Author Topic: Chaos in the Firmament. (Ludvig Vladu)  (Read 849 times)


  • Undead Slayer
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Chaos in the Firmament. (Ludvig Vladu)
« on: July 19, 2017, 11:58:09 PM »
Most don't remember being very young, but I recall it in vivid detail. It was a sorry set of circumstances;
a mother who simply wasn't in the picture, and a petty, alcoholic father who passed his son into the hands
of an outlander for no reason other than to be relieved of the burden of raising a half-breed. Verily, the
world has always been a hostile and dangerous place.  Perhaps my story isn't much different from any other
street urchin.. but as the wheel of time turned, I was delivered into the hands of something resembling a
father in the form of a leather-boiling "tradesman" who stepped from the mists, bearing a terrible secret.

His proper name was never known to me, but being young and naive, I simply regarded him as "Father." I had
imagined I would follow in his footsteps and eke out a meager living tanning and curing hides as he had done.
How wrong I was.  In time, I came to learn that the man prayed to dark and mysterious forces, moonlighting
as a murderer who kept a secret collection of body parts, human and otherwise, whom he had managed to
confiscate from their owners in a horrid menagerie he kept stowed away in a bag fashioned of human skin and
magicked to contain an astonishing amount of contents.

I had never encountered something so evil, so purely maligned in my short life.  I was impressionable then.
I thought, perhaps there was reason to his madness.  Perhaps that was my first grave mistake in my time. I
quietly took up a tanner's knife for a short while, assisting him as best I could for fear that I would be
the next object of his collection.. or pieces of me, as it were.  I was fortunate in that it never came to
that.  I quietly did my work, and was instructed in the ways of his dark vraja, to my horror and dismay.
Years went by, and about the time I was twelve years of age, I took my opportunity to be free of him.
When I found the chance, I quietly crept up to his rented room in the night and slit the bastard's throat.
I located his wretched bag from among his possessions, and pinned a note upon it for the authorities to
discover at a later date, explaining his vile acts and disposition--though I was intelligent enough not
to disclose my identity.  As chance would have it, people weren't much interested in who had committed
the act.  It seemed that justice had been done there, albeit bloody.

They say the sins of the son are the sins of the father.  I would like to think that I am above the butchery
and witchcraft he demonstrated with such skill and passion, but alas, it is all I know.  I have gone to
lengths to turn my bloodied hands against those who deserve it, but these hands were never suited to swords
or penning doctrine.  The only talent that ever manifested in me was cultivated in the form of bending the
firmament to my will through magick, evil or otherwise.  If that is my only answer to survival in this harsh
and unforgiving world, I will not apologize for it. 

A mind concerned with fact and structured around this cruel reality knows only blood.

There is no other option, but to survive.

"Some people never go crazy. What truly horrible lives they must lead."

-Charles Bukowski


  • Undead Slayer
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  • Posts: 101
  • The Abominable
Re: Chaos in the Firmament. (Ludvig Vladu)
« Reply #1 on: July 20, 2017, 07:50:25 AM »
It had been seven years ago, almost to the day and the hour, since my shaking hands had clasped the knife that found purchase
in the butcher's thick neck.  I can still remember how peacefully he slept, only stirring the moment his bloodshot eyes
flew wide open and he had the chance to realize what was really happening.  I remember his hands raising straight into the
air from his deathbed, a garbled curse muttered from his lips as the froth spilled forth, choking out any chance he might
have had to utter anything intelligible.  My only regret was that I couldn't look him straight in the eyes as he died.  A
frigid chill raced from the hairs on my neck down through my spine, but I scarcely hesitated to organize the details of the
scene of the crime and make my escape.

Seven years. So quickly time passes forward into nothingness.  I wonder if my end will be so abhorrent.  I imagine
it will be at the hangman's noose or the executioner's block.  As disgusted as I am with my history and the choices I have
made, I am nonetheless loathe to confess my crimes for fear of hastening the day of judgment.  But when it is certain, I
must steel my nerves and resolve to bring the cycle to its natural conclusion.  To speak the truth is almost a forbidden,
unimaginable ecstasy. So many aspects of my life and deeds are unnatural.  I feel disconnected from this world, hanging loosely
onto life by the thin, silvery thread of deception and paranoia that has carried me thus far. I have no just gods to pray
to for salvation in the beyond... hells... I have no wicked gods to even pay my respects.  The alien malefactor to which the butcher
had prayed had left me only with feelings of disgust, even though I am perhaps but a tool to carry out its foul designs.

Despite all the odds, I have found myself growing exponentially in power as the days pass.  I have focused myself, pushed
myself, and studied every piece of archaic fettered parchment of forbidden lore I could lay my hands upon.  I have learned
many dark secrets and conducted operations to further perfect my art.  Initially, I had thought perhaps I could deny myself
the trappings of Necromancy, focusing instead on expressing the burning rage and hatred buried deep within me to fiery
evocations to burn my enemies to ashes around me.  I cannot deny that it has brought me great satisfaction to lay waste to
bandits and shapeshifting lycanthropes, gathering handfuls of their ashes and allowing them to slip through my fingers into
the winds, to be forgotten like the nameless filth they once were, purified by my ire.

And yet, a deeper, sinister aspect of my subsconsciousness calls out for something more vile.  I am plagued by visions
of the dead raising at my will to do my bidding, to be my slaves and suffer out a miserable nonexistence as penance for
raising a sword, or claw, or tooth defiantly unto me.  The fantasy now creeps closer towards a reality as I have acquired a
scroll with the forbidden knowledge necessary to take that first step.  Cautiously, but with a feeling of moving sublimely
forward into destiny, I carefully scribed the eldtritch characters into my spellbook.  Success was a mixed feeling of relief
and dread at what I had done.  It reminded me of how I felt when the butcher spilled the last ichor of his final breath.

Ludvig... what have I become? I am weak.  I am ashamed of these notions.  I am no better than what I set out to destroy in
the first place. 

But there is no turning back, now.
« Last Edit: July 20, 2017, 07:58:11 AM by Dud_Goose »
"Some people never go crazy. What truly horrible lives they must lead."

-Charles Bukowski