Within the swirling Mist (IC) > Biographies

Chasing Perfection



[A small, road-worn notes ledger. The front cover has a red wine stain on its leather surface - the yellowed pages inside seem to mainly comprise of shipment numbers, recipients and prices, by the crate, of some produce, all written down in haphazard Balok. About halfway through it turns into a travel log...]

--- Quote ---August 19th, 772

Vallaki is an odd place. Moreso, the areas around it. Danger seems to pour out of the walls. The folk that frequent it, travellers, at least, seem to be mostly outlanders, from beyond the mist, and they are all a different sort of odd from one another. Some seem friendly, and decent enough, though others remind me of what Toret Norton used to say about roving feet and restless hands. In short, of lunacy. Lots of shortfolk, too, but they mostly seem, again... decent. Seen more regular humans that were out of place than them, and that leads me to all the witches. How they've not all been burned yet is a mystery.

Some days, I miss Karina. The sun on my face, the smell of our vineyard, and mama's cooking. Then I remember the lunacy... funny how Norton ignored that about most of his followers.

I sent a letter to some important lady up in the mountains, looking for work. I didn't learn much in the way of swordfighting to become a guard, but I figure I might as well have tried for something steady. Maybe she will be kind enough to let me do something else, and train on the side. Matters little to me.

Just being away from home is payment enough.

- S.F.
--- End quote ---


--- Quote ---August 22nd, 772

Steward in Krofburg doesn't want me to work for her. Something about having trouble with Invidians. I will admit, I wasn't listening after she shook her head. Almost got on my knees to beg, but, I think I am better than that. For now.

Krofburg has a lot of silver. All of those sleazebags in the tent city seem like worse people to work for than the westerners. Maybe if I prove myself loyal and friendly to the Burgomaster's House, they will consider hiring me.

I got the coin to live on apples and tsuika for the next two weeks, if I did my numbers right. After that, I will starve and freeze to death.

Unless, of course, I swallow my pride.

- S.F.
--- End quote ---


--- Quote ---August 28th, 772

I came down from the mountains after a small while of travel. The cold turned unbearable, and I have more important business than grovelling, namely keeping myself alive. I do fully intend on returning, once freezing and a diet of apples are no longer on the table. I suppose the pride has been swallowed, but the grudge won't be put down.

I am not all that better than my kin, it seems. I do not miss those I spent my days with, but I miss the land. I miss the riverboats, the vineyards, the sunshine of summer and the rays of light that pierce the grey clouds even in the darkest of days. It feels as if Barovia does not relent, even in summer, its miserable hold. But, good Mother, I miss the food most of all.

I'll handle it. For now, I need to calculate where to, next. I managed to kill a neuri by myself - and by all that is good, I nearly pissed my trousers - but that is not enough. I came out of that scrap with too much to show for it, and I can not allow that to continue. I need to get better. Quicker, more cunning. I need something to latch onto, a push that will send me in the right direction and keep me hidden from feeling of hopelessness the my final destination.

Proving the Steward wrong is a start.

They do need me, in that miserable hamlet.

- S.F.
--- End quote ---


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