times a woman, but never a name, never a face.

The Vistani are loyal to the Count from all accounts, his eyes and ears.  Caution must be taken when dealing with the Gypsies.

I wish there was a war... selling to both sides could be very good for business. Let them kill each other, and let us become very rich. The invidians seem to have set up a permanent camp in the mountains.  Invaders? They seem more set on finding something in the caves and ruins. The Drain... an uprising against the people? Against the guards? It would be a one sided business opportunity. We cannot sell to the guards so only the caliban of the drain would be the clients. Fun to watch... yes, but I would rather have coin coming in from both fronts.

Start small Kyorlin... get known for wine, and dream catchers and other exotic wares before moving into illegals. If the guard ever catch wind of the dark side of my business, I will need to be powerful enough to send the lot of them to the grave. Better to infamous and remembered than to die as an after thought. Leave a mark on the world... like a scar.

I wonder how hard it would be to start an opium den in the Drain? If the big bosses got a cut, I am sure it is possible. Everything is legal in the Drain.

« Last Edit: October 11, 2017, 11:35:29 PM by LawfulJoe »


  • "Evil is a thing of perception, it depends on which end of the sword you're on"
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Re: Kyorlin Vrammyr - A Different Perspective
« Reply #10 on: October 12, 2017, 12:02:02 AM »
*Suddenly coming out of Reverie, Kylorlin flips open his Journal and writes a single sentence*

Belaern, the word for coin or treasure in Drow... yes Belaern Exotics sounds like a good name!